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When will we get new info on 6.0?


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Considering we still have 5.9.2 coming next Tuesday, 5.10 , 5.11 and I believe they mentioned 5.12 (?), I don't think we'll get any information upon 6.0 any time soon.

More than likely when we do, it'll be by the end of this year, or early next year.

However, I do hope we get an expansion like Makeb or something where it gives us a few planets to explore, more levels to grind, but please... NO MORE FLASHPOINT PHASES. You have too much of those >.>

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Considering we still have 5.9.2 coming next Tuesday, 5.10 , 5.11 and I believe they mentioned 5.12 (?), I don't think we'll get any information upon 6.0 any time soon.


They have so much on their plates right now. If you add the human element to this situation, I agree with this. ^


I see them working diligently on 5.9.2 and even 5.9.3 with fixes and changes to stuff, I hardly can believe they have the time to be thinking and working on what 6.0 will include.


I know this isn't a popular take, but I think with their resources they are working really hard right now to put out clean content without rushing it out the door as they might have done sometimes in the past.


I am to the point now where I don't expect grand sweeping content additions, and I do not blame the devs for this they really seem to be stretched and limited as to what they can get done.


That being said, they appear to be concerned with the quality of what they put out, and they are even communicating and reacting to feedback the community is giving them.


In a nutshell, they are spread thin and I don't expect them to have a master plan completely fleshed out for 6.0 at this time and I doubt we get one any time soon.

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They are focusing on Anthem which comes out next Feb/March. They won't start talking about 6.0 until they have a presentation web page with gfx and various lists. An April 2019 release for 6.0 is probably optimistic.


Our next roadmap is "due" in a couple weeks and it ought to be interesting.

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@OP a reset? I don't think so.. But I'd love to see them go back to class storytelling in the game as a whole.


I do hope we get an expansion like Makeb or something where it gives us a few planets to explore, more levels to grind, but please... NO MORE FLASHPOINT PHASES. You have too much of those >.>

I want more planets to explore and completely agree with the no more flashpoint garbage. I also want to see an end to automatic movie/cut scene launching and loss of character control. How a character chooses to interact with the world around him and when is the cornerstone of an MMO. I don't care if I have to click on something to start a scene etc. But it should be at my pace and in my time.. Not theirs.

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@OP a reset? I don't think so.. But I'd love to see them go back to class storytelling in the game as a whole.


I want more planets to explore and completely agree with the no more flashpoint garbage. I also want to see an end to automatic movie/cut scene launching and loss of character control. How a character chooses to interact with the world around him and when is the cornerstone of an MMO. I don't care if I have to click on something to start a scene etc. But it should be at my pace and in my time.. Not theirs.

I really miss the planets with Reputation to grind (Oricon, Yavin, Makeb, etc). They made doing the daily missions there "rewarding"...I prefer Rep over a FP any day.

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I really miss the planets with Reputation to grind (Oricon, Yavin, Makeb, etc). They made doing the daily missions there "rewarding"...I prefer Rep over a FP any day.

Agree.. It is my preferred way to grind reputation.

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I know this isn't a popular take, but I think with their resources they are working really hard right now to put out clean content without rushing it out the door as they might have done sometimes in the past.


I am to the point now where I don't expect grand sweeping content additions, and I do not blame the devs for this they really seem to be stretched and limited as to what they can get done.


That being said, they appear to be concerned with the quality of what they put out, and they are even communicating and reacting to feedback the community is giving them.


In a nutshell, they are spread thin and I don't expect them to have a master plan completely fleshed out for 6.0 at this time and I doubt we get one any time soon.


I actually agree with you there. As sad as the content drought is I don't blame the devs for it, in my opinion they've been doing the best they can with what they have. Not to say it's all rainbow and sunshine but at this point, what we have is what we're going to get and the fact they're willing to listen to listen to feedback is a good move on their part.

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Whether we liked Iokath or not, I hope they keep making Planets + Reputation. It's one of my favorite ways to grind.


I was a big fan of CZ 198 back in the day -- and kept wishing they would expand it further.


They need to actually make real planets though (even if in a somewhat abbreviated form like the original vanilla planets)... not these silly mini-flatlands pretending to be planets.


I also think they need to make at least one planet that is open world sandbox too.... for those that enjoy the diversion of sandbox.

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They have so much on their plates right now. If you add the human element to this situation, I agree with this. ^


I see them working diligently on 5.9.2 and even 5.9.3 with fixes and changes to stuff, I hardly can believe they have the time to be thinking and working on what 6.0 will include.


I know this isn't a popular take, but I think with their resources they are working really hard right now to put out clean content without rushing it out the door as they might have done sometimes in the past.


I am to the point now where I don't expect grand sweeping content additions, and I do not blame the devs for this they really seem to be stretched and limited as to what they can get done.


That being said, they appear to be concerned with the quality of what they put out, and they are even communicating and reacting to feedback the community is giving them.


In a nutshell, they are spread thin and I don't expect them to have a master plan completely fleshed out for 6.0 at this time and I doubt we get one any time soon.


As much as I appreciate a positive attitude, they really don't deserve your idealism. Lets recap some of the changes in recent time:



  • Messed up conquest
  • Galactic command in general
  • Companions takes forever
  • Removing pvp gear (a matter of debate)
  • Terrible class balance
  • West / East coast server fubar and ping times
  • Ranked is riddled with cheaters
  • Subscription (and F2P) based game with basically no new content
  • No live mods or admins
  • Broken economy due to credit exploits


And this is just in recent memory. I guarantee they will manage to mess up this next patch somehow, or sneak some unmentioned nerf into the game.

Edited by Lundorff
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I still think that what I wrote some months ago will happen:


End of 2018: First of 3 flashpoints leading to 6.0

Early 2019: Second FP

Mid 2019: Third FP

Autumn 2019: 6.0


Anything else would be a big surprise. Most likely, they won't put any new big stuff to Swtor before Anthem is out. When Anthem is out, they probably get some help from their team to finish 6.0


To state a wish:


I would be happy to get new versions of all the old planets that show their current states. New stories can be told in old environments (less coding work). I would love to go back to Ord Mantell and see what's happening there. Or checking out the progress of the rebuilding of the Jedi Temple on Tython. In the minimap there should be an option to move to an original instance of the planets for nostalgia reasons. ;)

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Iokath wasn't a planet that SW fans recognized from the movies. It never had a chance.


I can't tell you how much it kills immersion everytime I have to go to Bioware invented planets.


What's the problem with it? They did something amazing with the environment of Iokath, just because the planet isn't in the movies doesn't mean we can't go there. The movies aren't all there is and Bioware limiting themselves to planet only shown in the movies makes no sense whatsoever.


I would be happy to get new versions of all the old planets that show their current states. New stories can be told in old environments (less coding work). I would love to go back to Ord Mantell and see what's happening there. Or checking out the progress of the rebuilding of the Jedi Temple on Tython. In the minimap there should be an option to move to an original instance of the planets for nostalgia reasons. ;)

I would be fine with exploring some older planets, mainly Umbara and Copero since the assets are there and all they have are a flashpoint. It was refreshing to explore Dromund Kaas again in KOTET and nice to see how much things had changed there.

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What's the problem with it? They did something amazing with the environment of Iokath, just because the planet isn't in the movies doesn't mean we can't go there. The movies aren't all there is and Bioware limiting themselves to planet only shown in the movies makes no sense whatsoever.
I 100% agree with you. It makes no sense to restrict us to planets based on the films considering at launch we already had planets not in the films. This game was based on KOTOR which is already the EU/Legends, the whole point of which is to explore the universe more and build it up.



I would be fine with exploring some older planets, mainly Umbara and Copero since the assets are there and all they have are a flashpoint. It was refreshing to explore Dromund Kaas again in KOTET and nice to see how much things had changed there.
Yup! I think one of the coolest things about this game is the depth the original planets have, there's so much to explore and look at. Having us go back there will give people another reason to stop and appreciate the effort and also be cost-effective.


Might also help just from a numbers perspective, you'll have more people gathered together so WB and heroics might be easier to recruit for as well. Considering their Dev team is light it would also help be cost-effective.


I wouldn't mind something similar to the Seeker Droid/Macro Binoculars quest where we get new small inclusions to the per-existing worlds.

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I like new planets, as long as they're interesting. But the issue with Iokath, at least for me, is that it's bugged to the point where the dailies are unplayable. And they also have things like the walker mission, which I'm not going to touch with a 10-foot-pole. Walkers are one reason I won't replay certain KOTET chapters.
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As much as I appreciate a positive attitude, they really don't deserve your idealism. Lets recap some of the changes in recent time:



  • Messed up conquest
  • Galactic command in general
  • Companions takes forever
  • Removing pvp gear (a matter of debate)
  • Terrible class balance
  • West / East coast server fubar and ping times
  • Ranked is riddled with cheaters
  • Subscription (and F2P) based game with basically no new content
  • No live mods or admins
  • Broken economy due to credit exploits


And this is just in recent memory. I guarantee they will manage to mess up this next patch somehow, or sneak some unmentioned nerf into the game.


Trust me, I have been one of the biggest critics of this game especially in the past. By the time they dumped 5.0 on us, I was having emotional reactions to what I felt were negative changes to the game. I was upset!


I figured out finally at that point I had to exit. I took a 1-2 year and went to play P99 the free Everquest emu server, and that replaced my need for immersive gaming.


My point is I am just past getting emotional over the game right now. I feel like my relationship with swtor has changed over the years.


In the past we were much more serious, and I was extremely loyal. Once I found that my beautiful swtor was not reciprocating such devotion to me, after much heartache, I understood I had to leave my beloved swtor.


Now, me and swtor have rekindled our friendship, but the relationship has changed. We are no longer a devoted couple, now we just Netflix and chill.


I am not being idealistic imo, I am being realistic. I also don't see what good it does to carry a grudge or belittle the studio now when they have had personnel changes as well as resource changes going into the game.


The present studio seems to be more transparent than before, they react to feedback, they actually communicate via the forums sometimes, they have improved their behavior compared to how it was for 4-5 years earlier.


Grudges are a waste of time and energy.


If I get that resentful where I discount everything they tell us, then why am I here or bothering to read what they write? I'd find better things to do with my time like play another game before holding a grudge against BW and their reps.

Edited by Lhancelot
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What's the problem with it? They did something amazing with the environment of Iokath, just because the planet isn't in the movies doesn't mean we can't go there. The movies aren't all there is and Bioware limiting themselves to planet only shown in the movies makes no sense whatsoever.


I would be fine with exploring some older planets, mainly Umbara and Copero since the assets are there and all they have are a flashpoint. It was refreshing to explore Dromund Kaas again in KOTET and nice to see how much things had changed there.


In my opinion, Iokath is great in theory: crossfaction (sort of), mini-bosses, an operation, reputation system, dailies, achievements, and lots of stuff to do. The problem for me is that it's one of those city-planets, which are typically horrible -- see Corellia, Coruscant. Secondly, it's confusing and convoluted to travel around Iokath. If there weren't QT points, I'd never be able to walk to the GFTM door.


I think Iokath was simply too ambitious.

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In my opinion, Iokath is great in theory: crossfaction (sort of), mini-bosses, an operation, reputation system, dailies, achievements, and lots of stuff to do. The problem for me is that it's one of those city-planets, which are typically horrible -- see Corellia, Coruscant. Secondly, it's confusing and convoluted to travel around Iokath. If there weren't QT points, I'd never be able to walk to the GFTM door.


I think Iokath was simply too ambitious.


I don't personally have a problem with city planets, my biggest problem with them was getting Corellia's datacrons. I think the biggest problem with Iokath were the bugs IMO, but to each his own.

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