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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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So what have they offered you that caused you, directly, to maintain your sub? I know that they haven't offered me anything over the short amount of time I've been back, and I read that there were some comps earlier that were only available with set conditions, that I missed, and don't care about. If they hadn't been brought up in this thread, I wouldn't even know about 'em. However, I missed the window of opportunity on that, and it's on me. It's too bad that everyone can't have that attitude isn't it?


If you're subbing just for the promos, why even bother? I've maintained my sub, with one lapse, in part because I wanted to support the game and in part because the Preferred restrictions are too annoying to deal with. Although before the Dantooine/6.0 announcement I was fully prepared to walk away because it had been too long with nothing on the horizon.


The sub rewards have been nice extras, not something I've expected, felt entitled to, or subbed for. If they turned around and gave everyone all three companions, the armor and other peripherals tomorrow, I wouldn't care in the least.


And it's too bad that everyone can't understand that story content is not the same as vanity items and companions, and that leaving storylines dangling is not a good thing. Nobody's asking for Paxton or Shae or the armor because they are different.

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If you've read any of my other posts - which I know you have, because you have quoted them - you would know I don't care one way or the other if Bioware gives you guys something. It's nice if they do. It's not a requirement so it would be an act of goodwill. It doesn't affect me in any way, and I don't object.


Yes I know, that is why I asked the question


What I was responding to, as I told you and you seem to have avoided reading, was the argument that the content should continue to be exclusive because those subs supported Bioware when the chips were down. Point being, it's not as though it's been the only low point in the game and as I've said, those of us who have hung in for the last two years certainly haven't seen much out of our subs in terms of new stuff.


We did support them when the chips were down.

And most of us that stayed during that period are probably still here because we are the hardcore

(not the only hardcore, not saying that, but we have most certainly cemented our place in that)


It might not be the only low point, but it IS the only low point that Bioware decided was so low they needed to release STORY content as a hook to keep us here.

As you said they released other things over your low point but never a story chapter. we can speculate on the reason but we do not KNOW for sure why this is


Maybe it was because it was a horrible mistake to begin with (Yes it was Bioware, looking at you now) but they have not come out and said as much so that is only speculation and my opinion.


These two low periods are not the same simply because for whatever reason Bioware acted differently. This is a unique situation and must be handled as one, citing references from elsewhere does not help the case.

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BRKMSN, I actual agree with you on a number of points. I don't assume that the people who subscribed during the original promotional period would have subscribed regardless of the promotion, but an argument that has been made multiple times is that that subscription period had no value beyond HK-55 and SoM and that is ludicrous. That sub period had value. Whether that person played during that time they still accrued at least 3500 Cartel Coins up to 4200 or more, depending on referral grants, but some people want to deny there was any other value whatsoever during that time other than HK and SoM. Further, I agree with the opponents to rereleasing this material who say that BW should not rerun old subscription promotions, and I agree that if a promo is repeated then some consideration should be given to those who meet the terms of that promo but already have the award offered. I completely agree with that, but my position differs because I think that after the promotion has ended that should be it, no repeats, and the material should be put on the CM for direct sale. This gives one the option to either get it for free with their subscription for all of their characters across their account for the life of the game or pay for it.


When I made my suggestion to sell the content on the CM for 4000 CC's that was not a number I pulled from the aether. I objectively looked at the time of the promo period, ~6.5 months, and found the product of that length of time by the amount of CC's granted each month to a 6-month recurring subscription. Then I rounded up. Whether one takes a value of 3500 CC's (7 months * 500) or 4200 CC's (7 months * 600) the dollar cost for this content is coming out to more than either the Rise of the Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan expansions. But, I stipulated that that 4000 CC (or 4200 if you want to quibble that it required a 7-month sub) must include all rewards from HK-55 in January to SoM in August. Why? Because if we're being honest a 30-min chapter with low replayability and two companions is not worth more than either of the expansions. I then stipulated that every item in the bundle should unlock independently in Collections so that if the purchaser wanted to have access to all material across their account they would have to pay the unlock fee. I'll go even further and say that the bundle and everything in it should be bound so that nothing can be sold on the GTN. What do we get instead? Suggestions that if this material is sold on the CM then it should only include HK-55 and SoM and must be charged at at least 10000 or 15000 CC's or more.


It's difficult to take rebuttals seriously when they are patently ludicrous. First, this content should not be priced against other items on the CM; especially when that item is a vastly overpriced prestige item like a cosmetic weapon. Second, we should be signaling to BW in no uncertain terms that these ridiculously overpriced items are overpriced. A cosmetic item should not cost $20, $30, or $50+, nor should 30-mins of story and two companions cost more than entire expansions. If bundled with all of the other items, then the price point of 4000 or 4200 CC's makes sense.


Another rebuttal that has been made is that there are free CC's to be earned in game and the monthly security key grant doesn't require a sub. Yes, that is true. Disregarding much of the in-game earned CC's, since that isn't a quantifiable value, let's look at some of the lower hanging fruit. For completing the starter planet for the first time on a server one can earn 20 CC's. With eight stories and five servers that means by just completing the starter world one can accrue 800 CC's. But, that is limited to first run only so that value would only be available to someone who comes to the game fresh. The next story benchmark is for completing chapter 1 for each story, which would net another 800 CC's bringing the total to 1600 CC's. That's still 2400 (or 2600) short of my proposed cost. Could someone then wait for their monthly security key grant to accumulate? Sure, for 24 to 26 months. Would that person accrue additional in-game CC awards during that time? Sure, but they would still have to wait a substantially longer period of time than the original promotion in order to afford to purchase the content. Then, if going with my suggestion, they would then have to wait another several months in order to be able to unlock those items in their Collections. Someone who is willing to do all that is not someone who is going to subscribe in the first place. So why do people want to penalizing those who are subscribing to the game for the actions of a select few who never were going to subscribe? Further, if my suggestion to place old sub rewards on the CM were implemented this hypothetical person would always be behind in what they could acquire because the in-game rewards, particularly the story rewards, dry up quickly leaving them to rely upon their monthly security key grant. A measly 1200 CC's per year.


I know that I'm not likely to change your mind, or the mind of anyone else who is opposed to rereleasing this content in some fashion. I do hope, though, that reason prevails and a nuanced discussion can occur that does not revolve around outlandish requests such as charging $100 for 30-mins of story.


Assuming they make this available again, They can avoid worrying about people using free CCs by making it a direct purchase instead (like the old expansions or the digital upgrade pack). At your suggested CC price that is roughly a $40 value, so if that was the fair number, they could ask for $34.99 - $39.99 (somewhere in that ballpark.)


I think worrying about people using free CCs is a valid consideration. You can get them not only from the ways you listed, but look at just about everybody'd signature. People aren't sharing their referral links to get new subs, they are trying to get old subs that haven't used a link before to load up on free CCs. Many players are getting thousands of free CCs every month. I'm not sure what the average player gets, but since I have no current referrals, I might be bringing the average down.


One final thought ... the mission isn't completely worthless after you play it once on a character. It rewards 10 legendary tech gifts (selling at the Odessen vendor for 250,000 credits each) each time you complete it, along with the CXP, Chapter Master conquest objective, and a deco. Obviously, it rewards another companion as well. But you can farm that chapter for conquest points and (technology) companion gifts as much as you want.

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And it's too bad that everyone can't understand that story content is not the same as vanity items and companions, and that leaving storylines dangling is not a good thing. Nobody's asking for Paxton or Shae or the armor because they are different.


What storyline isn't dangling? Think you killed Revan? Wrong. Think you killed Malgus? Wrong. Think the Jedi Knight kills Vitiate? Wrong. Think Arcann or Malora died from a fall? Wrong. Think you'll rule the galaxy from the eternal throne? Wrong. One thing is consistent ... nothing ever ends, even if they appear to.


Oh ... and plenty of people were asking for Nico and Shae, the party Jawa, etc... I guess you just weren't interested in those topics.

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If you're subbing just for the promos, why even bother? I've maintained my sub, with one lapse, in part because I wanted to support the game and in part because the Preferred restrictions are too annoying to deal with. Although before the Dantooine/6.0 announcement I was fully prepared to walk away because it had been too long with nothing on the horizon.


The sub rewards have been nice extras, not something I've expected, felt entitled to, or subbed for. If they turned around and gave everyone all three companions, the armor and other peripherals tomorrow, I wouldn't care in the least.


And it's too bad that everyone can't understand that story content is not the same as vanity items and companions, and that leaving storylines dangling is not a good thing. Nobody's asking for Paxton or Shae or the armor because they are different.


Except that it's vanity story. It has no bearing on the game, just some novelty time, and two droids that you can't use in 100% of the story content that comes after. If they were, or had tried, to lock some crucial point of the story behind a paywall, I'd be all sharpening my pitchfork, but they didn't. While they haven't reneged on what we were told yet, the fact that they're even considering it, all things considered, is bad.


I'm guessing, reading some of these replies that people can't fathom that, when the game's not doing anything for you, and the devs know it's not, and people are all over the place talking about unsubbing, and they respond with this promotion, that maybe, just maybe, that was the only impetus to stay subbed. None of the other stuff that was passed out had anything to do with the "vanity" content. So w/out this promotion, they may well have lost a significant number of subs. They obviously don't think that matters now, that's why I made the bait and switch comparison earlier. They know the only thing anyone inclined to be mad about it can do is just unsub, and they don't care, since they already have that money.

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Except that it's vanity story. It has no bearing on the game, just some novelty time, and two droids that you can't use in 100% of the story content that comes after. If they were, or had tried, to lock some crucial point of the story behind a paywall, I'd be all sharpening my pitchfork, but they didn't. While they haven't reneged on what we were told yet, the fact that they're even considering it, all things considered, is bad.


Incorrect. It's already been explained numerous times that HK-55 was a main story companion that had a significant role in the middle of KOTFE. Leaving his story unresolved is leaving people hanging. In addition he's the only main story companion that cannot be claimed from the terminal.


The Shroud storyline is not a novelty either. The Shroud questline is some of the most difficult solo content in the game IMHO, and it's long and involved and requires travel to numerous planets. Completing SOM results in slightly different dialogue on Iokath.


They can't renege on anything because previous subs do not own this content, Bioware does. They have the right to release it again whenever and however they want. The only thing that is bad here is that some players are so bound and determined to decide that story content should be cut off from other players, when that has no bearing on their game in any way and doesn't diminish what they've had for quite some time.

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Incorrect. It's already been explained numerous times that HK-55 was a main story companion that had a significant role in the middle of KOTFE. Leaving his story unresolved is leaving people hanging. In addition he's the only main story companion that cannot be claimed from the terminal.


The Shroud storyline is not a novelty either. The Shroud questline is some of the most difficult solo content in the game IMHO, and it's long and involved and requires travel to numerous planets. Completing SOM results in slightly different dialogue on Iokath.


They can't renege on anything because previous subs do not own this content, Bioware does. They have the right to release it again whenever and however they want. The only thing that is bad here is that some players are so bound and determined to decide that story content should be cut off from other players, when that has no bearing on their game in any way and doesn't diminish what they've had for quite some time.


Did they somehow take him away before his relevance runs out? Because if they snatched him away before the story actually does, you may be on to something, otherwise, you, to quote the poster immediately after this quoted post, got what you paid for. So, after the fight with Arcann, where does HK 55 play any crucial roles in story content that everyone gets, even if they don't qualify for the story content and the comps? Let me reiterate: nowhere. Please don't resort to lying to justify getting something you want. It doesn't help your argument.

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The HK-55 the outlander meets in Chapter 2, his story ends in Chapter 8. The HK-55 players get as a reward does not have the memory core from the original. It is not the same droid. It is not relevant to the continuing outlander storyline in any way. There is no argument here supporting the "but it's story content!" outrage.


The bonus mission is a 30 minute mission where you play as the rebuilt HK-55. It is part of the Shroud story, but not the outlander story. The outcome of the story doesn't inspire confidence that the writers have finished the Shroud story, IMO. In other words, they can very easily continue the Shroud storyline after the way that mission ends.

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Did they somehow take him away before his relevance runs out? Because if they snatched him away before the story actually does, you may be on to something, otherwise, you, to quote the poster immediately after this quoted post, got what you paid for. So, after the fight with Arcann, where does HK 55 play any crucial roles in story content that everyone gets, even if they don't qualify for the story content and the comps? Let me reiterate: nowhere. Please don't resort to lying to justify getting something you want. It doesn't help your argument.


Please don't resort to accusing people of lying because it doesn't fit your narrative of wanting to withhold content from other players.


The fact that the character isn't in the story after the Arcann fight means nothing. Aric Jorgan has no crucial stake whatsoever in the story after the end of KOTFE. Does that mean he should have been removed from all players?


What it's time to accept, amongst other things, is that you're not entitled to something just because someone else has it. You're not entitled to assign motives to other people to fit your narratives. This crap won't just cost them money here, see my previous post, because it's not Disney I have an issue with, it's BioWare, and since they are making other games that they want me to buy, it behooves them to not violate my trust. It's going to be really hard to take any hype seriously for the next DA game, given what I got with Andromeda, and what I'm seeing around the web concerning Anthem, they should probably think about keeping any goodwill they have left, instead of caving to the "but it's not fair" crowd.


And what it's time for you to accept is that you are not entitled to gatekeep content for other players. You don't own it. Bioware fulfilled its agreement with you, and if it wants to release the content again tomorrow, it has no bearing on your gameplay in any way whatsoever. There is no reason to withhold the content from other players other than a feeling of entitlement or wanting to be special because you have something exclusive, and Bioware has no obligation to cater to that sort of elitism.


As to Bioware losing your business? Can't speak for them, but I frankly would say "good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out" to players who leave because they are outraged that voiced, well designed story content is not forever limited to a small audience.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Please don't resort to lying to justify getting something you want. It doesn't help your argument.


The irony is strong here.


...and anyone that doesn't have this content got what they paid for. I guess this is the most viable argument against getting this promotion rehashed that I've read yet. You literally got what you paid for, and asking for anything above and beyond that is the very definition of entitled, isn't it.


Your entire argument is built on your desire to get more than what you paid for. You want to believe that what you paid for, and are entitled to, was permanent exclusivity of the rewards. That's not what was offered. Only the potential was included, not the guarantee. To think otherwise is just you showcasing your preferred reality and demanding more because you want more.


What it's time to accept, amongst other things, is that you're not entitled to something just because someone else has it. You're not entitled to assign motives to other people to fit your narratives.


Nice unoriginal strawman. We're not saying we're entitled to anything. We're requesting for it to be brought back. You're just demanding something you're not entitled to. And I don't have to assign motives, you've made them plain as day yourself.


I've posted enough in this thread already, and I think I've entertained enough outrageous, disingenuous, and utterly misguided statements for a good long while. Feel free to keep coming back with more outrageous, disingenuous claims of perceived unfairness and how you've been lied to in order to get what you want, but you're not going to get anywhere that way.

Edited by Drenovade
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It's a shame many of those who are against this framed their argument around Bioware lying to them. The facts just aren't there for them. If they were honest about their reason for wanting permanent exclusivity, namely so that they can keep a reward others don't have because it makes them feel special and unique, then they may have come across stronger.


It's not that unreasonable to say one wants to have a permanently exclusive reward in order to feel special or superior to others. In fact, it's quite natural to feel that way. I guess they were afraid of making that the crux of their argument because it just sounds petty, which while true, is at least is an honest argument that may have been more effective than a baseless, disingenuous one.


I feel neither special nor unique as I chose not to continue my subscription for that entire 7 months and don't actually have access to the HK content. I still 100% understood BW's intention to make this content exclusive at the time and actively said the content was not worth 7 months of subscription time with little else being offered beyond 1 chapter a week. I came back when KotET was done and got all the chapters at once.


Your assumptions and demeanor in response to players are in poor form and taking shots at those who feel betrayed based on BW's own messaging isn't helping bring them to your side. You should consider being more understanding to how players feel before bashing their position.

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It's a shame many of those who are against this framed their argument around Bioware lying to them. The facts just aren't there for them. If they were honest about their reason for wanting permanent exclusivity, namely so that they can keep a reward others don't have because it makes them feel special and unique, then they may have come across stronger.


It's not that unreasonable to say one wants to have a permanently exclusive reward in order to feel special or superior to others. In fact, it's quite natural to feel that way. I guess they were afraid of making that the crux of their argument because it just sounds petty, which while true, is at least is an honest argument that may have been more effective than a baseless, disingenuous one.


Right. This is pretty much what I was trying to say. They're hanging their hat on arguing over the language used in the promotion terms when BW wrote it that way purposely. It's not convincing because of how obvious the legal speak of the terms is so it comes off as disingenuous at best and petty at worst.

Edited by kodrac
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Please don't resort to accusing people of lying because it doesn't fit your narrative of wanting to withhold content from other players.


The fact that the character isn't in the story after the Arcann fight means nothing. Aric Jorgan has no crucial stake whatsoever in the story after the end of KOTFE. Does that mean he should have been removed from all players?


Given the context, it means everything, since I stated that the comps in this content have 0% relevance to the rest of the story, and you went on to claim that he was some how integral to the story. He's not. After the Arcann fight, his relevance is done. Trying to claim otherwise is a lie. Unless you can show me some story content that everyone has where he is relevant? Do link to some YouTube videos, I'm dying to see this.


And what it's time for you to accept is that you are not entitled to gatekeep content for other players. You don't own it. Bioware fulfilled its agreement with you, and if it wants to release the content again tomorrow, it has no bearing on your gameplay in any way whatsoever. There is no reason to withhold the content from other players other than a feeling of entitlement or wanting to be special because you have something exclusive, and Bioware has no obligation to cater to that sort of elitism.


As to Bioware losing your business? Can't speak for them, but I frankly would say "good. Don't let the door hit you on the way out" to players who leave because they are outraged that voiced, well designed story content is not forever limited to a small audience.


I am not gatekeeping. If I were, this thread would have already been answered, and locked.


The answer would have been: No, we offered this content as a one off to keep the game from bleeding out during a really bad time in our development cycle. We will not be offering this content again, as a show of good faith to those that did meet the qualifications.


They are also under no obligation to cater to those that refused to participate in the promotion, or were unable to. As to losing my business, it's a bit late in the game, isn't it? They've already got my money on this, that they're now considering undermining, and all the games that I've purchased since the 90s. It's not blackmail on my part, it's a statement of fact. If they renege on this, there's no way I'm going to trust any other sales pitches they may have, how can I? They will have pulled a bait and switch on this, and anything else they say, on top of all of their recent fiascos, will just be suspect.


Bait: We're going to offer this promotion if you meet these qualifications.


Switch: Well, we're going to offer this content because of all the handwringing on the forums.

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The irony is strong here.




Your entire argument is built on your desire to get more than what you paid for.


Yeah, no. I have stated, on more than one occasion that I'm not looking for "compensation" because I believe that content offered as a one off should remain so. I'm not looking for more than I paid for, I'm looking to get what I paid for. It's evidently too much for some to understand, but I'm down with that. I understand the envy culture, I have grandkids that want everything they see too. Their reactions are eerily similar to this thread when they don't get it.

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The HK-55 the outlander meets in Chapter 2, his story ends in Chapter 8. The HK-55 players get as a reward does not have the memory core from the original. It is not the same droid. It is not relevant to the continuing outlander storyline in any way. There is no argument here supporting the "but it's story content!" outrage.


The bonus mission is a 30 minute mission where you play as the rebuilt HK-55. It is part of the Shroud story, but not the outlander story. The outcome of the story doesn't inspire confidence that the writers have finished the Shroud story, IMO. In other words, they can very easily continue the Shroud storyline after the way that mission ends.


YUP ! Easily !!

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Bait: We're going to offer this promotion if you meet these qualifications.


Switch: Well, we're going to offer this content because of all the handwringing on the forums.


That's not bait and switch. Bait and switch is if they offered a chapter and gave us a PvP map instead.


Yeah, no. I have stated, on more than one occasion that I'm not looking for "compensation" because I believe that content offered as a one off should remain so. I'm not looking for more than I paid for, I'm looking to get what I paid for.


You did get what you paid for. You paid for a chapter and got a chapter. (Technically, you paid for a subscription and got a subscription.) You did not pay for exclusive rights.

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Given the context, it means everything, since I stated that the comps in this content have 0% relevance to the rest of the story, and you went on to claim that he was some how integral to the story. He's not. After the Arcann fight, his relevance is done. Trying to claim otherwise is a lie. Unless you can show me some story content that everyone has where he is relevant? Do link to some YouTube videos, I'm dying to see this.


I said that he was a main story companion and thus the conclusion of his story was germane to every player, and he was. You're twisting words now, and I'm not obligated to prove anything to you one way or the other.


I am not gatekeeping. If I were, this thread would have already been answered, and locked.


The answer would have been: No, we offered this content as a one off to keep the game from bleeding out during a really bad time in our development cycle. We will not be offering this content again, as a show of good faith to those that did meet the qualifications.


They are also under no obligation to cater to those that refused to participate in the promotion, or were unable to. As to losing my business, it's a bit late in the game, isn't it? They've already got my money on this, that they're now considering undermining, and all the games that I've purchased since the 90s. It's not blackmail on my part, it's a statement of fact. If they renege on this, there's no way I'm going to trust any other sales pitches they may have, how can I? They will have pulled a bait and switch on this, and anything else they say, on top of all of their recent fiascos, will just be suspect.


Bait: We're going to offer this promotion if you meet these qualifications.


Switch: Well, we're going to offer this content because of all the handwringing on the forums.


Oh, but you are trying to gatekeep.


There was no bait and switch here. Bioware said that they would provide you with the chapter and companions if you met the qualifications at that time. They fulfilled that. The money you paid went to a subscription which provided subscriber perks, Catel Coins and other promotional items. You got what you paid for.


There is nothing anywhere in the EULA, in the ToS, or in any other material that in any way promised that you would be the only players ever in the history of the game to have that content. The deal was that you needed to fulfill those requirements at that time.


If you took that to mean that nobody else would ever get access to the content at any time, that was a misunderstanding on your part or an unreasonable expectation that no company is obligated to meet. They are able to change the terms at any time. It's no more a breach of trust than a store offering a game for $100 and then putting it in the bargain bin a month later for $5.


You paid for subscriptions and purchases of games; I would gather that you've used them since the 90s and you;ve gotten your money's worth. If you choose to believe that offering story content that has no bearing on your game will "undermine" that, it's your decision, but it's pretty silly.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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That's not bait and switch. Bait and switch is if they offered a chapter and gave us a PvP map instead.




You did get what you paid for. You paid for a chapter and got a chapter. (Technically, you paid for a subscription and got a subscription.) You did not pay for exclusive rights.


Do you have anything other than rationalizations? I paid because they promised us some content for doing so. I know you've read the promotion, and know exactly what it entails, so all I see is "but it's not fair, so they should give it to us too". Hindsight is 20/20. Knowing what I know now, I would have let my sub lapse, the content's not worth what I paid for it. But the principle still applies, they fished me in, and probably a lot of other people too, with the promise of promotional content, and now the handwringers are here with "but we shouldn't have to be locked out because we chose not to do what it took to get it" or "but we weren't here". I miss out on a lot of things because I'm not where I need to be to get it, get used to it, it's going to happen a lot when there's no place to go handwringing to get your way.


Note: I don't care how you view what my perception is of what they're doing. I didn't spend your money, so any thoughts on my feelings on the matter are moot, and slightly arrogant, to presume that you have any right to tell what I should or shouldn't be thinking/feeling about anything. I spent my money, on what was presented as a one off promotion because they needed to keep as many people subbed as possible. I did so whether I was playing or not, because I figured it was worth a chance to help them out. I can see by the fact that they're even considering this that it wasn't.

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I said that he was a main story companion and thus the conclusion of his story was germane to every player, and he was. You're twisting words now, and I'm not obligated to prove anything to you one way or the other.




Oh, but you are trying to gatekeep.


There was no bait and switch here. Bioware said that they would provide you with the chapter and companions if you met the qualifications at that time. They fulfilled that. The money you paid went to a subscription which provided subscriber perks, Catel Coins and other promotional items. You got what you paid for.


There is nothing anywhere in the EULA, in the ToS, or in any other material that in any way promised that you would be the only players ever in the history of the game to have that content. The deal was that you needed to fulfill those requirements at that time.


If you took that to mean that nobody else would ever get access to the content at any time, that was a misunderstanding on your part or an unreasonable expectation that no company is obligated to meet. They are able to change the terms at any time. It's no more a breach of trust than a store offering a game for $100 and then putting it in the bargain bin a month later for $5.


You paid for subscriptions and purchases of games; I would gather that you've used them since the 90s and you;ve gotten your money's worth. If you choose to believe that offering story content that has no bearing on your game will "undermine" that, it's your decision, but it's pretty silly.

Thank you. I’ve been saying this since the beginning of this thread. I agree 1000%

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I said that he was a main story companion and thus the conclusion of his story was germane to every player, and he was. You're twisting words now, and I'm not obligated to prove anything to you one way or the other.


Everyone that didn't do what was required for the promotion got his entire story arc. The promotional content is bonus material.


Oh, but you are trying to gatekeep.


There was no bait and switch here. Bioware said that they would provide you with the chapter and companions if you met the qualifications at that time. They fulfilled that. The money you paid went to a subscription which provided subscriber perks, Catel Coins and other promotional items. You got what you paid for.


Bait: Do this and we'll give you this content as a bonus.


Switch: Oh, we're thinking we're going to let anyone that wants it get it.


There is nothing anywhere in the EULA, in the ToS, or in any other material that in any way promised that you would be the only players ever in the history of the game to have that content. The deal was that you needed to fulfill those requirements at that time.


Interesting, so show me the section that says they'll be giving this stuff out? It's the same part, right? It's their content, and they can do whatever they want with it? Funny how that's not a valid argument when we flip that lazy susan around on your argument, eh?


If you took that to mean that nobody else would ever get access to the content at any time, that was a misunderstanding on your part or an unreasonable expectation that no company is obligated to meet. They are able to change the terms at any time. It's no more a breach of trust than a store offering a game for $100 and then putting it in the bargain bin a month later for $5.


Except that that's what "you can qualify for this content by doing X". Did you do X? No? Then you're not qualified for the content, and shouldn't have it.


You paid for subscriptions and purchases of games; I would gather that you've used them since the 90s and you;ve gotten your money's worth. If you choose to believe that offering story content that has no bearing on your game will "undermine" that, it's your decision, but it's pretty silly.


Isn't this ironic? Guess what, it has no bearing on your game either. Just like Pierce, if you're not a Sith Warrior, sitting there waiting to be recruited if you want to run some WZs. Guess what, you'll find you're running all that content w/out him if you don't get him, just like you would if you did, with the comps that are forced on you for story purposes. There is no scenario where HK 55 or Z0 0M are that comp, whether you own the content or not. There are no special dialogs after the content. There is no HK 51 style story to run through, they're just there, like every other comp you can't use for anything but crafting, assuming you bothered to raise the influence on a couple for dailies and the like.


Yes, I'm a sucker for believing advertising, no sarcasm intended. This is BW, and I should have known that somewhere down the line people would get to feeling all "but mah soshul justus", and BW would be hurrying up to preserve those feelings.

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Do you have anything other than rationalizations? I paid because they promised us some content for doing so. I know you've read the promotion, and know exactly what it entails, so all I see is "but it's not fair, so they should give it to us too". Hindsight is 20/20. Knowing what I know now, I would have let my sub lapse, the content's not worth what I paid for it. But the principle still applies, they fished me in, and probably a lot of other people too, with the promise of promotional content, and now the handwringers are here with "but we shouldn't have to be locked out because we chose not to do what it took to get it" or "but we weren't here". I miss out on a lot of things because I'm not where I need to be to get it, get used to it, it's going to happen a lot when there's no place to go handwringing to get your way.


You're almost comical at this point. It's not a rationalization. You paid for the promise of promotional content, as you say, and got said promotional content. So did I. Your argument boils down to you unrealistically expecting exclusivity because you saw what you wanted to see when you read the terms. But instead of arguing for exclusivity (which would be fine as others have done so without throwing a tantrum) you want to argue bait and switch which it's not. You want to argue about people "handwringing" yet the people you're arguing with already have the content just like you. You want to argue about BW catering to "mah soshul justus" which isn't even on the radar. It's all excuses for your misguided expectations and hurt feelings that you won't be special anymore. It's not in good faith and it's disingenuous.

Edited by kodrac
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I have HK-55, Shae, Nico, and I'm fine if others want them. I play the game to play the game, not have my card charged hoping to get a reward. Myself, I only missed two rewards, an ugly mount, and the bonus chapter.


For me, the only companions I have that I'd be upset with them releasing for purchase or what have you are Ranos, the Star Fortress companions, and HK-51, you know companions you actually had to do stuff for. You can still run the SF's and do HK's mission, but the only way I'd bring back Ranos is to either do the DvL event again or just make on huge colossal alliance alert comprised of the DvL event for others to do.


I'm with everyone who mentioned the SWG rewards system where you get something every so many months. One thing I'd like to translate from SWG to SWTOR.

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