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Companions after 5.10.1


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I lost 2 on characters that had skipped - both level 50s back to 1 (Jorgan & Vette). I still have the L50s on characters that completed the story line. The only reason I noticed it was Jorgan's kit appeared in my inventory.... One of those cost me 4.5m plus 3 Dark Projects, I have another one ready to go - just as well I didn't! Not feeling particularly happy or forgiving atm.
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I lost 2 on characters that had skipped - both level 50s back to 1 (Jorgan & Vette). I still have the L50s on characters that completed the story line. The only reason I noticed it was Jorgan's kit appeared in my inventory.... One of those cost me 4.5m plus 3 Dark Projects, I have another one ready to go - just as well I didn't! Not feeling particularly happy or forgiving atm.


Ohhhhh this is greatly distressing for me. If not fixed SOON, this is a game-ending bug for me. I took a vacation from the game 2 years ago because I didn't feel like losing all my companions on 40+ characters and slowly earning them back through the EXACT SAME narrow set of single player missions. I only came back because I could SKIP all the KotFEET stuff and get the majority of my companions back. I didn't even mind having to go through some particular missions to get some of them. They returned at the level I left them and I continued to increase their affection... uh, "influence."


If that gets wiped away and they're all reset to zero, then I'm done again.


This game has been through YEARS of misfires and total misreads of the player base while accumulating more and more unfixed bugs. This will be the last straw unless a fix is announced and implemented soon... not in a month, not in several weeks, but SOON.

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:mad:Many companions reset influence to zero after patch. On my Imp Jugs, Vette was reset on both, on My commando, Arc Jorgan reset from 50 to zero. Others missing and or reset. This is worse than before the patch. Scorpio still not being restored by the companion terminal on my two Snipers. :mad: How about the bleeping Devs get their act together and fix this. Stop rolling out broken stuff and fix it. 5 million credits and 25 min to get them back to where they were per companion. As a crafter, you are killing me.
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I had to go peek... I looked at several characters (Pub side, mostly smugglers but a few others) and most were fine. Hit my Powertech and BOOM - Gault and Torien's clothes back in my inventory and they're reduced to 1's - and both were easily over 10 (I don't remember the exact number).


This has to be reversed immediately. This is why I haven't played on some of my characters (I'm seeing Rainas at level 1 and one agent romanced her. Not losing 30 levels. Just not gonna do it.)

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I'm disappointed that this issue hasn't received even the slightest acknowledgement from the devs. Companion influence ranks affect every single player in the game.


Of course, there was immediate response to the gear issue, which affects only those players who have engaged in the Ossus grind relentlessly for weeks on end.

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I'm disappointed that this issue hasn't received even the slightest acknowledgement from the devs. Companion influence ranks affect every single player in the game.


Of course, there was immediate response to the gear issue, which affects only those players who have engaged in the Ossus grind relentlessly for weeks on end.


I was gonna post this but was worried i will be attacked by the crazy geargrinder folks :o Thanks for being the braver one.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


The team is looking into the Companion issues reported following 5.10.1. Keep the details coming.


I mentioned in the set bonus thread that we may have a maintenance tomorrow to address that issue. We do not yet have a fix locked down for these companion issues so they will not be addressed tomorrow.


Thanks all, I will pass on more info as I have it!



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Hey folks,


The team is looking into the Companion issues reported following 5.10.1. Keep the details coming.


I mentioned in the set bonus thread that we may have a maintenance tomorrow to address that issue. We do not yet have a fix locked down for these companion issues so they will not be addressed tomorrow.


Thanks all, I will pass on more info as I have it!




Thank you :)

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Hey folks,


The team is looking into the Companion issues reported following 5.10.1. Keep the details coming.


I mentioned in the set bonus thread that we may have a maintenance tomorrow to address that issue. We do not yet have a fix locked down for these companion issues so they will not be addressed tomorrow.


Thanks all, I will pass on more info as I have it!




Thank you. Would you say it is safe for us to log into our toons with level 50 comps or is it advisable to play other characters?

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Thank you. Would you say it is safe for us to log into our toons with level 50 comps or is it advisable to play other characters?


My concern is that logging in will immediately apply the scripts that update content (such as companions) not just for the toon logged on but for the server's toons that I log into if not my entire account's.


Otherwise, if it's the case that they apply the update scripts to the entire population of characters ever created in the game (which would be entirely inefficient), the work has been done before you ever log in.


Clarification would be helpful, so if you still wanted your SWTOR fix, you could run off to a server you don't play (or play much), create a scratch toon, and dither around until a meaningful fix.

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My concern is that logging in will immediately apply the scripts that update content (such as companions) not just for the toon logged on but for the server's toons that I log into if not my entire account's.


This is my worry too. Would like to know is it safe to log in or better to keep out? Does it make any difference? With some earlier bugs there has been situations where fix for the "people affected" came later than fix for actually bug that caused the problem.

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Some folks are saying that this issue only affects characters that skipped content. There's no definitive answer on this yet.


I've spent countless hours and credits getting companions to Rank 50. I'm not comfortable logging in until I'm absolutely certain that none of my companions will be affected.


We all suffered through the game taking away ALL our original class companions and having to start over again with the garbage characters from KotFE / KotET. I'm not doing this grind again.


Give us some information about who is affected and who can safely log in without worry. If I can't play, I see no reason to continue paying for a subscription.

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Multiple companions affection reduced back to 1....


That millions and millions of credits blown. What’s worse is it’s on my main crafters... so mad I just can’t


I’ve also had some comps disappear entirely. Ie Vette.


Honestly, can’t you guys ever release a patch without breaking something else?


This better be fixed with this next patch.... I’m so over this rubbish


Edit :


Some clarification on comps disappearing. They seem to be your original ones and not the ones that you got back from story.

So if your original Vette or Kaliyo had 50 affection, you lose those versions and get stuck with one that has arrived back through the story and might have 1 lvl affection.

This is so unacceptable when it costs so many credits and time to get your comps to affection 50.

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Some clarification on comps disappearing. They seem to be your original ones and not the ones that you got back from story.

So if your original Vette or Kaliyo had 50 affection, you lose those versions and get stuck with one that has arrived back through the story and might have 1 lvl affection.

This is so unacceptable when it costs so many credits and time to get your comps to affection 50.


When I got my story comps back, they had the same rank as when they left. This information would seem to imply that when they gave them back, their rank was set by copying the original lost comps' ranks, but now that those originals are gone, there's no foundation for the copies that are left, so it just resets to 0 influence.


I get the impression that the devs go tugging at threads in the database without looking to see how they're connected to the whole tapestry.

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When I got my story comps back, they had the same rank as when they left. This information would seem to imply that when they gave them back, their rank was set by copying the original lost comps' ranks, but now that those originals are gone, there's no foundation for the copies that are left, so it just resets to 0 influence.


I get the impression that the devs go tugging at threads in the database without looking to see how they're connected to the whole tapestry.


Yeah, I think the same. I think the problem is they are coders and artists and not database managers.

People tend to think database management or mining is simple and it is if it’s a basic database.

But I think we can all agree that the systems BioWare use aren’t simple.

It’s past time they got someone on their staff that knows how to manage the database better.

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A bit of a twist on this:


My Jedi Guardian had one companion at level 50 prior to the patch (Shae Vizla), no duplicates. After the patch went live I summoned her and went and did some dailies. It became obvious that she can no longer heal, tank or deal dps like a level 50. I checked the companion window and she still shows 50. Refuses to heal regardless of distance, can't tank worth beans and dps is very poor. Summoning a level 20 companion outshined her in every way.


Character did not skip FEET or any other part of the subsequent lead up to the current patch.

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A bit of a twist on this:


My Jedi Guardian had one companion at level 50 prior to the patch (Shae Vizla), no duplicates. After the patch went live I summoned her and went and did some dailies. It became obvious that she can no longer heal, tank or deal dps like a level 50. I checked the companion window and she still shows 50. Refuses to heal regardless of distance, can't tank worth beans and dps is very poor. Summoning a level 20 companion outshined her in every way.


Character did not skip FEET or any other part of the subsequent lead up to the current patch.


Any chance you or someone could parse her and compare to older values?

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Is it no longer possible to keep KotFE and KotET companions outside of the chapters?

It used to be possible to exit Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire after Marr joins you and still have him with you (in your stronghold, for example) but I can't summon him anymore since the last update.

There's nothing in the patch notes about this, so may I ask if this was an intended change? Pretty sure I know the answer to that already, but I'd like an explanation at least.. You took him away yet again, and yet again it broke my heart :(

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