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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The 6.0 Expansion has been confirmed!


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You know, after reading through this entire thread, I'm saddened and appalled that the developers or their representatives have not said a damned word about the status of 6.0 after nearly 6 months of its announcement. I do not understand, from a business PoV, how they could go this long without some kind of update. It is bad public relations on the part of BioWare failing to keep players updated in some form or fashion. This is especially true after threads like this. One could construe those involved simply do not care based on their actions or the lack there of.
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No one trusts Bioware anymore.


Add in Disney isn't helping Star Wars anymore. TLJ is hated by most of the fanbase and normal movie goers. Soylo did poorly and bombed. The trailer for the new cartoon has more dislikes then likes on YouTube. Really we should all be glad, this shows what pandering and greed get you. EA and Bioware spent too much time forcing things on the players rather then do what the players wanted. If the game was like SWG and had massive PvP and raids this game wouldn't be in the sorry state it's in.


No kidding.


I grew up on Star Wars. I have read most of the books and played all the games since Since I was kid playing on my Super Nintendo; heck I even I have Boba Fett Tongs for my grill.


But.. Disney is just beating Starwars to death.


It’s sad, and that new “Cartoon” is just another way to exclude the original fan base.


It doesn’t make sense; we grew up on it and are loyal to the franchise and used to buy more than one ticket.


Starwars is Dead.

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This shows what pandering and greed get you. EA and Bioware spent too much time forcing things on the players rather then do what the players wanted. If the game was like SWG and had massive PvP and raids this game wouldn't be in the sorry state it's in.


How can one both pander to players and reject what players want? How does that possibly make sense?

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You know, after reading through this entire thread, I'm saddened and appalled that the developers or their representatives have not said a damned word about the status of 6.0 after nearly 6 months of its announcement. I do not understand, from a business PoV, how they could go this long without some kind of update. It is bad public relations on the part of BioWare failing to keep players updated in some form or fashion. This is especially true after threads like this. One could construe those involved simply do not care based on their actions or the lack there of.


They haven't officially announced it yet. Remember that BW is all in on Anthem still. The next road map (currently overdue) should be interesting.

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I dont understand why people panic. Under Keith they have started to release pretty good stuff and regularly. They did say they are working on 6.0 and dont want to discuss it yet, cause its evidently far away. For now I am happy with what we are getting.
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I dont understand why people panic. Under Keith they have started to release pretty good stuff and regularly. They did say they are working on 6.0 and dont want to discuss it yet, cause its evidently far away. For now I am happy with what we are getting.

Care to define "regularly"?


I'm a huge fan of the entire new Op (GotM) and the new SH, and of Keith tbh...but other than that, what exactly have they released? The destruction of Conquests has been a huge mistake imo, not to mention that I believe that spending ALL of last year nerfing every class has been detrimental as well. There's nothing that is in a better state now than it was 18 months ago...is there? Arguably PvP with cross faction...but what else is better today than it was 18 months ago?


What exactly are we getting that makes you so happy??

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You know, after reading through this entire thread, I'm saddened and appalled that the developers or their representatives have not said a damned word about the status of 6.0 after nearly 6 months of its announcement. I do not understand, from a business PoV, how they could go this long without some kind of update. It is bad public relations on the part of BioWare failing to keep players updated in some form or fashion. This is especially true after threads like this. One could construe those involved simply do not care based on their actions or the lack there of.


Wth are you talking about, yes they have said quite a bit, and i have been gone most of the year.People need to stop being to damned lazy and do searches for this. they have commented on, and have showed their Roadmap quite a number of times here and on Passionatelycasual podcast.


Sick and tired of people attacking the Devs when they are being so ignorant, not just you either.

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I love how you think that the majority of players are like you.


Welcome to the real world, kid. Where different ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientation, gender, lifestyles, political affiliations, religions, and even people from different continents exist.


But you go ahead and keep thinking that everyone here is a middle class young male from white suburbia.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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More so the games, really how much time did Bioware waste on a having players 'hook up' with someone when that time could have been spent doing new raids, doing content for everyone not shoving a pandering message in our faces. People have woken up and are tired of that. More so people are tired of this game where Bioware/EA want to milk every dollar out of everyone with microtransactions on items that SHOULD BE RAID LOOT! Really look at that last Lightsaber that came out for the cartel market. Know how many people would be doing Gods of the Machine if that was loot in it?


We want a game, not pandering, not milking people out of money, not single player story in an MMO.

Well, it's pretty obvious you're a die-hard group content lover but, here you really seem like you're spitting on the faces of everyone who does not love the same things as you do.

There are people who like PvP, others who like raids or any kind of group content, BUT there are also other players who don't like or just don't care about group content or don't like interacting with other players but love the solo storylines, the interactions with NPCs, dressing their toons or decorating their SH, or simply want to play the game the way they want to and at their own pace, so why should they give stuff only to group players and why should cool outfits or weapons be available only via group content ?

That the really best gear could be awarded only through group activities, why not, but cosmetic outfits and weapons, clearly not.

At least with CM items, everyone has a possibility to get them, either directly from the CM with CC or from other players via the GTN with credits.


About your question, i'd clearly not bother with raids for a possibility to get a weapon or outfit. I'm way too laggy whenever i'm in a group for me to enjoy it and i'm just draggind the team down, like getting locked out of the boss room because they started the fight while i was frozen somewhere.

And a storyline that is started through solo story play, should have a possibility to be ended via solo story play as well as group content and not be only locked behind a raid. It should be more like SoR and less like Oricon or GotM.

I have no issue with raids being unavailable to solo players as long as said raid storyline is not part of the solo storyline to stay at a unfinished state forever if you don't want to / can't group with other people.


And clearly if this game was only about PvP and raids i would have left a long time ago and the day it becomes group content only is the day i pack my things and leave to never come back.

Edited by Goreshaga
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How exactly did that work out for SWG? Oh right, it died 7 years ago. It's time to move on, I think.


it was cancelled so that it wouldn't compete with this game. love or hate it...it was a fun, immersive, and all around great game. was it too immersive for the transient gamer? yes. in order to succeed you had to invest your time and efforts into building your toon(s). i know i still miss it and its memory is the only thing keeping me playing this one. though i do take breaks from time to time.


I wont lie and say i wasnt hoping tht this game was a SWG 2.0 and was disappointed when it wasnt. i also wont lie and say that SWG was the best and most balanced game ever and should still be around because it wasnt. it had its issues and there were some mechanics added to the game that really burned my gears. flying ewoks was one...bots were another, but it had elements that i truely wish were made available to this game. however, been around here since 2008 so this game must be doing something right...or that i just like the IP more than i do the game.

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it was cancelled so that it wouldn't compete with this game. love or hate it...it was a fun, immersive, and all around great game. was it too immersive for the transient gamer? yes. in order to succeed you had to invest your time and efforts into building your toon(s). i know i still miss it and its memory is the only thing keeping me playing this one. though i do take breaks from time to time.


I wont lie and say i wasnt hoping tht this game was a SWG 2.0 and was disappointed when it wasnt. i also wont lie and say that SWG was the best and most balanced game ever and should still be around because it wasnt. it had its issues and there were some mechanics added to the game that really burned my gears. flying ewoks was one...bots were another, but it had elements that i truely wish were made available to this game. however, been around here since 2008 so this game must be doing something right...or that i just like the IP more than i do the game.


SWG was fun, at first. But, it got a bit tedious and you had to invest soooo much time into everything. That might gain you a devoted core following, but you'll never make up the missing revenue without the parts for people who just drop in casually. It's nice to have a life and our games shouldn't suffer for it.

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it was cancelled so that it wouldn't compete with this game.......


Don't let those rose colored glasses hurt your eyes. ;)


There was simply no way for Sony and LucasArts to negotiate any other outcome considering how small SWGs player base actually was in 2011. From a strictly business perspective.. it was a no brainer for both companies.. and the rumors of SWTOR being the culprit may have had some relevance from the Lucas side (Lucas was very mercurial in this regard)... but for Sony... seeing a licence expire coming, a dwindling population, and huge demand for the coming new "blockbuster" MMO about SW.... they would be nuts to try to keep the game open. Thank Sony though for not clobbering the emulators after the game closed... and I am still not sure why Disney is not going after them (being notorious for protecting their IP) ... but it's probably because they are not actually poaching any actual revenue stream.


SWG had less then 50K active subs when it closed, the last formal data point on mmodata put it at right around 50K subs as of middle of 2009, and on a ~20K per year decline trend already being tracked. In fact.. SWG peaked at around 300K early after launch.. rippled around for a year or so at that rate and then began a long persistent decline into oblivion from there. Chart: http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png


As an aside.. I miss mmodata halting his efforts back in 2013... but he was running smack up against the same challenges players were --> MMOs being less and less willing to discuss or allow their sub data to get out into the internet.... and with blended access models ramping up heavy by then.. the author concluded he could no longer credibly track actual sub numbers... or eve active player counts.

Edited by Andryah
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I loved SWG but I am also not the type to wear rose-colored glasses. Even though SWTOR is not like SWG (which I was expecting) SWG was not perfect either. It had its problems just SWTOR does. We had server mergers as well. You could also do things solo if you wanted. It wasn't all "group" related, like some wants you to believe. You could form a group and do some things as a group or you could do things solo. I did both, just like I do here.


Just a little comparison on the raids from SWG to those on SWTOR


SWG Heroics/Raids/Operations:

This being you need more than 4 people.

(1) Battle of Echo Base

(2) Axkva Min

(3) Exar Kun

(4) IG-88

(5) Lost Star Destroyer

(6) Tusken Army

(7) Death Watch Bunker

(8) Champion of Mustafar---Though up until the Beetle Cave can be soloed but it is set up on a progress at least until you complete the final part. Though some of those parts can be done with 2-4 people if you are skilled enough so I would put those on the same footing as Flashpoints.


Not saying this is all but some of the others I would put in the same category as flashpoints and there were also things you could solo so I didn't list them either.




SWTOR Operations:

Needing more than 4 people:

(1) Eternity Vault

(2) Karagga's Palace

(3) Explosive Conflict

(4) Terror From Beyond

(5) Scum and Villainy

(6) The Dread Fortress

(7) The Dread Palace

(8) The Ravagers

(9) Temple of Sacrifice

(10) Gods of the Machine

Edited by casirabit
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I like the idea of returning to the game's roots in the struggle between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire and now that it's all finished would have preferred that KotFEET never happened. Regardless, I understand the grievance of those who don't want to be robbed of all the investments they made in the Alliance. I recently came back to the game after an extended hiatus and powered my main through all of the available content. I then decided to start moving down the alt list and see how many I could get to that level of completion and progression just playing casual. It was sometime on my third character, which I had left hanging on KotFE Chapter X, just how much work went into bringing the Alliance up from a plucky insurgency in a slapdash hideaway to the dominant power in Galactic civilization. All of those Heroics ground out for supply crates to maximize Alliance Contact reputation... I guess it does feel a little cheap to just wash it all away.


I'm not thinking too much about the future of 6.0 in the meantime. Too little real information available to combat the apocalyptic rumors that this game is only feeding Anthem, that 6.0 was already made up and is now being released in micro installments to string along subscribers and whales, or the game's shutdown has already been planned.

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I'm not thinking too much about the future of 6.0 in the meantime. Too little real information available to combat the apocalyptic rumors that this game is only feeding Anthem, that 6.0 was already made up and is now being released in micro installments to string along subscribers and whales, or the game's shutdown has already been planned.


Sound advice.


I can promise you that the conversation about when this game is going to potentially sunset has already occurred in some EA boardroom, where the longevity of this game was measured in terms of projected profit margin, and the financial viability of a maintenance mode. While Anthem's success or failure while likely play a role in those decisions, as long as SWTOR is continuing to make EA money, they will continue to keep the lights on. Until the spreadsheets containing quarterly financial results say otherwise, the epitaph of this game is not yet written. So to paraphrase the post I quoted, it's best to just enjoy the game for what it is, one day at a time, and not worry too much about a fate that is literally and figuratively out of our hands.


Some final, parting words....If you're disappointed with the game or bored and find yourself obsessing over its flaws out of frustration or bitterness, then do yourself a favor and move on to another game. If you still find ways to enjoy this game and are still having fun with your crew, then by all means, keep subbing. Either way, I plan to be here until the game is no longer supported, and I see no sense in getting all worked up about things that are completely beyond my control. 6.0 will either come, or it won't. But if it does, I'll be here to enjoy it. I hope you will too.

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Wth are you talking about, yes they have said quite a bit, and i have been gone most of the year.People need to stop being to damned lazy and do searches for this. they have commented on, and have showed their Roadmap quite a number of times here and on Passionatelycasual podcast.


Sick and tired of people attacking the Devs when they are being so ignorant, not just you either.


They have? Here on the official forums? Really? Since the roadmap was announce back in March? Yeah, no, they've been quite evasive about 6.0 and have not said anything of substance in one or 2 pod casts but NOT HERE. But you believe what you want. The devs are doing what they've always done with this game. Their actions are quite loud and clear.

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I loved SWG but I am also not the type to wear rose-colored glasses. Even though SWTOR is not like SWG (which I was expecting) SWG was not perfect either. It had its problems just like SWG did. We had server mergers as well. You could also do things solo if you wanted. It wasn't all "group" related, like some wants you to believe. You could form a group and do some things as a group or you could do things solo. I did both, just like I do here.


Just a little comparison on the raids from SWG to those on SWTOR


SWG Heroics/Raids/Operations:

This being you need more than 4 people.

(1) Battle of Echo Base

(2) Axkva Min

(3) Exar Kun

(4) IG-88

(5) Lost Star Destroyer

(6) Tusken Army

(7) Death Watch Bunker

(8) Champion of Mustafar---Though up until the Beetle Cave can be soloed but it is set up on a progress at least until you complete the final part. Though some of those parts can be done with 2-4 people if you are skilled enough so I would put those on the same footing as Flashpoints.


Not saying this is all but some of the others I would put in the same category as flashpoints and there were also things you could solo so I didn't list them either.




SWTOR Operations:

Needing more than 4 people:

(1) Eternity Vault

(2) Karagga's Palace

(3) Explosive Conflict

(4) Terror From Beyond

(5) Scum and Villainy

(6) The Dread Fortress

(7) The Dread Palace

(8) The Ravagers

(9) Temple of Sacrifice

(10) Gods of the Machine


For sure. SWTOR does have a lot more operations than SWG had instances.


SWG also had a space game that people played and enjoyed.


Both games have there strong points


The galactic civil war update toward the end of SWG had you defending or assaulting cities all over the galaxy. This was designed for both PvE and PvP players. That was a lot of fun and much more enjoyable than a couple War Zones.


You could impact the galaxy itself and take over regions for your factions, SWTOR has nothing like that and the planets are not set up for open play like that.


While I love the look of SWTOR and the character models are much better looking, SWG had a way to immerse you.


Wonder out to the dune sea in SWTOR and while it’s nice looking, it’s very static. SWG had weather patterns.

You could stand in one spot and hearing bathas, watch the suns set and even have the occasional sand storms


SWG also opened with the force theme song.


Both games have there strong points, it’s just too bad we can meet in the middle.


No matter what someone’s stance is on SWG or SWTOR; we can probably agree that nobody wanted space combat on rails.

Edited by kirorx
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Some final, parting words....If you're disappointed with the game or bored and find yourself obsessing over its flaws out of frustration or bitterness, then do yourself a favor and move on to another game. If you still find ways to enjoy this game and are still having fun with your crew, then by all means, keep subbing. Either way, I plan to be here until the game is no longer supported, and I see no sense in getting all worked up about things that are completely beyond my control. 6.0 will either come, or it won't. But if it does, I'll be here to enjoy it. I hope you will too.


I very much agree with Mournblood on this point.

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