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SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Well, found the person who's been hiding under a rock! Dude, people have been asking for cross-faction warzones ever since KOTFE and Odessen proving grounds came out. Believe me, this is a good thing!

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In other news, it does indeed look like 6.0 will be next year as others have speculated.


Maybe so. I guess that depends if the Summer pvp update is 5.9.1 and if the Fall update is 5.10....?


Given the rumors of SWTOR shutting down and all hands on deck with BioWare working on anthem, I will happily take the extra time needed given the smaller development staff currently to get it right.


We can hope that they don't need as many "hands on deck" for Anthem as it nears completion. And an expansion should be "easier" right? They build on what already exists instead of inventing from scratch.

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I understand your and other players' feelings on that--


However, how do you think the PvPers felt when the Umbara Train was locked behind running PvE content over and over and over?

Not to mention if they want certain decos for their strongholds they would have to run PvE content as well.


If they decide to lock the new SH behind PvP, it would be only the fourth thing that PvErs would miss out on if they simply refused to PvP-- MX and Pierce as companions, part of the DvL event (when you had to do, what, 3 matches?) and this.


Not saying they should do one way or the other, but I don't believe locking it behind PvP would be really unfair.


I personally did not find the requirements to gain the Umbara Stronghold to be boring. I do get the feeling some players were upset that there were any pre-requisites at all to obtain the stronghold.. but again.. I see no real issue with this....given how willing MMO players are to grind for something they actually desire in game.


As for the PvP Stronghold coming.... THAT is actually an innovation in the industry.... so regardless of whether I will chase after it or not.... I like that they are innovating. As far as I know.. no other MMO has "housing" tuned specifically to encourage small group instanced player organized PvP. I just hope they don't screw it up.

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I have a lot of my SHs set to public and this never happens. :confused: Unless you're expecting it to be different because this is a PvP SH... But with no previous PvP SHs to go by, I feel like this is just speculation. Maybe you're right, but we'll see.


Yes.. my comment is specific to the fact that it is a PvP focused Stronghold. :)

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I just logged into the forum to see if there was any news or roadmap and kapowww! :D

We’re taking an in-depth look at our unranked PvP matchmaking system overall to see what kinds of improvements we can make to better ensure every match is a good one

I thank you for this /thumbs up. It's very one-sided however it will be a difficult job to improve especially finding a way to help one random side against one premade side.


For consideration:

PLEASE update Iokath so we can run it / replay and see our preferred customised Dorne/Quinn in the cutscenes

I've asked several times (as have others) and we've been waiting for over a year for some kind of feedback on this. If it's never going to happen please tell us so we can leave those characters in "storage" and bypass the whole kofte-nathema storyline with our Dorne's and Quinns as they were (assuming the next expansion allows us to skip those).

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*done :d_wink:


Ugh. The "like" usage and addition of "and stuff". Don't forget about the constant misuse of "or whatever".


I think you'd appreciate

. Or even




Like, The video LITERALLY made me like laugh out loud and stuff or whatever :p.

(Seriously, the video made my day. I'm still smiling like a fool even as I write this).

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My thoughts exactly. I love decorating strongholds in this game, but I find PvP about as fun as pulling out your own teeth with a rusty pair of pliers and no painkillers. Please don't make me have to deal with the toxicity that is so prevalant in the PvP community to get the new stronghold.


I'm of a similar mind except I'll PvP to get a rishi SH if it's interesting enough.


Problem is, there wont be a single PvP'er happy to see me there. I'll be active but not in any way a PvP'er will ever be happy with.

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I'm of a similar mind except I'll PvP to get a rishi SH if it's interesting enough.


Problem is, there wont be a single PvP'er happy to see me there. I'll be active but not in any way a PvP'er will ever be happy with.


Exactly. We already see a number of PvPers complain about 'mats farmers' or 'conquest farmers' intruding on 'their space', because not everyone is as good at PvP as they are. They complain about it on fleet in the General and PvP channels, they complain about it on the forums here on a regular basis, and they tear into people in the middle of matches if someone isn't up to their personal par. If everyone who wants the Rishi stronghold has to PvP a bunch to get it, then there's going to be even more complaining and toxicity from certain PvPers who think other players 'ruin everything'.


I really hope we'll be able to avoid that. PvP-centric players don't want 'scrubs' coming into their matches and making it harder for their team to win, and people who don't like PvP don't want to be forced to do it if they want the new stronghold.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Thank you Bioware for the Roadmap! It's a good looking roadmap, would be even better to see a mention of fixing bugs, especially ones that have been around for a while... other than that I'm excited. :) Edited by Drendal
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If it is then I'll have to apologize in advance to all PVP players whilst I PVP just enough to get it. :p


ugh, I enjoyed PvP a lot until my ping went haywire too high to be able to do anything in a match due to server merges. Last time I played PvP I never could see any fight once more then 3 people were on my screen. Now they do PvP sole focus for months... when a lot of players can't enjoy pvp anymore due to ping hike. I am so sad this didn't happen before the merges but as it stands now for once I cannot be happy at all about it because I can't do PvP with my current ms and lag.

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Thank you Bioware for the Roadmap! It's a good looking roadmap, would be even better to see a mention of fixing bugs, especially ones that have been around for a while... other than that I'm excited. :)


OH YEAH! I forgot about that in my first post here. Thanks for the reminder.


I was going to suggest that a good portion of a year, letting us know ahead of time of course, be dedicated strictly to bug fixing. That way there's plenty of time to make sure the bugs are fixed and didn't cause any others. Really hit those bugs hard and squish them! No, use bug spray! Maybe even have a special PTS setup where each class upon logging into the PTS is given the missions, items, whatever to directly test those bugs.

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As for the PvP Stronghold coming.... THAT is actually an innovation in the industry.... so regardless of whether I will chase after it or not.... I like that they are innovating. As far as I know.. no other MMO has "housing" tuned specifically to encourage small group instanced player organized PvP. I just hope they don't screw it up.


City of Heroes had base raids for supergroups that were as small as 6 people.

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As for the PvP Stronghold coming.... THAT is actually an innovation in the industry.... so regardless of whether I will chase after it or not.... I like that they are innovating. As far as I know.. no other MMO has "housing" tuned specifically to encourage small group instanced player organized PvP. I just hope they don't screw it up.


It is an innovation of sorts, especially for this game. So I do expect it to not be exact, or even "screwed up", as some understand that to mean. I don't expect them to get it right the first time. This isn't due to any past failures or anything of that sort. Simply because it's a new thing and there's always the potential for it to not come out right the first time. All products, physical or digital get refined and improved from the first public iteration (eg. iOS, Android, cell phones, smart phones, TV, computers, cars, etc).

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


I read a lot of ... things on this forum. I even wrote myself a lot of ... things on this forum.


But claiming that cross faction q's will kill pvp tops it all.


Faction imbalance is one reason why so many players left this game. It's why I stopped PvPing, too. If I can choose to only queue for cross factions warzones, maybe I give it a try again.


Speaking about not doing PvP anymore: Nothing for me until the end of the year then? That's not really encouraging.


I appreciate the roadmap and the sharing of your ideas. I didn't really read much substantial in it. Lots of "investigating" and "taking a look". That can mean anything and nothing.




What about the remaining companions?


You didn't mention them at all. You claim that you communicate with the players and you even know something which I never heard of before: Players doing duels in their strongholds. That's a thing important enough to make a stronghold for it? I don't mind that at all, but if you heard about that and prioritise that, you must surely have also heard about how badly quite a lot of players want their love interest companions back. I wonder why there is not one word about that? This might be the no. 1 priority for many players at the moment.


P. S. Do you guys who were partying the announcement of update 6.0 understand now why I repeatingly advised you to not expect too much? Not even a word about it. They start a storyline that goes way into 2019 and that is not yet 6.0. I take bets that 6.0, if at all, won't come before September 2019.

Edited by JattaGin
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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them.Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Sorry to burst your bubble on this one, but I happen to like Yavin, so please pull me out of your definition of "nobody likes" because I'm not standing to be counted by that reckoning.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I hope SH on Rishi will not be exclusively for PvPer? There are players who do not touch PvP at all.:(




The stronghold is the only thing in this roadmap I'm interested in. But if it PvP exclusive, then I've got nothing to look forward to.

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I'm disappointed that the Rishi stronghold will be facing the beach rather than tucked away in the narrow boardwalk area at the front of the zone, but no one's twisting my arm to buy it, either, so have fun with that. Edited by xordevoreaux
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Hey folks,

You can use this thread to discuss our SWTOR Summer Roadmap!


Thank you very much for the update. There's one big thing that I didn't see addressed, even though the post mentioned Quality of Life (QoL) improvements. EXISTING BUGS.


Apparently strongholds are getting an upgrade to be PVP zones.

* Are any of the numerous decoration and hook bugs going to be fixed?

* Will the prestige system be fixed, since it added prestige from all servers during the moves?

* Will there be any improvements to decoration placement, or will only PVPers get SH improvements?

* Will flagships become PVP zones, and if so, will we be able to buy expansions in the Cartel Market?

* Can I build out a fun PVP stronghold and let other people use it?




If it is then I'll have to apologize in advance to all PVP players whilst I PVP just enough to get it. :p

I'm not even going to apologize. As long as strongholds, decorations, and companions are gated behind PVP matches, the Unranked PVP folks will just have to suck it up when clueless noobs join the battle.

Edited by Xina_LA
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They're well on the road to ruining PvP and the entire lore of their game. Star Wars is Republic vs. Empire, Light vs. Dark. Up until now, they've at least presented a reason in the lore why the cross-faction BGs are so. Huttball can also be made to make sense - it is, after all, a sport organized by a third party. I would consider that a solid compromise to keep enough diverse WZs popping when not enough people are listed on one side. But Voidstar, Alderaan, and Denova will never make sense as cross-faction, and I'll be done with this no-longer-Star Wars game if any of those three go through as cross-faction.
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So, while I'm not upset about a Rishi stronghold being PVP friendly, I am concerned that it will be designed in a way that doesn't leave much for creating a home there. Rishi has been requested for a long time and it would be disappointing to get the stronghold only to find it's another gimmick SH, like the train. A stonghold that's been anticipated for so long should offer something for everyone. Can we please get some clarification and details on this new PVP element in stongholds?
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