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Rishi Stronghold Beach Trashed in 5.10


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I discovered this earlier today, when I logged into my Rishi SH to redecorate part of it (due to multiple glitched decorations following the patch). I went to the beach to start... only to find out someone at EA apparently wasn't happy that decoration enthusiasts received the pretty tropical beach we'd pushed so hard to get with the Rishi SH. Said someone decided to add some code that dumped a texture of orange and white metal shrapnel all over the beach, ruining it:




Why would you do this EA?! What possible purpose would it serve to destroy one of the few nice things you've given us this past year?! This feels outright vindictive on your company's part, to do something like this without warning or reason. I want to believe it's a glitch, but why would this texture only exist on the Rishi SH beach and no where else if it's just rotten code?


I'm hosting my RP guild's Life Day party tonight. It was supposed to be a beach party on Rishi. I've been organizing and planning it for a month, and working on decorating Rishi for all the months since it came out. Thanks for ruining all that too, EA.


You've done so much to me and other players of this game over the years. I think this is the last straw. I am livid. Decorating is one of the few reasons I have left to stay subscribed. I want to maintain access to my credit hoard to buy the new shiny decos when they come out. If this isn't fixed ASAP, this is what will make me finally unsubscribe after 7 continuous years.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Holy frak. How does a bug/glitch like that even happen? O.o


I am not a coder/developer/anything like that, so I couldn't say. However, what I CAN say is that the debris fields are not simple repeated patterns or copy/pastes. The arrangement of the shrapnel appears unique in every location I've found it. That's one of the reasons this feels like a deliberate action on EA's part. To me it seems like someone decided Rishi was 'too clean' (after everyone gave feedback on the PTS that all the trash originally piled everywhere looked awful and so EA removed it) and decided to sneak some garbage back in. Because who cares about player feedback, right? :(


Now, could this still somehow be a glitch? Maybe. Maybe a glitch could produce random, unique patterns. I'm trying to calm down and not jump to conclusions. But this is still a new texture I can't recall seeing anywhere else in the game--and it's only on the beach in the Rishi SH, I've looked all over to see if it's just embedded in all the rock/dirt/sand meshes and nope.


In case it is a glitch, I'm trying to see if maybe it's caused by some decorations I've put down, or by what character I'm logged in on. No luck so far though.

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I am not a coder/developer/anything like that, so I couldn't say. However, what I CAN say is that the debris fields are not simple repeated patterns or copy/pastes. The arrangement of the shrapnel appears unique in every location I've found it. That's one of the reasons this feels like a deliberate action on EA's part. To me it seems like someone decided Rishi was 'too clean' (after everyone gave feedback on the PTS that all the trash originally piled everywhere looked awful and so EA removed it) and decided to sneak some garbage back in. Because who cares about player feedback, right? :(


Now, could this still somehow be a glitch? Maybe. Maybe a glitch could produce random, unique patterns. I'm trying to calm down and not jump to conclusions. But this is still a new texture I can't recall seeing anywhere else in the game--and it's only on the beach in the Rishi SH, I've looked all over to see if it's just embedded in all the rock/dirt/sand meshes and nope.


In case it is a glitch, I'm trying to see if maybe it's caused by some decorations I've put down, or by what character I'm logged in on. No luck so far though.

I sure hope it's a glitch...people have spent way too much time already on that SH.

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I am not a coder/developer/anything like that, so I couldn't say. However, what I CAN say is that the debris fields are not simple repeated patterns or copy/pastes. The arrangement of the shrapnel appears unique in every location I've found it. That's one of the reasons this feels like a deliberate action on EA's part. To me it seems like someone decided Rishi was 'too clean' (after everyone gave feedback on the PTS that all the trash originally piled everywhere looked awful and so EA removed it) and decided to sneak some garbage back in. Because who cares about player feedback, right? :(


Now, could this still somehow be a glitch? Maybe. Maybe a glitch could produce random, unique patterns. I'm trying to calm down and not jump to conclusions. But this is still a new texture I can't recall seeing anywhere else in the game--and it's only on the beach in the Rishi SH, I've looked all over to see if it's just embedded in all the rock/dirt/sand meshes and nope.


In case it is a glitch, I'm trying to see if maybe it's caused by some decorations I've put down, or by what character I'm logged in on. No luck so far though.

I can't recall what that area on the planet Rishi itself looks like. If similar, something may have bugged out to have that appearance in the Stronghold too, which is my best far-fetched guess as to how this could have happened. If it's really done on purpose then that's so dead wrong. Rishi, for plenty of players, already wasn't quite as they'd hoped but at least that beach area gave them *something*. If that's now trashed too... ouch.

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Why would you do this EA?!


I'm hosting my RP guild's Life Day party tonight. It was supposed to be a beach party on Rishi. I've been organizing and planning it for a month, and working on decorating Rishi for all the months since it came out. Thanks for ruining all that too, EA.



You DO realize EA is not the developer, right?

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I can't recall what that area on the planet Rishi itself looks like. If similar, something may have bugged out to have that appearance in the Stronghold too, which is my best far-fetched guess as to how this could have happened. If it's really done on purpose then that's so dead wrong. Rishi, for plenty of players, already wasn't quite as they'd hoped but at least that beach area gave them *something*. If that's now trashed too... ouch.


Whew, okay, so... I loaded through different characters, still had the shrapnel. I picked up a few decorations that were near the shrapnel, still had the shrapnel. I restarted the game, still had the shrapnel. Then I did a complete reboot of my computer, logged back in... aaaaand the shrapnel appears to be gone. I'm doing a runthrough of the place but I haven't found any of the debris fields so far.


I'm happy to admit my suspicions were wrong, because it means I can stop panicking now! I still have no idea what caused it. Could have been my computer was having a very... special day, or some sort of server/instance hiccup that resolved itself. No clue. But at least I do have evidence now that it was apparently a glitch and not someone at EA deciding to 'dirty up' Rishi again.


Thanks everyone, sorry for the alarm!

Edited by AscendingSky
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Well, to be fair, the Rishi stronghold is mostly a junkyard :s.


I'm still waiting for a nice and tidy beach resort as a new stronghold ^^.


But yes, that's not nice for those who had already decorated this beach.

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