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Why is Bioware so silent on major gear issues from 5.10?


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There are no bounds to your first question.


I don't think the developers are stupid at all. It's quite the opposite: EA doesn't fund SWTOR properly, and they're likely tired of working on an underfunded, understaffed, decades' old project, when it's clear EA has decided SWTOR's fate. At this point, they just do what's probably contractually obligated.


If all you ever got to do at a creative job was maximize profits for EA with a universe as amazing as Star Wars and got little to no resources to actually do anything creative with it, even though Star Wars is as popular as ever, wouldn't you be putting all your time into Anthem as a studio?


As for gear, I'd like to see mods and enhancements be returned to their norm, and an increase in ways to earn MWS. The current gearing track is unappealing to almost all your players.


If things don't change, I suggest players just keep their 248s and if you get an upgrade at some point, that's fine. You don't need the gear for anything except PVP and MM Gods, and for PVP everyone is in the same boat - the one that's leaving the game or giving up on PVP until gearing isn't so poor. Either that or just play with 252 bolster and call it a day getting beat sometimes when you shouldn't.


I won't comment on MM Gods because I don't know what MM Ops are like these days - haven't run hard Ops content since 3.x, mostly because the people I used to play with since 1.x all left the game in 4.x.

Edited by arunav
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I've always heard it was 1860, I got it from here and here


Okay I just logged on PTS to test this out, 1859 definitely counts for the 1.3s GCD. I timed how many GCDs I could use in one minute at 1859, at 1760, and at 1958 alacrity. 1859 and 1958 both had 47 GCDs, 1760 had 44. This matches with what you'd expect since if it's 1.3s you'd get 60/1.3 = 46.2 and 1.2s you'd get 60/1.4 = 42.9. So the 1859 will work to reach the higher breakpoint. They may have just rounded up in those guides.

Edited by kukumburr
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1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.

Personally I don't find this a satisfying change. The ability to swap non-armoring modifications around allowed us the "consolation prize" of being able to improve or otherwise optimize the worst modifications in our other items if we happened to get duplicate pieces that we don't need. It made the RNG element a lot more palatable. For longterm enjoyment of the progression system, I think reversing this change is a must.

Estelindis' post articulates my dissatisfaction with the change to non-armoring mods and enhancements.


Please return to the non-armoring gear mods not being locked to a specific type of gear piece.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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As a solo player the gear isn't even a fraction as critical to me as to other players, but this change is still very disappointing. The grind for solo players is already very slow, and binding the mods and enhancements means one is completely at the mercy of the RNG gods to top up their gear pieces. Eliminating a way for players to use the mods and enhancements they need seems like it's designed to once again try to force players into play styles they don't want to play in order to get geared up faster. Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Okay, I'll try that out when I reach the rep cap in a couple weeks. Do you happen to know what percent alacrity it showed when you had 1859?

There are numerous reddit posts about SWTOR builds (a high alacrity or a low alacrity build) with respect to the GCD, one of which is the following:


You will find that the magic number is actually not even 1859, but it is 1857. This is confirmed on all of my DPS toons that have reached that number (the minimum that I have on a couple of toons is 1858), which are able to parse much higher as soon as they reach that sweet spot, due to the fact that the APM increased dramatically. So at least for DPS builds, the ideal build would be 5 Alacrity enhancements at 258 item rating, and 6 augments at 240 item rating.


These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.


2 - This is a bug, I acknowledged it here. The reason we didn't fix it with today's patch is that addressing this issue is actually pretty substantial from our side. It will involve us not only fixing the items to work properly going forward, but we need to actually "change" the gear already in the wild to work together. That is the part that is challenging as we need to touch armorings that players are wearing without impacting the rest of their gear. We are working on a solution for this, but it is not something we could turn around in time for 5.10a.


Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




Hello Eric,


The slot specific mods and enhancements adds insult to injury, with this new tear of gear. I understand that the team wants to somehow justify the forthcoming lack of content for what will be another 4-5 months of minimal content added to the game, but at the same time I do not understand at all why you would alienate the player base so badly.


Throughout 2017 and 2018, the most important issue that was addressed by the vast majority of the players, was the RNG way to acquire gear, with the Galactic Command system and the Command Crates. How is it even possible for you to go back to the RNG system to gear, with the Artifact Lockboxes, after this whole mess last year?


So far I have completed the Ossus Weekly 11 times across various toons:


- I have received 2 Accuracy implants across 2 toons, for which I have no use

- I have received a Boundless Ages relic on 1 toon, that is utterly useless

- I have received Gloves with 1 Accuracy enhancement, which is also useless

- I have received 2 Bracers with the same toon

- I cannot use Masterwork Crystals to upgrade a 252 implant or relic to a different relic of my choice (either at item 252 or 258), therefore all these pieces are wasted time and effort.


This means that 44% of the gear I acquired was completely and utterly useless and worthless to me.


Do you think that players have fun when they open an Artifact Lockbox and get something worthless? You have been told hundreds of times to eliminate the RNG factor from gearing, and yet, you go back to it.


Adding slot specific mods and enhancements in the mix, this is just outrageous. It means that I will have to choose perhaps even 10 Artifact Lockboxes, just to get the left side of my character optimized (IMPLANTS + RELICS + EAR), if not even more than that, because I cannot modify the other enhancements on my character.


This is literally a malicious move, and I am very disappointed in these changes. The fact that you did not tell players and shadow nerfed the gearing process, does not look good, and it alienates the player base. The only reason that I have not quit this game yet, is because I have a small and dedicated core of guildies that play this game, but I can predict our guild falling apart if this keeps happening. You do not have any respect for the players, and quite honestly, I am wondering if there is someone in Bioware Austin who thinks this is good marketing and good business.


Finally, this new gearing process makes all SM and HM ops completely worthless when it comes to gear. What is the point of trying to get 242 or 248 gear, when now a grindfest on Ossus gives you 252 gear? It removes every incentive to run ops at these difficulty levels.



If you want people to enjoy and be satisfied with gearing beyond 5.10, you should:

- remove slot specific limitations for mods and enhancements

- remove the RNG factor from lockboxes, seriously this is OUTRAGEOUS

- have vendors that can trade any Implant - Earpiece- Relic with a different kind

- add Masterwork crystals as rewards from Ops, even if it's only from HM ops.



A customer who is baffled by 5.10, which disrespects the player base to the utmost degree.

Edited by DarthFixxxer
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For my healers, the new tier does not add much, as they don't need the accuracy to heal and I can get to soft caps on crit and 1.3 GCD on alacrity already.

For my tanks, the new tier is completely useless, as I like to run high endurance Jugg build, which is not possible with 252/258 items (there are no Warding B mods or Vigilant/Steadfast enhancements in 252 or 258 tier, and there are no schematics to even learn them - for 246 mods we could do the pvp daily/weekly to learn it, now there is no way).

For my dps, I can build around the given stats, though they are not really optimal. But my dps rarely gets to even HM ops, because.. I have tank and healer and they are in higher demand usually.


I was really looking forward to new tier, as I was running in 248 for too long, that even a grind for new items was no big deal to me. But it was the inability to change mods and enhancements that killed my desire to get those new items.


If you want the mods and enhancements to be bound to slot, we can work with that, but only if you add a way to exchange said mods and enhancements. So if I have a 258 chest piece with Warding mod, I want to be able to pull it out and exchange it for Warding B mod that fits to the chestpiece. If said chest piece had Bulwark enhancement, I want to pull it out and exchange it for Vigilant enhancement that will fit to the chestpiece. I can work with the requirement to actually get all pieces of armor and not pulling mods from duplicates, but only if there is way to optimize those mods and enhancements as we see fit.

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Seriously what Muppet in your team actually thought this was a good idea?


Pretty much makes up my mind regarding my continuation of this game - good work.


Be safe


I wasn't going to comment on this thread, because I already made up my mind to skip this useless and insulting korean-esque grind, but with decisions like bound mods which are utterly retarded, I just cant help it. +1 for this . Musco, Which one of you thought such a grind plus such intended decisions with it is a good idea?


Do you really think 10 minutes of content followed by nothing for half an year and some ridiculous grind will retain players...lol. Bring back 4.0 gearing, everything you have done with 5.0 onwards is a complete fail.

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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.


2 - This is a bug, I acknowledged it here. The reason we didn't fix it with today's patch is that addressing this issue is actually pretty substantial from our side. It will involve us not only fixing the items to work properly going forward, but we need to actually "change" the gear already in the wild to work together. That is the part that is challenging as we need to touch armorings that players are wearing without impacting the rest of their gear. We are working on a solution for this, but it is not something we could turn around in time for 5.10a.


Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




I would just like SWTOR to have a future :mad:

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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.




Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




Thats the WORST and unnecessary change which not allows us to make stats as WE WANT THEM TO BE especially in pvp. I cant imagine how incompetent the guy who invented this change is... just the most useless change we ever saw

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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.




I'm speechless. From so little idea of ​​their own players. It has been ************ about it forever, when it came to the permanent grind. Most do not want it. :mad:

That does not mean that you have to do without grinding completely. That with the boxes was actually a pretty good idea. Here and there a few adjustments and it would have been perfect.


I will renew my subscription this month. This will run until about the end of February. If there is no improvement with the grind until the end of february, I put out for a while. You can play well without a subscription. Remember this. ;)



EDIT: Why is the word censored in English?************

Are your a prude. :D

Edited by Batwer
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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.


2 - This is a bug, I acknowledged it here. The reason we didn't fix it with today's patch is that addressing this issue is actually pretty substantial from our side. It will involve us not only fixing the items to work properly going forward, but we need to actually "change" the gear already in the wild to work together. That is the part that is challenging as we need to touch armorings that players are wearing without impacting the rest of their gear. We are working on a solution for this, but it is not something we could turn around in time for 5.10a.


Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




Like everyone said, I agree that this intended change was completely unnecessary and clearly it was made to increase the grind time (and apparently to piss ppl off).


What SHOULD BE DONE for the future:


If you really want to improve things, in my opinion, the only way to start to fix things on that regard is to bring the 4.0 gearing system back. I'm not saying to get rid of the Command Crates or anything, keep that. But the only way to solve everything for everyone would be to bring PVP gear back and make the PVE BiS gearing from the hardest content again. You MUST separate things. Otherwise it will be a mess forever. Our current system sucks for PVEers and sucks for PVPers. You are forcing people to do content they don't want to. As a consequence the quality of PVP matches dropped significantly and PVE Ops groups too. When people do content they don't want to they really don't care about consequences or quality, they just care about the mat they need or the Weekly.


Bring back the PVP gear and the best gear (PVE) drop from HM/NiM content and forget the grind for mats and quests and weeklys etc, because everyone knows it, hell, YOU know, that it's ****.

Maybe by doing that you would actually be able to bring back some of the old players, that are long gone.

Everyone loves the game and wants it to succeed. But you have to actually listen to us and do what we ask.

I'll give you one example, Bungie was completely lost with Destiny 2, but within a year, they listened to the community and they did a complete 180° change in the game with those changes. Result, they conquered the players back and are actually doing really well now.

Anyway, hope you can make some use of this feedback.

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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.



Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




Intended change that really makes no sense from the development process all the way to the customer's interest.


OK, so you have said "its an intended change" I think at this point it needs far more clarification as to WHY. Going by past changes as a company you know that this was not going to be agreeable to most or even any of the people who pay for this game. However we are reasonable for the most part, so if instead of just saying "it intended" give us a reason behind the intended change. Players are more likely to except such a change if they understand it was necessary or at least BW's motive behind it. Saying it's intended gives us nothing other than it's not a bug issue. Which really gives us nothing in understanding the why its been done.

Edited by TalleraLane
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Intended change that really makes no sense from the development process all the way to the customer's interest.


OK, so you have said "its an intended change" I think at this point it needs far more clarification as to WHY. Going by past changes as a company you know that this was not going to be agreeable to most or even any of the people who pay for this game. However we are reasonable for the most part, so if instead of just saying "it intended" give us a reason behind the intended change. Players are more likely to except such a change if they understand it was necessary or at least BW's motive behind it. Saying it's intended gives us nothing other than it's not a bug issue. Which really gives us nothing in understanding the why its been done.


their reason for doing this is pretty simple... ADD MORE GRIND

everything else makes no sense.

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Okay maybe I am the minority but I normally don't mix and match my mods and enhancements. When I want to increase something on my gear, I just make an augment and use them so for me (noticed I said for me ) I don't see this as a big deal.

I don't see many issues you personally have as a "big deal" for me either...yet I don't hop into those conversations and say they're not a big deal because I respect you enough to know that even though I don't have a problem with something, you do...and to you, it's important, which makes it important to me.

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What would be nice is knowing where gearing is going.


I can't think of any other MMO that brings out two new tiers of gear before a new expansion off the back of a couple of hours of story and a daily area plus Master Mode of an Op by their own declaration is only for a small number of players. This off the back of a summer of PvP with very little content.


Is it really just a grind for the sake of a grind, will 6.0 see another couple of new tiers. Is 6.0 so far off they felt they had to implament some form interim gear grind only to make sure its as bad as possible, to make the next tier a must have, so you do not allow customisation in this gear but allow it in the next. Though I think at this point, at 248 + 240 augments it seems likely many soft caps will have been reached at this point so an inability to customisation will mean increases in gear having such a minor effect on improvement in areas you are already hitting the soft cap, MM GotM will not be worth the trouble.


While at the same time this constant gear grind, akin to the hamster on his wheel, discourages casuals. There are some MMO's out there that I can jump into after an expansion or dlc and I can just enjoy the new content. They haven't felt the need to nerf stats to make a new grind to get back to where I was.


And as the new gearing system comes in and I'm playing an alt through the older content every so often being dropped a loot box with purple and gold gear, just for playing through content. You know what the command crates seem a much more alt friendly method of gearing up than a weekly and Ops runs.

Edited by Costello
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These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.



Can you offer any reason for this change, bar artificial break in gearing? Because that's the only reason I can see and if that's the idea, is a really lame way. I haven't bothered to take any toons through Ossus this week after doing about 8 last week, before I fully understood your itemization changes. I can't believe I'm the only one. Is that what you intended?

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