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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Now that Anthem has launched...can we get some needed TLC for SWTOR?


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Wow finally...looks like a monkey in EA's back has been lifted and hope resources are balanced once more. At least it does seem that some more community reps are engaged back again with the community.


When is the official 2019 roadmap coming or has it been formally scratched off? That might dictate the path SWTOR is following. I know there have been minuscules tidbits of information here and there but no real official word yet?

Edited by Christie_Swift
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I think it is too much to hope that just because Anthem under-performs, if not outright fails, that SWTOR will suddenly get all that budget. If there is an improvement, it'll be rather minimal and not on a huge scale considering those two had two separate budgets.
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Starwars.com has officially posted Old Republic will have presence and stuff at Celebration just now. https://t.co/76clmSWbJu


So the big news will be there then.


From that link/article the only thing mentioned about SWTOR was this:


And Star Wars: The Old Republic, one of the longest running games set a thousand years before the rise of the Empire, will be hosting a special event with more details to come.


It says an "event," with more details to come. Details to come about the event. Not more details about the game or added content etc., if that's what you are expecting when you said "big news."


Then again, perhaps you are really looking forward to the special event, and you really mean that is big news to you. :)

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Since Anthem is such a stellar game, it'll sell like hot-cakes....And there'll be shiny things for everyone!


- Actually most reviews give Anthem around 6/10 and there are a number of recurring complaints about gearing up, trundling slowly around the quest hub and less than gripping gameplay. - Sound like any other BW/ EA game we know?


OTOH compared to SWTOR it looks absolutely gorgeous - even if the characters faces look like they're animated corpses close up. :rak_01:


As others have said, they could have plowed the money into SWTOR and made it epic. but as always new stuff is more exciting to work on than bug-fixing and balancing classes and wrestling with a 10-year old engine.

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Doubtful. Anthem needs a lot of TLC itself. They even have a roadmap of all the things they still need to work on.


Yeah, but maybe some devs have been re-assigned back to SWTOR, while a smaller crew is left to Anthem to tweak and fix. Optimistic, I know. :)


Hey, if we really want to get optimistic, maybe BW is in the process of hiring some of the old devs they once had working on SWTOR so that fixing and tweaking bugs is easier!


I mean if we are going to start fantasizing, we might as well go further with it.

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I hope the rumors that Bioware's fate is linked to Anthem's success are untrue because when Twitch viewer counts are any indication for a game's success/popularity, and they usually are of course, Anthem fails miserably atm.

Like when Apex and Fortnite have 100 k viewers each Anthem has like 5 k, and even Overwatch has 2-3 times more.


The reviews are all not very thrilled either - basically nice gfx but almost no content. A major fail release for now.

Edited by Khaleg
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I hope the rumors that Bioware's fate is linked to Anthem's success are untrue because when Twitch viewer counts are any indication for a game's success/popularity, and they usually are of course, Anthem fails miserably atm.

Like when Apex and Fortnite have 100 k viewers each Anthem has like 5 k, and even Overwatch has 2-3 times more.


The reviews are all not very thrilled either - basically nice gfx but almost no content. A major fail release for now.


Fortnite and Apex are completely free to play though, thats why they are so wide popular. And Overwatch has an esport tournament going on right now. A more fair comparison to go with on twitch would be Destiny and Division

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