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opinion on space combat missions?


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also if some people still play it?

would feel better if they werent on rails and played more like a starfighter match, but the biggest problem is the lasers that you cant dodge because they shoot off screen on to you. especially noticeable in the missions that recommend you to have grade 4 or 5 ship parts

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starfox or the hot garbage that is starifghter?


rail fighter vs crap controls

cant customize ships like SWG nor use a joystick. its a waste of time.



though there is a small few that enjoy and excel at it.


i lost count how many times i would blast through all 3 pilot specs in SWG for reward gear for buddies and sales. was a lot of fun gearing up a few ships. had the best heavy x-wing on chilastra and 3rd best RGI, though my oppy was a ton of fun 1 shotting scrubs at times :p

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I have been Hyperspace Legend for forever, thanks to my furious training with Star Fox since Snes :p


I enjoy on rails shooters, probably because I've been playing them since childhood. It's a bit of a niche. Swtor ones are done pretty well though, especially the hardest ones are pretty fun.

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starfox or the hot garbage that is starifghter?


rail fighter vs crap controls

cant customize ships like SWG nor use a joystick. its a waste of time.



though there is a small few that enjoy and excel at it.


i lost count how many times i would blast through all 3 pilot specs in SWG for reward gear for buddies and sales. was a lot of fun gearing up a few ships. had the best heavy x-wing on chilastra and 3rd best RGI, though my oppy was a ton of fun 1 shotting scrubs at times :p



Also every Rebel Pilot was a scrub. The faction was just a joke over on SS back in the day.

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I had fun going for the achievements, upgrading the ship parts, and then found I have little patience for the really hard missions that have no achievements attached to them and don't seem worth the headache. I've watched a couple videos of people completing them, but know I probably wouldn't reach that level.

I would love the chance to grind/earn/whatever some new Grade 9 parts...

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If they gone the Star Wars Galaxies or EVE Online route space content would be so much better.

They should have just gone with the SWG idea for the whole game. It's what people had been crying out for.


Really today's Dev's and Publishers have no idea what people want. People have been screaming for something like SWG Pre-CU, we get more WoW clones.

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I used to love the space missions here. I didn't grow up on Starfox, but I remember it and it was always fun!

Even now, after so many years, from time to time I'll do some of them.


Also, they fixed some of the achievements. I was FINALLY able to hit 100% on imp side recently since blowing up the "command centers" on the ships works now and those bonus missions can be completed.




As for SWG:


Well, on one hand I tend to agree. There are multiple swg pre-cu emulators out there that have thousands of players each.


One the other hand, SWG Pre-Cu is way more of a complex game than this one even before you start in on the swg crafting/resource system.


With a theme park centric game, it would be next to impossible to have that type of random resource spawn, or player cities, or even buildings that could be dropped out in the wild because it would interfere with the story spawn points.

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would feel better if they werent on rails and played more like a starfighter match


When I first saw GSF in action, I really wished for something like that without the PVP-component, but where both GSF and PVP will see people utilize their surroundings (regardless of whether they do so productively or not) around one or more placed objective, all instanced PVE content in this game is effectively on rails--a rail along which you're expected to perform certain mechanics at the right moments--and stepping outside of that would require them to come up with something entirely new, mechanically. Even GSF still seems to follow the same patterns as regular PVP, even if the implementation of those patterns is different. I'd guess making a more GSF-like solo or group-PVE system would be a huge risk for them, which I cannot imagine them taking.


More generally, I thought they were a sort of amusing break from other missions, but the learning curve seems completely messed up to me. I quit the space rails missions when they very abruptly jumped from being much too easy for me to being much too hard for me. It did not motivate me to try and get better, so I just dropped it.


I wished there'd been more to it, but I suspect this part of the game will not be touched anymore.

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It was a waste of time when it was developed and it's still a waste of time imo. It's boring and monotonous.


It's almost like different people like different things. You thought it was boring, others didn't. I didn't think it was a waste of time and I wish they would put more work into it.

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It's almost like different people like different things. You thought it was boring, others didn't. I didn't think it was a waste of time and I wish they would put more work into it.

I should have been more clear...with just a tiny bit more effort, it could have been a crown jewel for this game.


I didn't mean to suggest nobody liked it...I know you're not alone.

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I should have been more clear...with just a tiny bit more effort, it could have been a crown jewel for this game.


I didn't mean to suggest nobody liked it...I know you're not alone.


No worries and sorry. I'm feeling a little defensive about something else and it probably leaked through.


And yeah, it could have been pretty awesome. I don't mind the on rails part so much but just think what it could be like not on rails, right?

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They should have just gone with the SWG idea for the whole game. It's what people had been crying out for.


Really today's Dev's and Publishers have no idea what people want. People have been screaming for something like SWG Pre-CU, we get more WoW clones.


Mainly it's what you and a minority of devotees cry out for. Really, they needn't have bothered coming up with the Cult of Zildrog when the Cult of SWG has been going on in the forum since the game started.


It was a waste of time when it was developed and it's still a waste of time imo. It's boring and monotonous.


I didn't think it was monotonous. As others said, some of the later missions could be quite difficult. When I started doing them I was a F2P looking for alternate sources of xp, and you only get 3 a week [failures count too], which, since it was pre-level sync, made it a steep learning curve, because by the next week the starter mission would be greyed out and I'd get hammered in the next mission, which would be greyed out by the next week, and so on. Also the upgrades - at the time - were pretty expensive, particularly when you bought them knowing they'd probably be worthless in a week or two.


By the time level sync showed up, the new problem was that I didn't need extra xp, the rate had increased and there were better things to do than that. Also when you only get 3/week, it makes it damn difficult to save up fleet commendations, and most of the crap in the vendor is BoP. I did like the Republic Pilot's chestpiece though, you saw them on pub soldiers throughout vanilla.

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I still play them. For quite a long time all 6 Hero missions (which are not part of the legacy achievements for some strange reason only Bioware knows but the only kind of hard/worthwhile ones). Nowadays only the 2 via the Sunday mission connected Friday and Monday missions, with a Rep and with an Imp char, so basically 4 flights a week.

I even made guides for all 6 Hero missions quite a while ago for my guild mates and uploaded them to my Twitch channel meanwhile. They are in German though. The first video explains the whole space mission thing before flying the daily mission from that day while the following 5 videos contain more or less only the flight guide for that specific daily mission:













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I think they were a nice addition, but sadly abandoned by the Devs. I used to play them to get the reputations on both Imp and Rep side and to get the speeder from the vendor for the Achievement.


I would gladly go back to them if there would be some rewards linked, maybe conquest wise.

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No worries and sorry. I'm feeling a little defensive about something else and it probably leaked through.


And yeah, it could have been pretty awesome. I don't mind the on rails part so much but just think what it could be like not on rails, right?

Free roam would have been ideal of course, but even if they would have even just expanded the existing rails a bit, it would have made a HUGE difference. I don't mind being put upon the right course, but I often felt like my movements were utterly meaningless. I can't zig or zag enough to do anything meaningful. About 2-3x's the movement we have now would be an amazing change.

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I do enjoy the "on rails" missions, though honestly I would play and enjoy them a lot more if they raised the rewards by even 10%.


What I'd really love to see is a cooperative space mission battle, like a Flashpoint, where me and my friends could fly against NPC pilots to complete missions.


I love space battles, I'm just not into PvP.

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