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Cross-faction warzones is a serious mistake


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I realize that this change is needed considering the current state of the game, but I also agree with the OP. The feeling of what (most) Warzones are supposed to be - a representation of faction conflict - will be lost. It is now randoms fighting randoms just for the sake of it. Good for gameplay, not so much for immersion. Edited by Trollokdamus
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I realize that this change is needed considering the current state of the game, but I also agree with the OP. The feeling of what (most) Warzones are supposed to be - a representation of faction conflict - will be lost. It is now randoms fighting randoms just for the sake of it. Good for gameplay, not so much for immersion.

Oh come on - do you seriously give a flip what faction the other players are? Are you guys RPing some factional invasion of Alderaan before or during the match that this will screw up? WHY does it matter to you? At what point does the faction you're on mean anything - that's an honest question, not a troll. It's irrelevant. It serves no purpose except to separate you as shirts and skins. Faction means NOTHING to me in the WZ...only the color of your nameplate.

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Oh come on - do you seriously give a flip what faction the other players are? Are you guys RPing some factional invasion of Alderaan before or during the match that this will screw up? WHY does it matter to you? At what point does the faction you're on mean anything - that's an honest question, not a troll. It's irrelevant. It serves no purpose except to separate you as shirts and skins. Faction means NOTHING to me in the WZ...only the color of your nameplate.


We're not all you though Tux!


I'm not picky when it comes to target's mind you, but I definitely have a preference. Jedi make funny faces when they die!


I responded to a similar question on one of the other strings we're in so I won't bore everyone with reiterating it here.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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We're not all you though Tux!


I'm not picky when it comes to target's mind you, but I definitely have a preference. Jedi make funny faces when they die!


I responded to a similar question on one of the other strings we're in so I won't bore everyone with reiterating it here.

I conceded in the other thread that I can understand your concerns. I guess I've played a few too many FPSs to care which side I'm on - as long as I have targets, I'm good.

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I'm not fazed by cross-faction warzones, but I don't understand why can't they make it a separate mode, like, say, in WoW.

There's not enough players left to support more PvP modes. That would only further divide what little players this game has left who PvP . Not to mention this would be highly exploited in ranked arenas.

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Well it was fun while it lasted. I'm not even remotely a fan of cross-faction WZ's/gsf but I understand why it was done so I'll just have to stomach it. I wasn't planning on playing Battle for Azeroth much but guess I'll have to in order to get the faction conflict driven PvP I love.


More than anything I hate that SF(which doesn't have any problems with Pubs suffering for pops or losing WZ's/GSF) is afflicted by this because of the other servers having problems with it.

Edited by Stncold
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Crossfaction will help when the people in the queue are lopsided.


I was in the queue last night with my wife. She was on Imp and I was on rep.

The pops were obviously slow, but we did get a few. But for ever rep pop I got, she got 3 imp v imp pops and we only ever had 6-7 players (never a full team). We did get a couple of Yavin matches and there were only 2-3 reps in the teams.

So we both started asking people in the WZs how long theyd been queued and compared notes.

There seemed to only ever be 3-7 reps in the queue at once. Where as Imps had 10-18 people in the queue.

Crossfaction would have helped in this situation because there were periods when Imps dropped to about 10 people in the queue and reps had about 6 or Imps had 12 and reps had 4, etc... we easily had enough people for crossfaction matches, but the system wanted to give us standard faction vs faction matches.


Also, out of those matches we had, none of them were arena. Which is another issue when queue numbers are low. The queue system needs to recognise there are aren’t enough people and put people into arena matches instead of making us wait hours for an 8 v 8 match.


You are right that crossfaction ISNT ALL we need in lowbies or Mids to fix them. We need good incentives (UCs) and we need the queue fixed to recognise low numbers and put us in arena and we NEED crossfaction.

If all 3 of those are done, it would definitely help those brackets.


I still would have preferred cross server than cross faction. But let's face it, BW couldn't have made that happen so we get what they can do. Sad really, that they cant even do what WoW dis in 2008 or 2009 cross server

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I got this game due to Pub vs. Imp just like I did SWG and it's Rebels vs. Empire setting.


Cross-faction makes no sense for PvP at all. If I'm a Sith why would I want to help a Republic person out? I really hope the Dev's rethink this as I can see clearly this is not what the community wants. They just want fixes to PvP, balance fixes, and new maps. While on the PvE side of things more Raids.

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I conceded in the other thread that I can understand your concerns. I guess I've played a few too many FPSs to care which side I'm on - as long as I have targets, I'm good.


All good bro, I totally understand the different view and don't hold it against anyone. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. Makes the world go round. ;)

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Thanks for killing lore guys.It wont be star wars anymore, just mindless traitors killing everyone they see.No logic, no star wars atmosphere. And this is after you stated about returning back to republic vs empire story...i think ill unsub when you will provide this changes, time for me to go to games which respect lore and story.


Best thing to happen to pvp here why Matchmaking. We have asked for this in pvp since launch. The players are tired of 4 healer 3 tank and a dps in pvp. Warzones like this are not fun You won't kill any one with low population faction this is the only way for them to win. As they turtle pvp nodes the win hinges on getting the node first then just turtle till the timer runs out. Not Fun

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Best thing to happen to pvp here why Matchmaking. We have asked for this in pvp since launch. The players are tired of 4 healer 3 tank and a dps in pvp. Warzones like this are not fun You won't kill any one with low population faction this is the only way for them to win. As they turtle pvp nodes the win hinges on getting the node first then just turtle till the timer runs out. Not Fun


Faction being played in no way, shape or form effects performance in PVP. Not even a little bit. If you think that performance is bad because there is a faction imbalance, your just not accepting the truth. An 8 man pub team against an 8 man Imp team have the exact same everything as each, neither side has an advantage because of faction. If the pubs lose it's because they suck compared to the other team. If the imps lose, its because they suck compared to the other team [role balance notwithstanding]. If you suck on Impside you'll suck on pubside. Pub players have just as much potential as imp player in terms of performance.


Pubs are just not all that good at PVP unless they are in premades [or double premades] and voice chat and they have 3 healers and skank and some of the mandatory dps classes like Commandos and Gunslingers. Even when they dont have such massive class stacked advantages, when they win they win because of objectives, they tend not to do as well at the fighting part as Imps do.


Why is that? I haven't the slightest because its the same crap on either side of the fence. Imps tend to care more about collecting skulls than orbs. I have seen some fantastic pub players who I cannot help but notice and respect [Vroooooom Vroooommmmmm], but I also can't help but notice without premades often times it seems that they can't fight their way out of a paper bag. Pubs tend to win by objectives, not force, and it is the exact opposite when it comes to Imps [ often times,not always].


You are entitled to your opinion, I simply don't share it. There are plenty of skilled players pubside and occasionally they kick my ***.


Anyone who thinks cross faction will go smoothly, than chances are they only play pubside and don't realize how Imp players view Pub players. There is going to be tons of people saying losses were due to the pubs on the team because pubs aren't as good at PVP. Doesn't matter if that's a bold face lie because too many people have that view and there also going to be people like me who are not happy about being forced to play with the enemy.


Let me state this clearly, I don't hate the people PLAYING pubs, but, I do hate pubs and so do a lot of Imps. We're the bad guys, that's what bad guys do. People upset about being forced into cross factioning are going to be toxic in some cases. [i won't be one of them , unless I'm insulted first].


If this change is necessary, it's necessary, but I don't think that it is to the degree some people think it is. Plenty of people share that view and it will come to the surface when Sith players can't rip Jedi's heads off anymore because now his name isn't in red. It may not be an equal number of people who are for or against full cross faction, but it doesn't take a lot of people to cause trouble. And those people are going to be ripping into pubs in PVP. There will be more toxicity than ever in some instances. It will take some time before some people will stop seeing it differently but some never will. - I'm not going to be spiteful to pub players just because full cross faction is the last thing I wanted, cuz it isn't just about me, but I'm never going to like it, right or wrong. As far as I am concerned, in PVP and everywhere else Pubs are the enemy.


I have no problem with you seeing it differently than me.


P.S. - All pubs must die. :rak_04: Arg Arg!!

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I posted this in the "cross-faction is good!" thread and will repeat it here, just for the sake of the conversation:

To anybody singing the "no cross faction" song I ask you one simple question:


What do you do when you get an Imp vs. Imp queue pop right now?


Because, when there are not enough people on the republic side to fill a team, but plenty of Imperials in queue, the system WILL put an Imp team vs another Imp team and one of those teams starts on what is traditionally the "Republic" side of the map -especially in Novare but even MORE obvious in Huttball matches where you're coming out of a gate with a Frogdog logo and following golden arrows up a ramp to show you where to "score".


Do you quit that warzone because you're fighting other Imperials with no Republic in sight? Because if you don't, you're being a total hypocrite about how much this bothers you and "ruins your immersion". If you've ever taken an Imp vs. Imp queue pop, this is absolutely NO DIFFERENT and is happening for the exact same reason - not enough people in the queue to keep your dreams of "Imp vs Pub in Warzones 4ever" alive.


Even if I can agree with you that it would be ideal to have the factions facing off against each other, the reality is that the time for that has passed, and if you want to keep warzones as part of this game at all, you need to accept it (and in the case of Imp vs Imp matches - you probably already have!).



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I posted this in the "cross-faction is good!" thread and will repeat it here, just for the sake of the conversation:

To anybody singing the "no cross faction" song I ask you one simple question:


What do you do when you get an Imp vs. Imp queue pop right now?


Because, when there are not enough people on the republic side to fill a team, but plenty of Imperials in queue, the system WILL put an Imp team vs another Imp team and one of those teams starts on what is traditionally the "Republic" side of the map -especially in Novare but even MORE obvious in Huttball matches where you're coming out of a gate with a Frogdog logo and following golden arrows up a ramp to show you where to "score".


Do you quit that warzone because you're fighting other Imperials with no Republic in sight? Because if you don't, you're being a total hypocrite about how much this bothers you and "ruins your immersion". If you've ever taken an Imp vs. Imp queue pop, this is absolutely NO DIFFERENT and is happening for the exact same reason - not enough people in the queue to keep your dreams of "Imp vs Pub in Warzones 4ever" alive.


Even if I can agree with you that it would be ideal to have the factions facing off against each other, the reality is that the time for that has passed, and if you want to keep warzones as part of this game at all, you need to accept it (and in the case of Imp vs Imp matches - you probably already have!).




Just like any military does, drills and tactical initiatives are practiced by having one 'team' against another 'team" to simulate battle conditions and the performance of carrying out those strategies and tactics. Military drills are only carried out with soldiers in the same military. You don't want anyone else to know how you might react or deploy in any potential military operation or crisis. They even practice being captured and means of trying to escape, in fact soldiers are duty bound to try and escape. They also take on oath to never reveal to the enemy any information other than name, rank, and serial number.


It's a practice every military employs for training purposes, that's how I reason it personally.


"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu - The Art of War.


Knowledge is power.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Just like any military does, drills and tactical initiatives are practiced by having one 'team' against another 'team" to simulate battle conditions and the performance of carrying out those strategies and tactics. Military drills are only carried out with soldiers in the same military. You don't want anyone else to know how you might react or deploy in any potential military operation or crisis. They even practice being captured and means of trying to escape, in fact soldiers are duty bound to try and escape. They also take on oath to never reveal to the enemy any information other than name, rank, and serial number.


It's a practice every military employs for training purposes, that's how I reason it personally.


"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu - The Art of War.


Knowledge is power.


You have to see it however you have to see it, Grim. We don't have to agree, and I'm not really even trying to convince you so much as just put a spin on it that might help you think about it differently. I just put that out there to point out that there are already lots of warzones with no Pubs in them, and we carry on. Hopefully we will do so regardless.



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You have to see it however you have to see it, Grim. We don't have to agree, and I'm not really even trying to convince you so much as just put a spin on it that might help you think about it differently. I just put that out there to point out that there are already lots of warzones with no Pubs in them, and we carry on. Hopefully we will do so regardless.




You don't have to agree with people to respect their views, that's just plain out good housekeeping.


Some people are just traditionalists and often people don't like change whether it's good or not. Like you, I wasn't trying to convince people that my view was right and their's was wrong. Quite honestly it may very well improve concerning aspects of PVP that many share. Cross factionists reasoning is perfectly sound. I cannot argue their logic.

Even if it's necessary, some traditionalists will simply feel what they want out of a Star Wars game they can't get here anymore. Wrong or right, ya can't help how ya feel sometimes. The arguments of cross factionists are not hard to understand and are compelling, it's easy to see why they are taking that stance and why they are concerned. Also, The 'Star Wars integrity' factor simply doesn't matter to them so these changes are irrelevant for them in that regard to their enjoyment. It's not gonna make it less fun for them. But it will make it less fun for Traditionalists.


Necessity is the only unquestionable factor here that isn't a deal breaker to some.

Without that confirmation from BW that it is an necessity for the health of the game, neither side should fault the other. It's either necessary or it isn't, there's no middle ground there. If it's necessary there can be no other consideration, but if it isn't, some consideration should be shown to those who are not on board with full cross factioning. Anti cross factionists weren't asking for it all [even though that is idealy what they'd want], at this point they were only asking for some.


All or nothing? That only works out well if your on the side that's getting it all.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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While I sure don't like it that much to play in company with Imps because of the core aspects in the Star Wars story, even moreso with the very very very often immature and kiddie style Imps, this change is probably technically needed due to the population of the game. /shrug Edited by Khaleg
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While I sure don't like it that much to play in company with Imps because of the core aspects in the Star Wars story, even moreso with the very very very often immature and kiddie style Imps, this change is probably technically needed due to the population of the game. /shrug


Now there's a pub I can respect.


He wants to kill me just as bad as I wanna kill him.


I hope I can take your head some day, friend.! Be well.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Now there's a pub I can respect.


He wants to kill me just as bad as I wanna kill him.


I hope I can take your head some day, friend.! Be well.


I was in a Yavin match yesterday with my Jedi. A Sith and I were so mad at out own team that we wanted to kill them all.

I suggested we needed a third faction so we could turn on our team members if they proved incompetent.

So we decided to reform the Order of Revan ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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