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Would u like to have only one Server for all players?


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I've made in the past couple of Days some Suggestions for SWTOR. I don't want to Promote them, its in the Hands of the Devs if they find it is a Good Idea etc. But if you will Read through my Suggestions, links below:jawa_angel:


But before I made a new Suggestion for SWTOR i will ask you: What do u think about One Server where all Players from the EU play together? Like in The Elder Scrolls Online? Yeah, i know: English, France and German Players together in One Realm with language barriers. But this could get easy fixed with 3 Main-Language-Chats. All Players could have one and the same Chat for General. And if you want to be among yourself and Chat in you language it could be possible to have one extra Chat-Area like "General DE" where you can Chat with you guys - so the Main language-Chat for each Country. The Meaning behind it is to Improve overall all the Queue Times, to have more live in Game and to have overall a better Game experience itself.




My motive is to Help Bioware, the Community and overall the Game itself to be a better, active place where you dont feel Bioware would make a "half finished" Game every year or "the Game is Dead". Personally, thats exact my feeling :/ I know, SWTOR isnt "dead". But many Players see it this way - EA has SWTOR given up and they try to "Milk" the Game. Its sad but out of my Mood I will help and make the Game again to a better thing. Not to the "Abandon Side Project, BW/EA keep the Game alive". My Guild and my friends see it the same way. And this is my Motivator. Even if I do not believe it is welcome or it is taken seriously:confused: And don't kill me, my English it not the best^^ The German spelling together with the grammer kills me some times:rolleyes::jawa_tongue:


Suggestion for Smoother Gameplay, Improvement of the MMO Part of the Game, KOTOR "Black Bars" Dialog Option (KOTOR Style Dialog-presentation)

Edited by Kampflerk
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IBut before I made a new Suggestion for SWTOR i will ask you: What do u think about One Server where all Players from the EU play together?


There is already one server for all players from the EU and beyond. It's called Darth Malgus.


There are two optional servers for those who'd rather chat in french or german in a "cozy" lower population community Do you really think ranked will pop faster on Darth Malgus, when you gobble up the players from the other servers?


Folks made the deliberate decision to play on a lower populated server where a certain chat language is encouraged. If you just came back, noticed you have chars on TH or Levi and want a free trip to DM, do what every self-respecting server-merges advocate did in 2017: Throw a fit and threaten to unsub if merges don't happen. Don't pretend you just want to help those poor folks stuck on the less populated servers.

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There is already one server for all players from the EU and beyond. It's called Darth Malgus.


There are two optional servers for those who'd rather chat in french or german in a "cozy" lower population community Do you really think ranked will pop faster on Darth Malgus, when you gobble up the players from the other servers?


Folks made the deliberate decision to play on a lower populated server where a certain chat language is encouraged. If you just came back, noticed you have chars on TH or Levi and want a free trip to DM, do what every self-respecting server-merges advocate did in 2017: Throw a fit and threaten to unsub if merges don't happen. Don't pretend you just want to help those poor folks stuck on the less populated servers.


ahh yeea....... So you dont think it would Improve the Game itself, to find new and more Players, have less Queue Time for everthing and so on?


Im from Germany and i play on Darth Malgus but only because the German Realm is "dead". And where is the Problem to have One Server but to select only your Language and write with all other People across the EU? In The Elder Scrolls online it works fine and all are happy and you dont have any Problems:rolleyes: For those People they dont speak English, for those are the other Chat-Sections in there Language to Write and Speak in the Mother-Language. Overall is see no issue with such a Server - or is there a Misunderstanding:confused:

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I think one west coast server would be great along with what they already got now.


APAC players got shafted. There's no words to describe how sneakily and shadily BW dropped that change on the APAC playerbase.


I was off on a break from SWTOR when they did that, but recently read through the threads and posts and can't believe how dirty that whole debacle was handled. Really little to no conscience on BW's behalf regarding how that impacted thousands of players.

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Would u like to have only one Server for all players?


No road map.

Almost total lack of any meaningful communication between players and Bioware.

Badly implemented patches.

Worst gear grind in the history of the game.


Stick around for 6 months, one server will happen quite naturally, no need to ask them to do it, they'll have to.



All The Best

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Would u like to have only one Server for all players?



managing my 145 toons on one server would be a nightmare. I've 89 toons on my main account and more on the other three.


With 6 toons displayed per page on the char select screen, that would be 15 pages to scroll through to find the character that I want to play. Bad enough with the 7 pages I'm scrolling through now on Star Forge.


And no, don't tell me I need to modify my play style and kill off toons because you want a consolidated server.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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No thanks, i don't want to loose characters and names again, and be even more restricted with the number of characters i can have on 1 server (i'm full, well, i can create more on other servers, with only 1, that's impossible)


And, well, i'm very happy on my french server

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Yes. We don't have the populous for more.


Bitte was?? o__o This is so stupid.. So you DONT make ONE BIG SERVER for ALL Players for ALL Languages because you DONT have ENOUGH People they Play the Game?? Seriously? THIS is the SENSE you make a Server consolidation because of to less Players....

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Bitte was?? o__o This is so stupid.. So you DONT make ONE BIG SERVER for ALL Players for ALL Languages because you DONT have ENOUGH People they Play the Game?? Seriously? THIS is the SENSE you make a Server consolidation because of to less Players....


He is saying he agrees to make one server for all, because the population is low and having more servers as it is now; more than one is bad.

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He is saying he agrees to make one server for all, because the population is low and having more servers as it is now; more than one is bad.


oh, Sorry o_o No idea was brain afk:D


Yea then you would have a Problem. When you put you own Characters over the Game itself, its health and the feeling you lost a "Name"... Sorry this is ******** (My Opinion;))

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1. Not a fan of losing names that I have had since launch.

2. Not a fan of people coming over to Star Forge and going on for months that roleplayers are not welcome and that they should stop roleplaying since they don't contribute anything to the game.

3. Not a fan of ninja's when you are out doing dailies and they stand around waiting for you to kill something and then they swoop in, like the vultures they are, and take the item you need. While sometimes you can circumvent this not all the time can it be done.\

4. There is no guarantee you are going to have more players doing what you want anyways. There is a chance it will not change anything as not everyone PVP or does Operations and we could wind up losing more people if the merge the servers.

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I could care less about 1 server or not because I've deleted most of my alts down to 9 now ( what's the point as they'll never have the good gear) and bioware made sure it would be too expensive to server hop so I'm down to just 2 servers.


Plus as I've said before, 1 server is the end of the game. Bioware will go maintenance mode or EA will shut it down. The population (subs, revenue etc) will be too low that it won't justify new content.


Saying all that, just go one server so we can stop these ridiculous threads.

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Bitte was?? o__o This is so stupid.. So you DONT make ONE BIG SERVER for ALL Players for ALL Languages because you DONT have ENOUGH People they Play the Game?? Seriously? THIS is the SENSE you make a Server consolidation because of to less Players....

I was agreeing with you. We only need one. Our population is too spread out right now and we honestly just don't have enough players to support multiple servers imo.

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If it would located in EU datacenter, i would be annoyed because of name issues, character slot limitations and places being too crowdy.


If it would be located in US datacenter, i would just quit.


So no. Would not want only one server.

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1. Not a fan of losing names that I have had since launch.

2. Not a fan of people coming over to Star Forge and going on for months that roleplayers are not welcome and that they should stop roleplaying since they don't contribute anything to the game.

3. Not a fan of ninja's when you are out doing dailies and they stand around waiting for you to kill something and then they swoop in, like the vultures they are, and take the item you need. While sometimes you can circumvent this not all the time can it be done.\

4. There is no guarantee you are going to have more players doing what you want anyways. There is a chance it will not change anything as not everyone PVP or does Operations and we could wind up losing more people if the merge the servers.


All of this, plus the lag it would bring. Absolutely not. I won't have people coming in and thinking they can run amok and say this is the pvp server now, all others get out...like they did the last time.

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I maybe in a vast minority, but I'd like to go back to the 17 or so severs we had 14 months ago. Change the transfer cost back to 90cc and let the people that want to move to a server for better grouping options go, I like having smaller populations, I don't run OPs or PvP and never had much of a problem with using group finder for Flashpoints. I'm have however had more issues with lag and objective collecting on the current server system. Bounty Hunting week was a nightmare for me, as I lost targets to people not wanting to wait for me to capture my target, jumping in and killing them before I could drop carbonite traps. I understand it more a me issue but you asked, I answered and we all have our own play styles.
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Yea its fine that you dont care about population. Its fine to care about you Char. Names and the Lag Issue but to the first its Stupid afterall. Instead of having a better and healthier Game you would play an a whole Server for you own?:rolleyes: Like the Troll trys from such ******* they care only about them selfe, dont like to play with other people or have no real idea about such things <3


"Ninja's" how they Call it are in every game but whats exactly is the issue where is none? Yea People came and farm some Mobs and? They cant Gank you when you only play in the PVE instance. "Mobstealing" is already a "problem" since the Games Launches (Was also over years in WoW) but how cares? If you get "Ganked" you turn off, make something different and come back later.


RP Players are on every Realms, Darth Malgus, Tulak Hord, Satele Shan, but they cant make propper RP because of the Game Itself. SWTOR doesnt "allow" it because its lacking such things like a Chat over the Charakter, Propper Emotes and some other things you have in other Games. In this aspect SWTOR is a Half-Finished Game with no Heart = Trash.


And Ofc there is no warranty thats something would Chance after Realm-Consolidation to One Server for EU and One for the US (For Ping issues) But you cant argue thats would be a bad thing of the Game itself - All other problems left out such Lags, Delay etc. There is no warranty thats Queue "pop" faster or something. But afterall the Community would be ONE and the first Issue with the "SWTOR is Dead" would be solved.


This is a discussion but its Stupid to say "I dont like it because the Game would be Harder" or "I play for me alone and i hate Ninjas". Yea Ninjas are boring but thats in every Game. But SWTOR has not the Content so its would not be a big Problem because the Content we have is boring af^^ You even must now farm Gear, you can play the Game Solo and dont die:rak_04: The the Name and Twink Issue: Then rename the Char? I dont think you would die when you rename some Characters o_o


I dont think some people have realized until Today that you have the Option the Play in the PVE or PVP Instance:rolleyes:


But i know what you mean - but this are Stupid reasons to say it so. Sorry, do not want to attack anyone personally at the end.


////Wall of Text, end:rak_tongue:

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The Europeans can do what they want, idc. I don't play on those servers anyway. Just don't make one server for NA. Losing the west coast was bad enough.


People are reacting to your thread where you say one server for all players and then in your textwall mention that you're only talking about the EU servers, which kinda makes a difference to what you're saying.

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The Europeans can do what they want, idc. I don't play on those servers anyway. Just don't make one server for NA. Losing the west coast was bad enough.


People are reacting to your thread where you say one server for all players and then in your textwall mention that you're only talking about the EU servers, which kinda makes a difference to what you're saying.


i dont know how it could exactly work but it would be possible to only have one Server but 2 Instances. Depends from where you came and you would host over a Server in you location with your Language, but dont had any Server Choice from where you can Choose. But im no Tech. Pro for that. But its possible, but dont ask me how exactly. For that you must ask Zenimax from there I have this "idea" what could help SWTOR :D I only said "2 Servers" in my Post to to bring the people down so thats the Thread dont get a full Spam with Flames about it because of personal aversion because of idiotic opinions.


Little Offtipic:


I know thats my Suggestions dont get compliance like the Part to make SWTOR again to the MMO it was. Or to Improve the Gameplay to fit more the Sense of a Good Quality Game and get a little more in the Path of WoW (Its not bad, but i dont want to Copy all of Blizzard.


But its a fact thats Bioware must learn from them and make it better - Blizzard is Copying Stuff from SWTOR since MIst of Pandaria and Bioware must make the Same for SWTOR in some important parts like: Keep the Players, make worthy repeatable Quests they have meaning or make Gearing important again to have a "Carrot before the Nose" and things to Farm for like Transmogg Gear or Mounts in Flashpoints. Stuff thats need a Game to keep Players into the Game, get new Players etc. But i can imagen thats some Players dont want all this Stuff because its "Star Wars". They grew up with it and its a Part of the Childhood they dont want to get "Change" or get Harder or something. To keep all good Memories etc.


But Im a Star Wars Fan aswell (as we all here i think) but i dont want to get a **** Product thats could be better with some improvments in some directions;)


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I think one west coast server would be great along with what they already got now.


APAC players got shafted. There's no words to describe how sneakily and shadily BW dropped that change on the APAC playerbase.


I was off on a break from SWTOR when they did that, but recently read through the threads and posts and can't believe how dirty that whole debacle was handled. Really little to no conscience on BW's behalf regarding how that impacted thousands of players.


R.I.P. APAC. We will remember thee.

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