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Game Update 5.10 Developer Livestream Notes


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And the more you use unassembled components the more expensive they get instead of having just a set price. The whole thing is dumb. Sucks to be a pure pvper that wants little to do with pve.


Yes, that does seem ridiculously stupid. Here’s hoping that Bolster will negate a big chunk of that.

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It’s a good way to make pure pvp people stop playing.


Its the core reason why I never stay subbed very long anymore. After the removal of pvp gear I didn't play for nearly 2 years, and that was after being a consistent subscriber from day 1.

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Well they said Jonas Balkar was going to be the Republic-sided contact, he's not bad looking! Although it is funny that the ugly aliens are always male. If they're female they always gotta make them at least somewhat hot. The only exception I can think of is Treek.


I'll have to watch the stream! That tidbit didn't make it into the posted notes and it was a critical bit of info!


It may just be me, but I think Doc has already been established as such an avid skirt chaser, it would go against who he is and the previous writing about him. In short, I think Doc is too far gone as a womanizer, whereas I don't think it was as firmly established with Jaesa or Nadia about who they're into, even if they can romance males.


We don't know how open and accepting the Old Republic is. I'm going to drop this here. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-clemons/frankly-my-deargay-men-ma_b_10806572.html

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I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters. Not every main character has to be a LI or be aesthetically pleasing. They weren't in the class stories. If someone only sees value in including characters they personally can ogle or see as LIs, that's the person's issue, and it's not the game's job to accommodate it. As much as I love romance stories in the game, not everything is centered on that.


As someone else mentioned, Jonas, Paxton Rall, IIRC Zenith and Scourge are all supposed to be part of new content, too.


As for Jaesa and Nadia being available for SGR, for the love of God, there's been one F/F LTR in the entire game. They're giving two more who are class-specific and probably will never be seen or heard from again in the main story, and we're going to have people crying "What about the mennnnnn?" with this too?

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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They teased Khem Val romance? They teased Khem Val romance. wait what

....I didn't even know I wanted this. 10/10 update ROFL


Maybe I missed it, did anyone happen to catch if there was any mention of level-cap increase on 6.0? Or anywhere in the future?


I don't think they mentioned it on the stream, but whoever was typing from the SWTOR account (probably Keith) said "Level 75 comes later". I don't know if that means 6.0 or not but it was mentioned. Here's a screenshot of the chat as proof: minRlNu.png

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As for the gearing, they've all but confirmed that people who are not interested in that one MM Op will be locked out of it or will find it too hard to get, and that is disappointing. I've already accepted that none of my characters will even be trying for this gear.


I also noticed they are saying that conquest will be veering away from "daily repeatables" and that concerns me because those are usually the ones that are more solo-friendly. If they're going to drop the heroics, crafting and rampages and make conquest all about grouping and Ops, I think more people will be opting out.

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Reading through the notes since I missed the stream it sounds like only Jaesa and Nadia will have that option. Why not Doc?


Oh and why are all 3 female NPCs attractive while the 2 males we can see are very not? First they forget to add new male dancer decos, now they forget to add attractive male NPCs. Hello! The player base is more diverse than hetero men :mad:


I for one find Master Gnost Dural very sexy, thank you. :tran_eek:

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I think I'm excited for this update. :D A Mars/Korriban-esque planet with 2 world bosses, reputation, daily quests, datacrons, gnost dural. Plus GFTM is getting nerfed down to HM when they add NiM, so I should be able to grind the special mats more easily.


And I'm going to romance tf out of Khem Val. Still waiting for my Skadge romance tho.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I'm mostly interested in the story and they seem to be keeping most details close to their chest. It's good for the people who've wanted to defect forever that they can become saboteurs though I wonder how they'll juggle it well into the near future. Ossus is a world I've wanted to see visited in this game for years.


It's cool that they remember that Gnost-Dural exists though it's going to be pretty awkward meeting up with Darth Malora after ratting her out to her master as an acolyte all of those years ago (such memories). I'm less impressed by some of these secondary characters. Why bother to create a new walking callous race when Legends is already full of well fleshed out and constructed alien species? Why does the empire need another "******" twi'lek female to remind us that things have changed since Malgus' rebellion? There are other species that need some attention. Also pleasantly surprised for the return of Khem Val although I wonder if there will be plans to bring back Zash for inquisitors who chose her as well.


New ilvl grinds can go straight to hell. It's all just an intentional obstacle course to scramble over until whenever they're ready for 6.0

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We don't know how open and accepting the Old Republic is. I'm going to drop this here. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-clemons/frankly-my-deargay-men-ma_b_10806572.html

It's never touched lore-wise in ink but I'd imagine a universe designed by George Lucas is anything but accepting, since he has gone out of his way to put on record there was no room for such "distracting" relationships in his vision :p


I don't think they mentioned it on the stream, but whoever was typing from the SWTOR account (probably Keith) said "Level 75 comes later". I don't know if that means 6.0 or not but it was mentioned. Here's a screenshot of the chat as proof: minRlNu.png

Yeah I totally missed all the notes in chat. Any idea was that an answer to some question or just a general "btw level cap later" kinda note?


I for one find Master Gnost Dural very sexy, thank you. :tran_eek:

I thought romanced with "non-humans" wasn't going to be possible.. I mean, Khem probably sucks at kissing animations, or kissing in general, he doesn't even have lips. We'd just be licking his teeth. And he'd probably be giving literal love bites in return. Hilarious and totally something I'm gonna jump on board if it's gonna be a real thing hahaha

I'm a xenophile anyway so yeaaaa gimme all the weird aliens!

Edited by Kiesu
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I'll have to watch the stream! That tidbit didn't make it into the posted notes and it was a critical bit of info!




We don't know how open and accepting the Old Republic is. I'm going to drop this here. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-clemons/frankly-my-deargay-men-ma_b_10806572.html


I don't say this about a lot of fictional settings, but I never got the sense there was really much of any homophobia in the Star Wars galaxy, or at least not based on Swtor. Perhaps because there doesn't seem to be much other real world prejudices either. Plus, even before Lana and Theron became major characters, we occasionally got references to same sex marriages in TOR.

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I thought romanced with "non-humans" wasn't going to be possible... I mean, Khem probably sucks at kissing animations, or kissing in general, he doesn't even have lips. We'd just be licking his teeth. And he'd probably be giving literal love bites in return. Hilarious and totally something I'm gonna jump on board if it's gonna be a real thing hahaha

I'm a xenophile anyway so yeaaaa gimme all the weird aliens!


If Khem romance is actually a thing and not a joke I may have to make a character to try it out now... In the meantime, I must start my campaign for a Gnost Dural romance. Especially, now that I have at least one other supporter.

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I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters. Not every main character has to be a LI or be aesthetically pleasing. They weren't in the class stories. If someone only sees value in including characters they personally can ogle or see as LIs, that's the person's issue, and it's not the game's job to accommodate it. As much as I love romance stories in the game, not everything is centered on that.


As someone else mentioned, Jonas, Paxton Rall, IIRC Zenith and Scourge are all supposed to be part of new content, too.


As for Jaesa and Nadia being available for SGR, for the love of God, there's been one F/F LTR in the entire game. They're giving two more who are class-specific and probably will never be seen or heard from again in the main story, and we're going to have people crying "What about the mennnnnn?" with this too?


I'm not arguing against adding female characters, I'm arguing against the lopsidedness. Just like I'm not arguing that all characters need to be attractive, but that it should be balanced. There should be an equal number of hot guys and hot women and an equal number of unusual alien guys and unusual alien women. They could just as easily have made the Twi'lek a Rodian instead.


And yes, since the only currently announced SGR for vanilla companions are F/F, I'm going to complain that it is lopsided. Doc is an unlikely candidate for SS romance, but a good writer could make it work. Now if the Khem romance wasn't a joke, then I remove my complaint. Khem is worth two little force users!


Neither Jonas, Rall, Zenith nor Scourge were mentioned in the notes for the stream, so I'm not sure what has officially been said about them. To the best of my knowledge neither Zenith nor Scourge are part of 5.10 and it is 5.10 that we are discussing, not nebulous content past that. There has been no announcement yet of when Rall will be released, and nothing indicates he is part of the story. I've only just now heard, third hand, that Jonas is the Republic quest giver and I haven't heard who the Imperial quest giver is.

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I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters. Not every main character has to be a LI or be aesthetically pleasing. They weren't in the class stories. If someone only sees value in including characters they personally can ogle or see as LIs, that's the person's issue, and it's not the game's job to accommodate it. As much as I love romance stories in the game, not everything is centered on that.


As someone else mentioned, Jonas, Paxton Rall, IIRC Zenith and Scourge are all supposed to be part of new content, too.


As for Jaesa and Nadia being available for SGR, for the love of God, there's been one F/F LTR in the entire game. They're giving two more who are class-specific and probably will never be seen or heard from again in the main story, and we're going to have people crying "What about the mennnnnn?" with this too?


Scourge wasn't mentioned, we guess he might be around later in 6.0 but nothing was really said about him no matter how many times I spammed my question. Maybe the romances aren't the end all be all for you (though the way you cleave to and defend Lana, that amazes me), but the romances for ME are a huge deal as is getting a good number of male NPCs and story characters as well. I'm not big on aliens, so anytime I see an alien, it's like another droid to me. :eek::rolleyes: I don't care about them (maybe this is why I play Empire lol).


You say it's not the game's job to accomodate the people that play it? Well it is, if I'm not happy with what I see, I can spend my money elsewhere.


We clearly have vastly different interests and I want to see more men in the story that are not aliens, I like humans, cyborgs and Sith. And I bloody well will speak up when I think there is a shortage of said demographic.


For what it's worth I don't give two craps about Jaesa light or dark or Nadia, so you can have it and have all the fun in the world with them if Lana allows it. Me, I'm going to keep asking for what pleases me, and that's men in my story. I find it greatly unbalanced that in the Light/Dark event the prizes were two female comps, no males. Now again the main characters in the story are two females AGAIN and barely any males, though I'm happy that Jonas Balkar was chosen to be included even if my leanings towards the Empire won't have me in contact with him much if at all. All I'm asking for is a bit of balance here. If Light/Dark had two women leads/prizes than the story should have two men, or at very least a man and a woman. That would be fair.

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I've only just now heard, third hand, that Jonas is the Republic quest giver and I haven't heard who the Imperial quest giver is.


We get a droid. <.< That freaking lousy robot from the Black Talon FP the murderous one that worked for Kilran...NR-02.


Woohoo. We being as awesome Empire side as we are get bossed around by a droid. :mad:

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Neither Jonas, Rall, Zenith nor Scourge were mentioned in the notes for the stream, so I'm not sure what has officially been said about them. To the best of my knowledge neither Zenith nor Scourge are part of 5.10 and it is 5.10 that we are discussing, not nebulous content past that. There has been no announcement yet of when Rall will be released, and nothing indicates he is part of the story. I've only just now heard, third hand, that Jonas is the Republic quest giver and I haven't heard who the Imperial quest giver is.


Imperial-sided contact is NR-02, the droid from the Black Talon. I'm not even joking. They talk about Jonas and NR-02 here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/321364862 at 5:55.


Yeah I totally missed all the notes in chat. Any idea was that an answer to some question or just a general "btw level cap later" kinda note?


The closest question to the answer I saw was "so no level 75 in this expansion?" but chat was moving pretty fast and there were a few people asking about level increase so I'm not entirely sure who he was directly responding to, if anyone. I'm also not sure if 'expansion' there meant 5.10 or 6.0.

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I'm not arguing against adding female characters, I'm arguing against the lopsidedness. Just like I'm not arguing that all characters need to be attractive, but that it should be balanced. There should be an equal number of hot guys and hot women and an equal number of unusual alien guys and unusual alien women. They could just as easily have made the Twi'lek a Rodian instead.


And yes, since the only currently announced SGR for vanilla companions are F/F, I'm going to complain that it is lopsided. Doc is an unlikely candidate for SS romance, but a good writer could make it work. Now if the Khem romance wasn't a joke, then I remove my complaint. Khem is worth two little force users!


It has never been balanced. The game has always been heavily canted toward male characters. In the class stories there were only 11 female companions out of 40. Most of the class givers and all of the final villains were men. If there are more women now, well, the balance is evening out.


Aesthetics are subjective. The complaints that female characters are pretty reminds me of nothing more than those catty girls in high school who hated every other girl and belittled them. I'm taking bets on when some people here are going to start requesting kill options for the new female NPCs because they sneeze in the wrong direction while cooing over the male NPCs who kill entire villages.


We've had one F/F romance in the game and three M/M. You want things to be balanced by the numbers? This is evening up the balance and now there are three of each. Although it's not, because the F/F will be class-restricted while ALL of the M/M are available to all classes. F/F has been the most neglected demographic in the game, but sure, it's not at all petty to complain when they finally get something nice.


It's kind of telling to me that some of the people here constantly complain about how the game isn't just for hetero male players, but then when the devs do something for a group that is NOT hetero men, and has been sorely neglected, there are still complaints.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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It has never been balanced...

It's kind of telling to me that some of the people here constantly complain,...but then when the devs do something for a group that...has been sorely neglected, there are still complaints.


I shortened that for you. Should be the national anthem of these forums


I’m just gonna be over here laughing with my unkillable BFF Ashara and bedside-hoverer and unkillable giver-of-bad-advice fiancé Lana. My warriors are about to join in the fun finally.


No thanks on Nadia though, unless they do something to age her. Same voice and face as before is too creepy to go there

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I shortened that for you. Should be the national anthem of these forums


I’m just gonna be over here laughing with my unkillable BFF Ashara and bedside-hoverer and unkillable giver-of-bad-advice fiancé Lana. My warriors are about to join in the fun finally.


No thanks on Nadia though, unless they do something to age her. Same voice and face as before is too creepy to go there


My PCs will be over here with their Lanas and their female companion friends, too. :D Yeah, I really hope they have made Nadia grow up a lot. Otherwise I am putting her in the same category as Arcann, ie, "really creepy romance I would never do, but hey, it's another SGR option."


The mean part of me hopes that the new female NPCs are insufferably bossy and irritating, have people commenting on their beauty and talent, and that if you have been mean to Lana, they become your new forced companions for EVERY quest, so I can sit back and laugh at the complaints.

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And the more you use unassembled components the more expensive they get instead of having just a set price. The whole thing is dumb. Sucks to be a pure pvper that wants little to do with pve.


They want people to play all parts of the game that they work to develop. Makes sense to me.



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They teased Khem Val romance? They teased Khem Val romance. wait what

....I didn't even know I wanted this. 10/10 update ROFL


Maybe I missed it, did anyone happen to catch if there was any mention of level-cap increase on 6.0? Or anywhere in the future?


There was zero mention of level cap increase (edited to correct: except Keith said in chat, apparently that "level 75 will be later"), and zero mention of 6.0. They will not start talking about 6.0 until it is the next patch coming out. This is how they have always worked in the history of the game, and you won't hear anything about it until it is the next thing going into the game.



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I thought kira and scourge were co firmed for 5.10?? Why no word on this?


They did mention it, there was absolutely word from Charles. I cannot recall word for word what he said, but basically, they have a special place in the story line that he has not been able to complete yet. They are coming, though. He is still working this in.



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