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Does anyone actually like the Odessen WZ?


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I took your advice yesterday and tried staying for every Odessen pop and there were a lot on SF last night (and Hutt Ball).

By the end of every Odessen match I was aggravated and asked myself why I was bothering. Only 2 matches out of about 11-12, did I feel like my team tried to win and even then we lost.


It really ruined my mood and I found it hard to enjoy pvp for the rest of the night in other maps. I became hypercritical of my teams performance, especially in HB.

It’s what led me to make this thread last night after being on teams where people kept getting lept to because they were standing on ledges. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9621419#post9621419


I’m sorry to say, but I’ve better things to do with my time than staying in an Odessen WZ, like doing my nails 💅🏻

I will be leaving every pop from now on because it’s a “Debbie downer” to my mood if I stay.


It's about your team and last but not least.. it's about YOU.....You have to try and make a difference. Did you ?


Odessen is not for everyone. Most people still suck at it after almost 3 years and we still get people who have zero clue what to do.


Also.. the typical gankers and bads don't like this map because it requires some thinking process and intuition and yeah.. for those who are keyboard mashing experts, this map is hard.

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Does anyone actually like the Odessen WZ?


I leave 8/10 times and I know lots of people leave it and most that stay only tolerate it or rage quite half way through.


Does anyone genuinely like it? Or are you just tolerating it?


TBH Im one of the few exceptions who loves thos wz... I think its awesome cuz its a lot different than the other warzones especially cuz its more dynamic and less static... Also 1 player can make a huge difference if he knows what hes doing... but its frustrating if your team sucks and doesnt know what to do.

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I excel at OPG :D


I am often the one with the highest or second highest objective score, simply because I shockingly only play the objectives. It is the only map where fighting is (mostly) the antithesis of winning.


Every post makes me feel more like youre my man dude ^^ Id love to know who you are in game

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Totally! Node guard & chill :D


It depends on my mood. I will stay when I feel like doing this. ^


Sometimes i am in the mood to kill things and heal things, and if that's my mood I leave this WZ.


Either I end up with top objectives or second, or low points depending on how the RNG of the powerups treats me.


I have had matches where everytime I get the stupid red power-down mod and can't manage to land it on the enemies control points. When that happens multiple times I end up wasting all my time running to the enemy trying to stick the power-down mod on their node and if they kill me I end up with nothing to show for my efforts. :D

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It's about your team and last but not least.. it's about YOU.....You have to try and make a difference. Did you ?


Odessen is not for everyone. Most people still suck at it after almost 3 years and we still get people who have zero clue what to do.


Also.. the typical gankers and bads don't like this map because it requires some thinking process and intuition and yeah.. for those who are keyboard mashing experts, this map is hard.


I’m an objective pvper. I can’t help but try to win the way the game is designed.

But I can’t win the game by myself and sadly that’s what it feels like I’m trying to do in Odessen as I watch my team rush north to death match and the south and mid nodes are the active ones.

Or when I know to wait to get a green mod so I can open up another node and someone decides they need to beat me there and they grab a red one and go stand in the middle of our only node while the other team is holding 2.

Or when I see someone with a red mod, deactivate the one we have for no reason but to use the mod.

Or the person who gets a green mod and won’t go open another one or pass it.

Yes, I could try explaining it to them, but I’ve tried that and all it gets is me being yelled at and then me getting frustrated that I want to break my keyboard over their heads.

Honeslty, it’s neither fun or healthy for me to play that map. It’s better if I just avoid it like the plague. Which is what I now do. I won’t ever play another Odessen match on this game. I would rather log off and go watch reruns on Netflix.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I’m an objective pvper. I can’t help but try to win the way the game is designed.

But I can’t win the game by myself and sadly that’s what it feels like I’m trying to do in Odessen as I watch my team rush north to death match and the south and mid nodes are the active ones.

Or when I know to wait to get a green mod so I can open up another node and someone decides they need to beat me there and they grab a red one and go stand in the middle of our only node while the other team is holding 2.

Or when I see someone with a red mod, deactivate the one we have for no reason but to use the mod.

Or the person who gets a green mod and won’t go open another one or pass it.

Yes, I could try explaining it to them, but I’ve tried that and all it gets is me being yelled at and then me getting frustrated that I want to break my keyboard over their heads.

Honeslty, it’s neither fun or healthy for me to play that map. It’s better if I just avoid it like the plague. Which is what I now do. I won’t ever play another Odessen match on this game. I would rather log off and go watch reruns on Netflix.


If a lack of teammates competence is a problem odessen and huttball are probably the best maps to make a difference as 1 player. (Besides that you should have enough friends to not q alone at any time or do solo ranked instead)

Total opposite would be voidstar where you can do **** as 1 man. So I dont think thats really a point against odessen.

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I’m an objective pvper. I can’t help but try to win the way the game is designed.

But I can’t win the game by myself and sadly that’s what it feels like I’m trying to do in Odessen as I watch my team rush north to death match and the south and mid nodes are the active ones.

Or when I know to wait to get a green mod so I can open up another node and someone decides they need to beat me there and they grab a red one and go stand in the middle of our only node while the other team is holding 2.

Or when I see someone with a red mod, deactivate the one we have for no reason but to use the mod.

Or the person who gets a green mod and won’t go open another one or pass it.

Yes, I could try explaining it to them, but I’ve tried that and all it gets is me being yelled at and then me getting frustrated that I want to break my keyboard over their heads.

Honeslty, it’s neither fun or healthy for me to play that map. It’s better if I just avoid it like the plague. Which is what I now do. I won’t ever play another Odessen match on this game. I would rather log off and go watch reruns on Netflix.


Then it's not the fault of the map it self... It's the players who are probably bad... But what you said applies to all maps and not just Odessen.


If you've been around for a while, you've probably noticed how the quality of PVP has declined a lot. People who know how to play are very rare. I've been around since 3.0 and it's pretty terrible nowdays.


This is what cross faction can never fix..

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Then it's not the fault of the map it self... It's the players who are probably bad... But what you said applies to all maps and not just Odessen.


If you've been around for a while, you've probably noticed how the quality of PVP has declined a lot. People who know how to play are very rare. I've been around since 3.0 and it's pretty terrible nowdays.


This is what cross faction can never fix..


I don’t disagree with you with regards to the players.

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If a lack of teammates competence is a problem odessen and huttball are probably the best maps to make a difference as 1 player. (Besides that you should have enough friends to not q alone at any time or do solo ranked instead)

Total opposite would be voidstar where you can do **** as 1 man. So I dont think thats really a point against odessen.


I agree with you about HB. I can often carry a whole team to win. But I do not find the same thing with Odessen.

Even if I play the objectives properly and tactically to get the right Mods at the right time, I can’t carry the team by myself.

Odessen is one of those maps where your team has to help, even if it’s just another 1 or 2 people. Which rarely happens. It’s also the one map that I see the least amount of proper communication in.

When I’m opening another node, I will say I’ve got a green and opening it and where.

I’ve never ever seen anyone else tactically or strategically communicate in Odessen. It’s either people abusing people for trying to help or others screaming at some fool to use the mod or pass it

I get that it depends on your team, but so many people these days play follow the leader in pvp and Odessen is one of those maps that suffers the worst from that type of noobism.

Odessen could be a fun map if people played the objectives in this game, which let’s face it, most don’t. I find it frustrating enough watching idiots play follow the leader in other maps, but at least I can use tactics and strategy to help mitigate some of that idiocy in other maps, there is nothing I can do in Odessen.

We all have maps we like and dislike. I love Hutt Ball and hate Odessen. I know plenty of people who hate Hutt Ball and leave everytime it pops. That is what Odessen is for me.

As for friends, all of mine have left this sinking ship after they moved the servers to the east coast and have gone back to playing WoW, GW2 or Overwatch. Ive no interest in making more friends who will probably leave in 2-3 months.

Only my wife and I play now and she’s not a pvper.

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A good 80% of the pvpers I know absolutely refuse to play it, there's always those 1 or 2 people who like it for some reason. But they are in the minority.




I miss voidstar popping, now it's always this odessen. :confused: Although lately they seem to have made a very minor effort to fix that.



If they didn't force us to play it all the time I wouldn't mind it so much.

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I miss voidstar popping, now it's always this odessen.


I like VS a lot, maybe my favorite wz. I have days when it NEVER pops. That's so annoying.


But. Luckily, OPG, Yavin and Quesh Huttball pop constantly. They more than make up for missing VS so much. :rolleyes:

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I like VS a lot, maybe my favorite wz. I have days when it NEVER pops. That's so annoying.


But. Luckily, OPG, Yavin and Quesh Huttball pop constantly. They more than make up for missing VS so much. :rolleyes:


Well, in theory, with cross faction soon to happen with everything, it should even out the OPG/Yavin pops. Won't help Quesh any. :(


Honestly, with that tease that we might get some control over which WZs we play, and then it didn't happen... and with raising the score cap to 10 in both Huttball maps... I've finally started to just quit at the start of maps I'm tired of. I now quit most Quesh, OPG after a couple, and every single Yavin.


But I agree that VS rocks. And should be even better after the patch, when the doors are a bit easier to blow open. So hopefully fewer stalemates at the first door.

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odessen is a w-holding, right-clicking mini game and not pvp


garbage warzone


it will be my distinct pleasure to filter it if they ever offer the capability



I feel the same way about 4v4. To me has no place in regs should be just ranked WZ's.

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I feel the same way about 4v4. To me has no place in regs should be just ranked WZ's.


I usually leave 4v4s in regs now.


I play heals, and I almost always get a team with 1 sometimes even 2 other healers.


I leave these matches every time, and now as soon as I enter a 4v4 I usually leave it just because they usually are total mismatch of classes and/or skill.


You either get destroyed or you destroy, or you are on a team with 3 healers. :(

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I usually leave 4v4s in regs now.


I play heals, and I almost always get a team with 1 sometimes even 2 other healers.


I leave these matches every time, and now as soon as I enter a 4v4 I usually leave it just because they usually are total mismatch of classes and/or skill.


You either get destroyed or you destroy, or you are on a team with 3 healers. :(


Agree. Let's group up. My VG needs a pocket healer :D

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Our general guild policy is to play the first one we get, OBJ try-hard the **** out of it and get a quick win, then instant quit them for the rest of the run. It becomes too tedious after a couple play throughs. Even for our over the top OBJ tryhard selves.
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