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cannot see how this can be called an MMORPG


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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.

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the term sandbox is subjective, what is a sandbox to others may not be to soemone else. Either way a Sandbox does not make an MMO, there have been very few that have been successful unfortunately.


I can see where this is an MMO as there there massive ammount of people playing online and well mmo stands for massively multiplayer online. Just because it's sharded etc does not negate that fact it just makes it feel like a single player game. besides i though i read somewhere on here that the sharding is only temporary.

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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.


Sorry they couldn't design the game in a way that would appease the 1%.

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Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.


When investors can see a real physical sandbox game make as big a profit as WoW has, the one and ONLY financially successful sandbox game is Eve Online, and that alone has MASSIVE overheads with the hardware they need to run the game itself. Not to mention they recently laid off alot of people.


Until that happens then you can forget any MMO investors investing in what they would liken to a great risk financially aka sandbox game.


The reality is that console gaming has introduced gaming to a huge amount of new gamers, and they all expect spoon feeding in their games, therefore investors and games developers have to cater to this new generation of gamers. Eventually they will reach a similar level to our own and expect more depth from their games, but until that point you can forget the holy grail of Sandboxes appearing. Every sandbox either failed or just completely messed up their game by introducing new changes, I am looking at Eve (Walking in Stations) and SWG (Dare I mention the dreaded patch)

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Well you see, it's a Role Playing Game (RPG) in which thousands of people simultaniously play together on the internet (making it pretty massively multiplayer and online).


I believe that would be why it's called an MMORPG.


You're welcome.

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Did you just call DAOC Sandbox MMO? :p Only "sandbox" thing was Housing and it killed capital cities.. and in the end they introduced crafting bonus in capital cities to bring people back from Housing zones.



Or did I mis-interpret your post

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Did you just call DAOC Sandbox MMO? :p Only "sandbox" thing was Housing and it killed capital cities.. and in the end they introduced crafting bonus in capital cities to bring people back from Housing zones.



Or did I mis-interpret your post


Eq2 wasn't sandbox either

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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.


Then take your time questing. You can play this game any way you want. Rush to level, don't rush to level. Play some space combat. Other than your class quest, I don't see that you are being forced to play in any particular way.


Also, MMO is just a designation of multiple players not how those people will play the multiplayer game. So your "critique" is confusing in some ways.

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It's much more RPG than many other MMORPG's.

And it's also an MMO, I know cause I was in queue for 2 hours when the game lanched.

So to sum it up, it's rather a solid MMORPG.


Ah you mean it's diffirent than other MMORPG's? Why didn't you say so. Yes it's perhaps a little bit diffirent.

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Well you see, it's a Role Playing Game (RPG) in which thousands of people simultaniously play together on the internet (making it pretty massively multiplayer and online).


I believe that would be why it's called an MMORPG.


You're welcome.


^ ^ ^

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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.


There is a reason a lot of us older gamers have stories about Ultima Online, and not many about games after that. It was the first and last truely awesome MMO.

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I played Sandbox MMOs and I loved them, but the problem is unless the GMs are willing to run the game and give it direction then they soon become dead with everyone just turning the game into a big PvP world.


The rollacoaster games are a lot easier as you travel in a linear manner through the game and once you reach the end they add another path for you to follow. The great thing being they can charge you for this new path.

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Nowadays the journey to the max level has to be done as fast as possible, since the game really only starts at 50-60-70-85..


That is the problem that i think alot of people seem to have with Swtor, they still think the real game starts at 50, but in reality with swtor is it starts at lvl 1.

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People don't seem to want sandbox MMOs. When I say people, I mean 90% of players. The most successful sandbox is EvE with 300K accounts (but many people have multiple account and multibox). After that, there is a bunch of failed projects and niche games from indie developers. That's why Game Companies don't produce sandbox MMos


PS I am a fan of sandbox games, just putting out there the reasons, this isn't any flame

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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.



Thats nice and all but what i dont get is the last sentence.

You are saying that if your mature you will "smell the roses and take the views along the way" i didnt know this is an requirement for beeing mature..

This actually makes you seem short sighted and in certainly not mature.

i am 29 and certainly do not show my "E-P e n i s" as you put it but i dont do the last sentence aswell.

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Sorry, the whole post is flawed. An MMORPG does not need to be a sandbox game in order to be an MMORPG. WoW, RFonline, Aion, Rift, they are not sandboxes, but they are still MMOs.


Actually, TOR is one if the few MMOs that actually makes justice to the RPG aspect of it. So yes, it can definitelly be called an MMORPG, with a big emphasis on the RPG part.

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When investors can see a real physical sandbox game make as big a profit as WoW has, the one and ONLY financially successful sandbox game is Eve Online, and that alone has MASSIVE overheads with the hardware they need to run the game itself. Not to mention they recently laid off alot of people.


Until that happens then you can forget any MMO investors investing in what they would liken to a great risk financially aka sandbox game.


The reality is that console gaming has introduced gaming to a huge amount of new gamers, and they all expect spoon feeding in their games, therefore investors and games developers have to cater to this new generation of gamers. Eventually they will reach a similar level to our own and expect more depth from their games, but until that point you can forget the holy grail of Sandboxes appearing. Every sandbox either failed or just completely messed up their game by introducing new changes, I am looking at Eve (Walking in Stations) and SWG (Dare I mention the dreaded patch)




Sandbox isn't a popular playstyle, it's a niche playstyle. Even EVE, which does sandbox better than anyone else has done, has a very small playerbase compared with theme park games.

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Sorry, the whole post is flawed. An MMORPG does not need to be a sandbox game in order to be an MMORPG. WoW, RFonline, Aion, Rift, they are not sandboxes, but they are still MMOs.


Actually, TOR is one if the few MMOs that actually makes justice to the RPG aspect of it. So yes, it can definitelly be called an MMORPG, with a big emphasis on the RPG part.


where does it place accent on RPing... RPing to me is interacting with other players in character ,exactly where or how does it do that.

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There are plenty of other mmo's out there which would likely appeal to you more OP. No, this game isn't what you seem to be wanting it to be, and it won't be. A few good examples have come up, EVE being chief among them I'd say. If what your wanting is something like Wurm Online then this is -really- not the game for you.


Saddly, SWTOR is so massive, and the hype was so great every single person came into the game expecting it to be exactly what they want in an MMORPG. Some of us happen to get lucky, and the game is more or less exactly what we wanted/expected (Minus bugs/miss features). There are countless permutations of expectations that were fundamentally not met however, and likely won't be at all. This just isn't that type of game, whatever you were expecting. Sorry OP, better luck in finding a game that suits you.

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the term Sandbox certainly does apply also, and thats the ingredient that makes a great MMORPG..this is a merely a walk down a corridor with the odd diversion into the rooms along the way. Old games I know but DAoC, SWG, EQ2 show this up for sandbox and RP.

Some are more mature and like to smell the roses and take in the views along the way.


I doubt you know what the MMORPG stand for, let me explain .. the M stands for Massively, the other M stands for Multiplayer, the O stands for Online, the R stands forRole,the P stands for Playing ,finally the G stands for Game. Now if you put it together you get ,(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).


With Bioware selling SWTOR by the millions already and growing, it becomes massively multiplayer online role playing game. Can't get more clearer than that.

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