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Darth Baras (spoiler)


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How in the hell do i kill this guy? I've went as both DPS and tank specs plus taken partial and full groups to him yet we all get one shot every single time.


It's a solo class quest yet he hits for 15,600 damage?


I have to be missing something, any ideas?

Edited by Kabaal
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How in the hell do i kill this guy? I've went as both DPS and tank secs plus taken partial and full groups to him yet we all get one shot every single time.


It's a solo class quest yet he hits for 15,600 damage?


I have to be missing something, any ideas?


Use your interrupts. Be tank spec with Quinn, constantly back pedal. Stay out of AoEs.

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How in the hell do i kill this guy? I've went as both DPS and tank specs plus taken partial and full groups to him yet we all get one shot every single time.


It's a solo class quest yet he hits for 15,600 damage?


I have to be missing something, any ideas?


Ouch, he hits for that much? That cast was at least 8 seconds long, so I figured I had to interrupt it. Good thing I did, lol.


Remember, he can be knocked back, interrupted, AND force choked to interrupt the cast. Good times :-)


Also, don't stand in the thing he puts on the ground. It'll look like a red aura.


I solo one-shot him in blue gear as Vengeance spec with a good 50% health left. Just interrupt, move out of aoe, and use Call of the Force + saber ward if things get hairy. Also, use a medkit. You got this far, TBH a lot of the earlier bosses were harder, like the guy in Baras's lair a quest back.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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One shot him at level 47.


How the hell did you defeat Lord Kraagh on level 47?

I played as an Immortal and had still a rough time defeating him on 50 with a few PvP Items after he annihilated me on 47.


Baras was incredibly easy with Jaesa. Just interrupt, use your CC, constantly push and charge and you won't even need defensive cooldowns.


But Lord Kraagh on Level 47? A CC immune guy who tears your companions apart after 20 secs? Seriously?

Edited by Mitsch
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How the hell did you defeat Lord Kraagh on level 47?

I played as an Immortal and had still a rough time defeating him on 50 with a few PvP Items after he annihilated me on 47.


Baras was incredibly easy with Jaesa. Just interrupt, use your CC, constantly push and charge and you won't even need defensive cooldowns.


But Lord Kraagh on Level 47? A CC immune guy who tears your companions apart after 20 secs? Seriously?


Pick up aggro on him and kite him around quinn while strafing and hitting him with force scream and a few quick hits. thats how i beat Lord Kraagh

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Honestly I dunno how you guys had such an easy time with this. Lord Draagh (or whatever) I one shotted, but for the life of me i can't get past Baras. I've been staying out of his AOE, interrupting his "voice of the emperor" and still I'm getting rocked. He knocks me down about every two seconds and seeing as how my CC breaking ability has a decent cooldown, after the first one he just pounds me on the ground over and over.
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I beat him with Vengeance at level 49 and Quinn in level 25ish gear.


-Interrupt only at the very end of Voice of the Emperor cast -- gives Quinn time to heal you back up


-DPS Relic cooldowns -- pop them during the beginning or just prior to the Voice of the Emperor cast, While he is casting, there is no risk to wasting the relic cooldowns from Baras knocking you down. Make sure you have your full rotation soon-to-be available, Impale, Force Scream, Vengeance etc. Maybe not all cooldowns are off, but you should get every hit in maximally.


-Medic stim pack, strength stim pack


-Place your back against the wall, place quinn at the entrance, kite on the back wall but make sure never to LOS Quinn. Make sure Quinn never paths and gets in AOE, keep the AOE away from Quinn or he will heal himself.


-Focus on your rotation. This fight can cause anxiety with all the stuns, but if you're disciplined with your rotation, you'll do significantly more DPS.


-Pop defensive cooldowns after Voice of the Emperor cast. All Baras' cooldowns are finished and his abilities are up, so if you pop your defensive cooldowns after his cast, you'll get the maximal mitigation benefit.


-Save [Endure Pain] at the very end! A lot of people pop it in the middle of the fight which is useless. It was called [Last Stand] in another MMO!


-Don't kite him without hitting him. You can't afford to slow your DPS in this fight.

Edited by beardchef
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Honestly I dunno how you guys had such an easy time with this. Lord Draagh (or whatever) I one shotted, but for the life of me i can't get past Baras. I've been staying out of his AOE, interrupting his "voice of the emperor" and still I'm getting rocked. He knocks me down about every two seconds and seeing as how my CC breaking ability has a decent cooldown, after the first one he just pounds me on the ground over and over.


lol, I was just the opposite. Draagh gave me a bit of trouble, but I one shot Baras, well 2 shot him I guess since you fight him twice.

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Stay out of the Dark Storm on the floor and interrupt his Voice of the Emperor = easy kill. It is the same issue that some people have with lord Draagh as he uses the same aoe. Kite kite and let Quinn heal thats it. Done it as Immortal.
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I one shotted both at 50 as immortal spec with Vette. Just do what peeps have said, interrupt his voice of the emperor, use Force Choke, Push, backhand to slow his damage while Vette beats on him, pop a medpack if you get low, and I'd used saber ward+defense relic first, then used immortal+armor add second to limit the damage. Let cool downs rest a bit, then do it again.
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Did it as vengeance specced in soresu stance. Died the first attempt from missing an interrupt on Voice because I used choke during the opening so didn't have it available as an interrupt (on hindsight I did have Force Push available so it was just all around fail but I really wasn't expecting that attack to do that much damage). Second time was clean as can be since I knew to make sure to interrupt Voice. Overall a very fun encounter, very satisfying kill and a great end to the class questline. Lovin the title too.
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I never got hit for that much... interrupt what you can, I guess. Also, he does the same "red lightning on the ground" as Draagh, so get out of that. Have Quinn as your companion in full heal-mode (this is an endurance fight, not a burn). Being immortal-spec helps. It shouldn't be too hard.
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Stay out of the Dark Storm on the floor and interrupt his Voice of the Emperor = easy kill. It is the same issue that some people have with lord Draagh as he uses the same aoe. Kite kite and let Quinn heal thats it. Done it as Immortal.




I think most people just stand in the dark storm and *** when they die. Open your eyes and stay out of ****.


You dont even have to kite him, just dont stand in the lightning.

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Um...no. It CAN be used to describe BOTH scenarios boss.



It can if you are using it in a way no one else does.



Like I can use the word "yellow" to describe "blue", if I want.






But the reality is you only "one-shotting" something if you kill it with 1 hit. :csw_vader:

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Defeating Baras is simple. Interrupt his big ability "Voice of the Emperor" and DO NOT STAND IN HIS GTAOE. It looks like lightning on the ground, when it's there MOVE, Baras is melee he will follow you.


I had to use Vette B/C Jaessa was too dumb to get out of the AOE but I was ably to defeat him pretty handily.



The enemies of the empire with tremble! The Wrath of the Emperor shall consume them!


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Never had Issues With him, Well geared Jaesa + me Beign lvl 50 in at least Rating 112+ Blues and Oranges. I just had to wait for the long ( 3 min CD's ) After the 1st fight. Without them I Was eaten.


So Force Knockback -> Saber Throw -> Force Charge -> Force Scream For Bubble -> Ravage -> Saber Ward -> Vicious Strike Spam -> Interrupts -> Pommel Strike -> Force Choke and he was CC'D for like 50% of the combat. Couldn't cast his Voice of the Emperor even if he tried hard...

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