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Disappointment of a Game, READ FAST


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chat bubbles are one of the most useful things in mmos, the question is why would you NOT want it? it defines a while social aspect to it


See, and to me they completely ruin the immersion and I see absolutely NO benefit to them whatsoever, other then cluttering up my screen.


Not sure about you, but when I'm out in public I don't see names above peoples heads and little chat bubbles when they speak.


I am not looking for realism in a sci-fi game, but I do like immersion, and chat bubble ruin that.


In any event, you are obviously unhappy with the game as it is, and yet many more are happy with the game as it is, or at least happy enough and willing to show a little patience.


So what are you trying to accomplish with this post of yours? If you don't like the game then leave. If you want to address Bioware, then open a ticket. But this post of yours is a personal opinion soap box post if ever there was one.

Edited by Lividcalm
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See, and to me they completely ruin the immersion and I see absolutely NO benefit to them whatsoever, other then cluttering up my screen.


Not sure about you, but when I'm out in public I don't see names above peoples heads and little chat bubbles when they speak.


I am not looking for realism in a sci-fi game, but I do like immersion, and chat bubble ruin that.


In any event, you are obviously unhappy with the game as it is, and yet many more are happy with the game as it is, or at least happy enough and willing to show a little patience.


So what are you trying to accomplish with this post of yours? If you don't like the game then leave. If you want to address Bioware, then open a ticket. But this post of yours is a personal opinion soap box post if ever there was one.


give me one reason why it ruins it

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See, and to me they completely ruin the immersion and I see absolutely NO benefit to them whatsoever, other then cluttering up my screen.


Not sure about you, but when I'm out in public I don't see names above peoples heads and little chat bubbles when they speak.


I am not looking for realism in a sci-fi game, but I do like immersion, and chat bubble ruin that.


In any event, you are obviously unhappy with the game as it is, and yet many more are happy with the game as it is, or at least happy enough and willing to show a little patience.


So what are you trying to accomplish with this post of yours? If you don't like the game then leave. If you want to address Bioware, then open a ticket. But this post of yours is a personal opinion soap box post if ever there was one.


they create the entire social aspect of the game, how else are you going to talk to people

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Why is the OP - who wrote a lengthy post about quitting days ago - still posting in this thread?


Just go already!


Go, leave, quit! You've had your say - we listened. That's it. There is no more.


Go now!


They think the Earth, the sun, indeed the whole solar system revolves around them and ONLY them, and so if they don't like a game they just can't comprehend that other people do, same goes for game mechanics. I think it's a mental disorder of sorts, not being able to feel empathy or putting themselves in other peoples shoes, no it's just ME, ME ME ME ME ME ME. Either that or they're 12 year olds.


Edit: like alot of people have said countless times before, the forums are full of these people because those who like the game are actually playing it.

Edited by LaurentiusX
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Why is the OP - who wrote a lengthy post about quitting days ago - still posting in this thread?
Annonymously orchestrating multi-front drive-bys from behind a computer is a source of confidence for some. Give it a few months for dev to get caught up and for the riff raff to clear out. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I agree with some/most of your points. There are a few points on there that I completely agree with. The fact is that this game does have a lifespan of approximately 2 weeks, but it's been in production for quite a while and there are red flags that stand out.


I've thought about what people are saying and I realized...

Some of the "fixes" may come with time, but I agree with the point that a customer buys a product to get the content now. I'm not saying there should be 20+ instances for players to do at endgame, but as it is right now...it would take a day at most to do the endgame material.


Overall, I am satisfied with this game. It's really fun...but I see why people are complaining somewhat...there are issues that need to be resolved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only point I disagree with is the Voice acting. Quite amazing what they managed there really.


This game plays like a multiplayer RPG game. Think Kotor meets NWN2. The problem is that people think its an MMO and want it to play that way. It just isn't. Obviously Bioware didn't get the memo.


It would be ok actually, as this game is pretty good if you play it like its designed. Mass Effect with a better Universe to play in (side rant: Mass Effect was amazing and it got absolutely murdered by ME2 all in the interest of making money for EA).


SWtor is an amazing single player game that can also be played full co-op. In reality, Bioware actually does what other RPGs all ways fail to do implementing co-op, they have made it so everyone in the party is progressing at the same time. Here is the big problem. A very cool co-op multiplayer RPG won't succeed as a Subscription game. I won't pay $15 a month to play an RPG with a couple friends month after month. IF it were a true MMO, with decent PvP and a well made social system, and viable end game, I would. This isn't.

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I agree with most things you said in your post. I just feel like 50% of those problems will be patched. The game will be fun for those who make it fun for them selves. Meaning if you just quest by your self 1-50. Then you go around saying it's a single player game. That is becuase you played the game like a single player game.


No offense. Just get some friends. Do some flash points. Make it not single player.

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This game is flawed in many respects, but the worst problem players have is the retarded Customer Service. I cannot believe how bad they are, deleting tickets, ingoring people, answering after 2 weeks with automatic emails completely unrelated to the issues customers asked support for.


BW is a disgrace of a company and this game is doomed to fail.

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The majority of people are happy enough SW:TOR. There are plenty of Flashpoints and Heroics and nothing is stopping you from grouping to run general quests, class quests and grinding. Admittedly the Heroics can occasionally be difficult to get a group for but that aside it is up to YOU to make it an Multi-player game... just like any other MMO really. If you dislike it so much go and play something else and quit your whinging.
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it will come in time. tell me 1 MMO that came out that did not have problems. They need to rework alot of things. that just dont work. or make any any sense. there should be a range limit on area that are pvp. that crazy a level 50 having access to low areas it like a wolf in sheep ben.:D pvp is fun when it done right. they should model aeon. aeon you have to be a certain level to enter a particular warone.
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"follow a linear path to wherever my quest is" Said this from the start.


Customer service yeah the worse I have ever seen. I did yesterday get a LIVE in game person wanting to talk about a problem I had .. WOW what 4 days ago.It was over and done with and there was NOTHING to talk about. No lie..


Ok granted the OP hit just the bad stuff but so much of it is spot on. But the SIZE is never going to change. It will never ever be as huge as World of Warcraft..no hear me because there is ALWAYS just 30-180 people in each zone.. SUPER SMALL. They cant fix it.


As of patch 1.1 they changed the work in GRAPHICS MED= HIGH. And they will make sure NO ONE every hears why. There is no HIGH graphics here. They do not trust you to lower graphics if it gets to laggy. But you dont care. You PAY THEM and take what ever THEY GIVE YOU and say NOTHING.

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at least we can say we donated money to the time and money bioware spent on making this failure of a game. but its time to let go, this game is going down before the next year is finished



My God, what a doomsayer you are eh!!. Were you a spoilt little brat at some time. The Game is less than a month old. And trying to compare to game like WoW that have been on the market, what, nearly a decade ?


You tell me what new release was ever released without teething probs and bugs, or even still one's that too this date do not have bugs. Because even WoW in it's current form has plenty. Can tell you're a quitter in life. And before you start trying to name *****. I was there in Vanila, I was aslo there when EvE went online, and they sure had there probs. I even remember posts like this that said they were going to fail blah..blah...blah. Yet look were they both at now. Already the games a failure, Time to let go etc etc. Then let go, sod off, and let us patient folk use this forum for stuff that others actually want to read. Not your damn constant trolling posts.


Talking of which, real good at the letting go there ;) You go Enjoy your Pandas.

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it will come in time. tell me 1 MMO that came out that did not have problems.


Rift. It did not have a single bug or issue when it released. Problems came out later with lack of PvP.


This should tell you that games can get worse and that the "it will imporve with time" theory is just crap. SWTOR will fail because BW are arrogant and treat their customers with disrespect.

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My God, what a doomsayer you are eh!!. Were you a spoilt little brat at some time. The Game is less than a month old. And trying to compare to game like WoW that have been on the market, what, nearly a decade ?


You tell me what new release was ever released without teething probs and bugs, or even still one's that too this date do not have bugs. Because even WoW in it's current form has plenty. Can tell you're a quitter in life. And before you start trying to name *****. I was there in Vanila, I was aslo there when EvE went online, and they sure had there probs. I even remember posts like this that said they were going to fail blah..blah...blah. Yet look were they both at now. Already the games a failure, Time to let go etc etc. Then let go, sod off, and let us patient folk use this forum for stuff that others actually want to read. Not your damn constant trolling posts.


Talking of which, real good at the letting go there ;) You go Enjoy your Pandas.



There should be no comparisons to WoW, but BW was lazy and safe, crapped out a watered/dumbed down WoW, and deserve these reactions. If they were innovative and daring this wouldn't happen.

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