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Planned Warzone Changes


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LOL and in each explanation..hack this hack that...thought we all just had to learn to play LOL...ban these turds for life and these changes wouldn't be necessary!


Some hackers play for achievements but others play for the mere twisted fun that the lowly intelligent find in annoying others. This kind of hackers can't be stopped by perma-bans, because they can simply create free to play accounts (and if you want BioWare to ban through IP, currently very few entities can fight a good VPN, so it won't work). The only solution for this kind of hackers is to install a system that perma-bans them on the spot, fix the code of the game so that the hacks don't work on it anymore or make a workaround which results in the hackers dying before they manage to benefit from it. The first costs money, the seconds is complicated and the third is the lazy solution (the more workarounds in a code, the clumsier it gets). They chose the lazy solution but it should work, that's a step in the right direction.

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Yeah, for the life of me, I can’t understand why they’d think we want the matches to be shorter

As for WZs that go the distance, I don't mind them.


I personally don't even mind VS matches that go the distance. I am probably in the minority but it's one of the only WZs you have an objective that also presents you with a map that lets you push numbers.


Shortening matches seems like a well-intentioned change, but the match that seems too long for me is extremely rare.


I seem to get more Quesh huttball matches, ODG, and the new civil war ripped map than anything nowadays which all happen to be my least favorites.


By the time I get a Voidstar, Hypergate, old Civil War map I look forward to them and really aint thinking how they need to end faster lol. These older maps have objectives but let you work an actual rotation and have a higher focus on killing. I like WZs like these the best tbh.


Anyway, I digressed. Not really sure if shortening maps is helpful.

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Yeah, for the life of me, I can’t understand why they’d think we want the matches to be shorter


I wonder why they seem like they are unable to just address the issues that are being discussed or are of concern to players [majority] and not mess with anything this else. It's like every time you pull at the string of a peice of cloth you are potentially making it worse instead of just cutting it off with a scissor to avoid making it worse. Ya mess with things that aren't broken and you might break them!


This change, that change, the more you do that the more potential people your going to upset with each change.


Some people don't like cross faction, some other people don't like the changes to conquest, other's don't like the fact they have to do content they don't like doing to get the schematics for the new augs, and some other people don't like that their LI got a kill option because they wrote the story in such a manner that it calls for it.


Some of these things may be necessary but some of them aren't. If it isn't necessary and it could piss people off, just leave it alone, no sense in taking a chance. You can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time, that's a given, but you can limit the amount of times you have to take that chance. Save it for when it's necessary and people won't feel as wronged when it happens. Necessity is a really good reason to do things, not having anything else better to do that day can be a really bad reason to do some things. If BW got nothing better to do that day, they should use that time to fix some bugs or punish some cheaters and stop mucking around with things that aren't broken.


Please :)

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As for WZs that go the distance, I don't mind them.


I personally don't even mind VS matches that go the distance. I am probably in the minority but it's one of the only WZs you have an objective that also presents you with a map that lets you push numbers.


Shortening matches seems like a well-intentioned change, but the match that seems too long for me is extremely rare.


I seem to get more Quesh huttball matches, ODG, and the new civil war ripped map than anything nowadays which all happen to be my least favorites.


By the time I get a Voidstar, Hypergate, old Civil War map I look forward to them and really aint thinking how they need to end faster lol. These older maps have objectives but let you work an actual rotation and have a higher focus on killing. I like WZs like these the best tbh.


Anyway, I digressed. Not really sure if shortening maps is helpful.


I have never once thought to myself "Man this match is taking forever, I can't wait til it's over, I'm so bored". If your bored with it than you shouldn't be wanting to do it in the first place! Some people are complaining about the time in between pops which one would think meant that they actually would rather be in a WZ than not in one.


Who in there right minds doesn't want to fight longer?!?!? The more violence and bloodshed, the more body parts that get strewn all around, the more cries of agony that are being carried on the wind, the better.


That's what life's all about, ending other peoples lives!


Warzone's are a lot like sex, you just want to keep doing it even though you know how it ends because when it's over you know your just gonna to be pissed because you're gonna have to wait awhile before you can do it again.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Yeah, for the life of me, I can’t understand why they’d think we want the matches to be shorter


The only reason I can surmise for them making this change is to perform pre-emptive population control. What I mean by that is as the player base dwindles, queues generally get longer. Once player attrition has gone below a certain threshold, shorter matches will result in shorter queues. The faster players are getting out, the faster they are available to requeue. This would have certainly helped prior to the server merges. It stands to reason that eventually, there will be no more server merges.


Another reason they may be doing this is in preparation for some sort of matchmaking system. Any form of matchmaking relies on population density. If the population gets too low, the matchmaking system will result in longer queues. One possible way to mitigate that is to have shorter matches so that players are available to queue sooner.

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The only reason I can surmise for them making this change is to perform pre-emptive population control. What I mean by that is as the player base dwindles, queues generally get longer. Once player attrition has gone below a certain threshold, shorter matches will result in shorter queues. The faster players are getting out, the faster they are available to requeue. This would have certainly helped prior to the server merges. It stands to reason that eventually, there will be no more server merges.


Another reason they may be doing this is in preparation for some sort of matchmaking system. Any form of matchmaking relies on population density. If the population gets too low, the matchmaking system will result in longer queues. One possible way to mitigate that is to have shorter matches so that players are available to queue sooner.


Sound theories, both.


I'd hope for the later than the former reasoning.

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Eric, you honestly think these are the issues that are concerning those PVPing now? How about the joke that is pvp due to class imbalances! You can't get a map now a days that doesn't have at least 3 mercs/jugs as a rule! The rest being back filled usually end up being sniper, sorc heals and fury mara's. I frankly am plain tired of having match after match being utter points of futility and exercises in frustration simply because the dev team can't grasp the simple concept that granting DPS burst specs what boils down to essentially 3 lives. They should be glass cannons if their DPS burst, to do otherwise makes playing pure DPS burst specs moot. Why play the glass cannon class when I can play an I win class doing the same amount of DPS with 3 times the survival.


I am also well aware that in most cases these class survival is tied to being healed when hit yet the so called visual cues mechanism for the player to utilize is also broke. In most cases the visual cues do little to help the player. What good does it do someone who's fighting a merc who pops his shield ( yellow) that heals when the player cannot visually see the yellow because it's drown out by a sorc's bubble or an operative heal globe or even the merc's very own blue shield! (The same goes for jugs ED). Frankly giving heal on dmg to only a few was a mistake BUT if you insist on going this route then make the visual cues Persistent, perceptible and pronounced!


Finally the last issue. Seeing as most of us know you will not address the class imbalances even though this is what has been what most have been advocating for some time .........yet Merc / Sniper still seem to be the defacto class to play hmm could it be that high DPS output + high survival = increase numbers of people flocking to the class results in grossly lopsided queues. Choice is simple if your pure DPS your glass cannon OR your a hybrid in which case your DPS should be reduced and I mean a real reduction in DPS not the lame thing you all just did which was a total farce. The only other option failing that is to limit the number of " I win classes" into a match. Because while one might be able to overcome the I win classes OP-ness if there's only one to deal with, it becomes a lot harder when it's an infestation of the class and in most cases devolves into an exercise in frustration when you have 3 other merc's or jugs. Now don't misunderstand I am not stating I expect a solo player to be able to survive 4 merc's, that's not what I am saying. Having those four merc's in the match especially because they break trinity makes the match almost pointless in most case's because overcoming those collective DCD and DPS puts an undo burden on the opposing side especially if the other team's make up falls short and due to your joke of a queue system this turns out to be the case now a days.


I use to log in for 8 hrs have 15- 20 great pvp matches where the fights were down to the wire close calls . Those were some good times and fun matches. Now I log on for 1-2 hrs, most of the people I played with are gone because the matches have become boring pointless exercises in futility and instead of having 15-20 great matches I'm lucky I get one. Usually getting frustrated around the 3rd hour of the utter ridiculousness pvp has devolved into! It's not suppose to be merc vs sniper or jug vs merc which is the theme of late brought about because of the Dev's own shortsightedness. The issue isn't on the dang length of the match Eric IT'S THE QUALITY OF THE MATCH!! Focusing on shortening the matches isn't the issue never has been. Most of us what a decent challenge, notice I said challenge not futility personified and while a great many of us desire a challenge human nature being what it is there will always be those that seek out an advantage and having "I win Crutch" classes will always lead to imbalances and an influx of those classes which unbalances the entire system.


Be innovative, be Creative take a risk MAKE PVP GREAT AGAIN!


As Keith mentioned in the roadmap we are looking to make some Warzone changes this year, starting in July. It is our plan to try to get these on PTS as well, but before we get to that point we wanted to get your opinion on our plans. Below you will find the changes along with our goal for these changes. Let us know your thoughts.


The goals of these changes are:


To shorten the average time of our Warzones to be around 12 minutes. We have a few WZs that are taking quite a bit longer than that currently.

We have some WZs that are exploitable due to environment hacking, we want to fix that.


Voidstar changes - We want to give the offense a much better chance of completing the objectives. We want to make Voidstar more about a race to complete the objectives as opposed to a map which often ends in a stalemate. Less stalemates will shorten the overall time of the map.


Door now take 6 seconds to arm (down from 8)

Defenders now have 15 seconds to disarm door bombs (down from 20)

Extending the bridges and lowering the shields now takes 6 seconds to channel (down from 8)

Forcefields are now blocking the reactor room doors until the bridges are extended

Characters who hack their way into the last two rooms of the Warzone before the bridge has been extended or the forcefield is down will be killed


Ancient Hypergates - We want running orbs to be more impactful to the WZs gameplay, with the goal of shortening each map.


Orbs now score more points (up from 6, review below)

Orbs scores ramp up each round of the game:

Round 1 = 12 points per orb delivered

Round 2 = 15 points per orb delivered

Round 3 = 18 points per orb delivered

Round 4 = 21 points per orb delivered

Round 5 = 24 points per orb delivered

Round 6+ = 27 points per orb delivered

Player corral forcefields have had their up-time reduced, the forcefield is now down for 10 seconds and up for 15 seconds (previously 30 seconds)


Alderaan - Shortening the match time.


Turrets now damage ships for 12 damage per tick (up from 10)

Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so


Yavin - Further differentiate the map from Alderaan Civil War along with shortening the match time.


Teams now start with 500 points (down from 600)

When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0)

Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so




Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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ANY solution which involves a dramatic number difference between certain classes within the same role, including suggestions such as:

  • Reduce DPS dealt by stealth classes
  • Reduce DPS dealt by non pure DPS classes.
  • Reduce DPS dealt by ranged classes.

Is coming from the narrow point of view which considers PVP as the only aspect of this game. It IS NOT. There are PVE solo and grouped content, and if the DPS difference (actual, not parsable on a non-resisting dummy) is more than barely notable these classes will become less viable in such content, and will not be taken. Imagine a game in which snipers and maras have better DPS than any other DPS class by a considerable amount (and let's assume, for argument's sake it perfectly balances out when considering self-defense in PVP, and that would require to nerf their def a lot if it "should" be under the sorcs or PTs, or buff these guys to godhood again). Then either healers and tanks CAN keep them alive despite their low survival skill (="glassness"), which would make them the by-far-best DPS for all PVE content and all the rest are inviable as DPS, or they are so much more squishy that they cannot be kept alive and therefore THEY are inviable in PVE. Either way SOME specs will be completely worthless in the top-tier PVE content, not to mention unable to compete in their own hard solo stuff (like the Zakuul Arena or the MM story), or they nerf all content to make it possible for the weakest classes which would make it a walk in the park for the best classes. Either way, anything besides PVP will be ruined. This is why great number differences must not even be considered.


There are plenty other solutions to change the balance of things (for example, mercs were always half healers but used to be among the squishiest DPS, for squishier than the snipers or maras, so if merc shield, for example, had it's duration reduced, or healing capped at 50% of full HP, and a few more tweaks they would be as good as others, but not better, while having relatively the same DPS), there is no need to deal in absolutes and call for grand nerfs for most of the DPS classes...

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The more I think on changing length of games the less I like that focus. I agree with Kazz_devlin that focusing on this aspect of PVP is a waste of resources.


I actually had one match where I thought it was too long yesterday, out of 15-20? Not a big deal. I had 5-10 where they ended really fast due to imps railroading pubs and pubs quitting matches, etc.


I also wish they'd do some major overhauling on the classes. Make mercs have more punch strip some defensives off them. I actually enjoyed my merc during the days I complained about him having zero defense against juggs/mara or any other class that could stay on target and get in my face. At least then mercs were not FOTM mercs, and they melted faces like a merc should.


I'd rather see DPS operatives doing more damage and have less escape mechanisms, a good operative in a 8v8 can run circles around 4-6 average players let's be honest it's retarded. Give them actual damage and make them easier to kill. Make lethality operative a class worth playing in PVP instead of a novelty that people do just to mess on occasion, kind of like wearing that silly propeller hat during the swim party.


I'd rather see sorc DPS effective, less self heals more strong dots, more strong burst! Sorcs are the laughingstock of WZs now! How much longer do they have to be on the bottom of the DPS totem pole in the WZs it's been 2 years!


There are many other glaring deficits within other classes too, these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


My point is I just would rather see the devs thinking on how to make classes better than worrying about the length of the matches. Granted, maybe as someone else mentioned earlier, there could be some ulterior purpose behind why they want to shorten the duration of matches too, one we aren't really aware of.






If they are wanting to improve the quality of the experience in PVP, changing the duration of the matches will have a very small impact in this regard, in my opinion.


Instead I would recommend them considering to improve upon class balance, or just make some changes to some of the classes which are weakest right now and/or not fun to play.

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The more I think on changing length of games the less I like that focus. I agree with Kazz_devlin that focusing on this aspect of PVP is a waste of resources.


I agree with your agree. :D I would also prefer quality over quantity.


By way of example, I had a VS match this morning. It went the full length, with both sides getting only the first door and the bridge. NO ONE was going "ugh, can we just end this". It was a nail biter, down to the last minute, and it was close enough on the times that I was not sure who won until the score came up (they did, for anyone keeping score :p). It was a nail biter because it was pretty evenly matched, people were dying on both sides, and both teams were actually trying.


The only time anyone ever thinks a match is too long is when it's so lopsided that 1/2 the team gives up, and it just becomes pointless. And if PvP matches were all 5 minutes long, it would still be 5 minutes too long in that case.


I think the match making, and the "doing something about picking warzones" will help the quality. Hopefully the former will make for more fair matchups. And the later will help make it so the people on your team actually want to play the map they are in (think quesh huttball, and how often that is just a deathmatch or an AFK map because no one wants to be there).

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I agree with your agree. :D I would also prefer quality over quantity.


By way of example, I had a VS match this morning. It went the full length, with both sides getting only the first door and the bridge. NO ONE was going "ugh, can we just end this". It was a nail biter, down to the last minute, and it was close enough on the times that I was not sure who won until the score came up (they did, for anyone keeping score :p). It was a nail biter because it was pretty evenly matched, people were dying on both sides, and both teams were actually trying.


The only time anyone ever thinks a match is too long is when it's so lopsided that 1/2 the team gives up, and it just becomes pointless. And if PvP matches were all 5 minutes long, it would still be 5 minutes too long in that case.


I think the match making, and the "doing something about picking warzones" will help the quality. Hopefully the former will make for more fair matchups. And the later will help make it so the people on your team actually want to play the map they are in (think quesh huttball, and how often that is just a deathmatch or an AFK map because no one wants to be there).


Well that's good to hear. ^


BW should take notice, when Banderal speaks he speaks a voice of reason. Some of us can be dramatic, emotional and hyperbolic. Not Banderal. :p


I suppose we can test it on PTS. If it sucks or adds nothing to the quality of matches, we should be sure to express our thoughts on it. I think that's going to be the case though.


Shortening WZs to me sounds like shortening the actual fun I have on this game. Not sure if the one thing I like best should be shortened.


This almost goes back to the vein of many issues I find with some of the more game-altering patches we have had in the past; changing stuff no one complains about.


Just think to yourself in the WZs, what are people complaining about? "They got a premade." "They got a team of mercs!" "Oh boy, another quitter because we lost a node...."


I have never seen anyone express frustration because the matches are too long. Not once have I ever seen in years anyone say, "Oh man this WZ is so long!" Something to think about.

Edited by Lhancelot
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If they are wanting to improve the quality of the experience in PVP, changing the duration of the matches will have a very small impact in this regard, in my opinion.


Instead I would recommend them considering to improve upon class balance, or just make some changes to some of the classes which are weakest right now and/or not fun to play.


I disagree with the fact that shorter warzones is a small change. Look at the big picture, shorter warzones I’ll result in a larger pool to pick from when creating matches. That means player diversity in matches will be a lot better, you won’t be playing against the same premade over and over again. Then add cross faction on to that. Pops could happen instantly, even more player diversity, it could be enough of a player pool then to implement soft match making (which to me could be the intent). Shorter warzone is a great step into the right direction which will result in a healthier pvp population.


This is a great change I don’t understand why players are butt hurt about it.

Edited by kissingaiur
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I disagree with the fact that shorter warzones is a small change. Look at the big picture, shorter warzones I’ll result in a larger pool to pick from when creating matches. That means player diversity in matches will be a lot better, you won’t be playing against the same premade over and over again. Then add cross faction on to that. Pops could happen instantly, even more player diversity, it could be enough of a player pool then to implement soft match making (which to me could be the intent). Shorter warzone is a great step into the right direction which will result in a healthier pvp population.


This is a great change I don’t understand why players are butt hurt about it.


I don’t think anyone is butt hurt, we just see it as a waste of resources because most people have no problem with the length of the match. But I can see your points and they mostly make sense.

I think as long as Bioware don’t reduce the match times dramatically, it won’t be an issue. But if we see matches end in 7 mins that would usually go for 10-12mins, then I see that as a problem because you can’t really get a pug team going with objectives until 3-4mins.

I guess we wait and see. Bioware did ask for our feed back and I think that’s what people are trying to say to them.

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Make mercs have more punch strip some defensives off them. I actually enjoyed my merc during the days I complained about him having zero defense against juggs/mara or any other class that could stay on target and get in my face.


Fairly off topic here, but you essentially just described (DPS) PTs. If you want lots of punch with little or no DCDs, go play an AP or Pyro PT. Then come back and tell us how much fun you're having with that.

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I disagree with the fact that shorter warzones is a small change. Look at the big picture, shorter warzones I’ll result in a larger pool to pick from when creating matches. That means player diversity in matches will be a lot better, you won’t be playing against the same premade over and over again. Then add cross faction on to that. Pops could happen instantly, even more player diversity, it could be enough of a player pool then to implement soft match making (which to me could be the intent). Shorter warzone is a great step into the right direction which will result in a healthier pvp population.


This is a great change I don’t understand why players are butt hurt about it.


I agree, it's not a small change per se. My sentiment is that it's actually a large change, but I fear a small change towards bettering the WZ experience.


As I said before, I personally rarely think to myself how awful a WZ is due to length of time. As it stands, if someone wants to queue for short matches in the WZs they do have ranked they can queue for.


I'd like to understand how shortening lengths of matches = healthier pvp population.


You might be right, but I fail to make the connection. Faster pops doesn't mean more diversity, slower pops will still have the same pool of players to pick from and let's be honest we all know eachother, anyways.


I just view alterations to the game in the light of 'if it's not broke don't fix it.'


I am open to trying PTS and test the changes out. Maybe shortening matches will be great, but it seems to be addressing an issue no one ever complains about.


Let's fix something that isn't broken, instead of focusing on some other more glaring issues like class balance and staleness of some class performances in PVP. :D

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Fairly off topic here, but you essentially just described (DPS) PTs. If you want lots of punch with little or no DCDs, go play an AP or Pyro PT. Then come back and tell us how much fun you're having with that.


I played merc DPS when it was the posterchild for glass-cannon prior to 5.0. I also played PT from 2.0-3.0 when it was a fairly powerful DPS, in fact I appropriately named my PT back then Overpowered-pt, so I understand how PTs are now compared to their past iteration. :D


Sorry you don't like hearing it, but mercs have too many DCDs. It's true. :(


I aint saying strip all of them off to make them as they used to be, I played hundreds of hours on my mando/merc when they had awful DCDs so I understand they don't deserve to have them all taken away, however I personally enjoyed the class better when it had tons of punch and no DCDs compared to how it is now.


The merc class bores me now, and I grow weary of FOTM players on mercs that brag in WZs how "it took all 6 of you to kill me you noobs! lolol." Come on. The class is overperforming in the DCDs department, and you know it. :D


I agree PTs are too easy to melt with focused damage. PT was once my favorite class, but many changes have made it less fun.


I don't know why both of these facts can't be addressed without you being defensive when it's mentioned mercs have too many DCDs and not enough punch. It's my opinion of course.

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Sorry you don't like hearing it, but mercs have too many DCDs. It's true. :(


I don't really care what anyone says about Mercs. Bioware had the opportunity to nerf them in 5.9 but they weren't touched. But if some players have their way, Mercs would be cast down with PTs, and frankly, good players still manage to kill Mercs. Personally, after 5.5 years of playing melee DPS classes, PT in particular, I got tired of being at a disadvantage the last two years and waiting for Bioware to address that. I rolled a Merc about 2 months ago, and I'm enjoying the hell out of playing a ranged DPS class with some of the best DCDs in the game. If they ever neuter Mercs as they've done with some other classes, I'll simply jump to whatever is better. I've wasted too much time and energy getting upset about balance changes (or lack thereof) that I have zero control over, so for my own entertainment value, I've resolved to play FotM in PvP until either I quit or the game is shut down, whichever comes first.


(And for the record, I'm not one of those players that talks smack in PvP or LOL that it took 3 people to focus me down on my Merc. Honestly, I'm not even as good on my Merc as I was on my PT.)

Edited by Mournblood
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I don't really care what anyone says about Mercs. Bioware had the opportunity to nerf them in 5.9 but they weren't touched. But if some players have their way, Mercs would be cast down with PTs, and frankly, good players still manage to kill Mercs. Personally, after 5.5 years of playing melee DPS classes, PT in particular, I got tired of being at a disadvantage the last two years and waiting for Bioware to address that. I rolled a Merc about 2 months ago, and I'm enjoying the hell out of playing a ranged DPS class with some of the best DCDs in the game. If they ever neuter Mercs as they've done with some other classes, I'll simply jump to whatever is better. I've wasted too much time and energy getting upset about balance changes (or lack thereof) that I have zero control over, so for my own entertainment value, I've resolved to play ForM in PvP until either I quit or the game is shut down, whichever comes first.


(And for the record, I'm not one of those players that talks smack in PvP or LOL that it took 3 people to focus me down on my Merc. Honestly, I'm not even as good on my Merc as I was on my PT.)


I understand. But you left out the part, you only considered the part you did not like being, "take some of their DCDs away." I also added add more punch to their DPS.


I aint saying gimp them to the way they used to be, I played them when they were basically like PTs are now, glass cannon punch but zero DCDs. That's not fun when you get focused, it's frustrating.


But they could bump up their punch a tad, and drop some of the infinite DCDs they have now. A great player on a merc is really, really hard to deal with. Add guard and heals on top of that great player and they truly are immortal.


My only issue is if they gimp DPS merc DCDs, they'd probably gimp healing mercs DCDs too. That would be bad. Healing mercs need everything they got right now and some would argue they could use a buff.


I think class balance can be very subjective. It depends on what meta (4v4 or 8v8) as well as skill of players you are talking about. It's hard to balance all the classes to function equally in all forms of PVP as well as being equal in the hands of all player types.


There are only a few classes I really think jump out to me that need changes, and most of the changes I'd prefer seeing would be to buff weaker classes and not nerf stronger ones.

Edited by Lhancelot
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And for the record, I'm not one of those players that talks smack in PvP or LOL that it took 3 people to focus me down on my Merc.


<--- Guilty, I just get chatty when I am nervous, or free casting, or running for my life, or tired, or bored, or I like your outfit, or I've seen you around before (I think I may just be chatty TBH)... but I play a combat medic so it usually takes 5 people to focus me down, anything less and I feel bad lol.


Also, Hi Mourne!

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