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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5.9.3 Timing


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Hey folks,


I just wanted to ensure that all of you saw our announcement yesterday on Twitter. Game Update 5.9.3 will be going live next Wednesday, Sep 26. One additional timing of note is double XP. The event will not be starting right away on launch day. Instead it will start one week later and run for a week. The dates are:

  • 9/26: Game Update 5.9.3
  • 10/2 - 10/9: Double XP

Thanks everyone.



Edited by EricMusco
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Well at least you got round to posting it here (eventually)


Please remember there are a LOT of people who can't abide social media and refuse to use it for a variety of reasons.


So make sure you post all announcements here, social media should be secondary to these forums!



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Well at least you got round to posting it here (eventually)


Please remember there are a LOT of people who can't abide social media and refuse to use it for a variety of reasons.


So make sure you post all announcements here, social media should be secondary to these forums!


Yeah, weird. Glad it got posted here, but, why is this not the first place lol. The actual SWTOR forums is prioritized behind Twitter and other social media outlets? I avoid social media like it's a plague. But. I am probably a rare one.

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Hey folks,


I just wanted to ensure that all of you saw our announcement yesterday on Twitter. Game Update 5.9.3 will be going live next Wednesday, Sep 26. One additional timing of note is double XP. The event will not be starting right away on launch day. Instead it will start one week later and run for a week. The dates are:

  • 9/6: Game Update 5.9.3
  • 10/2 - 10/9: Double XP

Thanks everyone.




Hey Eric,


Any update on when the PTS will be live for 5.10 and Master Mode GFTM or is it still TBA? Thanks and appreciate any update on it.

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Well at least you got round to posting it here (eventually)


Please remember there are a LOT of people who can't abide social media and refuse to use it for a variety of reasons.


So make sure you post all announcements here, social media should be secondary to these forums!

Speaking as someone who doesn't have a Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram account... I kind of doubt that there are all that many of us among the player base or potential player base. I'm willing to bet their social media posts reach the vast majority of the audience (and significantly more than the Forums do).


That being said, setting up "post all updates on Twitter, Facebook, and the Forum" as the standard operating procedure (or even an automated process) should be such a simple thing to implement that it seems like a no-brainer.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Please consider clarifying how exactly Tier 5 will be obtainable. There's no point in leveling alts in Double XP week if the grind will be a new nightmare. Leveling CXP would be pointless too if the crafting system ignores command levels. Edited by Giberelina
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Hey folks,


I just wanted to ensure that all of you saw our announcement yesterday on Twitter. Game Update 5.9.3 will be going live next Wednesday, Sep 26. One additional timing of note is double XP. The event will not be starting right away on launch day. Instead it will start one week later and run for a week. The dates are:

  • 9/6: Game Update 5.9.3
  • 10/2 - 10/9: Double XP

Thanks everyone.



Brilliant, thanks. This works out well for me as I will be busy the week 5.9.3 is released and didn't want to miss out on the xp/cxp event. Good thinking with having the xp/cxp later - avoids any glitch/emergency fix/day lost of event shenanigans.


What's happening in 5.9.3 anyway other than the new huttball PvP area? Are any companions returning or is that happening in 5.10 at the end of the year?

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Beyond announcements being made on social, we typically try to place them on the forums as well. If you don't follow us on social remember that announcements and info can also be found in the news section and on the game updates page: http://www.swtor.com/eternal-throne/updates.






Your news page... http://www.swtor.com/info/news hasnt been updated for over a week. And why are you only "trying" to post on the forums? That should be one of the first and major points of spreading the news. Once you have it communicated on your own platform properly then look to post it on other social sites - I and others should not be forced to 3rd party sites for news on this game. Surely you want the traffic coming to this site?

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Your news page... http://www.swtor.com/info/news hasnt been updated for over a week. And why are you only "trying" to post on the forums? That should be one of the first and major points of spreading the news. Once you have it communicated on your own platform properly then look to post it on other social sites - I and others should not be forced to 3rd party sites for news on this game. Surely you want the traffic coming to this site?


Good lord. Eat a snickers bar.

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Beyond announcements being made on social, we typically try to place them on the forums as well. If you don't follow us on social remember that announcements and info can also be found in the news section and on the game updates page: http://www.swtor.com/eternal-throne/updates.






A word to the Developers. Subscribers help pay your income. Subscribers are the only ones who are able to access these forums. These forums should be the first port of call for news and announcements to the player-base, and social media should be secondary. Also, it would be appreciated if your interaction with subscribers could be increased on these forums. Perhaps a weekly status report on variously discussed issues. Let us know if you read the Suggestions forum, or whether we are generally talking to brick walls there and elsewhere. Good communication is key. Good communication will assure subscribers that they are at least being listened to and that concerns are being taken on board. All it takes is a simple "We're listening" to threads that spark particular concerns (e.g. players who are concerned that they will lose the Alliance going forward) or "That's a good idea" for particularly good suggestions. It wouldn't take much time out of your day and just think of it as insurance to help promote player goodwill towards the game.

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I understand why stuff is posted on social media. Not every SWTOR player is a subscriber, not every subscriber comes here, and not every player is actively seeking info about the game.


But having said that, IMHO the first point of info should be here, or it should be updated concurrently with the social media. I know it's a pain to update several sites, but not everyone is active on Twitter and other social media, and some also prefer to keep their personal social media separate from gaming/fan stuff. I don't bother with the news pages all that often. I look at the dev tracker and look for the gold dev posts to know what's happening. Other sites follow the dev tracker to provide info too.

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having said that, IMHO the first point of info should be here, or it should be updated concurrently with the social media. I know it's a pain to update several sites, but not everyone is active on Twitter and other social media, and some also prefer to keep their personal social media separate from gaming/fan stuff. I don't bother with the news pages all that often. I look at the dev tracker and look for the gold dev posts to know what's happening. Other sites follow the dev tracker to provide info too.

I follow swtor on Twitter but to save my sanity I have ALL twitter notifications turned off (they tend to come on American time which a tad annoying at 3am UK time). That means I never know what's going on. As a subscriber, I prefer to read news like this on the forums rely and agree with IoNonSoEVero that both the forums and other platforms should be updated simultaneously with info on game updates & other important swtor stuff.

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They don't post to the forums first [or simultaneously] for two reasons:


1) Social media reaches a wider audience than the forums. Remember, they want non-subs to sub for this. They already HAVE your money, you aren't a priority the way potential subs are.


2) They feed off the salt generated by aggrieved forumites to power future updates.

Edited by Ardrossan
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A word to the Developers. Subscribers help pay your income. Subscribers are the only ones who are able to access these forums. These forums should be the first port of call for news and announcements to the player-base, and social media should be secondary. Also, it would be appreciated if your interaction with subscribers could be increased on these forums. Perhaps a weekly status report on variously discussed issues. Let us know if you read the Suggestions forum, or whether we are generally talking to brick walls there and elsewhere. Good communication is key. Good communication will assure subscribers that they are at least being listened to and that concerns are being taken on board. All it takes is a simple "We're listening" to threads that spark particular concerns (e.g. players who are concerned that they will lose the Alliance going forward) or "That's a good idea" for particularly good suggestions. It wouldn't take much time out of your day and just think of it as insurance to help promote player goodwill towards the game.


Agree with all of this, but one correction: You do not have to be a subscriber to access these forums, just to post here. Anyone, regardless of account status, can come to these forums and read them.


Better communication on the official forums is long overdue, full stop. It has been the case too often that the first place you all read is Reddit, the first place you post is Twitter, and the forums here are an afterthought or an also-ran. If you do not intend this to be the primary source of getting information about the game, you should post something stating where you prefer people to find the most recent information about the game. Most of us assume it is your own forums, but if that is not the case, a heads up would be a huge help to those who are just seeking the best source of information (best meaning most frequently updated, definitely will include all information, updated as a priority, etc.).



Edited by PennyAnn
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