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Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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Theron started the War on Iokath. He caused thousands of innocent deaths. You may think it was "for the greater good", but try telling that to the families of the dead. You can head-canon him as some sort of saint, but that's certainly not how he was written. Other companions have had kill options for far less than that. I think he was lucky to have the run he had, to be honest.


Theron didn't start that war actually. The war is what set him on the path to take down Zildrog. We still don't know exactly who sabotaged the chair on Iokath either but probably was the Gemini droid responsible for both.


Not saying he is a saint, and never did. Honestly not a single person in these games ever is, not even our own toons. He isn't a mass murdering doof either.

Edited by Suzsi
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That seems like a rather drastic reason to unsub. Maybe you could try making some of your characters polyamorous, that way they wouldn't be cheating, and it's fun too.


Thanks but no thanks.


As for unsubbing it wouldn't be the first time.


SoR and Makeb never interested me originally, our vanilla LIs had no content and at the time there was no reason to believe Theron would go beyond that. I came back for Kotfe and Kotet because chars like Aric played a part, which means ive now been subbed again for like 3+ years. In that time i also jumped on board the Theronship quite heavily, with new toons not previously romanced toons. Pretty much done all the romances avail for female toons (except the last three, Arcann, Nadia and Jaesa), as much as i love replaying story theres still a limit to how many times I can.


Poly is not my thing, at all. Anymore then cheating characters is and if there's no more romance content for them I'll just get bored and move on again *shrug*. I struggle to get through Kotfe and Kotet as it is on toons who dont get their LIs back until the end in alliance alerts because zero romance content for all those chapters for them and ive seen the story a dozen times. Still havent taken my Vector agent thru

Edited by Suzsi
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Having not read the 15 pages in between this and the first, I'll simply reply in my opinion to the OP and subject line.


I think Lana hasn't been someone you can part with, yet, due to her integral role in the alliance. Since the writers have decided that the alliance is still going to be a thing, until they decide it's not, then Lana will also remain. As I saw some post, she has been the one person who is 100% behind your character' decisions. She may not like them, she may like them, she may get upset on occasion due to imperial or otherwise loosely established rationship related collateral damage, she still backs you. The only time I've seen her express sincere regret/remorse is if you opt to leave Theron to die. I have a feeling that if you made THAT particular choice, that is where the writers will be given a way to have her resign / walk away. She will probably cite that in combination with the alliance having outlived it's usefulness as a min or galactic power.


That being said, Lana to me as player/fan of star wars is something of a grey sith. Some people like to use the term gray Jedi. I look at her in the same light. She definitely uses powers of the dark side (force lightning and choke) and favors terminating potential future threats early. That being said, when you start embracing slaughter or full on senseless rage and destruction just to do so, she gets disappointed. Obviously because she saw potential in your character to make the more "enlightened" choice that would've benefited your alliance in the long term.


Personally, I hope Lana gets to stick around after the alliance breaks up. Even if she's only kept on due to being a romantic interest. As with any other of the characters that we spend time with and invest the time/credits into the boost up their level to max, it's always a hit when those are lost permanently as that is an investment out the window. But if the alliance dissolves I don't see how or why all the recruited companions from various other classes would stick around. Some maybe, but your small starship can't hold everyone.

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But if the alliance dissolves I don't see how or why all the recruited companions from various other classes would stick around. Some maybe, but your small starship can't hold everyone.


It sure would be nice to get companions back to your starship.

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“Grey Sith”...interesting way to put it. Based on her appearance she’s never gone further into the dark side than Dark 1, and she strikes me as both pragmatic and better at long-term planning than dealing with immediate crises (such as Ziost, though admittedly that was both extremely immediate and extremely major). I’d call her a pragmatic light side Sith, myself, which certainly helped my consular fall for her deeply enough to choose Lana as her mate. My Inquisitor, OTOH...Lana’s human, and my Inquisitor sees humans as a plague on the galaxy that needs to be contained/controlled before they have a chance to push all the other sentients to extinction. :)
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Theron started the War on Iokath. He caused thousands of innocent deaths. You may think it was "for the greater good", but try telling that to the families of the dead. You can head-canon him as some sort of saint, but that's certainly not how he was written. Other companions have had kill options for far less than that. I think he was lucky to have the run he had, to be honest.


Not to mention all the Imperial deaths he caused when he took down the Ascendant Spear and Sun Razer. But those were Imperial deaths so....I guess they don't matter. I wouldn't say they were innocent, but it was after the signing of the Treaty, so technically they were outside of open war, and when asked about it, his response is something akin to "I don't care about dark or light...I only care about us and them". Either way...his hands are definitely not clean. He's not afraid to do the dirty work. I'd wager that his hit count is every bit as high as some of the player characters out there.


I like Theron...he's one of my favorites actually, but I will never imagine him as being innocent or light-sided. He's one of the guys in the trenches getting his hands dirty so those in his faction can keep on living their lives with blinders on. That he eventually questions that allegiance later on...well, that makes it even easier (and miles more interesting) to ship him with a Sith or other such Imperial. I'm not saying people shouldn't ship him with Jedi or other Republic characters, but he can very easily be shipped with the former.


That being said, how the game will handle his romance and the renewed war remains to be seen. I personally hate the new direction because my character has so grown beyond that idiotic squabble that is nothing more than fighting over we-dunno-but-we-fight. She knows the war was all part of Vitiate's plan. Personally, she'd love to tell both sides to take a flying leap.


Theron didn't start that war actually. The war is what set him on the path to take down Zildrog. We still don't know exactly who sabotaged the chair on Iokath either but probably was the Gemini droid responsible for both.


Not saying he is a saint, and never did. Honestly not a single person in these games ever is, not even our own toons. He isn't a mass murdering doof either.


He openly admits to being the one to lure everybody to Iokath, so I'm pretty sure that was his machination, even though it was obviously a giant flub on his part. Nothing went as planned, and then he had to do a hail-mary and improv his way out of the hole he dug himself into (even getting his father killed if the PC sides with the Empire, which mine always do). And it may have been left open to interpretation, but I do believe he was the one to sabotage the chair...because that sabotage, by way of electrocution, was what saved the player character from total french fry-dom.


There's a lot of reason behind Theron's implied alcohol abuse and sleep deprivation. I think it all goes hand in hand. I've only taken the option once, but if you choose to surveil your people, you see it kind of summed up in an email.


That seems like a rather drastic reason to unsub. Maybe you could try making some of your characters polyamorous, that way they wouldn't be cheating, and it's fun too.


Haha, this is exactly what I did. My main ship is my Sith Inquisitor with both Andronikos and Theron. She returned Nik via the vending machine and never did his AA, so she never saw his breakup scene, and technically his romance flag is still there. I know if Andronikos ever does get new content, which I seriously doubt he will, then I'll be forced to choose, but for now, it's my roundabout way at poly, lol.

Edited by Dracofish
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I have Theron with my Mandalorian BH I don't think he's a good-goody but to say he started a war is slightly overboard. He definitely sent the info on the super weapon to both sides, and yes, he knew it would be hostile, but calling it all out war is inaccurate. If you support the pubs you learn that V. pulls the Empire out after Acina dies. If you go Imp then yeah you're right.


As for Lana she couldn't figure out that GEMINI 16 was spying which is pathetic. But if she had been doing what Theron had done would she have had a banish option? Probably not and to me it's unacceptable!

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I have Theron with my Mandalorian BH I don't think he's a good-goody but to say he started a war is slightly overboard. He definitely sent the info on the super weapon to both sides, and yes, he knew it would be hostile, but calling it all out war is inaccurate. If you support the pubs you learn that V. pulls the Empire out after Acina dies. If you go Imp then yeah you're right.


As for Lana she couldn't figure out that GEMINI 16 was spying which is pathetic. But if she had been doing what Theron had done would she have had a banish option? Probably not and to me it's unacceptable!


Yep. Considering the fact that Acina and the empire were supposed to be allied with the alliance it's a big leap to say it was deliberately done. It's more likely the hope was the Commander would be able to ally both the republic and the empire. Either way it was still clearly a case of the few to save the many given the nature of what Zildrog was capable of, a decision most would have taken even if it wasn't a good choice to be stuck having to make. Some weapons are just too dangerous to let anyone control.

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Sucks to be a hetro female who likes romances playing swtor atm.



See, that's the problem. It's an RPG game. Not a life simulator. Which is what it feels like people are wanting, when they say that.


I know plenty of gay men/women, straight men/women who play the opposite of what they are in real life. This is after all, a MMO...Role Playing Game. This is not a MMO...Life Simulator Game.


This isn't to say there shouldn't be more options. I never liked how they handled any of this. If they wanted to limit VAs, they could have just as easily bricked all non LIs, and left all LIs un touched and used them well.


I believe Second Life can do the whole, play yourself in Star Wars Life Simulator thing (not 100% sure, as I've never played it, but I hear it can be made into anything) if that's what you're looking to do.


This isn't to say the male LIs didn't get the shaft. I felt that way for everyone of mine who got shafted. I was expecting a good mission to have their return and then we get alerts. Not what we were promised at all.


Looking back. I'm not even sure they even planned to do whole things like they talked about, and instead just changed course on their own. I just find it strange they don't seem to listen to the player base on simple things (like making chest tops without the flaps that clip heavily into robes/skirts) yet they listened enough to go "Oh. They want the story out quicker!"?


I get the feeling now, they were always planning to short us on the story. Perhaps due to the VAs themselves.

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I think it's great to have that choice of whether a companion lives or dies... sometimes, anyway. Koth and Quinn certainly deserved to pay for their betrayal. Same with Jorgan. But if you have a very interesting character like Theron and Arcann, then it might be beneficial to not let the player kill them permanently. There's time and place for everything.


Like I said I do love Lana, she's a good LI and even better friend, but I'm getting sick and tired of hearing her voice all the time. That's why I think she could serve a greater purpose in the story by dying a meaningful death. Now with the Alliance over it's time to bring in new companions and LI's and not make them all killable. I have no use for companions who just sit there in my companions log and do nothing.


What betrayal did Jorgan do?


The same betrayal Kaliyo does, if you don't choose her to do the mission?


Neither one deserves death for jumping the gun. Especially when you have two people on opposite sides of the lines working together, with no time to build trust in the team.


The fact that one of them will do such a thing, no matter what you do, makes all of it less a betrayal and more the commander being a **** for thinking the best solution to that situation is to kill them.


After that scene, I have to start wondering why people aren't leaving the Alliance due to their leader being a psychopath.

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I think it's great to have that choice of whether a companion lives or dies... sometimes, anyway. Koth and Quinn certainly deserved to pay for their betrayal. Same with Jorgan. But if you have a very interesting character like Theron and Arcann, then it might be beneficial to not let the player kill them permanently. There's time and place for everything.


Like I said I do love Lana, she's a good LI and even better friend, but I'm getting sick and tired of hearing her voice all the time. That's why I think she could serve a greater purpose in the story by dying a meaningful death. Now with the Alliance over it's time to bring in new companions and LI's and not make them all killable. I have no use for companions who just sit there in my companions log and do nothing.


What betrayal did Koth do? He never betrayed my smuggler but then again I didn't play a dark side and make choices that caused innocent to die. So no Koth didn't deserve to die for some people. They just made it that he died for everyone.

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What betrayal did Koth do? He never betrayed my smuggler but then again I didn't play a dark side and make choices that caused innocent to die. So no Koth didn't deserve to die for some people. They just made it that he died for everyone.


While I've never chosen the "Don't save the people" option when Vaylin does her thing (my one DS V character hasn't gone through KotET), I don't believe that should ever be counted against the PC. The PC didn't cause innocent people to die, Vaylin did. The PC just chose to not get involved.


Considering the PC was injured, running for their life from the very people who injured and imprisoned the PC, that one time shouldn't be held against the PC. Yes. Helping the ones who almost killed you and applauded your imprisonment should totally be on most people's minds at that time. :p

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While I've never chosen the "Don't save the people" option when Vaylin does her thing (my one DS V character hasn't gone through KotET), I don't believe that should ever be counted against the PC. The PC didn't cause innocent people to die, Vaylin did. The PC just chose to not get involved.


Considering the PC was injured, running for their life from the very people who injured and imprisoned the PC, that one time shouldn't be held against the PC. Yes. Helping the ones who almost killed you and applauded your imprisonment should totally be on most people's minds at that time. :p

I think it has more to do with blowing Kaliyo's bomb in her chapter though, which is the PC's choice to do so...


Anyways, Koth never betrayed me, neither did Aric or Theron, so why did they deserve to disapear from my story ?

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While I've never chosen the "Don't save the people" option when Vaylin does her thing (my one DS V character hasn't gone through KotET), I don't believe that should ever be counted against the PC. The PC didn't cause innocent people to die, Vaylin did. The PC just chose to not get involved.


Considering the PC was injured, running for their life from the very people who injured and imprisoned the PC, that one time shouldn't be held against the PC. Yes. Helping the ones who almost killed you and applauded your imprisonment should totally be on most people's minds at that time. :p


If you choose not to save the reactor, it doesn't cause Koth to betray you. He has a little chat with the PC where he says that he knows things were hairy but. It's the actions after this that cause the betrayal. Choosing Senya to go with the PC to meet the Heralds and blowing up the spire.

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What betrayal did Jorgan do?


The same betrayal Kaliyo does, if you don't choose her to do the mission?


Neither one deserves death for jumping the gun. Especially when you have two people on opposite sides of the lines working together, with no time to build trust in the team.


The fact that one of them will do such a thing, no matter what you do, makes all of it less a betrayal and more the commander being a **** for thinking the best solution to that situation is to kill them.


After that scene, I have to start wondering why people aren't leaving the Alliance due to their leader being a psychopath.


Exactly. Aric never betrays my toons because I always send him in to do the mission. Its Kaylio who does. Also all they do is jump in to help save the other when it sounds, over the comms, as if they are being slaughtered. Also tbh I usually send the other in at that point anyways so they are just following my Commanders orders.

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See, that's the problem. It's an RPG game. Not a life simulator. Which is what it feels like people are wanting, when they say that.


I know plenty of gay men/women, straight men/women who play the opposite of what they are in real life. This is after all, a MMO...Role Playing Game. This is not a MMO...Life Simulator Game.


This isn't to say there shouldn't be more options. I never liked how they handled any of this. If they wanted to limit VAs, they could have just as easily bricked all non LIs, and left all LIs un touched and used them well.


I believe Second Life can do the whole, play yourself in Star Wars Life Simulator thing (not 100% sure, as I've never played it, but I hear it can be made into anything) if that's what you're looking to do.


This isn't to say the male LIs didn't get the shaft. I felt that way for everyone of mine who got shafted. I was expecting a good mission to have their return and then we get alerts. Not what we were promised at all.


Looking back. I'm not even sure they even planned to do whole things like they talked about, and instead just changed course on their own. I just find it strange they don't seem to listen to the player base on simple things (like making chest tops without the flaps that clip heavily into robes/skirts) yet they listened enough to go "Oh. They want the story out quicker!"?


I get the feeling now, they were always planning to short us on the story. Perhaps due to the VAs themselves.


It's called personal preference.


While not all of my characters are straight (I have one Lanamancer somewhere in Kotfe), most of them are. The same reason I don't generally jump on board romance movies where the protag is into other girls, it doesn't do much for me,p. It doesn't evok the warm fuzzy romance feels because I am not personally into the same sex.


Stories are supposed to evok feelings in those who play (read or watch) them and it just doesn't summon the same feelings for the most part. I don't sit there saying how sexy or adorable some female LI is because they just don't evok that kind of emotional response from me, but an amazing friendship with one does. I feel far more going through the traitor arc for eg with Lana acting like my toons bff asking if shes okay and being a great friend then I do romancing her.

Edited by Suzsi
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I would like to amicably or unamicably part ways with any companion. I do not see why we have dozens of companions forced on us.


There is currently a hard to find "Companion Re-locator Terminal". Why not a Companion Dis-locator Terminal were we can exile our companions then bring them back via the other terminal. Their influence could be reset to be used as some sort of sink.

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What betrayal did Koth do? He never betrayed my smuggler but then again I didn't play a dark side and make choices that caused innocent to die. So no Koth didn't deserve to die for some people. They just made it that he died for everyone.


I think a lot of people can’t come to terms with there being multiple versions of the story and characters. In their minds, their play through is the only real one.

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I think a lot of people can’t come to terms with there being multiple versions of the story and characters. In their minds, their play through is the only real one.


Exactly and in my Stories Lana disapproves of just about everything I do she doesn't fit. Frankly, I'm not crazy about Koth, he's stupid (I mean he has rocks for brains) that Quantum Bomb really ticks me off. My BH and Warrior will punch him for it, my others will forgive and sigh. But I head-canon my Outlanders to have specific parts of the story for them individually and parts where they do missions together. As I don't have a "main toon" I have a main Legacy where all the stories intertwine for a family/allies.

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I think a lot of people can’t come to terms with there being multiple versions of the story and characters. In their minds, their play through is the only real one.


I believe they do realize there are multiple versions, just in that case, there is no betrayal.


Them jumping in to save the day, is not a betrayal. Which is what people want to call it, because "Hey, I'm killing you because you messed up." makes them sound more like a **** than they want to admit. Since, they could have easily spared him.

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While I've never chosen the "Don't save the people" option when Vaylin does her thing (my one DS V character hasn't gone through KotET), I don't believe that should ever be counted against the PC. The PC didn't cause innocent people to die, Vaylin did. The PC just chose to not get involved.


Considering the PC was injured, running for their life from the very people who injured and imprisoned the PC, that one time shouldn't be held against the PC. Yes. Helping the ones who almost killed you and applauded your imprisonment should totally be on most people's minds at that time. :p


What about when Kailyo wanted to blow up her bombs, which is what I was talking about. You have a choice there to allow Kailyo to kill innocent people or just the droids. My character would not stand by and let her kill innocents. This is where he actually gets upset and leaves if you don't stop her.

Edited by casirabit
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She seems to currently be the mission-giver for the Alliance Commander, I have a feeling she is going to stick around as long as the Alliance still exists. When that is gone and/or merged under another flag, we will likely be given an opportunity to part ways as the story focus shifts away from managing alliance duties to other priorities.
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I also wish there would be some way for my characters to put Lana on the background and run the busines with other companions. I do not wish to take her away from players who want to deal with her, I just don't want her to be only option. For republic toons that started the whole SOR with Theron (with Lana joining in later at Manaan), romanced him and chose the republic over and over again it makes zero sense having Lana hovering over everything and running the show. I want to run the show with Theron and Lana could make us caf and walk the nexu.


For me Lana has never felt like a friend. It always felt like she was just using my characters as strong pawn to do her businesses. None of my characters romanced her and maybe thats the reason her constant sweet talk feels more manipulative than honestly friendly. She feels like a stalker to me. I thought for a long time this was made purposelly and that in some point it would be revealed she is part or some scheme :D. After realizing that it's not the case the whole stuffing her to everything has felt super stupid on my characters story point of view. Even in Theron marriage proposal scene she was put in by making Theron say "Me and Lana will always be with you". :eek:.


In future updates I whish that either:

  • Lana and Theron are equal options on who runs the show, based on your faction and/or earlier actions
  • Let us run the show ourself based on intel sent and given by different companions and specialists

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Yeah, it's such a shame Theron mentions someone he's worked with for years while he's in that beautiful field with flowers for his proposal. Lana's proposal scene in a dark, dirty military hangar is **interrupted** by Theron actually walking in on them and making another sarcastic comment toward Lana. :rolleyes: He's lucky my characters didn't throw him off the balcony. Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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