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10730 dmg stunlock in 7 seconds, best pvp class found


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Hey, I have an awesome idea. Lets analyze PvP balance a week after the game comes out by watching a level 50 centurion operative decked out with full PvP gear stomp lowbies with trash gear.


You're all complete morons and you severely underestimate the massive boost the top tier gear gives in PvP. I saw a 50 Powertech the other day produce 508k in a warzone while another 50 Powertech in the same warzone did about 130k.


Guess what the difference between the two Powertechs were? A suit of purple PvP gear vs trash gear. I've seen similar results on mercs and sorcs that were decked out.


(PS I'm not an operative)


That's called a skill difference. Gear does not make anywhere near that much of an influence. I just went from trash gear to pvp gear, and it's just what it says, a 5% difference.

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That's called a skill difference. Gear does not make anywhere near that much of an influence. I just went from trash gear to pvp gear, and it's just what it says, a 5% difference.


Skill factors in, gear factors in more until everyone has similar gear (not the case at this point in the game). When two level 50s use the same abilities, one is doing a consistent 1.2k the other is doing 2.5k and crits over half the time because of set bonuses (look at merc set bonuses) than it becomes a big deal. These numbers come from personal experience seeing the difference in damage between tracer missiles between geared vs. non geared mercs.


I don't know where you're pulling this arbitrary 5% from. If you're talking about expertise, that's a non issue. I'm talking about general stat differences between green/blue trash gear vs. the purple PvP armor and weapons. Look at the PvP weapon by itself. The skill (called tech for mercs) bonus difference between a run of the mill blue weapon vs a PvP weap is massive. Weapon alone provides 20-30% skill damage increase.

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Skill factors in, gear factors in more until everyone has similar gear (not the case at this point in the game). When two level 50s use the same abilities, one is doing a consistent 1.2k the other is doing 2.5k and crits over half the time because of set bonuses (look at merc set bonuses) than it becomes a big deal. These numbers come from personal experience seeing the difference in damage between tracer missiles between geared vs. non geared mercs.


I don't know where you're pulling this arbitrary 5% from. If you're talking about expertise, that's a non issue. I'm talking about general stat differences between green/blue trash gear vs. the purple PvP armor and weapons. Look at the PvP weapon by itself. The skill (called tech for mercs) bonus difference between a run of the mill blue weapon vs a PvP weap is massive. Weapon alone provides 20-30% skill damage increase.


One is doing 1.2k non crits and one is doing 2.5k crits? I guess the lesser geared has 0% crit, so that's the only way we can compare them. The damage difference is not that ridiculous. My base damage on abilities have increased by about 150 from trash gear. You're just making too big of a deal, most geared 50's were still garbage and easy to kill before I was geared, gear made no impact compared to skill. It was the same thing in Wahammer, people cried about geared people owning them, while I found no problem with them, and once I was geared they were just food. Stop putting blame on gear making you lose.

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Ugh people in this thread are so misinformed it really ticks me off.

I stopped reading when I saw a guy dub the scoundrel class "easiest to play 3 button win class"


A SKILLED lvl 50 Scoundrel (and yes, managing your energy takes SKILL) in EXPERTISE GEAR against a NON-SKILLED lvl 14 opponent with NO EXPERTISE GEAR is going to hit hard.

But so is a SKILLED lvl 50 Bounty hunter in EXPERTISE GEAR.

The problem is people perceive the Scoundrel to do higher damage because of the fact it's done by burst. Overall during the length of the fight, the damage balances out, which is much more noticable when both classes are decked out in the same gear.

Edited by Tokosteef
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This thread is full of herpa derps.


Only baddies can't recover from an ops opener. I fight good ops on my server ALL the time and don't see the problem. I guarantee all of these whiners here are mindlessly blowing all of their cds on frivolous garbage instead of the important stuff.


I don't wanna hear about ops dmg when I personally have seen Mercs and Sins nearly break 600k dmg in a wz. Ever fight a fully champ geared PT or Jugg? Those guys are almost impossible to take down even with all the burst.







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One is doing 1.2k non crits and one is doing 2.5k crits? I guess the lesser geared has 0% crit, so that's the only way we can compare them. The damage difference is not that ridiculous. My base damage on abilities have increased by about 150 from trash gear. You're just making too big of a deal, most geared 50's were still garbage and easy to kill before I was geared, gear made no impact compared to skill. It was the same thing in Wahammer, people cried about geared people owning them, while I found no problem with them, and once I was geared they were just food. Stop putting blame on gear making you lose.


The point of my posts have clearly gone over your head so let me explain this in terms even a subhuman like yourself can understand.


Guy (OP) whines about PvP imbalance


OP shows video of decked out level 50 operative stomping greys and trash geared players


OP equates massive gear difference to ridiculous class imbalance


OP = stupid


...I make a post saying you can't judge class balance unless you're comparing players with similar gear and levels.


New guy (you) comes in and makes spastic, irrelevant post about skill > gear throwing out the arbitrary number "5%" claiming that this percentage is the difference between geared and non-geared players.


I refute claim and explain that gear makes a much larger difference than you think. Anyone who is a well-geared centurion players at end game knows this. Regardless of skill, a player decked out in greens will never produce 500k damage in a warfront.


Skill makes a difference but an extremely well geared player of high skill will stomp a **** geared player of high skill. This should be obvious to anyone without brain damage.


You make new post saying skill makes a difference (something no one has refuted) and claim im QQing about about losing to geared players (also something that has not happened)


You = dumb

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Sounds like a sage got but ***** in open world and now is gonna QQ about it on the forums...


Stealth Melee classes should **** an Offensive Caster 1v1 every time. Its rock v paper. Stop the QQ. As a a sage/sorc can wreck many classes easily 1v1, calling for nerfs if pointless. Ops cant do crap to a group of people. They can hide and wait for them to leave. A second person could have stunned for cc'd that op and it would have been gg.


Stop crying for nerfs and let them fix the game so everyone can play consistently first...:rolleyes:

Edited by Qeuzolt
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All the people claiming other classes can do 5 billion dmg on scoreboard are just clueless.


Sure a bounty hunter or trooper can pad a lot of meaningless AOE dmg and not kill anyone when healed but hey look, he's got the highest dmg, that must mean he's skilled.


Skill in pvp means timing, positioning, reactive or proactively active skills to assist or defend yourself.


So you take a class who can choose his battle (timing) and best attack position (positioning) and stun you while delivering enough damage to take away 70% of your hp (stun deny your reactive ability and stealth means you don't know they are there and can't proactively activate your defensive skills)


People say other classes can do same amount of dmg or more, but that's fine as long as I have control over my character. I can line of sight, but up defensive ability or there might be heal coming my way.


There's so many people telling us non-operative/scoundrel players to l2p... okay TELL us HOW to counter you exactly?


Anybody is actually gonna provide some "USEFUL" advise?

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Just got out of a match that was 3 Operatives, 1 Sniper, 2 Powertechs, and 2 assassins all 35+. The only reason that was less retarded than sorc's/sages being stacked the same way is that we actually killed them occasionally.


Other than that though you take a point and 3 people would drop dead nearly at the same time. They won 2 turrets and just camped our exits.




Well run as a group you say? That's prolly the most I've ever seen tranquilizer used and any healers normally got double stealth attacked. Most of the time any of them got low they just cleansed>>vanished>>break LOS nearby>>>healed self>>>stealthed back in.



Difference from sorc/sage? With proper coordination I don't see how that would work too much differently in 50 PVP. Just double up on the openers. Sniper and the 2 Powertechs were a complete non-issue. They barely even got to deal damage.




PVP is gonna need some serious balance overhauls lol.

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Ohh look another OP Concealment thread, and here is my sarcastic response ..



You people = "I want OP Concealment nerfed, I got bursted Bioware by a rogue type of class, god forbid someone use skills on me and kill my immersion with my Sith or Jedi.


I am suppose to be the best not Agent, I hate you Bioware!! /inserts Titanic Celine Dion song"


My quote on the other nerf thread,



Here is the funny thing,


Sage/Sorc= bubble + CC + heals + dots + Force speed


Shadow/Assassin= CC + same type of moves as a OP, but has Force speed and light armor


Vanguard/Powertech= Shield + bubble + CC + dots (Tank would be high hp)


Guardian/Jugg= Stuns + Shield + high hp (can't be kited, has to be taken down quick or its a GG)


That leaves Mar/Sent which gets beat up by a OP


Merc/Commando= that is a pain in *** to take down due the damage and bubble shield they have + stuns and heals


Also another Agent/Smug which gets bet up by their own class.


So because a burst ROGUE class burst, you want to nerf the damage and leave the high damage on all the other classes and defense?


Do you actually think a opener with a OP is easy dealing with all the CC and defense all the other classes have in this game?


OP isn't even a stun lock, its a burst lock.


You people crack me up with the crying about a rogue class beating you up.

Edited by Caeliux
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All the people claiming other classes can do 5 billion dmg on scoreboard are just clueless.


Sure a bounty hunter or trooper can pad a lot of meaningless AOE dmg and not kill anyone when healed but hey look, he's got the highest dmg, that must mean he's skilled.


Skill in pvp means timing, positioning, reactive or proactively active skills to assist or defend yourself.


So you take a class who can choose his battle (timing) and best attack position (positioning) and stun you while delivering enough damage to take away 70% of your hp (stun deny your reactive ability and stealth means you don't know they are there and can't proactively activate your defensive skills)


People say other classes can do same amount of dmg or more, but that's fine as long as I have control over my character. I can line of sight, but up defensive ability or there might be heal coming my way.


There's so many people telling us non-operative/scoundrel players to l2p... okay TELL us HOW to counter you exactly?


Anybody is actually gonna provide some "USEFUL" advise?


So if i get 58killing blows, 11medals 460k dmg, 7800objectives and no death, am i good enuf?


edit: Learn to use def cds, after the knockback via the hiden strike you are imune to stuns, need to tell more? tbh they should fix hiden strike-cloak-hiden strike, cuz it does dmg of 3 hiden strikes, thats the problem here

Edited by SayMeeq
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All the other posters who "claim" to do 10k in 3 seconds (2 gcd + 1 ability off probably) can screenshot or link your video clip and we'll believe. Its age of internet, I can claim to shoot lazer out of my eyes, so what.


The difference with other classes is that I can interrupt your dmg sequence because I'm not taking all your dmg IN A STUN.


Against non-stealth classes, I can either pre-position or "react" to your attack where as here I can't do jack. There is NO COUNTER, there isn't anything I can do because they'll always have the open stun/dmg on me.


Sniper/trooper you can you pop your defensive cooldown and line of sight, melee you can punt or ensnare or pop your defensive cooldown.


Stealth stun and dmg means its all too late by the time you're set upon. What's the point when you pop your defensive cooldown when they already pop their load on your back.


You are full of it dude - there is no stunlock in this game - if you are getting stunlocked it is not from one class alone

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You are full of it dude - there is no stunlock in this game - if you are getting stunlocked it is not from one class alone


Technically it's not supposed to happen at all. WE HAVE RESOLVE. *spits* what a joke that is.





On another note on terranatek the last couple days I magically started see empire start rolling less sorc's. They've been replaced with operatives and assassins lol.

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Oh boo hoo. They do a lot of damage, who cares? Roll an op/scoundrel then. I get my *** kicked by BHs and OPs/SCs all of the damn time. It just means that I need better gear. You're not even lvl 50, and you're ************ about a lvl 50 killing you? HA! You're funny. If you like the game, don't ***** about it. If you don't like the game then don't play it. For how young it is, I'd say the game is pretty damn good and pretty damn balanced.


The only time that it should be ok to nerf toons, is if it is completely unbalanced.


For example: WoW had a Death Knight that could run a PvP match by himself. Literally 5 on 1, and he would come out on top.


THAT is unbalanced and deserves nerfing.


In short: Shut up and just play the damn game.

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