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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Theron didn't betray my trust ? then what was that all about. Oh here my beloved I'm going to help these people kill you and ask for your forgiveness.


Sorry all my characters are dark side ALL OF THEM, Theron and Koth should have and did both die for treason


Which is fine for you but not if your actions affect my choices. I play mostly light side characters so because the ones that play dark side choices want to kill someone I get to have the characters removed from my story? No that is wrong. You make the choice and they are removed from yours, which is fine but don't remove them from my story which is why a lot of people are upset because it seems our choices (light side) were not taken into account like the dark side choices were.

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Non romanceable companion, he isn't even back yet, the desire for him seems to be almost nonexistent. Also he's voiced by Theron's voice actor who isn't exactly cheap. Their priorities probably lie elsewhere.



It is OK, let's have it your way, fine by me, after all the majority decides, we live in a perfect Dutch/Belgian/Scottish/American democracy, aren't we?

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Theron didn't betray my trust ? then what was that all about. Oh here my beloved I'm going to help these people kill you and ask for your forgiveness.


Sorry all my characters are dark side ALL OF THEM, Theron and Koth should have and did both die for treason

Well, problem is that most of my characters are either LS or if they're DS they tent to be more neutral, so neither Koth nor Theron ever betrayed them, so why would i kill them ?

And why should they be removed from MY story as well when they never died in the 1st place ?


I'd oviously not kill Lana either as she's a friend and trusted advisor for them.

Edited by Goreshaga
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The problem is the nature of the game. We play characters that kill anyone for anything (I do it too) and it is illogical and implausible that we would stop just short of the people (companions) we keep close and trust the most.


In any case, the devs must love how the players are at each others throats over things we have no control of, instead of at theirs.

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I said let's have it your way. If you want Zenith gone for good, who am I to argue?


I don't really care all that much whether Zenith lives or dies, him dying isn't "my way" if he dies it's because BW wanted people to have that choice. I'm not an employee.

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I hope you're right, but Charles already said something about her being driven away if the player commits war crimes against Imperials. :( I think whatever is left of any of the class or KOTFE-era the companions is going to be hacked away, badly, in 6.0, since Bioware really doesn't seem to care that people might want them around.


You can't anymore commit war crimes against Imperials than you could against Nazis in the Second World War. It's not a War crime when they are begging for it because they did it first :p


Ya know, I'm not like the biggest Lana fan, I have nothing against her persay, I did Romance her, but that was only because I needed something to poke until Jaesa comes home,and when the option to marry Lana was given, I didn't take it. She seems fine to continue to let me use her like a pin cushion without it, so I didn't marry her.


Even still, I hated being forced to always take Lana or Theron. Lana was infinately more preferable to me of course because I didn't hate her guts and want to kill her since 5 seconds after I met her like with Theron, but I didn't like being forced to always have to have one of them with me all the time. [or most].


So, even though I have no great Love for her persay, I have no choice but to acknowledge her undying loyalty. She is without question the most diehad loyal companion you can have. She just took a blaster bolt in the breast for me [and it was my favorite one of her breasts I might add], when Theron tried to blow my head off. She took the shot for me, she could have died. There are no stun settings on blasters like Star Trek. Lana worships the ground you walk on. I so don't feel like killing people who worship the ground I walk on and let me stick whatever I want, where ever I want, whenever I want. [bonus points right there :) ]


Furthermore, I pretty much kill everyone that has a kill option, but, to be fair, I think they all deserved it. Now, I can't really say that for Torian, it was a choice between him and a hot Twilek chick who just happens to by one of my wives and lets me have sex with her. Torian is a stranger and a dude, so unfortunately, he needed to get his *** lite up.


If Lana did something to warrant a kill option, she'd be hanging with Torian real fast. She hasn't done anything to deserve it. I don't care what she said about Theron that perhaps wasn't flattering in the past even if it could have lead to him losing his head. Lana is a Sithlord, and Sithlords get to kill whoever the hell they want. [save for their master, and sometimes, even than]. Theron was not only not a Sithlord, he was also a friggen pub. Which, right there, all on it's own warrants him getting his *** lite up as far as I'm concerned.


If people want to push for a Lana kill option, whether deserved or not, go for it. If they want to use it or not, their call. If it means shes no longer in the future storyline at all, that would be unfortunate in my opinion, but, I wouldn't say one word to anyone else about it even if those players weren't Sithlords and therefore DON'T have the right to kill anyone they want because they aren't Sithlords. Anyone who is not a Sithlord doesn't have the right to kill anyone they want. They may do so, but, it isn't by right.


Isn't that selfish of me to make such presumptions? Well, I don't think so, but than again, I'm a Sith Lord :D


I'm real sorry for people who liked Theron and Quinn and Arcaan, but, they so deserved to get their buttons pushed it wasn't even funny :rolleyes:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I'm real sorry for people who liked Theron and Quinn and Arcaan, but, they so deserved to get their buttons pushed it wasn't even funny :rolleyes:


Honestly, I don't feel sad about Arcann, I think we've been spoiled! (for those who like him)

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I don't really care all that much whether Zenith lives or dies, him dying isn't "my way" if he dies it's because BW wanted people to have that choice. I'm not an employee.


As I said, it is OK. Or as Darth Marr said " So be it". I wish there was some clever Jedi saying to quote, but there is not. All I can think of, even if my "inner Sith" is urging me to post something really rude , is.. "there is no passion, there is serenity".

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As I said, it is OK. Or as Darth Marr said " So be it". I wish there was some clever Jedi saying to quote, but there is not. All I can think of, even if my "inner Sith" is urging me to post something really rude , is.. "there is no passion, there is serenity".


Being rude never does anyone ever any good.

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Being rude never does anyone ever any good.


You are right. One must never give into rage, it won't solve the problem. Some problems cannot be solved because not everyone can appreciate the value of a true friend, most people go for cheap woe-is-me stories. Just sayin' .

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So, even though I have no great Love for her persay, I have no choice but to acknowledge her undying loyalty. She is without question the most diehad loyal companion you can have. She just took a blaster bolt in the breast for me [and it was my favorite one of her breasts I might add], when Theron tried to blow my head off. She took the shot for me, she could have died. There are no stun settings on blasters like Star Trek. Lana worships the ground you walk on. I so don't feel like killing people who worship the ground I walk on and let me stick whatever I want, where ever I want, whenever I want. [bonus points right there :) ]

There are obviously stun settings on blaster in SW, else Leia would've died on the Tantive IV, but she was stunned.

So was Lana, because she was out for something like 1 min, and was perfectly fine when she woke up, which would not have been the case if the shot was not meant to stun.

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I'm hoping they've learned their lesson from all the love threads and requests to bring companions back from the dead, etc. They obviously can't or don't want to maintain diverging companion storylines so it shouldn't be an option at all going forward.


I'd like to think so too. I'm so tired of nearly every companion and most of the NPCs that matter being killable. They've killed so many that they're digging out characters from minor missions on starter planets and our characters have barely anyone left who has not been bricked. Add in all the fan complaints and concerns and you would think that they'd finally, FINALLY get that bricking all the beloved companions and NPCs is a bad idea that makes players unhappy.


But in Nathema, not only did they put in a kill option for Theron despite numerous fan requests NOT to, but they also simultaneously slaughtered about 20 NPCs, some of whom were fan favorites, all in one fell swoop. Characters people really liked, or hoped to see again, and they're all gone now because they were Zildrog fuel.


And then you hear them saying they made a NiM Op not because of fan requests but because *one* of the devs wanted it.


And they have one of the writers' pets in Nathema (I'm not knocking this character at the moment, just pointing out that he had a writer in his corner) while leaving out another LI who had a plausible reason to have a line or two in the story.


So while I truly hope they are turning over a new leaf and leaving behind The Companion Slaughterfest of 16-18, and that they will give people material with their LIs and other characters if they've saved them in their own stories, I worry that they won't.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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There are obviously stun settings on blaster in SW, else Leia would've died on the Tantive IV, but she was stunned.

So was Lana, because she was out for something like 1 min, and was perfectly fine when she woke up, which would not have been the case if the shot was not meant to stun.


Yeah, the blasters do have stun settings, and I think they've said as much in some of the dialogue here and there. I've read that Theron changes blasters in that scene, too, although I've never paid close enough attention to notice. But MHO he probably anticipated that Lana would try to protect the PC by jumping in front of them, and he stunned her so he could freely recite his lines for the Zildrog people who were listening.


That scene...Lana is so loyal that she literally is willing to take a blaster bolt to the chest for the PC, and neither of you know it's a stun until it hits her. It's not the first time she's willing to sacrifice herself for the PC either.

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Yeah, the blasters do have stun settings, and I think they've said as much in some of the dialogue here and there. I've read that Theron changes blasters in that scene, too, although I've never paid close enough attention to notice. But MHO he probably anticipated that Lana would try to protect the PC by jumping in front of them, and he stunned her so he could freely recite his lines for the Zildrog people who were listening.


That scene...Lana is so loyal that she literally is willing to take a blaster bolt to the chest for the PC, and neither of you know it's a stun until it hits her. It's not the first time she's willing to sacrifice herself for the PC either.

I don't know about him changing blasters, haven't paid attention to this, but yeah i think he wanted Lana out long enough to have that little chat with you, and intended for her to wake up just in time to be able to jump out of the train with you.


Yeah that's what make her such a good friend to my JK.

She's honnestly one of my favourite female companions alongside Senya.

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Lana's unwavering loyalty is actually something I hate about her. I love a loyal companion if I EARNED their loyalty but she follows you around like a lovesick puppy regardless of what you say or do or how you treat her or the Empire. I even went so far as to test this with a recent trooper, every single conversation with Lana I chose the most hostile, rude, or mean option I could, I took every action she hated, fired on the Imperial ships instead of the Revanite ones, and even told her that if I ever saw her again I would kill her and when we meet again on Zakuul I still get the exact same "It's so good to see you!" line and had her act like she worships the ground I walk on. I HATE that. I hate characters with no sense of self, no self worth, no backbone. It's something everyone loves about Lana, the fact that she kisses your butt no matter what and doesn't stay mad at you for more than one throwaway upset line of dialogue in response to a choice. It's also something people hate about Koth, that he doesn't kiss your butt and that he will actually stand up to you based on your actions. I wish there were more Koths and fewer Lanas but I know I'm in the minority on this. I even remember one of the devs posting a statement on the old BioWare forums back in the day that was something like "the most popular companions are those who are funny and agree with everything you do." Even if they didn't want to have every companion have the option of leaving us if they hate us and our actions I wish they would react differently to us. Like some grudgingly follow us because the only way to stop the greater threat is together but they make their feelings clear while others are your enthusiastic BFF because you're always nice to them and all your actions align with their tastes and morals.


In any case I will be overjoyed if I can kick Lana to the curb. I play most of my characters as pro-Republic/anti-Empire so if that's the qualification for her leaving on her own I'll be set. Those few imperial loyalists will just languish after KotET forever.

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Lana's unwavering loyalty is actually something I hate about her. I love a loyal companion if I EARNED their loyalty but she follows you around like a lovesick puppy regardless of what you say or do or how you treat her or the Empire. I even went so far as to test this with a recent trooper, every single conversation with Lana I chose the most hostile, rude, or mean option I could, I took every action she hated, fired on the Imperial ships instead of the Revanite ones, and even told her that if I ever saw her again I would kill her and when we meet again on Zakuul I still get the exact same "It's so good to see you!" line and had her act like she worships the ground I walk on. I HATE that. I hate characters with no sense of self, no self worth, no backbone. It's something everyone loves about Lana, the fact that she kisses your butt no matter what and doesn't stay mad at you for more than one throwaway upset line of dialogue in response to a choice. It's also something people hate about Koth, that he doesn't kiss your butt and that he will actually stand up to you based on your actions. I wish there were more Koths and fewer Lanas but I know I'm in the minority on this. I even remember one of the devs posting a statement on the old BioWare forums back in the day that was something like "the most popular companions are those who are funny and agree with everything you do." Even if they didn't want to have every companion have the option of leaving us if they hate us and our actions I wish they would react differently to us. Like some grudgingly follow us because the only way to stop the greater threat is together but they make their feelings clear while others are your enthusiastic BFF because you're always nice to them and all your actions align with their tastes and morals.


In any case I will be overjoyed if I can kick Lana to the curb. I play most of my characters as pro-Republic/anti-Empire so if that's the qualification for her leaving on her own I'll be set. Those few imperial loyalists will just languish after KotET forever.

I hear ya. It's something I personally dislike about Lana as well, and what I enjoy about Koth. I don't need people giving me their blind loyalty and devotion, and I don't trust them as much as the people I've actually built that relationship up with, who's loyalty I've earned.


That said, she doesn't have to die, not for me and I don't think it matters what I want at the end of the day. BW either will or won't and for everything else, there's headcanon/fiction.

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I hear ya. It's something I personally dislike about Lana as well, and what I enjoy about Koth. I don't need people giving me their blind loyalty and devotion, and I don't trust them as much as the people I've actually built that relationship up with, who's loyalty I've earned.


That said, she doesn't have to die, not for me and I don't think it matters what I want at the end of the day. BW either will or won't and for everything else, there's headcanon/fiction.


Same here, I don't care if she dies or leaves or decides to join a traveling group of circus performers, I just don't want her forced on ME anymore. Hell, she could even become the new Sith Empress and be a main part of the story as my character's enemy or something and that would be fine with me, just don't force me to pretend to be her BFF or have her follow me around being a doormat anymore.

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