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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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I don't know who you still think you're fooling. It's been long established that Bioware has every right to make it available again in either a new promotion or as a separate item for sale. Having it remain forever exclusive to those who got it the first time was just your assumption and preferred version of reality.


If you really want to think you've been lied to and are being treated unfairly, go ahead and keep doing so, but you're only causing yourself an unnecessary hard time under misguided notions. A lot of people here who have the chapter already have stated they are happy for it to be released again and have no problem with it at all. Maybe you can follow their example instead of getting so hung up on having unobtainables that make you feel special.

With all due respect, he has every right to feel and believe however he wants. He doesn't have to follow anybody's example and, just so you know, you are not the moral compass here (deciding which people are good and bad).


As long as people want something, that something has value. People buy stuff all the time that has limited production runs. These items are often known as collectibles. People buy collectibles or other rare things for many reasons. Most people understand that the value of such things generally goes up over time and they never have to worry about more being produced later, flooding the market and significantly decreasing the value of the item(s). There is a very strong argument that can be made that when Bioware picked the method they did to "sell" certain items in the game with certain conditions intended to generate more revenue during a stretch of time than they otherwise would have generated, they gave buyers the impression that "that" it what they were buying.


People that met the criteria were entitled to the reward(s) / item(s). That is what entitlement means. People that want the reward(s), but haven't obtained them, want a way to be entitled to the same thing. That's what this thread is about. Whether people that have the rewards are siding with those that are asking for the re-release, against the idea of re-releasing them, or "have already enjoyed them for 3+ years and never want anybody else to get them so they can lord the said items over the have-nots," doesn't change the fact that the item(s) were sold in a matter that implied: meet those specific criteria for entitlement. There was never any mention of the offer recurring and the dev response to this issue clearly shows that it was meant to be a one-time thing. They are discussing now, how it (the original plan) can possible be undone and if it would be ethical, beneficial, or necessary at all.

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With all due respect, he has every right to feel and believe however he wants.


He can feel and believe whatever he wants. But we also have the privilege as members of this private forum to point out that his feelings and beliefs have no basis in a correct grammatical interpretation of the English language. There is no nice way to say this: His understanding of the English language is wrong. I am assuming the other languages have it covered (though I have heard they screw up the German a lot lol! :p)


Flat out: He is simply wrong in his interpretation of the plain meaning of the text. He implies perpetuity and those calls are coming from inside the house. Even if we agree with that, which we don't because of the EULA, his literal interpretation of what they said is wrong.


Moreover, even if you account for sloppy language from Ben in the stream, Ceryx correctly points out that the operative language is in the formal offer. Do you really want Eric and Charles to now preface every sentence in every Podcast with "this is subject to change?" (despite the fact the EULA covers that exact point.) That's a perfect way to shut them up.


And do you really want to go legal with me? I believe that has been put to bed. Don't make Casira feed my ego again -- I doubt my head could contain the inevitable flattery. .:rak_03:



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Wether you are for or against this suggestion, you can’t say this topic isn’t of interest to people.

So far, 12500+ views of this thread and it’s only a few days old.

I hope Bioware are paying attention to the number of views.


There is obviously a lot of interest. If you are a sub, please chime in with your point of view.

If you can’t post because your are not a sub, you can let Bioware know you position on twitter or reddit


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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He can feel and believe whatever he wants. But we also have the privilege as members of this private forum to point out that his feelings and beliefs have no basis in a correct grammatical interpretation of the English language. There is no nice way to say this, so I'll say it: His understanding of the English language is wrong. I am assuming the other languages have it covered (though I have heard they screw up the German a lot lol! :p)


Flat out: He is simply wrong in his interpretation of the plain meaning of the text. He implies perpetuity and those calls are coming from inside the house. Even if we agree with that, which we don't because of the EULA, his literal interpretation of what they said is wrong.


Moreover, even if you account for sloppy language from Ben in the stream, Ceryx correctly points out that the operative language is in the formal offer. Do you really want Eric and Charles to now to preface every sentence in every Podcast with "this is subject to change?" before every sentence (despite the fact the EULA covers that exact point). That's a perfect way to shut them up.


And do you really want to go legal with me? I believe that has been put to bed. Don't make Casira feed my ego again.:rak_03:



I would have to re-read all his posts more carefully, but the impression I get is that he feels similar to the way I feel. I feel they sold this as a one-time offer and to bring it back (which they have the right to do because of the EULA we all agreed to) would violate my trust in the company. I wouldn't resent other players. It wouldn't be my breaking point (the point at which I un-sub and stop playing), but it would move me a little closer to apathy toward bioware and the game's future.


Many of the arguments appear to presume that it could only generate additional revenue which is good for the game. The same Proponents are often claiming that everybody that has it would have subbed during that time anyway. Okay then ... if they enact a "sub from now until then" condition for a re-release, wouldn't these people (what do I mean," these people?" ) also have subbed regardless? Anyway ... I know of people from these forums that have also left the game because of the re-release of Nico and Shae. So there's that argument to consider. If people leave because they feel enough of their trust has been compromised, you have to hope you generate more revenue than you lose by such a decision. I can't help wondering how many people that don't have something that is no longer available have left the game as a result (I. e. --- "I love SWTOR so much, but when I found out I couldn't have HK-55 craft cell grafts for me, I unsubbed and uninstalled immediately!" )

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With all due respect, he has every right to feel and believe however he wants. He doesn't have to follow anybody's example and, just so you know, you are not the moral compass here (deciding which people are good and bad).


As long as people want something, that something has value. People buy stuff all the time that has limited production runs. These items are often known as collectibles. People buy collectibles or other rare things for many reasons. Most people understand that the value of such things generally goes up over time and they never have to worry about more being produced later, flooding the market and significantly decreasing the value of the item(s). There is a very strong argument that can be made that when Bioware picked the method they did to "sell" certain items in the game with certain conditions intended to generate more revenue during a stretch of time than they otherwise would have generated, they gave buyers the impression that "that" it what they were buying.


People that met the criteria were entitled to the reward(s) / item(s). That is what entitlement means. People that want the reward(s), but haven't obtained them, want a way to be entitled to the same thing. That's what this thread is about. Whether people that have the rewards are siding with those that are asking for the re-release, against the idea of re-releasing them, or "have already enjoyed them for 3+ years and never want anybody else to get them so they can lord the said items over the have-nots," doesn't change the fact that the item(s) were sold in a matter that implied: meet those specific criteria for entitlement. There was never any mention of the offer recurring and the dev response to this issue clearly shows that it was meant to be a one-time thing. They are discussing now, how it (the original plan) can possible be undone and if it would be ethical, beneficial, or necessary at all.


Great speech, but all you've demonstrated is your confusion between an implication and an assumption. We've already been through this and you just keep repeating the same baseless claims.


Take some responsibility in your decision to buy into something that always held the potential of being returned one day. It looks like 3 years of exclusive access and all the other bonuses weren't enough for you. You want more. You want permanent exclusivity.


Well, I'm sorry if it's disappointing, but permanent exclusivity isn't what you paid for. There's a lot of other things that came with the reward, but permanent exclusivity wasn't one of them. It potentially could have been, and that's the hope you've been hanging onto, but it was only potential and nothing more.


It's time to let go and move on.

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Great speech, but all you've demonstrated is your confusion between an implication and an assumption. We've already been through this and you just keep repeating the same baseless claims.


Take some responsibility in your decision to buy into something that always held the potential of being returned one day. It looks like 3 years of exclusive access and all the other bonuses weren't enough for you. You want more. You want permanent exclusivity.


Well, I'm sorry if it's disappointing, but permanent exclusivity isn't what you paid for. There's a lot of other things that came with the reward, but permanent exclusivity wasn't one of them. It potentially could have been, and that's the hope you've been hanging onto, but it was only potential and nothing more.


It's time to let go and move on.

^^This also is an assumption since it has yet to return. That's what you repeatedly fail to see. You're the one holding on to hope. If they bring it back, it won't change how I play or treat others ... nor will it if they don't.

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I'm against the whole idea, because I think they should be held to what they advertised.

I think the way they set up this promotion was one of many mistakes of 4.0 and early 5.0 era. Make it the most bombastic cosmetic item out there and people wouldn't complain. Or even make it the companion alone and few people would have an issue with it. In my eyes the problems are:

- It's story,

- It's probably the best story in KotFE and KotET expansions,

- It's a resolution for a long questline that kind of ends in a cliffhanger.

So, releasing it as a limited time thing was a mistake (probably dictated by misjudging KotFE story as good and the chapter as just some semi-comedic break).


I am also keenly aware of the PC nature of BW, and know that I'm wasting my time.

What does it have to do with political views? Mind you, I see myself as a centrist and not very PC person.


However, the next time they say "You have to have an active sub from date x to date y, I'm just going to link this thread with "Yeah, right". But for the conditions laid out in the promotion, I may have unsubbed, and there are likely a lot more like me that may have too, considering what was going on at the time.

Worse things were happening later, before Keith took over and started fixing things. Those who stayed with the game then deserve nothing?


The content isn't the issue, the principle of "this is the only way you're going to get this, until we get enough people wringing their hands on the forums" is. It's very nearly bait and switch, telling us one thing to keep our money coming in, and then, changing the rules because they have our money.

As I said earlier, making STORY time-exclusive in a game that claims to be story-oriented was an awful mistake. Mistakes call for correction. I don't mind going through some extra lenghts to get it. I don't mind the thing I get to be slightly alerted. I'd be happy if people who got it earlier got an alternate shiny item. I just don't feel guilty joining the game two months too late and I think I've been a good (and generous) boy since I joined.

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How about instead give out DIFFERENT monthly treats to new subscribers. That way both the old and the new players can get new goodies. For a start, you can make a HK helmet that isnt a BLOODY MASK with the chin hanging out. Something that covers the entire head.


You know... for us DROID players...


Ah well... not gonna happen, but its worth a try.

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- It's probably the best story in KotFE and KotET expansions

I get that you are voicing your criticism of the writing in the expansions, but let's not embellish too much. There was virtually no story in the bonus chapter until the final cut scenes. The gimmick behind the bonus chapter was playing as HK-55 for 30 whimsical minutes.



As for as I'm concerned, they left the Shroud storyline open for all kinds of future re-writing possibilities (his return would be easier to explain than Revan's or Darth Malgus' ).


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I just feel that when this game needed our support the most most of you dropped this game and left it high dry only to come back and cry foul now.


Keep in mind that those who have subbed for the last year or year and a half have also hung on with the game through a low point. In particular if you are a story player you received roughly an hour of non-repeatable story content in 2018, delivered 7 months apart, and you have not received any new story playable content for 6 months counting dec 2018- May 2019. PvPers haven't been happy, people who have not liked the Ossus crystal system haven't been happy, and it seems like the player numbers have dropped a lot.


So it could be legitimately argued that anyone who has subbed in 2018 and 2019 has also supported the game when they needed it most.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Great speech, but all you've demonstrated is your confusion between an implication and an assumption. We've already been through this and you just keep repeating the same baseless claims.


Take some responsibility in your decision to buy into something that always held the potential of being returned one day. It looks like 3 years of exclusive access and all the other bonuses weren't enough for you. You want more. You want permanent exclusivity.


Well, I'm sorry if it's disappointing, but permanent exclusivity isn't what you paid for. There's a lot of other things that came with the reward, but permanent exclusivity wasn't one of them. It potentially could have been, and that's the hope you've been hanging onto, but it was only potential and nothing more.


It's time to let go and move on.


Damn, I've been banned from BW forums for less than this. What's your secret? :rak_02:

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Damn, I've been banned from BW forums for less than this. What's your secret? :rak_02:


The ability to comprehend? Kidding.:rak_03:Probably just tone.



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Keep in mind that those who have subbed for the last year or year and a half have also hung on with the game through a low point. In particular if you are a story player you received roughly an hour of non-repeatable story content in 2018, delivered 7 months apart, and you have not received any new story playable content for 6 months counting dec 2018- May 2019. PvPers haven't been happy, people who have not liked the Ossus crystal system haven't been happy, and it seems like the player numbers have dropped a lot.


So it could be legitimately argued that anyone who has subbed in 2018 and 2019 has also supported the game when they needed it most.


There is a BIG difference here.

Bioware isn't or didn't run a sub promotion during THAT time so your entire argument here is invalid.


This situation was SO critical to Bioware that they decided to run a Promo during this period and they offered the story content as a carrot for that.

So while in your mind you could legitimately argue, if Bioware felt the same they would have offered some sort of Promo here which they did not.

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It's a shame many of those who are against this framed their argument around Bioware lying to them. The facts just aren't there for them. If they were honest about their reason for wanting permanent exclusivity, namely so that they can keep a reward others don't have because it makes them feel special and unique, then they may have come across stronger.


It's not that unreasonable to say one wants to have a permanently exclusive reward in order to feel special or superior to others. In fact, it's quite natural to feel that way. I guess they were afraid of making that the crux of their argument because it just sounds petty, which while true, is at least is an honest argument that may have been more effective than a baseless, disingenuous one.

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There is a BIG difference here.

Bioware isn't or didn't run a sub promotion during THAT time so your entire argument here is invalid.


This situation was SO critical to Bioware that they decided to run a Promo during this period and they offered the story content as a carrot for that.

So while in your mind you could legitimately argue, if Bioware felt the same they would have offered some sort of Promo here which they did not.


It's not invalid, you just don't want to accept it. If someone's going to use the "we hung on when the chips were down!" argument for why they should be super-special snowflakes with exclusive access to content, well, the last two years haven't exactly been a boon for players. Players who have hung in from the server merges onward have received very little bang for their buck, in terms of new stuff.


And considering they needed to merge the servers and there were some repeated rumors of the game's closure, as well as no news on 6.0, AND the complete debacle that the original promotion has now become, one can't be surprised that they didn't run another 7 month subscription promo. Given all the controversy and bad feelings it's caused for years, why would they do that again? Right, they wouldn't. If Bioware is at all smart they learned never to gate story behind a promo again. It doesn't mean the situation wasn't still bad, or that players who have subbed for 2018-2019 haven't shown loyalty when they've received very little content to warrant it.

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I get that you are voicing your criticism of the writing in the expansions, but let's not embellish too much. There was virtually no story in the bonus chapter until the final cut scenes. The gimmick behind the bonus chapter was playing as HK-55 for 30 whimsical minutes.

HK is, at this point, a mascot or a running joke and I care very little about him. As I said, if they re-made the chapter to feature HK 51, that's totally good enough for me. If it was somebody else - that's fine too.


As for as I'm concerned, they left the Shroud storyline open for all kinds of future re-writing possibilities (his return would be easier to explain than Revan's or Darth Malgus' ).

If it's revealed that the whole thing was just another deception prepared by the Shroud, not having the chapter would still sad but much easier to swallow.

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Keep in mind that those who have subbed for the last year or year and a half have also hung on with the game through a low point. In particular if you are a story player you received roughly an hour of non-repeatable story content in 2018, delivered 7 months apart, and you have not received any new story playable content for 6 months counting dec 2018- May 2019. PvPers haven't been happy, people who have not liked the Ossus crystal system haven't been happy, and it seems like the player numbers have dropped a lot.


So it could be legitimately argued that anyone who has subbed in 2018 and 2019 has also supported the game when they needed it most.


All great points. The lack of an expansion for 2.5 years has taken its toll.


I'd also add many of us requesting the bonus chapter actually were subbed for many of those original months required in 2016. I myself was subbed for over half of them, but I and many others would still be willing to go the full distance in another 7 month promotion or whatever form the bonus chapter would take as a separate item for sale.


In other words, we'd effectively be paying a lot more for it 3 years later and minus whatever bonuses we missed from the months we were absent. I'd say that's more than fair to original subs and quite the favorable deal for Bioware, given the content is 3 years old and has already been developed.

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It's not invalid, you just don't want to accept it. If someone's going to use the "we hung on when the chips were down!" argument for why they should be super-special snowflakes with exclusive access to content, well, the last two years haven't exactly been a boon for players. Players who have hung in from the server merges onward have received very little bang for their buck, in terms of new stuff.


And considering they needed to merge the servers and there were some repeated rumors of the game's closure, as well as no news on 6.0, AND the complete debacle that the original promotion has now become, one can't be surprised that they didn't run another 7 month subscription promo. Given all the controversy and bad feelings it's caused for years, why would they do that again? Right, they wouldn't. If Bioware is at all smart they learned never to gate story behind a promo again. It doesn't mean the situation wasn't still bad, or that players who have subbed for 2018-2019 haven't shown loyalty when they've received very little content to warrant it.


This is all conjecture and opinion


FACT - Bioware ran promotion for story content to stop people unsubbing during this time.

FACT - Despite your opinion Bioware did NOTHING to stop you from unsubbing during the time you mentioned.


The reason doesn't matter Bioware did not feel the need to offer anything at all during this time, no sub promos at all, they could have loaded one with CC or vanity items without controversy and they didn't.


So what you are saying is irrelevant as Bioware by there actions or inaction did not act on your opinions.

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This is all conjecture and opinion


FACT - Bioware ran promotion for story content to stop people unsubbing during this time.

FACT - Despite your opinion Bioware did NOTHING to stop you from unsubbing during the time you mentioned.


The reason doesn't matter Bioware did not feel the need to offer anything at all during this time, no sub promos at all, they could have loaded one with CC or vanity items without controversy and they didn't.


So what you are saying is irrelevant as Bioware by there actions or inaction did not act on your opinions.


Most posts on this board are "conjecture and opinion," including yours.


And you're also incorrect - Bioware has done several other sub promotions and "play x to receive y" promos during the last two years, including offering three different companions. Shae, Nico, Paxton. The Battlefront II armor and the Chiss gear were both locked behind sub requirements, IIRC. They just didn't repeat the one promo that caused players to implode, which is reasonable and does not mean that everything was peachy.


None of it is irrelevant, you just do not wish to accept anyone else's point of view. Which means it's not worth even trying to continue debating this with you.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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It's a shame many of those who are against this framed their argument around Bioware lying to them. The facts just aren't there for them. If they were honest about their reason for wanting permanent exclusivity, namely so that they can keep a reward others don't have because it makes them feel special and unique, then they may have come across stronger.


It's not that unreasonable to say one wants to have a permanently exclusive reward in order to feel special or superior to others. In fact, it's quite natural to feel that way. I guess they were afraid of making that the crux of their argument because it just sounds petty, which while true, is at least is an honest argument that may have been more effective than a baseless, disingenuous one.


I'm not shy about liking exclusive things. I think it's a good incentive for promoting a product. Heck ... here's a thread I made (in the suggestion forum like we're supposed to) over a year ago: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=946815


... Funny how relevant that is now.


The one thing you don't understand and seemingly refuse to believe is that I like other people to have exclusive items too. I like that there are things in the game I don't have and can't have. I refuse to believe that everything is a "human right" and somehow, in this case, Bioware has to make it so. I'm not the one asking for something I'm not entitled to have.

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All great points. The lack of an expansion for 2.5 years has taken its toll.


I'd also add many of us requesting the bonus chapter actually were subbed for many of those original months required in 2016. I myself was subbed for over half of them, but I and many others would still be willing to go the full distance in another 7 month promotion or whatever form the bonus chapter would take as a separate item for sale.


In other words, we'd effectively be paying a lot more for it 3 years later and minus whatever bonuses we missed from the months we were absent. I'd say that's more than fair to original subs and quite the favorable deal for Bioware, given the content is 3 years old and has already been developed.


I want you to pay an equal amount as we did, no more, no less in either time or something else.


If you are subbed for 7 months for this then SO AM I and I already have the reward so what is MY reward for this promotion?


You paying more does not help me, it does not reward me for my 7 months sub starting now and going till December 2019 so why would I want you to pay more, its pointless to all concerned.

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Most posts on this board are "conjecture and opinion," including yours.


And you're also incorrect - Bioware has done several other sub promotions and "play x to receive y" promos during the last two years, including offering three different companions. Shae, Nico, Paxton. The Battlefront II armor and the Chiss gear were both locked behind sub requirements, IIRC. They just didn't repeat the one promo that caused players to implode, which is reasonable and does not mean that everything was peachy.


None of it is irrelevant, you just do not wish to accept anyone else's point of view. Which means it's not worth even trying to continue debating this with you.


You know what is ironic here.

While it is my preference that this is not re-released I don't particularly care if it is.

My argument, what I want does not deny you your content, far from it. what I want simply allows me to participate in the same promotion this time around that you are.


So I turn one of the favourite arguments of your "side" against you.

Why do you care if an alternate reward is offered for those of us that already have the story and companions?

If you don't care, why are you arguing with me?

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You know what is ironic here.

While it is my preference that this is not re-released I don't particularly care if it is.

My argument, what I want does not deny you your content, far from it. what I want simply allows me to participate in the same promotion this time around that you are.


So I turn one of the favourite arguments of your "side" against you.

Why do you care if an alternate reward is offered for those of us that already have the story and companions?

If you don't care, why are you arguing with me?


If you've read any of my other posts - which I know you have, because you have quoted them - you would know I don't care one way or the other if Bioware gives you guys something. It's nice if they do. It's not a requirement so it would be an act of goodwill. It doesn't affect me in any way, and I don't object.


What I was responding to, as I told you and you seem to have avoided reading, was the argument that the content should continue to be exclusive because those subs supported Bioware when the chips were down. Point being, it's not as though it's been the only low point in the game and as I've said, those of us who have hung in for the last two years certainly haven't seen much out of our subs in terms of new stuff.

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If you've read any of my other posts - which I know you have, because you have quoted them - you would know I don't care one way or the other if Bioware gives you guys something. It's nice if they do. It's not a requirement so it would be an act of goodwill. It doesn't affect me in any way, and I don't object.


What I was responding to, as I told you and you seem to have avoided reading, was the argument that the content should continue to be exclusive because those subs supported Bioware when the chips were down. Point being, it's not as though it's been the only low point in the game and as I've said, those of us who have hung in for the last two years certainly haven't seen much out of our subs in terms of new stuff.


So what have they offered you that caused you, directly, to maintain your sub? I know that they haven't offered me anything over the short amount of time I've been back, and I read that there were some comps earlier that were only available with set conditions, that I missed, and don't care about. If they hadn't been brought up in this thread, I wouldn't even know about 'em. However, I missed the window of opportunity on that, and it's on me. It's too bad that everyone can't have that attitude isn't it?

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BRKMSN, I actual agree with you on a number of points. I don't assume that the people who subscribed during the original promotional period would have subscribed regardless of the promotion, but an argument that has been made multiple times is that that subscription period had no value beyond HK-55 and SoM and that is ludicrous. That sub period had value. Whether that person played during that time they still accrued at least 3500 Cartel Coins up to 4200 or more, depending on referral grants, but some people want to deny there was any other value whatsoever during that time other than HK and SoM. Further, I agree with the opponents to rereleasing this material who say that BW should not rerun old subscription promotions, and I agree that if a promo is repeated then some consideration should be given to those who meet the terms of that promo but already have the award offered. I completely agree with that, but my position differs because I think that after the promotion has ended that should be it, no repeats, and the material should be put on the CM for direct sale. This gives one the option to either get it for free with their subscription for all of their characters across their account for the life of the game or pay for it.


When I made my suggestion to sell the content on the CM for 4000 CC's that was not a number I pulled from the aether. I objectively looked at the time of the promo period, ~6.5 months, and found the product of that length of time by the amount of CC's granted each month to a 6-month recurring subscription. Then I rounded up. Whether one takes a value of 3500 CC's (7 months * 500) or 4200 CC's (7 months * 600) the dollar cost for this content is coming out to more than either the Rise of the Hutt Cartel or Shadow of Revan expansions. But, I stipulated that that 4000 CC (or 4200 if you want to quibble that it required a 7-month sub) must include all rewards from HK-55 in January to SoM in August. Why? Because if we're being honest a 30-min chapter with low replayability and two companions is not worth more than either of the expansions. I then stipulated that every item in the bundle should unlock independently in Collections so that if the purchaser wanted to have access to all material across their account they would have to pay the unlock fee. I'll go even further and say that the bundle and everything in it should be bound so that nothing can be sold on the GTN. What do we get instead? Suggestions that if this material is sold on the CM then it should only include HK-55 and SoM and must be charged at at least 10000 or 15000 CC's or more.


It's difficult to take rebuttals seriously when they are patently ludicrous. First, this content should not be priced against other items on the CM; especially when that item is a vastly overpriced prestige item like a cosmetic weapon. Second, we should be signaling to BW in no uncertain terms that these ridiculously overpriced items are overpriced. A cosmetic item should not cost $20, $30, or $50+, nor should 30-mins of story and two companions cost more than entire expansions. If bundled with all of the other items, then the price point of 4000 or 4200 CC's makes sense.


Another rebuttal that has been made is that there are free CC's to be earned in game and the monthly security key grant doesn't require a sub. Yes, that is true. Disregarding much of the in-game earned CC's, since that isn't a quantifiable value, let's look at some of the lower hanging fruit. For completing the starter planet for the first time on a server one can earn 20 CC's. With eight stories and five servers that means by just completing the starter world one can accrue 800 CC's. But, that is limited to first run only so that value would only be available to someone who comes to the game fresh. The next story benchmark is for completing chapter 1 for each story, which would net another 800 CC's bringing the total to 1600 CC's. That's still 2400 (or 2600) short of my proposed cost. Could someone then wait for their monthly security key grant to accumulate? Sure, for 24 to 26 months. Would that person accrue additional in-game CC awards during that time? Sure, but they would still have to wait a substantially longer period of time than the original promotion in order to afford to purchase the content. Then, if going with my suggestion, they would then have to wait another several months in order to be able to unlock those items in their Collections. Someone who is willing to do all that is not someone who is going to subscribe in the first place. So why do people want to penalizing those who are subscribing to the game for the actions of a select few who never were going to subscribe? Further, if my suggestion to place old sub rewards on the CM were implemented this hypothetical person would always be behind in what they could acquire because the in-game rewards, particularly the story rewards, dry up quickly leaving them to rely upon their monthly security key grant. A measly 1200 CC's per year.


I know that I'm not likely to change your mind, or the mind of anyone else who is opposed to rereleasing this content in some fashion. I do hope, though, that reason prevails and a nuanced discussion can occur that does not revolve around outlandish requests such as charging $100 for 30-mins of story.

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