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So... apparently this game isn't the only one who had post-launch issues...


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Read what users had to say about the WoW launch here...








Just continue reading, and you will find that WoW had a great NUMBER of issues post-launch.


Also to further reinforce my statement regarding the log in issues...




I am not worried, nor do I fear about TOR's fate. As you can see, the website in itself is irrelevant to both games, but the post is about WoW's launch... so, you can see that I'm not the only one who experienced that issue at launch. xD





Lol the wow Fanbois will go nuts if they see this.


SWG, WOW all were horrid compared to this... outright fails.


Crap there was MANY days on Bria where we didnt even see the server for a WHOLE day and night... Crap WoW -- was not even a year ago there was a full day of down time and it was in its 6th year lol.


I laugh at the WoW fans when they post here all angry and mad they cannot log in for a hour or 4 ... almost funny

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Even at 2004 at launch WoW already had better working gameplay and more MMORPG feel to it. But this is entertaining single player till you hit 50 and see that there is nothing else to do than start with another character. Well maybe in year or 2 therere will be some meaningful end game or proper combat system unless its delayed like your characters actions. I just wonder that how they could fail in so many thing even that they ripped whole game from UI, combat system, quests and everything else than Voice acting from WOW. Well maybe its 2002 in Bioware HQ.
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Even at 2004 at launch WoW already had better working gameplay and more MMORPG feel to it. But this is entertaining single player till you hit 50 and see that there is nothing else to do than start with another character. Well maybe in year or 2 therere will be some meaningful end game or proper combat system unless its delayed like your characters actions. I just wonder that how they could fail in so many thing even that they ripped whole game from UI, combat system, quests and everything else than Voice acting from WOW. Well maybe its 2002 in Bioware HQ.


How would you know fanboi? The servers were down more than they were up the first 3 months.....lawl kid, just lawl.

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I was posting in another thread, bringing up points and logic, when all of a sudden I was bashed, called "delusional", "uneducated", "stupid", etc.




Yea, lots of irrational hyperbole going on these forums. I guess its to be expected, a certain percentage of the population is undereducated and have a genetic predisposition toward irrational behavior.


I imagine a to the death contest where a logical debate is setup, moderated by socretes, and the looser is fed to the lions, as long as I could pick my competition from game forums, Id be sure to die of natural causes.

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I played during the launch of FFXIV and it was horrible.


To tide us over until things could get fixed, they gave us a free year of play.




Interested to see how BW comes through with customer service.


The only other MMO I played in depth was FFXI and NA got on that boat 2 years after JP launch.

Edited by sotacram
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I played WoW in beta for 9 months before Launch. Launch comes me and my friends were at the store at midnight, took vacation days and everything. I log in and start tearing it up, my friends ALL get Error 31 and Error 32: RAM Parity Issues. Blizzard kept telling them to buy matched pair RAM, and even after they did, they said it was bad chips in the RAM.


After about 2 months they were able to successfully log in and play. I was in Rapscallions during the Vanilla Online Comic Wars. Penny Arcade Vs PVPOnline and CTRL+ALT+DEL. The Southshore-Tarren Mill battles were epic! We actually crashed the server with one war. We tried to fit over 1,000 players into the field outside SS, it turned into a huge lagfest, people that were dead were still running around because the server couldn't keep up, then everyone disco'd.


Good times!

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forget WoW launch. how about WoW Cataclysm launch? or any major patch for that matter.


do you have any idea how amazing it was to log in the same day I was given access and PLAY. have access to quest givers, to mobs, ability to level at my pace, group with people, chat, DO things. sure there are issues. but if I didn't know better, I would have thought that I was playing a game that was out for a while.

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How would you know fanboi? The servers were down more than they were up the first 3 months.....lawl kid, just lawl.


I can see from your post that you are very mature and not kid at all.

Im 37 and prolly played games lot more than most people here. Me and you just dont share same oppinion. What i would have expected was to see product from 2011 and that makers of this game would have learned from good and bad things of WoW cause it set the bar. This game has nothing differentnew things from WoW apart from voice acting and havent seen so bad action delay even in NES games or any game ive ever played. I wonder if Bioware or EA is responsible of launcing this game way too early without basic MMO components. You can be Bioware fanboi as much as you want and take all ****they throw at you but im sure that quite lot people will stop after 30 days and never watch back.

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See you only have one half to the puzzle. WoW for sure had the worst launch ever. Bugs galore and server crashes and maintenance its was horrible. However 2 things: Number one this launch at the time was completely unprecedented. They just simply were not ready for something of this magnitude. ToR had the data and general idea of how something like this might go, they instanced off planets and did a steady pre-play release etc with this knowledge. I'm not saying this excuses WoW entirely, I'm just saying thats a pretty solid excuse.


The main piece you're missing though is WoW simply had better gameplay on release. As much as people claim WoW grew into the game it is today they are referring to features and content. WoW had zero content and zero features on release...but the gameplay, the UI, the combat, were all as crisp and fluid and amazingly reactive as they are today. This games UI is slightly cleaner but the combat and delays and UI bugs and action press bugs are HORRENDOUS. I'd rather have a horrible release but an amazing and responsive game than a great release and this games terrible combat feel.

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I was posting in another thread, bringing up points and logic, when all of a sudden I was bashed, called "delusional", "uneducated", "stupid", etc.




Actually you were being bashed because your points were fallacies. You were dismissing people's claim of having a problem based on your personal experience when it's proven that there is an issue. There are numerous videos demonstrating it. And that was the second thread on the subject because the first one was capped out. It was restarted by a CM of all people. You were strawmanning arguments (example below). Fallacies != logic. You started this thread by copying a post you wrote in the other thread, or maybe you're copying it all over the place. It was wrong in that context, in this it's accurate but still ignorant. The person you responded to said WoW didn't have "this issue" not WoW had "no issues." There's a big difference between those two statements. WoW didn't have the issue listed in the other thread. It had many other issues though. But it's still ignorant to think that people aren't going to complain about something they have a problem with. Carry on with your trolling, as that's about all it is.

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Wait, this is 2011, right? Where we have vastly improved server technology, right? Also, TOR has a ridiculous amount of instancing which spreads the stress across multiple servers, and is far less seamless than WoW, right? SWTOR has a lot more mechanics of the game that gives them a huge advantage for a launch. WoW was far more ambitious from a server stress level at launch. TOR has instancing out the ***.



Please tell you aren't serious.

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I was posting in another thread, bringing up points and logic, when all of a sudden I was bashed, called "delusional", "uneducated", "stupid", etc.




I think it was uncalled for. The other thread started off well, but it has been on a gradual decline in relevance. It is becoming very close-minded to others who just very well might not have any issues whatsoever.


It wouldn't surprise me that there are players out there that have the game running perfectly on their rigs. I certainly believe there are more problems than none, but it doesn't mean you need to convert the ones who are not struggling.


Then again, you did instigate a bit there... :jawa_wink:

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I was posting in another thread, bringing up points and logic, when all of a sudden I was bashed, called "delusional", "uneducated", "stupid", etc.




Yeah, you sir are a victim. I read your posts on the responsiveness issues thread - which btw, is in the medium term a gamebreaking issue for many of us - on which you said neither you or all of your guild experienced that issue among other funny things :rolleyes: You did and do experience it, you just can't see it - and there can be many reasons why you or your guild mates can't "see" the problem. I won't name any reasons, pretty sure readers will put 1 + 1 together :D What worries people regarding the responsiveness is that it is NOT a launch issue, quite the contrary. People are afraid its actually an engine/design flaw.


I do agree with you regarding SW:TORs launch, both technically and polish wise its right up there wth Rift's. Specially comparing to the nightmare that was WoW's or AoC's launch.

People have no reason - technically - to complain about SWTOR's launch. It was very sucessful. The other - many- small shortcoming regarding the game itself will get fixed over time, with some situations more urgent then other. BUt in the overall, GJ by Bioware.


P.S. I apologise for sort of hijacking the thread, but that "I'm a victim" thing begged a reply :p

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forget WoW launch. how about WoW Cataclysm launch? or any major patch for that matter.


do you have any idea how amazing it was to log in the same day I was given access and PLAY. have access to quest givers, to mobs, ability to level at my pace, group with people, chat, DO things. sure there are issues. but if I didn't know better, I would have thought that I was playing a game that was out for a while.


Comparing an expansion to a launch of the game?


I'm not even going to answer, you made a fantastic job making yourself look like an idiot.

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Actually you were being bashed because your points were fallacies. You were dismissing people's claim of having a problem based on your personal experience when it's proven that there is an issue.

I Never said there wasn't an issue - I just said that me and a large amount of other users weren't experiencing the issue that you individuals are inflating it to be.


There are numerous videos demonstrating it. And that was the second thread on the subject because the first one was capped out. It was restarted by a CM of all people. You were strawmanning arguments (example below). Fallacies != logic. You started this thread by copying a post you wrote in the other thread, or maybe you're copying it all over the place. It was wrong in that context, in this it's accurate but still ignorant. The person you responded to said WoW didn't have "this issue" not WoW had "no issues." There's a big difference between those two statements. WoW didn't have the issue listed in the other thread. It had many other issues though. But it's still ignorant to think that people aren't going to complain about something they have a problem with. Carry on with your trolling, as that's about all it is.

WoW did have the issue I talked about, believe it or not - it had the login queue issue, which destroyed the ability of others to log on and enjoy the game. This was a month after release, and a fellow WoW player had the same issue.


If you can pull up a response which blatantly says, "I am not experiencing this issues, therefore, it does not exist" then feel free to do so.


My point of the matter is, every MMORPG is going to have issues. Nobody can be 100% prepared.


The reasoning behind copying my post from another thread is to further reinforce my statement that a LOT of MMORPGs had issues, and you are all inflating TOR's to a degree at which it appears to be HORRIBLE, UNEXPECTED and NEW.


These types of issues will continue forever, until they are corrected by the game developer.



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Who gives a **** about wow 7 years ago, wouldn't you think after 7 years these mistakes wouldn't be repeated? $130 million dollar game and it's plagued with bugs and glitches that have not been addressed.


People shouldn't be paying $60 to beta test a live game

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Yeah, you sir are a victim. I read your posts on the responsiveness issues thread - which btw, is in the medium term a gamebreaking issue for many of us - on which you said neither you or all of your guild experienced that issue among other funny things :rolleyes: You did and do experience it, you just can't see it - and there can be many reasons why you or your guild mates can't "see" the problem. I won't name any reasons, pretty sure readers will put 1 + 1 together :D What worries people regarding the responsiveness is that it is NOT a launch issue, quite the contrary. People are afraid its actually an engine/design flaw.


I do agree with you regarding SW:TORs launch, both technically and polish wise its right up there wth Rift's. Specially comparing to the nightmare that was WoW's or AoC's launch.

People have no reason - technically - to complain about SWTOR's launch. It was very sucessful. The other - many- small shortcoming regarding the game itself will get fixed over time, with some situations more urgent then other. BUt in the overall, GJ by Bioware.


P.S. I apologise for sort of hijacking the thread, but that "I'm a victim" thing begged a reply :p


Wasn't attempting to victimize myself; I just wanted to post it to show how funny and untrue it was, as I brought up some valid points.

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Who gives a **** about wow 7 years ago, wouldn't you think after 7 years these mistakes wouldn't be repeated? $130 million dollar game and it's plagued with bugs and glitches that have not been addressed.


People shouldn't be paying $60 to beta test a live game


Nope, because every game is different.

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Who gives a **** about wow 7 years ago, wouldn't you think after 7 years these mistakes wouldn't be repeated? $130 million dollar game and it's plagued with bugs and glitches that have not been addressed.


People shouldn't be paying $60 to beta test a live game


I think most people agree with you, I know I do. However, most if not all MMOs and other games are released this way. Look at Madden. There are bugs in 2012 that have been in the game since Madden 2001 on Playstation when I first started playing the game. At least over time Bioware will improve the game.:D

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do you have any idea how amazing it was to log in the same day I was given access and PLAY. have access to quest givers, to mobs, ability to level at my pace, group with people, chat, DO things. sure there are issues. but if I didn't know better, I would have thought that I was playing a game that was out for a while.


My sentiments entirely...saved me some typing, thank you :p

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