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7:15 pm PST and there is only 1 instance of 75 people on Satele Shan pub side fleet


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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial? Edited by Toraak
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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually playing the game.


Ah yes, the inevitable "fleet numbers are meaningless"...despite the fact that throughout the history of the game it's been observed that its actually a good indicator of population. As fleet numbers go down, so does overall population.


Before mergers, there would be only 1 instance...then after mergers all of a sudden for a few months we had 2 or 3 instances. Surprisingly, when we have 2 or 3 instances, wz pops are faster, flashpoint pops are faster, guilds are more full. Then when we have one instance, I wait over an hour for a midbie pop, see the same people in 70 war zones every match and the GTN sales are slow. Yet, according to Toraak and others it's "meaningless".


The deniers really crack me up.

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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial?


Been hearing this exact same excuse since game launch.


Not valid anymore.


The lack of updates and the trickle content has put the nail in the coffin for this game. Just enjoy whats left and have fun. Stop making excuses.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Also remember it's the end of June, the low population really should be noticed.



There is no significant population increase this month, does it mean that young ppl are no longer interested in this game?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Been hearing this exact same excuse since game launch.


Not valid anymore.


The lack of updates and the trickle content has put the nail in the coffin for this game. Just enjoy whats left and have fun. Stop making excuses.


Lack of new content

Some new content doesn't please current players

A lot of the current content require bug fix/revamp

Some really bad adjustment they've made


I think if they can't make enough new content, at least make a big overhaul patch to fix all the current ones.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial?


Sorry that excuse doesn't fly anymore.. After the merger there were three instances on SS fleet.. Each with well over 150 players each. Not to mention that starter planets had 5 or more instances.


What new content we have received has been beaten over and over multiple times already.. Yes it is summer and there is always a historic summer abandonment of MMO games.. But seriously it is getting bad.

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Sorry that excuse doesn't fly anymore.. After the merger there were three instances on SS fleet.. Each with well over 150 players each. Not to mention that starter planets had 5 or more instances.


What new content we have received has been beaten over and over multiple times already.. Yes it is summer and there is always a historic summer abandonment of MMO games.. But seriously it is getting bad.


No, I noticed that the population didn't change much between May and June. Usually in summer there are more players.

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I don'\t deny the population may be shrinking from lack of content, however people continue to use only Fleet numbers to indicate this. This idea is wrong. Ever since SH's came out into the game less people spend time on Fleet. I've been in many guilds on various characters/servers, and many people spend time in SH's or out on planets instead. They go to fleet only for PvP/GSF dailies/weeklies, picking up dailies, or Operation quests, or last looking for pugs.


So all i'm saying is just looking at Fleet numbers is not a good indicator of how low the population is, and as I said the OP only listed Republic fleet in his/her comment which means they are not even considering how many are on imperial side or off of Fleet.


Edit: something to consider as well. Satele Shan server is also the less populated of the 2 NA servers. The population there is mainly Harbringer, and a few from BC, the tiny amount from Bastion. SF however got 3 decently populated servers merged into one (TeH, SL, and JC) + the 2 PvP servers which were dead like Bastion.

Edited by Toraak
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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial?



You're correct, the only time I'm on fleet is when I'm passing through .. vendors that can't be found elsewhere (a few), flash points that have to start there or I pressed the wrong button. Otherwise I'm never there.

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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game


We have to make this our new Swtor Drinking Game! Anytime someone claims this, we have to take a shot.


We just had the same discussion for Darth Malgus. Fleet numbers have always been an indicator. 75 at prime time is bad for a merged server. How many servers were merged into Satele Shan? 3?

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My observation at 6:30pm AEST (1:30am PST).


SS Republic fleet = 19 people. One instance.

SS Imperial fleet = 68 people. One instance.


SF Republic fleet = 29 people, One instance.

SF Imperial fleet = 2 instances, 67 people on one. The other is depopulating so I can find out how many.


This is when I switch to DM to get some pvp. (It’s 9:30am GMT)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Ah yes, the inevitable "fleet numbers are meaningless"...


I can tell you that for the last week at least, every night there have been two instances on Balmorra Imp side....the last time I saw that was around launch.

Edited by Vember
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Great job EA...you continue to kill off the game


Will deniers still deny? This is even after mergers

That's cuz everyone is partying on Nar Shaada - the casino was probably packed!!! I've never seen more than 2 other players there myself, but it's likely because there were so many instances of it...right? Or maybe everyone was running KOTET for the first time?! Or...um...other excuses...


Let them deny it...the reality is perfectly clear to us, and Bioware. We don't need others to confirm the obvious.

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We have to make this our new Swtor Drinking Game! Anytime someone claims this, we have to take a shot.


We just had the same discussion for Darth Malgus. Fleet numbers have always been an indicator. 75 at prime time is bad for a merged server. How many servers were merged into Satele Shan? 3?

I'll drink to that Jatta!!!


It's comical when people pretend Fleet numbers are meaningless...I love it.

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Ah yes, the inevitable "fleet numbers are meaningless"...despite the fact that throughout the history of the game it's been observed that its actually a good indicator of population. .

In the early days of the game there were:

1. Fewer other places to be. (Fewer planets, no Strongholds, no guild ships, etc)

2. No Group Finder

3, The Fleet was one of the main places to access the GTN, Storage, mail, etc, etc,



1. There are many more planets, plus your Odessen base, plus Strongholds (private and Guild), etc, etc.

3. Group Finder means less need to hang around the Fleet looking for a group

4. No need to go to Fleet for GTN, Storage, Legacy Hold, etc, etc.


So, no, there's is not much need to hang around the Fleet these days and the number of people on the Fleet is NOT an indication of the number of people in the game. Many people on here, like myself, can attest to the fact that they spend very little, if any, time on the Fleet.

It's inevitable that someone says "fleet numbers are meaningless" because it's true, in spite of your "feelings" :)

(Btw, the world is not flat either.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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In the early days of the game there were:

1. Fewer other places to be. (Fewer planets, no Strongholds, no guild ships, etc)

2. No Group Finder

3, The Fleet was one of the main places to access the GTN, Storage, mail, etc, etc,



1. There are many more planets, plus your Odessen base, plus Strongholds (private and Guild), etc, etc.

3. Group Finder means less need to hang around the Fleet looking for a group

4. No need to go to Fleet for GTN, Storage, Legacy Hold, etc, etc.


So, no, there's is not much need to hang around the Fleet these days and the number of people on the Fleet is NOT an indication of the number of people in the game. Many people on here, like myself, can attest to the fact that they spend very little, if any, time on the Fleet.

It's inevitable that someone says "fleet numbers are meaningless" because it's true, in spite of your "feelings" :)

Fleet is absolutely an indicator of a servers health. Denying it is just silly. Nothing has been added to the game in 3+ years to reduce Fleet popularity...you're acting like GF is new or SH's are new...they aren't. People like you, who never go to Fleet, don't impact Fleets declining numbers.

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People like you, who never go to Fleet, don't impact Fleets declining numbers.

I hope you realize what little sense that makes. Yes, people who don't go to the Fleet don't impact the Fleets numbers - duh.

In fact, if there's no one on Fleet, I (and people who don't go to Fleet) are still playing anyway, even though you would declare the game dead.


But let me make this a bit clearer. "Declining numbers" on the Fleet can indicate a decline in the number of players, but so can "declining numbers" just about anywhere. Declining numbers on Coruscant can indicate a declining population.


The point is that not only does the number of players on Fleet not indicate the absolute number of players (like it once did), but given the number of recent post that say the numbers on Fleet are between 75 and 80 at some particular time, the number of players on the Fleet doesn't appear to be actually "declining" much.


But don't worry, I'm sure that at some time in the future the game will actually end (the sun will eventually die) and you can say "see, I told you so" :D

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Great job EA...you continue to kill off the game


Will deniers still deny? This is even after mergers


Why does it matter? If you don't like the game then quit. If you like the game just play it till either EA kills it or something new comes along.


Don't get me wrong they need new content, but constantly having posts about how "fleet is dead = game is dead" does not help the game at all. Nor does it help any new players who might be inclined to spend money on game.


I for one was actually in game last night, pub side, but NO I was not on fleet. I was actually on Hoth. When I'm in game I rarely ever am on fleet. I stand on guild ship & pay attention to fleet chat there.

Guild ships do NOT count as fleet instances.

There is also a good many reasons as to why the game wasn't as "packed" as you wanted it last night.

It's summer; people go on vacation. It was Mon night; night before reset (no conquest, no weeklies if you've done them, etc...).

How many were doing like I was actually doing, random quests just because?


There isn't any denying the game has less players than the past. But to say it's dying when new players or old players are still returning isn't accurate.

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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial?


Fanboy - the truth is that after 5.8 the Population declined.


Before we have 2 instances with 100+ Players and now one with 80. What should happen that the Players now one other places?


Before the patch the Players also made OPs, FPs and battlefields.

Edited by Master_Morak
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Not sure where my post went, so I'll post it again. Come to Star Forge. Always multiple Fleet instances for both sides, pretty much 24/7. Even some of the previously dead planets have a whole lot of people on them through out the day, regardless of time zone.
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