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Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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I take it you're not a content creator who depends on community and word of mouth for exposure. :rolleyes:


No. I just write little one sided RP stories and like to get input, but in the end, I would never let someone saying, "Nuuuu....the character isn't that way!" stop me from writing MY story. I'd say, "You didn't care when it came to being done with straight characters so obviously your really don't care about that aspect of characters."

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What, all two of them other than Lana, that Jenny mentioned? Temple and Gault? I enjoy Gault, but he's not enough to keep me subbed.


But could you imagine Gault giving us orders? :p


No. I just write little one sided RP stories and like to get input, but in the end, I would never let someone saying, "Nuuuu....the character isn't that way!" stop me from writing MY story. I'd say, "You didn't care when it came to being done with straight characters so obviously your really don't care about that aspect of characters."


Sorry, I'm not down with inciting people to stalk me and ruin my life...like really ruin my life. I know there's a term for it that escapes me at the moment...but I hope you get my meaning. And if you think I'm exaggerating or being overly dramatic...the fandom community is -that- violent. Most fandom communities are. It can be downright scary and people can be nucking futs.

Edited by Dracofish
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What, all two of them other than Lana, that Jenny mentioned? Temple and Gault? I enjoy Gault, but he's not enough to keep me subbed.


And the one's we have had returned yet. All those MIAs!


Kira for all!


Tharan/Holiday for all!


Scourge for all!


O.O This could be a pretty awesome crew really.


Kira, Scourge, Tharan/Holiday, Zenith and Lana. Truthfully, the only down side to that crew would be the Empire players. I couldn't imagine Kira or Zenith siding with the Empire. Tharan, I could at the very least imagine working with but not siding with the Empire.


Edit! I forgot about Gault and Temple!


That's two more! Also nice with the crew! Though Raina would be the one I couldn't decide if she'd side with a Republic sided group.

Edited by SithKoriandr
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But could you imagine Gault giving us orders? :p




Sorry, I'm not down with inciting people to stalk me and ruin my life...like really ruin my life. I know there's a term for it that escapes me at the moment...but I hope you get my meaning. And if you think I'm exaggerating or being overly dramatic...the fandom community is -that- violent. Most fandom communities are. It can be downright scary and people can be nucking futs.



LOL, I can imagine it, but it frightens me a little. :D



I also agree with you, that I wouldn't want to see the six years I spent on my Scourge/FJK series invalidated (it's bigger than LOTR in size). It would be basically trashing my work, because if they make him M/M only, I couldn't leave my work up, it'd be like writing a gay man to be straight and yeah, people would get ugly about it. They wouldn't just happily say, oh, do what you want with him. It's not a two way street. And I agree, some out there are nuts and would hunt a writer down.

Edited by Lunafox
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And the one's we have had returned yet. All those MIAs!


Kira for all!


Tharan/Holiday for all!


Scourge for all!


O.O This could be a pretty awesome crew really.


Kira, Scourge, Tharan/Holiday, Zenith and Lana. Truthfully, the only down side to that crew would be the Empire players. I couldn't imagine Kira or Zenith siding with the Empire. Tharan, I could at the very least imagine working with but not siding with the Empire.


Edit! I forgot about Gault and Temple!


That's two more! Also nice with the crew! Though Raina would be the one I couldn't decide if she'd side with a Republic sided group.


I think you're being overly optimistic if you ever think Broonmark is going to show up to grunt a mission at us. Those Alerts are toast, we'll never hear from them again. I'm peachy keen with lots of Scourge, but I don't see that he'll be in the story as much more than what Doc had.


And that crew might be awesome for you, but not for me. Holiday makes me want to claw out my ear drums with a fork. Lana, I'm already sick of. Kira is just 'meh' to me. Same with Gault and Temple who were returned by chapter and left alive, not just a crappy AA. Zenith is okay, he'd be fine for my JC, but I'm not so enamored with him, that I'd be too terribly excited.


And to keep this on topic, I still want Lana to go on holiday.

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Well Broomark is killable, so he couldn't be back with how they've been so far.


However, now it seems you just hate a majority of the companions. So really, you'd be unhappy no matter what they did if it didn't go exactly your way.


You're just putting words into my mouth that I haven't said and aren't true. I don't hate the majority of companions. You're just being argumentative and difficult and my impulse to stop engaging with you was the right one.

Edited by Lunafox
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I made a post that wasn't even pointed at anyone directly and not only did people take it as "You're pointing at me" they were also "i'm totally not."


So, guess what they have to do to little text comments that said any of that? Say "I'm totally not."


It's really that simple and easy.

No, it's not. You're trying to paint it as 'that simple' because giving the matter further consideration hurts your narrative.


Posting fanfiction, a labor of love, is vastly different from forum discussions. You're talking about endless hours of dedication, love, passion, drive, joy, blood, sweat and tears put into a story. Creating a work of art that for many is personal, comes from their heart, their minds and that is invaluable to the writers. A work of art that they're proud of and they have chosen to share with their fandom hoping to reach the hearts of others, to share that joy and passion. To see something like that receive such fiercely hateful treatment hurts a lot more than disagreeing with someone on the forums or not liking their post. The two don't compare. It can be extremely hard for a writer to continue their work after it's been trashed and sure, on some level you just gotta suck it up and keep at it anyway but that is far easier said than done when you're passionate about your own work and care for it so deeply.

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No, it's not. You're trying to paint it as 'that simple' because giving the matter further consideration hurts your narrative.


Posting fanfiction, a labor of love, is vastly different from forum discussions. You're talking about endless hours of dedication, love, passion, drive, joy, blood, sweat and tears put into a story. Creating a work of art that for many is personal, comes from their heart, their minds and that is invaluable to the writers. A work of art that they're proud of and they have chosen to share with their fandom hoping to reach the hearts of others, to share that joy and passion. To see something like that receive such fiercely hateful treatment hurts a lot more than disagreeing with someone on the forums or not liking their post. The two don't compare. It can be extremely hard for a writer to continue their work after it's been trashed and sure, on some level you just gotta suck it up and keep at it anyway but that is far easier said than done when you're passionate about your own work and care for it so deeply.




Exactly this. As I said in the other thread. I've written more than the entirety of "The Hobbit" so far. And I'm not even done. By the time I'm done, I'll have three full-sized novels. And if Scourge is canonized as gay, everything I've written will need to come down. I wouldn't be able to leave it up. I would have to re-write everything...and I just...I couldn't. Even though my Knight and Scourge aren't the only pairing in the story, they are an integral part...and I couldn't not have them there. Everything about them is very special to me, and I could never change them.


If Scourge is returned as a romance...he needs to be available for everyone. Simple. Nobody is hurt. Nobody loses anything. And if it truly is such a point of contention, I'd rather they just leave him alone and not give him to anybody.

Edited by Dracofish
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No, it's not. You're trying to paint it as 'that simple' because giving the matter further consideration hurts your narrative.


Posting fanfiction, a labor of love, is vastly different from forum discussions. You're talking about endless hours of dedication, love, passion, drive, joy, blood, sweat and tears put into a story. Creating a work of art that for many is personal, comes from their heart, their minds and that is invaluable to the writers. A work of art that they're proud of and they have chosen to share with their fandom hoping to reach the hearts of others, to share that joy and passion. To see something like that receive such fiercely hateful treatment hurts a lot more than disagreeing with someone on the forums or not liking their post. The two don't compare. It can be extremely hard for a writer to continue their work after it's been trashed and sure, on some level you just gotta suck it up and keep at it anyway but that is far easier said than done when you're passionate about your own work and care for it so deeply.


Someone says "I hate what you wrote."


Does that stop you from writing you fanfiction? That labor of love, that you want to share, gets shared because you posted it.


There's hate for it? It's fanfic, there's always someone who hates it. 50 Shades is fan fic and plenty say they hate it while many say they like it.


If you care about it, then what others say that you know isn't true, won't effect you.


Don't let the hate bother you when it's shipping two straight characters do you? And I've seen plenty of hate poured on to those.

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You're just putting words into my mouth that I haven't said and aren't true. I don't hate the majority of companions. You're just being argumentative and difficult and my impulse to stop engaging with you was the right one.


I gave a list of companions, to which all of them you were pretty much, "Meh." on.


Out of 8 companions to start making a crew out of, you basically said "Only really care for Scourge"


Now out of that sample, you hated on 87% of them. 75% if it's on your Consular, which was still a "Meh, but okay on my Consular"


Now, for me, out of that 8, I only really don't care for 1 of them (Zenith) so I like 87% of them.


Simple math says, I like a majority of companions. Simple math says, you do not.

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Someone says "I hate what you wrote."


Does that stop you from writing you fanfiction? That labor of love, that you want to share, gets shared because you posted it.


There's hate for it? It's fanfic, there's always someone who hates it. 50 Shades is fan fic and plenty say they hate it while many say they like it.


If you care about it, then what others say that you know isn't true, won't effect you.


Don't let the hate bother you when it's shipping two straight characters do you? And I've seen plenty of hate poured on to those.


Again, it can and does go beyond "I hate what you wrote". If only it were that simple. I've had people tell me they didn't like certain characters. Threaten to leave if my main didn't drop one of her lovers because they didn't like one of them. Those are easy. But when someone truly decides they want to ruin everything you've labored on...they can...and will. People are sick.


Please. Spend thousands of hours of your life on something. Share it. Watch someone destroy it. Go through the horror of being stalked in real life. Then see how you feel.

Edited by Dracofish
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But could you imagine Gault giving us orders? :p




Sorry, I'm not down with inciting people to stalk me and ruin my life...like really ruin my life. I know there's a term for it that escapes me at the moment...but I hope you get my meaning. And if you think I'm exaggerating or being overly dramatic...the fandom community is -that- violent. Most fandom communities are. It can be downright scary and people can be nucking futs.


This happened to me for simply commenting on a social media network about hoping for at least one hetro option in andromeda. Right down to death threats and all.

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I've been chased off Ao3 twice by "swtor fans" so far, I'm not a very confident sharer as much as I love doing the writing and I'm not in any group that can support me going through that however. in this day and current year woo stuff, yes having all those fem+Scourge fics, art etc if he becomes m/m WILL cause a lot more problems for the artists and writers then a few "we don't like you doing that" comments.


Anyway on topic- it will not kill those only wanting Lana around for her to step back for a couple of story chapters/updates and share/give the spotlight to other characters for a while. seriously.

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You can tell Kaliyo, Jorgan, and Theron to leave without killing them :)

I admit I'd forgotten about Kaliyo/Jorgan, but I wouldn't put that under the category of "amicably". Though I guess that's besides the point? It's the whole "you ****ed this up, so get lost!" thing, right?


As for Theron... when? I'm genuinely curious. The only way I've found to get rid of that annoying [insert string of preferred mean words] was to let him bleed out in Nathema. Not even putting a billion credit bounty on his head seemed to make him take the hint he wasn't welcome.

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I admit I'd forgotten about Kaliyo/Jorgan, but I wouldn't put that under the category of "amicably". Though I guess that's besides the point? It's the whole "you ****ed this up, so get lost!" thing, right?


As for Theron... when? I'm genuinely curious. The only way I've found to get rid of that annoying [insert string of preferred mean words] was to let him bleed out in Nathema. Not even putting a billion credit bounty on his head seemed to make him take the hint he wasn't welcome.


When you get back you can choose not tp accept him back into the alliance

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When you get back you can choose not tp accept him back into the alliance

Figures. Would've been nice to know before I finally (only couple weeks ago) bothered doing Nathema >.< Much as I think the guy is a piece of trash, just kicking him out would've been preferable to the sad end he got.

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I think if you give it time, now that Knights of the Blah Blah (KotBB) is over, you'll see less of Lana.


Also, some of the Lana being "shoved" in your faces is due to the fact that Theron is killable. So he's not going to be the one giving out missions anymore, because it would increase the workload for the devs by needing two sets of voices for the same content. (This isn't supposed to be a defense or anything, it's just the way I see it.)


I have a feeling that Jedi Under Siege is the beginning of the end for the Alliance. We'll end up all going our separate ways, and I suppose Lana and Theron will get folded back into their respective factions. Neither of them are in the available companions section of our Crew screens anymore iirc. Without the Alliance, neither of them will be all that important in the grand scheme of things anyway even if they don't go back to their factions.


This saddens me because I really love Lana. She's the only LI most of my characters have had (and that is quite possibly WHY I love her so much, and turn a blind eye to her more obvious dark side leanings). But I suppose many lost their LIs when KotBB came along, and haven't really got them back in any real meaningful sense since. (I just played through my SW getting her LS Jaesa back, and while the scenes were cute - it was a little awkward in the sense that these two characters hadn't seen each other in a very long time - you'd expect some time spent getting to know each other again, and such*. Which meant it was underwhelming in terms of quantity. My SW is the first of my characters to have an LI other than Lana, ftr.)


* During SoR and the prelude to KotBB, my SW was flirting with Lana every chance she got. However, a bug meant that the game didn't acknowledge this (it's that bug at Chapter XI? I logged out in the middle of it, and the game patched, and when I logged back in all the romance flags had been set back to null). So she ended up sitting on the shelf gathering dust, until I learned that LS Jaesa would be available to female SWs on her return.


Anyway, good luck with getting your request fulfilled. But I don't think it's really necessary when every romance ends the same way - bricked companions when the content is done with them regardless of whether you part ways amicably or kill them or love them and keep them.


TL;DR: Don't like Lana now? Just wait, she'll be gone anyway.

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I still like Lana. I've liked Lana since Forged Alliances. I don't want to get rid of Lana. However, the toxic nature of the Space Waifu Lana fans has pushed me towards the belief that all LIs having a kill/dismiss option is the lesser evil over most LIs having a kill/dismiss option with one author favorite being singled out for special treatment. Especially when those same Space Waifu Lana fans who insist Lana can never be given a kill option and all the 'haters' are awful people for asking for one will go on and on about how they (using one player's statements for example) hate Theron's guts and saw his kill option as "karma" and justified. I can't stand hypocrisy.


Getting called evil, heartless, cruel, spiteful, "not very progressive", homophobic, deplorable, racist, argumentative, immature, ignorant, shameful, nasty, etc. for expressing an opinion regarding my distaste for Lana being given 90+% of dev attention and screentime while all other LIs have turned into bricks has soured me on the character's presence in the game a million times more than the character herself (or her writing) ever did. At least if there's an option to get rid of Lana in the game, the devs will have to give us alternatives based on story choices again--or wipe the slate clean, which would definitely suck but at least we would all be on the same level then. Having one LI with plot armor while the rest can be killed off for little to no reason engenders nothing but resentment and toxicity.


I still have great hopes for new updates but something has got to improve with the companion situation fast. And people need to stop with the personal attacks.

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So the writers have decided that killing every other companion was fine and justified but the idea of giving Lana the same treatment is "crazy for no reason" and not allowed.


Have to say, it sounds like you want to have a reason to kill Lana.


You can't kill every companion, the biggest crime is you can't kill Quinn in the original story, and you are obligated to take him back.


That said, it seems they should have Theron doing everything Lana does if you are a Republic character. Having your "right hand" be a former Sith Lord should seem pretty sketchy to, well, everyone you meet if you're playing a Jedi.

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I think if you give it time, now that Knights of the Blah Blah (KotBB) is over, you'll see less of Lana.


Also, some of the Lana being "shoved" in your faces is due to the fact that Theron is killable. So he's not going to be the one giving out missions anymore, because it would increase the workload for the devs by needing two sets of voices for the same content. (This isn't supposed to be a defense or anything, it's just the way I see it.)


I have a feeling that Jedi Under Siege is the beginning of the end for the Alliance. We'll end up all going our separate ways, and I suppose Lana and Theron will get folded back into their respective factions. Neither of them are in the available companions section of our Crew screens anymore iirc. Without the Alliance, neither of them will be all that important in the grand scheme of things anyway even if they don't go back to their factions.


They're both still available for me.


And in playing through Jedi Under Siege for both factions, Lana is still at the forefront. She gets two scenes, Theron gets two lines...and absolutely no input about what the next steps of the Alliance are, despite having been just as responsible for founding it. Lana tells us that she will be with us no matter what path we choose, whereas we don't get that reassurance from Theron. Lana knows if we decide to become saboteurs, Theron doesn't, even if it made absolutely no sense for a Republic character, or for a character who could very well be married to the man (including an Imperial). Lana. Lana. Lana. Lana.


All through Jedi Under Siege they seem to remind us that we're still separate and on the Imperial side, even go so far as to call us "outsiders", so at this point, it looks like the Alliance is remaining intact. They can't just dissolve the Alliance without addressing things like our possession of Iokath, as well as the droid factories we captured throughout FE/ET. We have a veritable self-replenishing army.

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Also, some of the Lana being "shoved" in your faces is due to the fact that Theron is killable. So he's not going to be the one giving out missions anymore, because it would increase the workload for the devs by needing two sets of voices for the same content. (This isn't supposed to be a defense or anything, it's just the way I see it.)


I have a feeling that Jedi Under Siege is the beginning of the end for the Alliance. We'll end up all going our separate ways, and I suppose Lana and Theron will get folded back into their respective factions. Neither of them are in the available companions section of our Crew screens anymore iirc. Without the Alliance, neither of them will be all that important in the grand scheme of things anyway even if they don't go back to their factions.

Then they should never have given Theron a leave for dead / exile option. From the start Lana and Theron were supposed to be equal counterparts within the game's story. Now, all we get is Lana, no matter if Theron's dead or alive.


He is perfectly alive and still an integral part and founding member of my Alliance. My main is a JK who is siding with the Republic, and all my characters are siding with the Republic as well, even the former imperial ones.

So Theron not being as integral part of my story as Lana (which is even worse in case of my main JK who is also romancing Theron) is really bad for me.

In my JK story, Theron should've been there during the sunset walk in the woods, with Lana and my JK, he should've been the one to get her in contact with Jonas and not Lana and Theron and my JK should've been able to get that sunset romance scene together, just like any character romancing Lana got at that time.


Instead i got :

"Theron Shan: Wish I could go along. Gnost-Dural is an old friend of mine, it'd be good to see him again.

JK : Come with me, Theron. I don't want to be apart from you again.

Theron Shan: I wish I could--but I've got three different contacts dying to share some juicy intel--I can't leave them hanging.


Theron Shan: You don't need me to handle this. We'll be back together before you know it."

That is the full extent of the interaction my JK got with a romanced Theron...

Compared to what she got with a non romanced Lana, it hurts quite a bit...


So while i won't ask for a complete removal of Lana, i'd really like for the story to use the character who makes the most sense, and not Lana by default every time, on every character, going as far as also giving her 2 romance scenes with 2 kisses.


And i really, really hope, we'll have the option to keep the Alliance.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Then they should never have given Theron a leave for dead / exile option. From the start Lana and Theron were supposed to be equal counterparts within the game's story. Now, all we get is Lana, no matter if Theron's dead or alive.


He is perfectly alive and still an integral part and founding member of my Alliance. My main is a JK who is siding with the Republic, and all my characters are siding with the Republic as well, even the former imperial ones.

So Theron not being as integral part of my story as Lana (which is even worse in case of my main JK who is also romancing Theron) is really bad for me.

In my JK story, Theron should've been there during the sunset walk in the woods, with Lana and my JK, he should've been the one to get her in contact with Jonas and not Lana and Theron and my JK should've been able to get that sunset romance scene together, just like any character romancing Lana got at that time.


Instead i got :

"Theron Shan: Wish I could go along. Gnost-Dural is an old friend of mine, it'd be good to see him again.

JK : Come with me, Theron. I don't want to be apart from you again.

Theron Shan: I wish I could--but I've got three different contacts dying to share some juicy intel--I can't leave them hanging.


Theron Shan: You don't need me to handle this. We'll be back together before you know it."

That is the full extent of the interaction my JK got with a romanced Theron...

Compared to what she got with a non romanced Lana, it hurts quite a bit...


So while i won't ask for a complete removal of Lana, i'd really like for the story to use the character who makes the most sense, and not Lana by default every time, on every character, going as far as also giving her 2 romance scenes with 2 kisses.


And i really, really hope, we'll have the option to keep the Alliance.


I understand your argument and would love to have the same content for every LI (my smuggler feels so lonely without his beloved Risha).

But with the limited amount of ressources SWTOR has right now it doesn't make sense to invest into content many players won't get to see. I am against kill/ban options under any circumstances, they are causing nothing but trouble. But Bioware gave in to the loud demand to kill Koth, Quinn etc. Then most likely the same people called for Theron's head and once more Bioware gave them what they wanted. Class specific AA are the same BS, but enough fans demanded class specific reunions and now they are bricked. Until Bioware decides to autocomplete all AA for everyone, essentially forcing the companions onto the player, so they become available again as story tools, Lana is the only remaining NPC for everyone. We won't get more LI / companion content in case the demand to get ridd of Lana is appeased, the history of this game proves this very clearly. Instead we'd get new companions to who we have no connection at all and be stuck with them, making a bad situation even worse.


The tendency to highly questionable fanservice is what got us here. I believe that the devs would like to give every LI and every companion more screentime. But until EA is reallocating money and personal towards SWTOR again it'll be just that: A wish. Everyone should blame the bloodthirsty lynchmob for that and remember it when calling for a kill option of Lana.

Edited by McBaal
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Oh man.


My main is a SW who romanced Lana so with him I love that she's always there - but even though I haven't played the expansions with any other character yet I can already imaging hating her with my other characters who don't romance or even like her. So I definitely see your point. Also hate it when games force one character to be your BFF no matter what - kinda like Liara in Mass Effect. I hated her guts.

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