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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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Underwhelming. If you're into achievements, more mounts, decos, and some similar re-skinned armor pieces, you'll enjoy it. Just another planet to not visit again.


After yesterday's fiasco in regards to logging in and the terrible lag, maybe it would have been slightly more fun, but overall, nah...

Edited by Pirana
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I've got a mixed reaction. There are things I like about this patch, and things I hate.


I liked the little story snippet for my Theronmancer, even though Lana still talked too much. She just can't shut up can she? It was nice hearing from most of the Alliance, including long lost Koth. I was hoping there'd be a second scene, but one was better than none!


-Dantooine is small but easy to get around, Republic side at least. Reminded me a lot of Ord Mantel.

-I was disappointed that mobs drop next to no loot. I was hoping they'd have the same loot profile as Ossus for lvl 70s. I'm trying to finish up amplified sets, but I'm just so sick of Ossus I doubt I ever will.

-The story bit was decent. Loved the Jedi's voice, too bad he was a green marshmallow and not as sexy as his voice.

-I'm never going to get anywhere with the reputation or buying rewards. I'm feeling pretty done with pugging and everyone I know has quit the game. The rewards for solo missions are pitiful. Not even 1 event currency per mission. The heroics are significantly harder than any other set of heroics in the game, so that is out, plus the weeklies takes 5 so I'd have to suffer through pugs 2 days for just one weekly! That feels overdone to me. I know they want people to group, but jeez, enough is enough.


-I'm thrilled they put the bathing suit in game and it's not gender restricted.

-The changes to stronghold layouts are great and long overdue. I really need to work on redecorating everything! -Yay for fixing some of the deco bugs too!

-I still can't get my missing Quinn and Dorne back and that is really grating on me. Where did our QA_ Droid go? He's been very shy lately.

-'m loving the conquest changes and I hope the exp/conquest point thing gets fixed soon. I was really looking forward to that.


Oh i agree with the mob drops being bad. Ossus mobs have a chance to drop decorations. Would be nice to have that be a regular feature. It makes loot more exciting.

Edited by Nemmar
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I like the area - I think its lovely and at the moment I like the dailies.


However, what I DON'T like is that the weekly missions for normal Dailies AND Heroics have been lumped together and to get the weekly reward it would appear that you are forced to "group up" (if your gear isn't top notch) to complete the heroics part.


What happened to "Play your own way"? My idea of playing my way is avoiding most heroics because I rarely want to group!

I don't even mind if I have to make two or more trips in a week (like with Iokath) to complete the weekly missions.

Even on Ossus I can do all 10 dailies in one trip and get the weekly reward.


So unless they give me that kind of choice then I wont be bothering to return.

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Overall i guess it's fine for an event zone. Though I'd say maybe tone down the heroic instances just a bit. Compared to any other event heroics or even heroics in general the amount of npcs in each set of encounters and how quick they can spam certain abilities can be a bit much for a standard pug. Also maybe make the npcs drop stuff while out there questing, maybe some extra rep tokens at least
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I only have one question. Are any of the missions soloable, or are people like me going to be locked out again?:confused:

I solo'd all the heroics on PTS with my healer sage and influence-50 Iresso, but it was super-hard and tedious. Would not recommend. So much quicker and easier with a group!

Edited by Estelindis
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So far, my impression is that it is a nice side activity, certainly nice to add some variety after the Rakghouls etc etc.


Even though, what exactly does make this an "event"? Why can't it be around forever as an area for dailies etc? :rak_02:


The lack of Dantooine music is surprising and puzzling. And wrong. I second that. Nice that they included the music from KOTOR - Rakatan ruins, Kashyyyk music is weird but I think it fits the battle scenery somehow. But why not Dantooine music (perhaps in part of the area, some safer one maybe?).


Dantooine is very pretty. Landscape is beautiful, trees, views. Lots of elements reminiscent of KOTOR. Wind turbines. Crystal caves. Top points for all that.


Quests have lots of interesting elements so that it isn't just grindy nothing, at least what I have seen from the Imp side. Mouse droid is tops, the ransom possibility is also nice.


However, heroics are suddenly ultra-difficult compared to the laughingstock they have become in the rest of the game. So-called Heroic 2+ proved impossible to do with 2 fully equipped lvl 70 characters with two companions. And I agree with what others said that the need to do Heroic 4s to complete the weekly contradicts the "play your way" idea. I have been playing with one or two close friends who are rather casual players, and it seems to me that it may be a problem to complete the Heroics.


Also one of the dailies, first outside the Imp base, the respawn for the mine-droid laying is ridiculous, it's a chase for an hour to get to the places before other players take them.


I assume the story adds a lot and that is good, I just didn't have the chance to see it yet.


Overall sure, good thing, some very lovely stuff, but could have been better.

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**** I got to log in and check out Dantooine now.


I got to see if this hysteria and disappointment over Dantooine is warranted or just a tiny echo chamber that has a bullhorn attached so all moans can be heard clearly by a malcontent, small minority.

Edited by Lhancelot
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They've added life to the cut-scenes by panning the camera, they've made huts seem occupied as opposed to the constant emptiness you see on Ord Mantell; small things but definitely appreciated. You definitely notice those types of improvement compared to vanilla swtor. They build up in my book and add to the storytelling element that separates this MMO from others.


With that being said, I can't help but feel like this place is empty. Missions for the sake of missions, we're once again forced to pull quest from a board instead of engaging in dialogue with NPCs, and yea i get it, it cost for voice work but still, I'm far from engaged.


Of course many prefer a more streamlined experience and that's totally understandable, but I'd like to at least have the option to listen to why I'm doing x and y and for who, same as it was at launch with all the planetary side quest.


The rep rewards are hit and miss, cool comp and pet, but rehash clothing? Definitely tired of that (everyone knows that fashion is the real endgame).


Overall I'm disappointed, but maybe I'm asking too much for something that was never meant to be as fleshed out.


TLDR - Just another place to do dailies on autopilot, but with nostalgic music. :(

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Many missed opportunities to make this planet awesome. We should have been able to explore the ruined Jedi enclave. Maybe find stuff left by Revan, or the masters. See the landing area of the Ebon Hawk, or where we trained with Bastila. Something similar to ME2 and the Normandy crash.


The crystal cave? Juhani's grove? The star map? Matelli compound? The music?


It's like the devs never played KOTOR. :(


The quests are ok, and some different. The Heroic 2 is blah



Fighting the walking is rather boring. The companion dies and twice I had to finish it off alone. The shoulder rocket should do more damage. Just stay out of the red and he can't kill you.Haven't done the 4s.



7/10 missed opportunities. Could have been a 10/10.

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While everyone expected the Dantooine from Kotor, I would have much more preferred it to be something like we had on SWG. The scenery was purple/pink and we did have ruins but there was also other places to explore and we had variety of animals roaming around including the large Grauls. Edited by casirabit
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Now that I'm not as exhausted I want to give a more detailed review.


1. Visually, I think Dantooine is fantastic! It reminds me of where I live, but with more trees.


2. I love the music, when it plays, but that's pretty hit and miss.


I like a lot of the new decos, but getting them is going to be a HUGE grind because the currency and rep drops are incredibly stingy. To be honest, I think it's enough to gate the decos behind rep level. Stop adding different currencies, The sheer number of different currencies in this game is absurd! Either gate stuff behind rep level, or for the love of god! Make a single rep currency! Currency in this game is ridiculously cluttered.


3. The idea of "play your way" has been pretty much tossed out the window with the heroics. I get it, some players want the content to be more difficult, but I think Dantooine took that too far. Ossus heroics felt like a good balance. My maxed out sniper, in top tier gear could solo the Heroic 4, but it was a challenge. I had to be clever, and have a plan of attack. At the very least, I should be able to solo the Heroic 2 mission on Dantooine, but I have yet to succeed.


Admittedly, I was operating on almost zero sleep yesterday and have not tried again today. I don't love grouping with randos, but I don't loath it either. I'm by no means a hardcore player, but definitely less casual than others. I think the difficulty level of these heroics will lead to a large portion of players feeling excluded from enjoying the content. If this is the level you want to run them at, I suggest creating a solo made option, rather than removing the challenge for those who want it. BTW, anyone willing to give me some pointers on how to solo these, feel free to message me. I'd like to see if I can manage.


4. Related to point 3. Since the difficulty level of the heroics is so much higher than other heroics, the daily and heroic weekly mission needs to be divided into two weeklies. One for the dailies, and one for the heroics. If you don't want to make the heroics easier, then you at least need to give solo players the ability to achieve a weekly goal. Seriously, there is a middle ground that can be struck between hardcore and casual, group and solo. You don't have to take anything from one player base to provide for the other.


5. I love the mouse droid mission on imp side. I can't even completely pinpoint why. I just love it.

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I liked the look of it, and the mouse droid mission was fun, but this was not thought out very well.


I picked the mission up at level 23, you need to do the heroics for the weekly, except NO one will take you at that level, and you can't solo them, and you can't get the weekly done in one day, glad the only thing I liked from the rep was the walker, so I don't need to worry about doing this event.


How about instead of new events, just put some new worthwhile stuff in the old rep vendors.


Here's hoping they put something decent in the nightlife event.

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1. Dantooine is one big penned in cattle farm.


2. It's a great grazing area for Grade 10 mats with minimal harassment from the herders.


3. Unfortunately, while all cattle on the Dantooine cattle farm are equal, some are more equal than others, especially at the milking sheds.


For once since 3.0, SWTOR got it right!





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Ossus was great.


Dantooine? Boring... This is a minor addition, with no compelling story on the planet (luckily we had some story on Odessen!).

And I don't like that Heroic2+ is too hard on final boss (walker).

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Dantooine doesn't feel very KOTOR-Dantooine-ish, but it's a fun event so far. I had a blast owpvp'ing, then worked on soloing all the Heroics. Can you believe that Yarvok guy is more difficult than Sparky (hugo)?


Other feedback:

-Most of the rep vendor items for the event are crappy, so I may only do this event a time or two until I get bored of it.

-The missions are fun and challenging, but a little gimmicky (soooo many mission items you have to use).


And I don't like that Heroic2+ is too hard on final boss (walker).

It's pretty easy... don't stand in stupid aka red circles, pick up special ability from crate, use special ability. It's literally just a timing thing. Cycle your cooldowns.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I really liked Dantooine.


But sadly, the devs have done there utmost to make sure people will be sick of it by tying it to one hell of a grind, if you want the rep or any of the gear.


With 6.0 kills will drop gear was the new game plan, Dantooine kills don't seem to drop much of any value making the rep grind all about daily missions. Wouldn't be so bad but you then force grouping to complete the weekly. While the heroics are fine, the trash mobs are much more challenging than any of the boss fights. Which all makes it feel badly set up or at least a little odd given its not a flashpoint is meant to be 4 people or 2+ so just a random pug of possible 4 dps of vastly different levels, gear and ability.


Ultimately the entire game could be vastly improved if everyone got credit for kills, so you don't have so many people spawn camping and from the talk on global chat kill and click stealing.


So what is a lovely area with some nice quests will no doubt end up being too annoying with forced grouping or a massive grind where what was nice will become a second job for little reward. Much as the pig companion may look fun, most people have Blizz who is better and all honesty will sit in the roster as just another companion that is never used and not worth going the daily 50 times.

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Dantooine doesn't feel very KOTOR-Dantooine-ish


-The missions are fun and challenging, but a little gimmicky (soooo many mission items you have to use).



It's pretty easy... don't stand in stupid aka red circles, pick up special ability from crate, use special ability. It's literally just a timing thing. Cycle your cooldowns.


I agree with these points, and perhaps I'm hung up a bit much on nostalgia from kotor dantooine. I was sort of hoping for iconic places, references to iconic events, something. Instead, it was like oh here dantooine! Only thing similar is the grass! (Exagerattion yes, I know)

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Now that I'm not as exhausted I want to give a more detailed review.


1. Visually, I think Dantooine is fantastic! It reminds me of where I live, but with more trees.


2. I love the music, when it plays, but that's pretty hit and miss.


I like a lot of the new decos, but getting them is going to be a HUGE grind because the currency and rep drops are incredibly stingy. To be honest, I think it's enough to gate the decos behind rep level. Stop adding different currencies, The sheer number of different currencies in this game is absurd! Either gate stuff behind rep level, or for the love of god! Make a single rep currency! Currency in this game is ridiculously cluttered.


3. The idea of "play your way" has been pretty much tossed out the window with the heroics. I get it, some players want the content to be more difficult, but I think Dantooine took that too far. Ossus heroics felt like a good balance. My maxed out sniper, in top tier gear could solo the Heroic 4, but it was a challenge. I had to be clever, and have a plan of attack. At the very least, I should be able to solo the Heroic 2 mission on Dantooine, but I have yet to succeed.


Admittedly, I was operating on almost zero sleep yesterday and have not tried again today. I don't love grouping with randos, but I don't loath it either. I'm by no means a hardcore player, but definitely less casual than others. I think the difficulty level of these heroics will lead to a large portion of players feeling excluded from enjoying the content. If this is the level you want to run them at, I suggest creating a solo made option, rather than removing the challenge for those who want it. BTW, anyone willing to give me some pointers on how to solo these, feel free to message me. I'd like to see if I can manage.


4. Related to point 3. Since the difficulty level of the heroics is so much higher than other heroics, the daily and heroic weekly mission needs to be divided into two weeklies. One for the dailies, and one for the heroics. If you don't want to make the heroics easier, then you at least need to give solo players the ability to achieve a weekly goal. Seriously, there is a middle ground that can be struck between hardcore and casual, group and solo. You don't have to take anything from one player base to provide for the other.


5. I love the mouse droid mission on imp side. I can't even completely pinpoint why. I just love it.


I can literally second all of this. Spot on description of what the issues here are. Nice, sure, but some obviously wrong stuff.



The crystal cave? Juhani's grove? The star map? Matelli compound? The music?


I say let the star maps sleep, but Juhani's grove, THAT should have been there! At least for the Republic if nothing else, a perfect place and perfect explanation to have some random Dark Side thing spawn there, or whatever Force-related quest.


A nod to the Sandral - Matale stuff too shouldn't have been a problem.

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While everyone expected the Dantooine from Kotor, I would have much more preferred it to be something like we had on SWG. The scenery was purple/pink and we did have ruins but there was also other places to explore and we had variety of animals roaming around including the large Grauls.


Here you have some old memories.




Star Wars Galaxies Memory Book.pdf


Made by Tony "Teesquared" Tyson

Former Producer Star Wars Galaxies.


OBS Large file close too 200 MB rar file.

PDF is 251 Pages long.


Or for those that like to know how the old game was that some of us still cherish and love :)

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I played through the story pieces on two characters (Imperial and Republic saboteur) that finished Osssus and did the Daily Patrol on one character. Thoughts:


1. I love the music, when it plays. I wish that had been more consistent. It was jarring to go from that pretty soundtrack to listening to nothing but blaster fire and Ugnaughts squeaking.


2. The planet is beautiful and well designed. I look forward to exploring it more when the event is not happening.


3. The little story bits were great, overall. The saboteur interview for the Republic News Network had me laughing. That was great. I also liked seeing Darth Krovos again.


4. I really liked Colonel Trazen and hope we will see more of her.


5. I loved the mouse droid mission and thought it was much better than the mouse droid in KOTET. The 'honk' feature was hilarious and cute.




1. It was really unenjoyable until I found a less crowded instance. Those green arrows on the grass are great, except that six of you see them and start running for them.


2. It would be nice if the quick travel points in the Imperial base and the small medical station were automatic and didn't require clicking. Small, but easy to forget.


3. Bug. perhaps: after I finished the mouse droid mission my companion had vanished and needed to be re-summoned.


4. The largest thing: what others have said. When you announced "play your way" I was really hopeful that it meant that you understood that the game supports a wide variety of playstyles. But then you release Dantooine, where you cannot really complete the weekly without grouping because of the difficulty level of the heroics. That's extremely disappointing. I agree with DuchessKristiana when she says that this will leave out a lot of us. I'm not going to be forced to group; I'm just going to choose not to do the weekly, and with much less to do, and such a long crawl to the decos, I'm not likely to want to spend much time here.



Overall, I think that I will likely play the story bit on all of my characters once they complete Ossus, and I think I'm going to enjoy looking around the planet when the event is not live, but I can't see myself enjoying this event repeatedly the same way I've been willing to repeat other events.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Heroics and dailies are cool. Event map is not too big, spawn rates are fast. LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.


Story is whatever,I stoped caring about it. I am pretty sure I killed Theron on my dark side toon, but I think Lana mentioned him doing something? I don't know weird...doesn't affect, how much I love Dantooine and this event.

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Underwhelming. If you're into achievements, more mounts, decos, and some similar re-skinned armor pieces, you'll enjoy it. Just another planet to not visit again.


After yesterday's fiasco in regards to logging in and the terrible lag, maybe it would have been slightly more fun, but overall, nah...


I'm pretty much in it for the achievements and maybe unlocking at least one of each deco, so the broken Culinary achievement really annoys the crap out of me, as does the pay-to-achieve one that I will not be blowing my *** on because I'm not one of the billionaires in this game who cause Bioware to put in gigantic credit sinks like this.

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First of all i really liked the small bit of story we got. It gave things i was missing and also was really funny (going saboteur).


Dantooine normal quests were ok except the mine one where there was very little spawns and lot of people hunting for them. Did not do heroics, because i don't prefer group content expecially if i would need to pug from the chat.


Was disappointed weekly needs also heroics, because this means i won't be doing weekly.


Was very disappointed mobs did not drop random gear or decorations like Ossus ones do.


Worst thing was realizing that most new currency comes from heroics. This made me realize that getting curency to buy items would be so slow (1 currency per day if doing ALL normal dailies) that it is not fun anymore. This is dealbreaker for me making Dantooine practically useless, those quests are not THAT fun i would run them just out of joy, it would be nice to get rewards as well. Tiny rep tokens are not rewards especially when you know you won't be having the currency to buy the rewards for that rep.



  • Make all dailies drop currency.
  • Make mobs drop interesting things (similar to Ossus).
  • Make separate weeklies for normal dailies/heroics (players could choose which one to do).
  • Put gear reward as rewards for weekly like in Ossus.

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