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Sure, just don’t turn it into a massive rage issue that takes up the whole thread, like so many other things become when people get fixated on what’s not announced.


No intention to do that but I do want to know how it will be handled and I know there are others as well. If it is going to be pvp only then I would like to know so I don't spend money in the cartel shop for decorations for that stronghold. I do not want to waste my coins on something I have no intention of buying if it is strictly pvp oriented.

Edited by casirabit
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I think you greatly misunderstand our POV concerning mat farmers and conquest farmers. Our problem with them is not queing for PvP, but rather queing in spite of it. These people ruin ranked for the rest of us that actually care about it and have something to lose.

This ^^


We actually want people to pvp, what we don’t want is for them to queue and not try, just so they can get mats. Honeslty, mats in Ranked should only be available to those who win.

God...I have always been a proponent of rewarding participation in PvP, not just wins, but you two make a compelling case for rewarding just the winners with the mats...sadly, even when I try, I end up looking like a mat farmer :(

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Sure, just don’t turn it into a massive rage issue that takes up the whole thread, like so many other things become when people get fixated on what’s not announced.


Casirabit is not the sort of poster that would turn concerns over the acquisition of the new stronghold into some sort of ragefest, unlike some who raged about wanting merges and raged about being made to play on the east coast, and raged about no more AP server and about ping and all kinds of stuff like that. I remember how ragey all those threads got and how many they spawned over those issues. :rolleyes:


Casira has always been a thoughtful and kind poster and certainly isn't prone to ragefests, so she's undeserving of this pointed response.


Now me? I'm the one you need to watch out for. :eek: lol. I merely wanted reassurances about the stronghold and how we're to get it. I won't be happy if it's pvp requirement to get it. It's the only thing I have to look forward to for a long time as a story player, but make no mistake, I'm far from raging at this point, but if some people continue to poke the bear, well, we'll see about raging. :p

Edited by Lunafox
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God...I have always been a proponent of rewarding participation in PvP, not just wins, but you two make a compelling case for rewarding just the winners with the mats...sadly, even when I try, I end up looking like a mat farmer :(


These days I look like that too, which is horrible as I used to LOVE PvP until the server merged bumped my ping so high during warzones only, I lag almost the entire match and get harassed and abuse due to it. I was fine in the Operation I tried so it's not group stuff, just PvP. It has sucked not being able to play warzones anymore (unranked) without getting screamed at and cursed at.

Edited by Asmodesu
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God...I have always been a proponent of rewarding participation in PvP, not just wins, but you two make a compelling case for rewarding just the winners with the mats...sadly, even when I try, I end up looking like a mat farmer :(


Pvp is about competition, especially ranked. Participation rewards sound like political correctness where kids get rewarded for losing soccer.

You don’t get the rewards in OPs unless you “win”, aka, kill the boss. You might have to try many times till you get it and if you don’t try, you don’t get the reward. I don’t see why it should any different in Ranked PVP.


I do know people will play more if they get participation rewards in pvp and we do need more people playing, but that should only ever be in regs and they should reward much less if you lose.

Participation rewards should always be tied to trying to win, not a bunch of of people giving up and sitting at the node all match or afk in the corner so they can get their rewards.


But there is a compromise to having participation rewards “if” you are trying.

I’ve suggested in the past that they could overhaul the medal system so it is custom for each map type. Then medals could be rewarded for how well you played towards trying to win the match and not some generic medals for pumping out numbers.


Currently the medal system hands them out generically and they have nothing to do with winning. Here are two examples of what I’m talking about.


* The solo person who ends up guarding all match and gets little to no combat, will always end up with the least medals, but they actually played a really vital role for their team. But the guy running around all match farming dps numbers and death matching (not saying damage isn’t important) in the middle of no where, ends up getting the top amount of medals and they bib nothing or very little to support the win.


* The person who scores every goal in Hutt ball or the one supporting the ball carrier and does very little damage or healing, ends up getting the least amount of medals, while their team mates death match and have no interest in winning. The ball scorer or supporter essentially carried the whole team to a win. But the medal system basically says they didn’t help their team win.


If Bioware were to change the medal system to represent how people really contribute to the team (remember pvp is about team work or is supposed to be), then they could also link rewards to that.

The base rewards x medals = amount rewarded.

Then people who lose might still get the same or more rewards than those who didn’t try to win or sat in the corner all match and let the rest of their team carry them to the win.

Rewards could then be set to performance and contribution towards winning. Then people have a true incentive to try and win and get better. Those are the only types of participation rewards I’m in favour of. Not ones handed out because you “turned up” on the day and got your special ribbon so you don’t feel left out.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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No intention to do that but I do want to know how it will be handled and I know there are others as well. If it is going to be pvp only then I would like to know so I don't spend money in the cartel shop for decorations for that stronghold. I do not want to waste my coins on something I have no intention of buying if it is strictly pvp oriented.


Why not just wait to buy the decos? Then when they release it, you can decide.

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These days I look like that too, which is horrible as I used to LOVE PvP until the server merged bumped my ping so high during warzones only, I lag almost the entire match and get harassed and abuse due to it. I was fine in the Operation I tried so it's not group stuff, just PvP. It has sucked not being able to play warzones anymore (unranked) without getting screamed at and cursed at.


What ping do you play with and where from? I ask because I play from Australia and mine is above 290ms+ if I don’t use WTFast gaming VPN service. When I use that, it can drop below 260ms, which is more playable,


If you can get your ping below 200ms, then even Ranked is possible. The lag still sucks and you are at a disadvantage. But surprisingly, if you stick it out and get used to it, you will get better at anticipating your enemy. I actually think the increased ping I got slammed with when we lost our APAC servers (30ms jumped to 200ms) made me a better pvper over time.

Would I love my 30 ms back? Of course I would.

Was I still disadvantage in ranked? Absolutely and often got destroyed by people less skilled (till I improved).

Of course now I’m playing with 260ms+ since they moved the server to the east coast and Ranked is unplayable :(.

But Regs is still fine because objective pvp is a more forgiving format if you have high ping and you can adjust your tactics to compensate.


So, if your ping is above 200ms, maybe try WTFast and see if that’s helps.


Also, don’t listen to idiots screaming at you because of your combat performance and don’t guard if you can help it. l always tell people my ping if they want me to guard. That way if I lag bad, it’s not completely my fault if we lose the node.;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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What ping do you play with and where from? I ask because I play from Australia and mine is above 290ms+ if I don’t use WTFast gaming VPN service. When I use that, it can drop below 260ms, which is more playable,


If you can get your ping below 200ms, then even Ranked is possible. The lag still sucks and you are at a disadvantage. But surprisingly, if you stick it out and get used to it, you will get better at anticipating your enemy. I actually think the increased ping I got slammed with when we lost our APAC servers (30ms jumped to 200ms) made me a better pvper over time.

Would I love my 30 ms back? Of course I would.

Was I still disadvantage in ranked? Absolutely and often got destroyed by people less skilled (till I improved).

Of course now I’m playing with 260ms+ since they moved the server to the east coast and Ranked is unplayable :(.

But Regs is still fine because objective pvp is a more forgiving format if you have high ping and you can adjust your tactics to compensate.


So, if your ping is above 200ms, maybe try WTFast and see if that’s helps.


Also, don’t listen to idiots screaming at you because of your combat performance and don’t guard if you can help it. I lwaysvtell people my ping if they want me to guard. That way if I lag bad, it’s not completely my fault if we lose the node.;)


300ms but spiking up past 600ms in busy fights, also from Australia. The most I can do is try to follow the group and try to hit enemies. that's it. Too many lag spikes to actually succeed in either. I used to play on 200ms prior to the merge which was absolutely fine for me, I'm used to 200-220 in mmo's. I can play fine with the lag spikes, just need to play on non-aussie prime times (internet usage local), but I can't handle the cursing and harassment anymore. It recently (2 weeks ago being last match) got to be in every single match if I'm not doing top 10 damage or dying very often (major cause of it) etc so I quit. PvP'ers finally made a PvP'er hate them.


edit: I mean those people have always been there, but not in such large numbers all the time from memory.. Maybe I've just been incredibly unlucky in grouping queues but it's just horrid now.

Edited by Asmodesu
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What about pvp ranked waiting queue ?


On the leviathan, I some tag in Ranked, but got no proc on a whole evening.


My though, not enaff player.


Also, it will have a cross faction jcj gameplay. what about the guild cross faction in this case ?

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March 2019 last I heard (though I'm not exactly paying attention either).


So if they really were waiting for more programmers to "return" ... 6.0 is much further off than many thought. Much further.


and you all suck at reading to be honest lol....


From the roadmap- For our Story and PvE players, you have not been forgotten and coming this Fall, along with the return of some very cool Companions, and big updates for Guilds, we’ll introduce a completely new storyline that will kick off a new set of challenges and adventures that will continue into the new year.


so new story (or 6.0) is coming fall and will continue into 2019... so its not that far off. just a few months

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300ms but spiking up past 600ms in busy fights, also from Australia. The most I can do is try to follow the group and try to hit enemies. that's it. Too many lag spikes to actually succeed in either. I used to play on 200ms prior to the merge which was absolutely fine for me, I'm used to 200-220 in mmo's. I can play fine with the lag spikes, just need to play on non-aussie prime times (internet usage local), but I can't handle the cursing and harassment anymore. It recently (2 weeks ago being last match) got to be in every single match if I'm not doing top 10 damage or dying very often (major cause of it) etc so I quit. PvP'ers finally made a PvP'er hate them.


edit: I mean those people have always been there, but not in such large numbers all the time from memory.. Maybe I've just been incredibly unlucky in grouping queues but it's just horrid now.


Definitely try WTFast. It really helps because you get a choice to connect to the fastest route leaving Australia and can also choose the best destination hub before you get to the game servers. It also greatly reduces the ping spikes caused from being routed through some of the crappy American backhaul infrastructure. WTFast only does gaming VPN and has swtor listed as a game, so they try to route you the best way through the US.

As an example, right now if I turn it off, I get 310ms. But with it on, I’m sitting here with 236ms.

Most of our ping problems (including spikes) are due to how we are routed out of Australia and then how we are routed to the servers.

I’m not saying you won’t still get spikes, but they are much less and rarely as high as they normally are.

You can test it for free. Give it ago and see. It doesn’t always work for everyone, especially if the connection problems are closure to your end, but it won’t hurt to try.


As for nasty people, there is a concentration of them because so many people have left the game. That means they aren’t dispersed as much as they used to be. Seriously, put them on ignore or setup a pvp only channel that only has OPs chat active. That way you don’t see any whispers or other trollish chat out side of that channel. If they do it in OPs chat, ignore filters them out quickly. Not all pvpers are nasty at what should be Aussie primetime or in US primetime. You just need to setup a “crap” filter to see nice people, there are more of us than you think once you block out the loud mouths :D

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I think you greatly misunderstand our POV concerning mat farmers and conquest farmers. Our problem with them is not queing for PvP, but rather queing in spite of it. These people ruin ranked for the rest of us that actually care about it and have something to lose.


This ^^


We actually want people to pvp, what we don’t want is for them to queue and not try, just so they can get mats. Honeslty, mats in Ranked should only be available to those who win.


Sorry, but I'm not buying it, as that hasn't been my experience. I've tried in every PvP match I've made myself slog through, as have multiple friends of mine. We quickly found that all 'scrubs' get in warzones is harassment for not being experienced, never help. It's the toxicity in the PvP community that makes me not want to PvP, not the game mode itself. PvPers 'ruin' ranked PvP for themselves, by discouraging people from wanting to queue for it through displaying nasty attitudes and abuse. Anyone new to ranked who tries it and isn't perfect from the get-go gets driven off by those of you who say you 'have something to lose' in a game.


Hence why I'm hoping PvP won't be required to get the Rishi stronghold. I have better things to do with my time than deliberately sign up to receive in-game harassment. I didn't agree with EA making running the craptastic Umbara flashpoint over and over required to get the train stronghold either (which is why that stronghold is the only one I currently don't have), but at least you could go through that without getting constantly whispered by self-appointed PvP gatekeepers about how much you suck and how you should kill yourself.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I'm disappointed that the Rishi stronghold will be facing the beach rather than tucked away in the narrow boardwalk area at the front of the zone, but no one's twisting my arm to buy it, either, so have fun with that.


Hopefully it will be both. One entrance in the town, with one room or two to conduct shady business in, and a long tunnel to the luxury beach front property. That would give everyone what they want.

I'd even PvP to get it, tbh, but I hope I won't have to. It took me ages to get Umbara because I simply couldn't bring myself to farm it more than twice per day. ...and I put a mail box and a legacy storage in it, and that's it, never went back.

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Sorry, but I'm not buying it, as that hasn't been my experience. I've tried in every PvP match I've made myself slog through, as have multiple friends of mine. We quickly found that all 'scrubs' get in warzones is harassment for not being experienced, never help. It's the toxicity in the PvP community that makes me not want to PvP, not the game mode itself. PvPers 'ruin' ranked PvP for yourselves, by discouraging people from wanting to queue for it through displaying nasty attitudes and abuse. Anyone new to ranked who tries it and isn't perfect from the get-go gets driven off by those of you who say you 'have something to lose' in a game.


Hence why I'm hoping PvP won't be required to get the Rishi stronghold. I have better things to do with my time than deliberately sign up to receive in-game harassment. I didn't agree with EA making running the craptastic Umbara flashpoint over and over required to get the train stronghold either (which is why that stronghold is the only one I currently don't have), but at least you could go through that without getting constantly whispered by self-appointed PvP gatekeepers about how much you suck and how you should kill yourself.


It actually saddens me that we have those sorts of tools in this game. You are correct, they are actually detrimental to the health of pvp and it’s decline. Ranked is toxic, amd there are numerous reasons why, that would take too long to fully explain. One of the biggest is people who are not ready for ranked trying to learn to pvp there. It’s still no excuse to be so toxic and they just shouldn’t be such idiots and people might actually listen and understand Ranked is only for highly competitive pvp.


But you shouldn’t let that stop you from playing reg pvp. Yes there are still idiots in there too, but as I posted above, there are ways to filter them out and play with normally adjusted people ;)

Put them on ignore or setup a pvp only channel that only has OPs chat active. That way you don’t see any whispers or other trollish chat out side of that channel. If they do it in OPs chat, ignore filters them out quickly. Not all pvpers are nasty... You just need to setup a “crap” filter to the see nice people, there are more of us than you think once you block out the loud mouths :D

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game. As a sub who plays the game for story how about focusing on non-pvp, non-operations casual players for a change. Some of us pay for the game, but have lives and can only play casually.


More to the point, I dread to think how much I've paid into this game, there shouldn't be content I cant access e.g. a Stronghold just because I dont wish to endure the toxic environment that is PvP!

Edited by JecVanguard
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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game. As a sub who plays the game for story how about focusing on non-pvp, non-operations casual players for a change. Some of us pay for the game, but have lives and can only play casually.


I'm hoping you're a troll. This is the first time in the history of the game that PvP has received such a heavy focus. Also, casual story-focused players had two entire expansions focused on nothing but story (which incidentally ended up tanking the number of people playing the game) ending just last year. The last few updates have centered around story as well, if in flashpoint form.


Other types of players deserve turns too, y'know. Especially PvPers... I don't enjoy PvP myself but even I'm glad they're getting some attention after being mostly ignored (save for nerfs) during a lot of this game's existence. Don't be so selfish. :p

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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game. As a sub who plays the game for story how about focusing on non-pvp, non-operations casual players for a change. Some of us pay for the game, but have lives and can only play casually.


More to the point, I dread to think how much I've paid into this game, there shouldn't be content I cant access e.g. a Stronghold just because I dont wish to endure the toxic environment that is PvP!


They did during KotFE and people complained so the story got cut into a third of original plan, doesn't make sense, is full of plot holes still and with the ending of Nathema there was literally zero point to the entire story we did get as they removed Zakuul (whether you were Emperor or not), got rid of everything the Alliance had and purposefully showed it as empty in that final cutscene. Making the entire storyline that was already cut down into confusing, and worst of all completely meaningless in the end and blamed for everything the galaxy is now going through.


Now thanks to those people, we have what we got in 2017 and 2018. 3 flashpoints in a year and a half and nothing more for 5-6 more months *rolls eyes*

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No where did it say you need to pvp to obtain the strong hold. You are all jumping to conclusions or assumptions that are unsubstantiated.


Until that is mentioned, how about dialing it down. IF they do decide to make it linked to playing pvp, then by all means rage at them.


Honeslty, we should all be grateful we are getting a new Strong hold this time around, especially those who are always asking for a new one only 5 mins after they get the last one ;)



And the same goes for QQing about "no info about a new expansion" when the roadmap clearly talks about a new storyline starting this fall. Sure, I'm already hungry for more detailed information too, but do they really need to spell everything out? EVERYthing? For stuff that is months away?

...then what exactly do you think new storyline, new challenges and adventures means?


But sure, we all want more info, and sure, the Roadmap isn't what each and every one of us wished for. I don't personally PvP much, but I'm very happy the avid PvPers get some love. Plus, if I'm able to choose to not do Hutball or arenas I will probably like PvP more. I won't be any better at it, but I'll at least have an idea of what I'm supposed to do. :p


Anyway, let's just wait for more detailed information before we get hysterical.

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Sure, just don’t turn it into a massive rage issue that takes up the whole thread, like so many other things become when people get fixated on what’s not announced.

O.o You have been taking up quite a few posts covering the past few pages by responding to the comments and concerns of others. Jumping in left and right and, in this case, trying to tell them whether they have a right to be concerned or not when the majority of us are merely asking for clarification on the entire SH/PvP situation. It isn't even a 'massive rage issue' at this point but you're enflaming it right now by telling others not to rage and accusing us of "You are all jumping to conclusions or assumptions that are unsubstantiated". A simple "I don't think this will be an issue and I believe non PVPers can acquire/use the new Stronghold as well" would have sufficed to get your point across. If you don't want threads derailed and if you want things to be 'dialed down' then be mindful of your own comments instead of creating strife where there was none.

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too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. .

I do like them, now what, mister know-it-all?


Dear BW, Makeb, Yavin and Odessen were the best form my point of view, which is a point of view of players who want more story-driven expansions, so pay no attention to people like that, they are probably religious extremist in real life too, thinking only what they believe counts ;)

Edited by Silmarjezu
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It's irritating that there's so much focus on PvP in this game. As a sub who plays the game for story how about focusing on non-pvp, non-operations casual players for a change. Some of us pay for the game, but have lives and can only play casually.


More to the point, I dread to think how much I've paid into this game, there shouldn't be content I cant access e.g. a Stronghold just because I dont wish to endure the toxic environment that is PvP!


I play for the story and I enjoy leveling alts, but I have to disagree with you. Story players had two full expansions and the rest of the community suffered for it, they saw very little content. Us story players need to shut up and let other aspects of the game see some love. All of us story players have little to complain about next to how ignored raiders were, and pvp has needed some content attention for a long time. So chill out and accept story is going to take a back seat for a bit while other aspects of the game get some love.

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I play for the story and I enjoy leveling alts, but I have to disagree with you. Story players had two full expansions and the rest of the community suffered for it, they saw very little content. Us story players need to shut up and let other aspects of the game see some love. All of us story players have little to complain about next to how ignored raiders were, and pvp has needed some content attention for a long time. So chill out and accept story is going to take a back seat for a bit while other aspects of the game get some love.


The game is based on story. It's fine if they want to focus on other stuff but I hope that population can sustain the game because story/solo players have zero incentive to continue subscribing at this point. Except that stronghold, which they are catering to PvP.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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There are some changes that look good, but the glaring omission is any talk of class balance. When it comes to PvP, that is the most pressing issue you have. You turned off a great number of PvPers who suffered through the changes of 5.0, just to watch you not only fail to fix the imbalance and OP issues you created with 5.0, but you actually made them worse. Furthermore, your changes to melee with utilities were a real screw job, especially to shadows (30% DR loss on stun for one).


Address class balance!

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