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Everything posted by infestedchris

  1. If they wanted to cleanse every bug from a MMO the game would never come out. They have to beat out competition. A company has to produce results you numb nuts. You think Bioware is just going to sit idle while they feed a 3 year old project? Then they say, "You know what president of Bioware, I think the game should be perfect and awesome and have 0 bugs at launch. Can we have another year or two doing this?" YEAH RIGHT!! They would close the project so fast. You think money just grows on trees? You think investors are just going to sit and feed something they feel is showing no results? You guys need to stop playing video games for a while and go outside. Go pay bills, go get a job, go do things that involve life. They need to turn a profit. They get a sum amount of money. They use that money. If they need more time they have to host another meeting with investors and all kinds of crap to get more money. The process is all business. And until you understand that, these MMO's will just have to due with what they got.
  2. This was posted on facebook. http://www.swtor.com/blog/ilum-pvp-issues And you didn't know this? You think a group of people all on Vent are going to just stop after they take control points after they completely plowed the other team? You think they were just going to wait for the enemy? Just sit there and do nothing? I am sure they wanted to keep the fun going. Good idea. Punish the players for YOUR design flaws. It is not their fault. Does Bioware take any responsibility? The only analogy I can think of is... noticing a hole in the back yard under the fence. And then doing nothing about it, while your dog keeps digging and eventually gets out. Then the dog shreds that persons yard and chomps on a toddlers pet bunny rabbit. The owner of the dog goes free? I am pretty sure the dogs pay check will buy little Suzie a new bunny. Seriously where is the leash Bioware? Tame your dogs. Fix the fence. If your so serious about fairness and fun. Stop wasting man power punishing people. Use the man power to fix your game. Discuss...
  3. I agree with most things you said in your post. I just feel like 50% of those problems will be patched. The game will be fun for those who make it fun for them selves. Meaning if you just quest by your self 1-50. Then you go around saying it's a single player game. That is becuase you played the game like a single player game. No offense. Just get some friends. Do some flash points. Make it not single player.
  4. Oh by the way you want to avoid gearing Quinn with Accuracy. You want the stat Alacrity this stat will increase his healing. So just avoid the accuracy gear, that's for people like Vette.
  5. The thing about Quinn that I found early on. He wasn't healing all that much in my mid 20's. When I was about 35 - 40 Quinn gets new heals. And let me just tell you. If you gear Quinn and once you get 35 and Quinn gets new heals. He becomes a AWESOME healer. Right now I am Carnage with Quinn. I don't need anything else. I got a great rotation with my Carnage spec. Usually Quinn will aggro 1 or 2 mobs while I burn 2 off the bat. Then I pick up the aggro. Quinn can take hits too. He will survive a ambush of mobs if need be. Force Scream and Smash are my favorite skills. The stun and the talents to bring the cool down shorter and makes it 100% crit. I can't live without it. Like Carnage with all my stuns I have I take like no damage and Quinn just heals me just fine. Just gear Quinn if you want to stay Carnage. He gets GODLY!
  6. ^ This The delay is just to set your next ability in a "que" which means if I set it to 1. It will be the next ability I use after the global cool down, and stay selected for up to 1 second. Setting it to 0 just means you won't have a ability that will "que" during a GCD That is why it is set to 0.5 which is the time of a GCD
  7. 35 mara carnage using Pierce atm. If I were to do it all over again. I wouls use Vetta and Annihilation 10-50.
  8. I haven't had a problem with the ability. It does the animation at the exact moment the swings make contact the damage is displayed. I like this. Yeah so what the monsters or people you use it on are moving. Use the talent in carnage Overwhelm. If your only complaining about something that doesn't work in PvP maybe it shouldn't be for PvP. Just don't use the skill. It is fine for me in PvE. So therefore it is not broken.
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