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Jedi under siege (finally Empire vs Republic )


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So, when zakull was launched i asked the community who was thrilled with the new story, short to say that the overwhelming majority said no. Now that we have come back to our roots, that we have jedi vs sith, Empire vs Republic who is god damn happy?


Lets just hope the future fo swtor is not bleak as it has been after ziost!

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You do know this is thousands of years before the movie and it was a bleak time?


In fact because its in the distant past jedi and sith should not have lightsabers just vibroblades. And everyone else should not have blasters but guns more like real world guns.


But thats not what movie fans want.

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I have mixed feelings. I liked people from various factions coming together in the Alliance to fight a common threat. Many aspects of the Alliance story could've been implemented much better, yet it also has plenty of things to recommend it. A part of me is looking forward to Republic vs. Empire again, since we have lots of great memories from that era of SWTOR, but another part of me feels like it's a shame that we can't hold onto what we built together. It feels like a bit of a betrayal to some of our followers in the Alliance to go purely partisan again. Edited by Estelindis
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It just feels like that they should have NOT done the KOTFE or KOTET and just went straight to 5.10 or just made someone else the Commander of the Alliance and therefore they wouldn't have the need to remove the overpowered fleet we had.


I mean, its like going through the whole story trying to do something, only to have the last choice in the story to render that whole journey pointless...it just makes the game not worth playing, you know?

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You do know this is thousands of years before the movie and it was a bleak time?


In fact because its in the distant past jedi and sith should not have lightsabers just vibroblades. And everyone else should not have blasters but guns more like real world guns.


But thats not what movie fans want.


Umm no in this time blasters and light sabers had been long invented....the time you are refering to to anceint history during the swtor time.

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Dunno how I feel about all of this: Yes, I wanted everything post Ziost to be a bad acid trip, but at the same time this is kind of like spitting in our faces after 3 years of bad writing to be told "All that happened before this? All the choices that you made? F that- we gonna drag you back to Makeb era of writing- not like any of you actually enjoyed being independent!"


Also knowing that no matter what, the conflict will NEVER be resolved in this game, no matter how many planets we liberate/take over doesn't inspire me to hop on this particular hamster wheel.


Still salty that my ex-Empress is now gonna be a droid's lackey. I just feel like the second that they put us on top of the Galaxy, the only way was down, and it's gonna be an ugly, bumpy ride.


To those of you who look forward to this, I hope that the expansion will give you everything that you hoped for. For those of you who're not pleased with the way that the story is going- we shouldn't bash on it until we actually see it. And just generally to everyone- good luck and happy hunting!

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I have mixed feelings. I liked people from various factions coming together in the Alliance to fight a common threat. Many aspects of the Alliance story could've been implemented much better, yet it also has plenty of things to recommend it. A part of me is looking forward to Republic vs. Empire again, since we have lots of great memories from that era of SWTOR, but another part of me feels like it's a shame that we can't hold onto what we built together. It feels like a bit of a betrayal to some of our followers in the Alliance to go purely partisan again.


Yeah, if it is too bad then i won't any of this storyline. Sith Empire and Republic is weak, and only caters to a crowd that has no real imagination. KOTFE and KOTET was something new, problem is half of us had the same old story, and we needed Class stories.

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I am happy that we are going back to the empire vs republic content.


Zakuul is a mishmash of stuff. Jedi knight storyline, Commander role for trooper and a throne for sith characters.

Except the heist, not much for smugglers, bounty hunters and loyal agents. Having the option to skip it will be good.

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Zakuul \ Eternal Empire was a boring and uninspired faction to fight against so I'm rather happy we're done with it.

Being smart and opting out of the war between two failed ideologies was good and I'm not really happy we're forced back to that war and forced to pick a side.

Having two stories is better than having just one (but still worse than having eight).

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I was waiting for a new story and was upset that Zakuul and the Alliance went into oblivion (it was cool to be the empress at the suggestion of the Fleet) and now I’m worried that our history will be weaker than the previous ones .. because we all waited so long for, Iokat and Umbara suffered, so much hope has been placed on this update
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I'm not thrilled about returning to the same old Empire vs Republic bs. I'm feeling somewhat disconnected from my character and the story. He shouldn't be happy about "serving the Empire" or it's weak "Empress." I see it more as him using the Empire 'cause his options are limited at the moment.


It's just feels wrong that the Commander of the Alliance and the Eternal Emperor is back to playing an errand boy for lesser Sith Lords. It's like we're Sajar.

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I don't know. I kind of like that my Agent can be a proper double agent (sided with the Republic, but working for the Empire) but... aside from a couple of bonus options - it was kinda weak? I think it would be great if we could get a defection option, where we properly change sides. It should be open both ways, IMHO. (After what they did to her, my Agent really hates the Empire.)


Also, the story is so short. I got through it in a couple of hours. I'm thinking I must have missed something.


Ah well, I'm catching my SW up so I can get LS Jaesa back, and hopefully romance her.

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I'm very happy. I hated KOFTE and KOTET. I chose my faction for a reason, I love being Imperial and didn't want to be forced into another faction. Also hated being called Commander, especially as a Sith Inquisitor, I'm a Dark Council member and that's it. :p
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I'm not thrilled about returning to the same old Empire vs Republic bs. I'm feeling somewhat disconnected from my character and the story. He shouldn't be happy about "serving the Empire" or it's weak "Empress." I see it more as him using the Empire 'cause his options are limited at the moment.


It's just feels wrong that the Commander of the Alliance and the Eternal Emperor is back to playing an errand boy for lesser Sith Lords. It's like we're Sajar.


My thoughts exactly. I played through 5.10 last night on a trash level 70 that I didn't care if his companions got goobered by bugs. The entire time I was playing it, I was thinking to myself, "I'm just a lackey of the republic again."


In one scene in Under Siege, I'm told they'll see if I'm worth all the hype surrounding me.


That's not a challenge that motivates me to show my worth and subsequently follow suit in being their lackey.

It's a flat-out insult to someone who saved everyone's bacon from a megalomaniac ghost, his psychotic daughter, and an over-reaching dragon-lizard deity-wanna-be.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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damn.. I just finish THIS and want to ask developers WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!

after all what we done, we are again a little puppet in the foot of big guys

I know, I know, carbonite sleep< over 6 years - anybody forget Hero of Tython or Wrath but nearbe we was who? commander of aliance! we kill emperor< AGAIN and dragon (meh, it was to easy) but this... its horrible


To begin with, I want to say that I am a big fan of the original history of classes, I always liked the imperial side and returning to the bosom of the motherland attracted me BUT NOT ON THE RIGHTS OF LACEY! hell, we were the wrath-member of the council-super killer-emphasize the right. and now ... we run errands. and all around do not care what we are and who we are. grrrr just GRRR! we made so many thing and they become to the void!


again, what also make me did not like this upd - so little? SERIOUSLY?!

we waited 3 YEARS! 3 years, Karl! and we got this "story upd". The same garbage was a year ago with Iokat and tell me honestly, who loves this Daily Area and its meager useless story?she's not there almost there, only flashpoint,

very little content! and you have done so much noise that the new story is come, it will be cool, return to the sources. So what? maximum hour makeover

good lord, remember Hutt Cartel in Maked! he was cool !!!

and in other hand... jedi on the siege,,,meh

what is this misunderstanding? the plot is weak, it’s not enough, they put us in nothing ((why do fans have to eat what you give and you don’t listen to the voice of reason?


many scold that KOTFE and KOTET is worst thing

I will not agree and I will defend they to the pain in my fingers

it was a LONG INTEREST DEEP story which is give us new planets, the development of the galaxy, new problems that could be solved, normal enemies. I liked them so much. so much good content!

I do not understand how you can scold it and at the same time maintain a new update. it does not reach the level

and I don’t understand how the developers can feed us with such awesome additions after what they did. there was a golden era, there were so many elegant additions and stories, and now - only the cartel market is up to date so that we spend more money BUT WE DON'T GIVE US STORIES-CONTENT

But after all, it is in the history of the Star Wars universe that we love this game becouse of this story, not grinding

so after all of that I can say that developers are lazy (((

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I'm happy and I'm enjoying it though I do understand the feeling of being too important for proving myself to/running errands for droids.


I guess maybe I'm used to that though, because it happens so often in expansions. It's particularly bad in single player games where you go from fighting extra dimensional godlike demons to struggling with kobolds again. It's annoying, but I detested kotfeet, I loved the vanilla game, and I can tell they're trying to honor our past accomplishments.


My warrior feels invigorated and engaged, though it may be due to, in part, the way I rp her, the way I view her. She has always felt like an enforcer, not as much of a leader. I like her in this role.

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I'm not thrilled about returning to the same old Empire vs Republic bs. I'm feeling somewhat disconnected from my character and the story. He shouldn't be happy about "serving the Empire" or it's weak "Empress." I see it more as him using the Empire 'cause his options are limited at the moment.


It's just feels wrong that the Commander of the Alliance and the Eternal Emperor is back to playing an errand boy for lesser Sith Lords. It's like we're Sajar.


I felt the same way. Between the droid quest giver, Malora and the other Imperial character ordering them around and the conference with Acina at the end where my toon said (without my input) that she was 'glad to serve,' I felt like my Commander was back to being an apprentice. I was halfway expecting my toon to bow to the Surprise Character along with everyone else.

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I just came here to find out if there was a way to start the JUS update


yeah i can't play it either. The Major i am supposed to do ossus missions with wont appear and can't be summoned so i am SoL i guess.


If you're wondering where it starts from, it's on your ship's mission terminal.

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I felt the same way. Between the droid quest giver, Malora and the other Imperial character ordering them around and the conference with Acina at the end where my toon said (without my input) that she was 'glad to serve,' I felt like my Commander was back to being an apprentice. I was halfway expecting my toon to bow to the Surprise Character along with everyone else.

Haven't played it Imp side yet, but yeah does not seem really nice.


I globaly did not feel too much like a lackey with my JK as a loyalist, which is already not that bad, but there were lines i did not really like.

Like the Republic is my home one, nope that is Odessen now, but it was that or going Imp which she would not do...

Or like at the end my only answers to Tau were 1 flirt i did not want to take, one that looked like my

character had a very inflated ego or "I'm glad I could be here, Tau. Reuniting with the Jedi has been long overdue." Nope, she doesn't care about being reunited with the Jedi, she has no problem helping them, but doesn't want to go back to them, and it sounded like that. I'd really have liked if it did not sound like she would go back to being a Jedi first chance she got, because that's not what she'd do.

If she happens to somehow be forced back in her Jedi role as a member of the Order, i'll delete her right away.

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