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Thanks for Conquest 5.8 <Lovers Thread - Haters Keep out> 😍


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Not a lover of it, so not even going to comment. Just want to see who actually likes it, or how popular it is. I'm betting it gets pushed off the front page pretty quick. :rolleyes:


If you don't like it, or are indifferent, please do not reply. :p

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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I have no strong feelings either way, but since it changed is the first time I actually bothered with it so for me, brand new to actually trying to do stuff, it is absolutely fine. on about two characters.

Alts could use some work.

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I have no problem with it, it rewards each activity and makes conquest more about players as opposed to one player with many alts who lives in game knocking out crafting supplies or sitting afk in pvp/gsf matches.


Now if people would rather play through afk crafting or afk activities than do flashpoints and operations (including this week the last and newest operation which has only been completed last month) then that says more about the quality of that content and player desire to play it. While also calling into question why Keith has pushed for ops and flashpoints as the focus of 2017 where people would rather quit the game then see them as viable routes to conquest, an activity they used to love.


But to say conquest is why PvP queues are dropping, seems to ignore the obvious maybe if PvP was better more people would do it. If people don't like flashpoints and operations then maybe rather than having a conquest week focused on them and so much development time devoted to them dailies and heroics and story chapters are a better way to go,

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Since I only play one char (used to play many toons) conquest is ok for me.

And when they give us the mats we need for the new augments via conquest - Iยดm satisfied.


Itยดs not perfect but since my happiness doesnยดt depend on this new system its fine.

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Not a lover of it, so not even going to comment. Just want to see who actually likes it, or how popular it is. I'm betting it gets pushed off the front page pretty quick. :rolleyes:


If you don't like it, or are indifferent, please do not reply. :p

I took this screenshot last night at about midnight central time.


ONE guild is on track to hit the large yield goal...on Satele Shan. ONE...the others clearly don't give a flip.


The other thing this demonstrates is just how much activity has ceased. Last night a few of us ran a HM S&V - we got 7500 points per player for doing it, that's 60,000 points for the guild. Our one little raiding group contributed 60k points...we have groups going every night. Our one 8 person HM run eclipsed 6 of those 10 guilds for the week...that means there is almost nobody really even attempting this crap.

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You just know the mere existence of this thread will be misused/misunderstood as a "metric" for the resounding success of the conquest revamp.



So far:


Views: 213

Like: 1

Sorta okay: 1

Indifferent: 2

Tangent responses: 5 (guess some people just can't resist temptation and have to respond to anything).


Yep. Resounding success. :rolleyes:

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Think they're trying to make this game so unpalatable in hopes we'll move to Anthem?


I would not be shocked to find out that was the overall goal but more of the death by 1000 cuts approach to reach it. While not unplayable, just not tolerable when it comes to swtor providing fun for your game time given the changes bioware does.

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You get stuff for doing things? Awesomesauce!

Yep. That's my understanding of conquest; do a billion things a billion times, and you get some credits, a stronghold decoration you can click every few hours for a few crafting materials, a couple exotic crafting materials and some useless scrap. Awesome :D

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Think they're trying to make this game so unpalatable in hopes we'll move to Anthem?


I don't know about others, but I have no desire to ever play Anthem, so if that is the goal (and I hope it isn't) they'll just lose my $ if I decide to leave. I still want to let them have a fair shot with 5.9 first before making any decisions.

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New Conquest has its problems, but this being a lovers' thread, I'll just post about a few of the good things about it.


Target yields is something that should definitely have been implemented years ago, and it's easily my favourite part of the new paradigm. I stopped playing Conquest many months ago because the grind to get to tenth place or better was just tedious af, and my guild already did Commander Runs to harvest Encryptions, so why bother? But just guaranteeing that I can indeed put in a lot less work and still get that reward has made Conquest more palatable to me, and I've thus participated each week in 5.8.


New objectives are long overdue as well. Still not enough, but I'm glad to see such things as Gree dailies and the GSI Weekly be included in Conquest events. I'd also like to see other new objectives, like every time a planet is up for grabs, make its World Boss and Commander (if applicable) be objectives, not just a few like Trapjaw, R4-GL, or Ulgo Siegebreaker. Same with Heroics (which definitely should not be one-a-day, but I digress).


New UI isn't 100% perfect, but I consider it a marked improvement to the old one. I like that we can sort objectives in the list to quickly find what we care about (but wish we could hide ones marked 'Complete'...). I also like that there's a Top 5 for your guild (but wish that were based on Legacy, rather than Character).


Reward sendouts is a back-end change, obviously, but I'm glad this appears to be working. You've gone from only giving rewards to a handful of guilds on the leaderboards to giving rewards to every player in a guild that could meet a minimum threshold, which apparently little or no issue (the forums haven't blown up on a Tuesday asking about them).


Definitely some good things about New Conquest - definitely still room for improvement. But overall, I find it a refreshing change, and hope BioWare continues to make changes to make it more palatable to more people.

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Not a lover of it, so not even going to comment. Just want to see who actually likes it, or how popular it is. I'm betting it gets pushed off the front page pretty quick. :rolleyes:


If you don't like it, or are indifferent, please do not reply. :p

I'm not sure what you are hoping to obtain from answers, but you may not be asking the right question to reach an appropriate answer.


Nobody likes having to do stuff they don't want to do. Nobody likes having to "put in" more time or work. But nobody liked losing out on all of conquest to a bunch of alts from a few players either.


The system is different, so adaptation is needed to understand and appreciate its benefits, but doesn't mean you will be "happy" with it.


I don't know anyone who is happy about stop signs on a long stretch of road, but people generally appreciate them if it's a road with high risk of accidents.

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What I love about the new Conquest? Hmmm....


I walk more outside now. I get more exercise. I'm down to one server so no more transfers for me which means I don't have to buy anymore CC. I've deleted all my duplicate alts cause I don't need them anymore. I've left all guilds but one (the biggest one) and only have to worry about doing Conquest on one character now. So much less stress now. It's actually breaking my gaming addiction. :D

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Views: 587

Like: 1

Sorta okay: 2

Indifferent: 2

Tangent responses: 15 (guess some people just can't resist temptation and have to respond to anything).


By my count...


OP: Dislike

02: Like

03: Indifferent

04: Indifferent/leans Like

05: Like

06: Like

07: Dislike

08: Random

09: Dislike

10: Indifferent post, but known to dislike

11: Random

12: Random

13: Dislike

14: Dislike

15: Random

16: Random

17: Random

18: Like

19: Random

20: Dislike

21: Random

22: Random

23: Random

24: Random

25: Random (this post)


  • Like: 4
  • Indifferent: 2
  • Dislike: 7
  • Random/off-topic: 12


As a Data Analyst, it bothers me that you're misrepresenting data. There's definitely more than one positive post in this thread, you just choose to ignore them for whatever reason. But whatever, your thread, your prerogative. :rak_01:

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