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Livestream by Vulkk with Eric & Charles in 15 mins.


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I wouldn't mind a large stronghold




I would definitely like the property to be on the water, with beach and palmtrees and such. There are some 'houses' built into the landscape which look quite nice, as you're coming into town, if you look to the shoreline on the right side, there are several nice looking waterfront homes, I hope we get something like that. For me a nice size is Nar Shaddaa sized. I love DK, but always felt it was on the small side. I always hoped they'd allow that elevator to go to new added floors.

I very much agree with this.
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Nar Shaddaa seems like the best stronghold all around in terms of size, layout and hook placement. If we had something of comparable size I'd be happy.


All I want is a set of doors leading to the beach! If they let us walk around on the beach, maybe a few hooks on the sand for some nice lounge chairs, I will be happy. :)

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I wanted Manaan above any of the other ideas. I was very disappointed with it. So much more could have been done underwater. The big open area in the front etc. Doesn't matter now. But I could care less now about any SH moving forward. I just don't trust the creativity is there anymore. I seriously hope not, but I think Rishi will be a disappointment.


I can see different platforms connected like a giant tree house. Trees everywhere. Beach front.... Bet it will be a big open barn thingie. :confused:

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It was a stellar interview Vulkk and I truly appreciate your straightforward approach to the questions asked. No waffling from you at all which is very refreshing. You were organized, very professional and asked what you could considering no answers could be expected for some of the viewer questions.


I've always enjoyed your patch notes updates, and today is a big plus. Kudos to you.

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Thanks, Vulkk for a very professional and informative live stream. I really appreciated you asking about story and companions, especially Scourge and Theron. Also about strongholds. These are the things that were important to me, and I was glad to know more. :) And thanks for letting them talk, and for holding to them, until we got good answers.
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They said the Legacy objectives weren't being removed, but they also said they were adding more repeatable stuff. they admitted that it was too heavily gated behind Legacy. So, yeah, it's not going away but they are changing it. We'll see if the changes are good enough to make it fun again.
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Vulkk man... outstanding job today. You produced the best livestream and definitely the best interview I've ever seen with the developers from anyone. I appreciated the focus and the tone, a little banter but primarily just getting answers to long-asked questions with what felt like no time wasted at all. You also made it through a lot of areas of the game asking/getting answers to questions and made it feel less like you were asking about YOUR favorite area of the game.


Be proud - you did really well, and I'd advocate for you to be main developer interview from now on! Great job!



Edited by PennyAnn
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Just wanted to thank JennyFlynn as well (no need to respond, I know you love me already) for putting this together.


Though I only read the synopsis, kudos also to Vulkk who: a) didn't seem to throw them softball questions; and b) held their feet to the fire on some attempts at artful and not so inartful dodging.



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Lots of decent news..



PLEASE pass on to stop the automatic launch of cut scenes.. For the love of your favorite pet.. We should have to interact with something when WE chose in order to make things happen within the game. We should chose when and how we interact with things in an MMO. If we want to do our own RP up until the point we interact with something that should be our call.. Nothing gets me breaking my escape key more than when you guys auto launch things.


Also with this I hate when you purposely move my character from one place to another.. Again my character should chose how and when and in what fashion it interacts with the world around them.



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(This isn't at you, Porsa, just using your transcription).


THEY DON'T GET IT. They're still doing the "the way it's intended to be played" not realizing that "the way it's intended to be played" is supposed to be exactly what the PLAYERS want to do, not what THEY think players should do. If the players want to craft, fine. If they want to do Heroics, fine. They're dictating how we should play the game instead of letting the players decide for themselves how THEY want to play the game. They are taking player agency away and that NEVER goes well.


I don't even friggin' conquest on a regular basis, but now this drives me away completely.


The inflated egos of these jokers is obvious.

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Thanks Jen. Good thread.


I was impressed with the interview. Vulk was good and also because it wasn’t a prerecorded and edited interview, it made dodging questions much harder.

It’s a shame he didn’t have more time to dig down into some of the in game issues that have been ignored or put on the back burner while they try to push out content. I refer to all the bugs and dysnc problems that are occurring and actually increasing with every patch they put in the game, especially in some pvp maps that didn’t use to have half the problems we have now.

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(This isn't at you, Porsa, just using your transcription).


THEY DON'T GET IT. They're still doing the "the way it's intended to be played" not realizing that "the way it's intended to be played" is supposed to be exactly what the PLAYERS want to do, not what THEY think players should do. If the players want to craft, fine. If they want to do Heroics, fine. They're dictating how we should play the game instead of letting the players decide for themselves how THEY want to play the game. They are taking player agency away and that NEVER goes well.


I don't even friggin' conquest on a regular basis, but now this drives me away completely.

He said that right before he followed up with, "We clearly did that in a more punishing way than we should've with 5.8. We won't argue that for a second. And that became very clear, very quickly. And the hope would be, by the time we get to 5.9 you should really just be able to play pretty much any character you want, through any content you want, on any day, on any conquest, and be working towards fulfilling your conquest. That's really the goal."

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In terms of the content, I am very disappointed with their statement that the story content will be continued to be delivered in flashpoints and will not be repeatable.


I'm also surprised they claimed that there's no demand for that. It seems as though repeatable story content is one of the things people have wanted with Iokath/Umbara/Copero and the companion returns and have asked for a lot.

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In terms of the content, I am very disappointed with their statement that the story content will be continued to be delivered in flashpoints and will not be repeatable.


I'm also surprised they claimed that there's no demand for that. It seems as though repeatable story content is one of the things people have wanted with Iokath/Umbara/Copero and the companion returns and have asked for a lot.


The flashpoitns are repeatable.

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They are repeatable, but not with the story intact.


And Iokath needs to be repeatable for those that want to replay it. I don't know how many people want it, but I would guess there are good number of us, that would like to take video or screenshots with our customs intact and can't as the game allows right now.

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In terms of the content, I am very disappointed with their statement that the story content will be continued to be delivered in flashpoints and will not be repeatable.


I'm also surprised they claimed that there's no demand for that. It seems as though repeatable story content is one of the things people have wanted with Iokath/Umbara/Copero and the companion returns and have asked for a lot.

Yes, I found that a touch surprising as well until I thought about it.


While we've seen the recurrent request on the forum for repeatable story content (often not directly intended for KOTFE/ET material but rather vanilla story etc.), we're also only one portion of the overall player base. I don't know whether it has been requested via other channels quite as much. Then comes also the fact that while it may be requested often, there is no telling (for us) how many people have actually actively, in-game, gone through the Chapter replays that are currently offered. Could be that number turned out to be quite a bit lower, which wouldn't surprise me because while I'd like to repeat certain content (vanilla story, old companion conversations, even SoR), I'd rather go for a full body-wax than replay KOTFE/ET material. I struggle enough to work up the will of getting my alts through that content.


So, yeah, it may be that while it's requested, it isn't actually played all that much and that in turn could be due to the specific content that is replayable being something people are sick of.

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In terms of the content, I am very disappointed with their statement that the story content will be continued to be delivered in flashpoints and will not be repeatable.


I'm also surprised they claimed that there's no demand for that. It seems as though repeatable story content is one of the things people have wanted with Iokath/Umbara/Copero and the companion returns and have asked for a lot.


They didn't say people haven't asked for it. They said the data shows there's no demand. What that probably means is they looked at how much people replayed KOTFE and KOTET chapters and saw a number that was pretty close to 0 (and most of the "replays" were probably either people farming cxp on chapters 1 and 2, or hardcore players doing the MM versions.


If people ask for something, but you have data showing they won't actually use the thing, at that point it's a PR stunt not a content release. And if you've got enough resources, that's worth it, but if not, you gotta decide what not to produce, and the thing people ask for but don't use is usually close to the top of the list (right below dont ask for and dont use, though BW seems to have put that as top priority though for some reason, such as tank nerfs and conquest revamps...)

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The story content in and before/after the flashpoints is not repeatable. I don't really care that I can do the laggy Umbara train ten times. I care that I can't go through the cut scenes again.


That's what alts are for.


Oh wait...


The conquest updates indicate they want us to move away from alts.

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