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Everything posted by KelKrios

  1. hey guys, i see everyone is saying how amazing lightning sorc is. I, for some reason, can't get mine to either do much damage or survive multiple oponents looking in my general direction. my bubble barely lasts a second and my self heals do absolutely nothing. DPS seems rather mediocre also. granted my gear isn't maxed and i'm wearing green/blues that i collected along the way. what should i be doing to survive?
  2. while IA story is touted as one of the best (and i tend to agree), i also believe that the Sith Inquisitor storry is by far the worst. You have very bland companions except maybe one, The story paints your character into a complete idiot that deserves at least three facepalms. These are my opinions and i feel very passionately about them because i just finished the SI playthrough and was extremely dissappointed and put out by the terrible writing. As far as gameplay, i think IA still outshines SI. IA is tankier and generally has a lot more tools for either dps or defense.
  3. well harumph! Snipers are just fine using trooper blaster rifles, but commandos are stuck with those unwieldy thingamabobs. Sigh.
  4. Hey guys! So i want to play Commando but man... the aesthetics of that giant cannon really bug me. Can i use a blaster rifle on him or am i stuck using that giant thingamabob? Thanks!
  5. then there is also the horribleness of the Corellia story line. It made me furious.
  6. Right, sorry. if only this game would last long enough to get more story in
  7. That's a very interesting perspective / explanation. The only counter argument that I can think of is that Strength does not mean Intelligence or wisdom. Just look at the Sith Inquisitor story. It is the most disgusting display of Sith culture. The inquisitor kills a darth, the dearth's lord politely retaliates. Your character spends the entire story being a complete idiot walking face first into danger and *cough cough cough* somehow manages to get unbelievable amount of political power because of his sheer dumb luck and brute strength in the force. Even the whole story in Corellia plays out as nothing more than selfish power grab that completely disregards any military strategy or lives of soldiers on the ground. SI is the example of the terrible leadership who cares for nothing but personal gain. My question is how does a culture like this flourish?
  8. I definitely have my list of KoS targets but i feel like my list is totally weird except for Kaliyo. Also, i find Skedge funny. Why don't people find him funny? KoS: Broondark or broombark... whatever Xalek Kaliyo Zion (or whatever that twilek dork is from Consular story line...) Quinn (i'd stab him and keep stabbing until nothing's left) The pirate guy from Inquisitor story line. The loutspeaker robot from Trooper story Vik Yuun (though i like his personality, his voice is like nails on glass) Quizon (the lizard from consular story. same reason as Yuun) Rusk Risha I think this is pretty complete...
  9. Si is the omly class that gets killed five times because of own stupidity. He is the best example of fluke pretenders maki g it to the dark council.
  10. after much contemplating on what stories I like and don't, I stumbled on a single problem with my SI. I feel like the story makes my character into a complete idiot with too much power. He would have died at least four times before chapter one even started if not for interference of some third party. This is the only character that survives the entire story thanks only due to his stupid luck. He is like a noob playing a fotm character that gets carried to endgame. SI blindly follows whatever anyone tells him. Even Consular carries his own weight
  11. Risha is a snobby princess that i get to yell at on my ship. Shoo.... All she got going for her is the bod... her attitude needs so much work. First thing i do with her on Taris is ask her why the cute girl with the scar is mad at her and she says caus she left her and never looked back. I'm like.... YEAH... Nope....
  12. Thank you so much for your answer! Most helpful!!!
  13. Hi Everyone! I know this question has been asked, but a lot of the data seems kind of old and stuck in the last patch. I just wanted to follow up for a more updated response. I am playing a Smuggler SHarpshooter. I am looking for a good companion to get to level 50, one that won't leave me or possibly leave me in the future. On that list i have Treek, HK51, HK55, Darth Hexid, Paxton and a few GTN bots that i bought outo f misguided stupidity. I know Bowdaar comes back rather quickly to you, while you have to slog a long way through a story to get corso and risha and akaavi. Also the possibility of having one or more of them killed off in the future really hampers my trust in any freely given companions. Thanks!
  14. Right. Towards the end, the nazzis were killing off talent for fear of treason and more. This lead to a rather swift decline in military performance, morale and so on. Thats my point, how long can a government structure last with these kinds of shenanigans. I guess I find it frustrating while doing the story content along with side quests and all,every five steps intake there's a yellow eyed pasty maniac with plans for world domination, some horrible plague or just plain ole genocide. First thing gravus says to me: I want to complete Taris destruction. WHY? Scorched earth strategy? Again, why? Wouldn't a planet be of use to you with resources and able-bodied creatures to mine them? Why make rackghoul plague worse then kill everything?! Belsavis and hot are the only two planets with sensible imperials. Even those are few and far between. Obviously I'm not destined to play empire. But after completing bounty hunter, sith warrior and sith inquisitor story lines i can say that the success of the empire is a huge mystery to me. It should not exist at all
  15. I really don't get the whole concept of the Empide and how it grew to the behemoth it is in swtor. Other than plot armor, it makes no sense. You have an absentee emperor, Darths that kill each other on hourly basis for personal gain and soldiers used willy nilly for cannon fodder. Its like if Nazi Germany was killing off all of its greatest soldiers and generals and still somehow able to expand to cover half the globe. I tried playing sith warrior and inquisitor and each time the story goes like "wow you are really strong, thanks for helping the empire, now I must kill you." One of my tools killed like 5 darths and nothing bad happened. "Yes, you can absolutely rule this country! Please kill some more darths." BAH! And why is every sith I meet is a psycho mass murderer?! Lana is a nice change of pace but everyone else....
  16. Thanks for the answers. I stopped playing seriously around Hutt cartel. I finished the story lines of Kotet but then I never really did any profession stuff. So I guess as far as professions I need something thats most viable for leveling, solo content and a bit of endgame. As far as classes, I am not sure I like the janky rotation of the janky rotation of the sorc. I feel like with the jedi the instant skills kind of flow better than the strange feeling i get from the sorc. I still want to finish the base story with it so maybe it will feel better. But right now once I get done with the opener, the fight turns into a weird concoction of a turret class with a few instacasts. I don't like it. Also mobs burn through my shield and my own heals don't keep up. So I have to rely on my companions healing and my trashy dps because my gear socks. Overall just not fun. I was hoping to play a class that I can do heroic missions on base worlds while running with dps companion and being able to ward off attacks with my cool downs and cc.
  17. hello all! These questions have been asked a few times but a few years ago. So was wondering to get some updated answers. 1: I have played a jedi guardian and a trooper to the end of kotet seemed like the romance with lana is the only ongoing romance that I can have. I know that Kira returned. If I romance her again, will there be any further developments to that or is lana the only one where the relationship keeps going? 2: I want to play an empire side too. I don't want to play Juggernywarrior so thought about either Marauder or Assassin. After playing a lightning sorc and almost dying to a few basic mobs, was curious which would have more basic survival skills? 3: do professions matter and is biochem still best option? Thank you everyone so much! Really appreciate and all input
  18. Oh.... well...... ok then. I forgive her. But where is she now!!!!!????
  19. Ok. I figured it out! So, I decided that Lana is the better romance because she comes to your rescue. Where is Kira?! T7 came to bust me out! Where she at? Where is Vette for my Sith warrior?! The only three people that come to help me out of Zakuulare Lana, my bro T7 and some dude I never met. The rest of them are MIA. With Vette and SW I find it most unforgivable. She is chilling with Gault while my SW is fighting for his life. Pffffft! Lana 4 ever now!
  20. I been playing a few classes now and I am very confused. Why are all romanceable characters body type 2. Where are the body type 1 3 and 4? What if I like them soft and cuddly rather than a perfect Gucci bikini model? Where are multiple female romance options in KOTET? Why do I only have uncustomizeable Lana while the boys are represented by Koth, Theron, Arcann and probably others I don’t know about. How is it that none of the vanilla romance girls didn’t gain weight in lue of being dramatized by my alleged death?! It’d be awesome to reunite with Elara who is like 30 pounds heavier caus she was sad. Come on!
  21. I doubt there is any budget to keep voice actors for vanilla romances around. It’d be amazing if you keep an ongoing romance with your vanilla love with as much content as Lana gets. It’s really annoying that Lana is the only female romance in expansion while you can have multiple male ones. I call sexism!!!
  22. I don’t mind Lana, but I think it’s a bit unfair that there are more males to be romanced than females. Give me a new female! Empress Acina or ... I don’t know... someone else. Someone that doesn’t look like Kaliyo
  23. Well I’m mostly done with the JK story and I must say that it certainly appealed better to me than SW. A lot less senseless killings and a lot more of being a good guy. I think he has better companions too. Most of them are on the same page whereas with SW I have to constantly quell drama between my crew.
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