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Game Update 5.9.3 Delayed


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Give them a break, they only have a skeleton staff that's running double shifts.


This, it's unfortunate and sad for this game and unique brand "Star Wars", but it's fact.

These frequent extremely incompetent appearing shortly annoumced delays are almost 100 % sure a result of being way understaffed, at least in numbers, maybe in some cases regarding competence as well, or motivation. If you don't get enough money from EA you can't have enough employees and not the best either, or the most motivated ones, simple as that. Competent and motivated people cost money, more people as well.


Funny detail, just 3 hours (sic!) before the announced delay on Twitter the previous Tweet advertises the new warzone coming live tomorrow lol. Internal communcation seems to be disfunctional either. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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Well, that's unfortunate. Needed something to play on my birthday (took the week off finally) and I was looking forward to double rewards since I have a platoon of toons I've wanted to march through the GC grind. Guess I'll go back to decorating and arguing in genchat..


I have already stopped doing such things, there was one time when I took a week off to play early access and they delayed it by 1 week xD thats when I stopped organizing my life based on the game.

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You guys are saying they always release patches late.. but this the first patch in a few patches that has been late.. and the last few were bugged, you complained they were bugged, and now your complaining they pushed the release back so its not bugged? Ugh vicious cycle


Exactly this, people always will find a reason to complain and they'll never be satisfied. It's tiring...

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Exactly this, people always will find a reason to complain and they'll never be satisfied. It's tiring...


The problem, as was pointed out early on, is that they will wait until the literal last minute to say so on the forum, and that happens a lot.


The second problem is that even when they delay patches like this, they will STILL have bugs that require nextday or nextweek patches to solve. So what difference did the week make?


I also agree [thirdly] that those who might have scheduled their plans around the 2XP, with no word from the devs that it would be otherwise until last night, are right to be angry that the devs have once again borked things up by not communicating this information sooner. For me, my sub ends halfway through 2XP; before, it covered all of it.


Finally, it makes no sense to push 2XP back. It has nothing to do with the update, they are simply trying to draw people into sub. Well, explain to me how it makes sense to tell people all month that 2XP will be releasing at this time, and then, when they dutifully sub, discover that it's not actually here yet, nor is the patch.

Edited by Ardrossan
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The problem, as was pointed out early on, is that they will wait until the literal last minute to say so on the forum, and that happens a lot.


The second problem is that even when they delay patches like this, they will STILL have bugs that require nextday or nextweek patches to solve. So what difference did the week make?


I also agree [thirdly] that those who might have scheduled their plans around the 2XP, with no word from the devs that it would be otherwise until last night, are right to be angry that the devs have once again borked things up by not communicating this information sooner. For me, my sub ends halfway through 2XP; before, it covered all of it.


Finally, it makes no sense to push 2XP back. It has nothing to do with the update, they are simply trying to draw people into sub. Well, explain to me how it makes sense to tell people all month that 2XP will be releasing at this time, and then, when they dutifully sub, discover that it's not actually here yet, nor is the patch.


Why does doing a double XP event draw people into a sub? you don't have to sub todo the double XP, unless your going after the double CXP? Which then whats the point of levelling your CXP that week for BIS gear to then not sub again after? So no The double XP week isn't to draw subs in. They are making Double XP weeks more frequent but a week after the new patches so peoples double XP week dfoesnt get caught out by bugs incase they do appear. that's why they pushed it back

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Why do people need to be so negative always. SNIP...


Well thats easy to answer. They have dealt with bioware severe lacking of management and resources for a while now. bioware patches are now known to be so buggy those bugs are considered part of the content and are just expected. So much of what they do is mismanaged and rarely hit deadlines they themselves set.


Thats just one reason why gamers are so negative. bioware has the ability to temper this by their own actions but continue time after time to present themselves in a very negative light. So thats what they get in turn after so long. bioware breeds negativity with their own actions and lack of at this point.


I highly doubt anyone is shocked this patch got pushed back because of bugs and "issues." It's par for the course for bioware and swtor and after all this time, thats a solid reason why people are negative. That and well there is very little to be positive about.

Edited by Quraswren
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The problem, as was pointed out early on, is that they will wait until the literal last minute to say so on the forum, and that happens a lot.


The second problem is that even when they delay patches like this, they will STILL have bugs that require nextday or nextweek patches to solve. So what difference did the week make?


I also agree [thirdly] that those who might have scheduled their plans around the 2XP, with no word from the devs that it would be otherwise until last night, are right to be angry that the devs have once again borked things up by not communicating this information sooner. For me, my sub ends halfway through 2XP; before, it covered all of it.


Finally, it makes no sense to push 2XP back. It has nothing to do with the update, they are simply trying to draw people into sub. Well, explain to me how it makes sense to tell people all month that 2XP will be releasing at this time, and then, when they dutifully sub, discover that it's not actually here yet, nor is the patch.




We finally get to disagree (slightly) on something! Woot! :D


I think you answered your final point about pushing 2XP back a week with your second point. I have internalized two things:


1) Patches will be delayed; and 2) Even when released patches will still have bugs given that they don't have the team to do a full Q&A. If you're right (and you probably are) and they may have to do an emergency patch, etc., that cuts into the Double CXP time.


More broadly (i.e., not just to Andro), this applies to lot of games, though more pronounced here. Tis the reason -- I almost always wait a couple days or so after any new game purchase / patch. Sure, if I read things are going smoothly, I'll jump in right away, but I've internalized over time to hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


The combo of expectations management and martinis makes for a powerful antidote, curative, and remedy to frustration.



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I don't white knight for the devs all that often, but in this case I think they've been trying to learn from past mistakes. When they've put out the double XP weeks with the patches, there have been several instances where some bug or another has made the game too slow or unplayable, and it's cut into the double CXP period.


If the game patches take too long to download that also cuts into the double CXP time.


So this time they've tried to separate the double CXP from the patch, which I would guess is a way for them to try to ensure that even if there's a problem or a slow download, people will still get their full week or whatever of double experience.


Yeah, it bites that they're not able to keep to the original schedule but isn't it better to have at least some bugs sorted out before release? For every player that the new CXP week works worse for, there's probably one that finds the new week more convenient.

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Yeah, it bites that they're not able to keep to the original schedule but isn't it better to have at least some bugs sorted out before release? For every player that the new CXP week works worse for, there's probably one that finds the new week more convenient.


Just to add a point on top of your comment here..... considering the crap the studio gets if there is a bug or other issue released in a patch that impacts players in some negative manner..... seeing the studio delay a patch that THEY see issues with... is a good thing in my view. If the studio does not think a patch is ready for release.. then players certainly will not think it is ready for release either.


I see this as them being proactive.. rather then reactive after a patch goes live (which I know we will some of this as well). Same goes for them putting in a time delay on an event so that any issue with a patch does not immediately eat into the event timeline. I still wish they would put an instrument panel on the back of the code that allows them to turn evens on/off without having to take down the servers or change code.


But this is a gaming forum.. so the studio gets crap from players no matter what they do or do not do. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Hey folks,


The team has made the decision to delay the launch of Game Update 5.9.3 to next Tuesday, October 2nd. We have a handful of known issues that we are tracking for the Update which we want to address before it goes live. Unfortunately, we were unable to get them fixed in time for our planned release date tomorrow.


Some of the issues we are seeing include:

  • An issue with our Conquest scheduling which will stop it from proceeding as intended.
  • The interface for holocalls not displaying properly.
  • The preview window not activating properly for a variety of item types.


In each one of these instances there is a workaround which would not actually block gameplay. Still, if we can avoid those issues being live we would like to. We are going to take the extra time to address these issues to give you the best 5.9.3 we can. I will provide further updates as we move towards next week. Double XP will also move back one week to 10/9 - 10/16. Thank you all for your understanding and we apologize for the late notice.




No apologies necessary Eric - I think most of us understand, and appreciate, a delay for quality issues. I also thank you for mentioning the double XP being moved back prior to being asked ;)

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I just killed mine --- nothing I really want to do this update anyway --- and the little bit we will get before the year ends <shrug> --- not interested ---

3 out of my 4 toons have all their companions back ... and I'm still waiting for the rest of the JK's ... I'll be back in 2019, but not before Scourge comes back ... it just doesn't interest me anymore, right now ....

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Why do people need to be so negative always. They delayed the patch, big deal! The world's not going to end and the fact they delayed the patch only shows they care about us and that they want us to get content that works properly. Just see how the gloomies and doomies are going to jump on this post and herald how ghastly the Bioware devs are.


Just stop being negative for once. Players are blowing stuff really out of proportion sometimes if not most times.


doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I was an avid player of FFXI for years. they had to take the servers off-line after the ****shima nuclear reactors were damaged in the quake. while many players were supportive there were still a huge number of Dbags complaining about it, making demands, etc. keep in mind, not only may there not have been power to the offices where they do the work but the employees' homes as well were affected, and some employees may have been injured or killed in the quake and its aftermath. some people just have no regard for anything.


don't get me wrong, this is nowhere near that level of need for a pushback on the timeline. in this case they just want to fix known issues instead of releasing it filled with bugs they would have to put up with us whining about. and the double XP event was and is to allow you to take advantage of the additional rewards with whatever new content is in the patch so they pushed it back so you still can. how much would people be whining if the patch came out with no active double XP event to go with it? seriously, just go hang out on Fleet or home world genchat to get an idea.


no, Devs go ahead and get it as right as you can, I at least will still be here when you are done, and thanks.

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Pretty smart to push the update to the beginning of the month. So people have to renew their subscription. :p


Except subscription renewal dates are not calendar based.. they are based on when you actually applied a subscription to your account, so they are in fact all over the place across the player base. ;)


You need better conspiracy theories. :p

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Why do people need to be so negative always. They delayed the patch, big deal! The world's not going to end and the fact they delayed the patch only shows they care about us and that they want us to get content that works properly. Just see how the gloomies and doomies are going to jump on this post and herald how ghastly the Bioware devs are.


Just stop being negative for once. Players are blowing stuff really out of proportion sometimes if not most times.


You're saying this as if they're new to the game or its development cycles. I'm not upset about the content drop pushback, it's the last minute announcements AND no double xp on top of that that's annoying. It's not like there's much else going on in the game these days and BW isn't being criticized for no reason. It just gets tiresome.


You guys are saying they always release patches late.. but this the first patch in a few patches that has been late.. and the last few were bugged, you complained they were bugged, and now your complaining they pushed the release back so its not bugged? Ugh vicious cycle


It's the double xp/cxp. I don't mind the wait but I'm not all too optimistic about them ironing out the kinks considering the nature of bugs, SWTOR itself and BioWare's track record. Who knows, maybe it'll be a fun bug :D


Why does doing a double XP event draw people into a sub? you don't have to sub todo the double XP, unless your going after the double CXP? Which then whats the point of levelling your CXP that week for BIS gear to then not sub again after? So no The double XP week isn't to draw subs in. They are making Double XP weeks more frequent but a week after the new patches so peoples double XP week dfoesnt get caught out by bugs incase they do appear. that's why they pushed it back


Subs earn more xp than Pref/f2p. It's one of the 2 things keeping my real life best friend from leaving right now as she enjoys the stories at her pace. And the cxp grind is still hot garbage so any period of time they up the rate of earning is worth playing.




Your FF anecdote has almost nothing to do with this little hiccup over here but does highlight the fact that there will always be jerks. The pushback over here usually results in no notable change anyhow, unless Eric minds chiming in on some hilarious behind the scene tragedies averted. Ya know, to communicate a bit more. Still would prefer he popped in more on the subreddit as well.


They should extend double xp/cxp if anything, the cxp grind just isn't fun.

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