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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The 6.0 Expansion has been confirmed!


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IIRC, they've implied (possibly even stated) that there will be a prelude to 6.0 starting end of year, so probably SOR style we'll get a couple flashpoints, and I'd bet 6.0 will come in the spring.


Fortunately for me, I'm an altoholic. I haven't even started the traitor arc...

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If thats the case I think I might as well stop subbing till they announce summot, coz to be paying for a game that isn't releasing stuff from one year to the next is rubbish.


If we stop subbing how are they going to make new content? It's the problem with us more PVE story focused players, we're only subbing around new content (not all obviously, referring to general trends seen in forum) which doesn't really help fund new stuff, where as the PVP and guild focused ones are more likely to stay subbed all year round. It's fair that they're seeing some love.


I kinda see subbing to the game like supporting an artist on patron :D monthly contribution to keep them doing what they do (and I love) It's not always going to be my thing but not everyone likes what I like. Mine will come round eventually, and yes if you can't afford/don't want to support what isn't aimed at you that's totally fair :) but we can't be surprised that the players that are subbed all year round are the focus, the game is a business after all it needs money to keep going.


I think they are trying to keep things more balanced content type wise, But it leaves some of us with long pauses between relevant patches. Having no idea what we're waiting for doesn't help but announcing plans to soon leads to unhappiness in the forum/fan base to. I'm honestly not sure how they can win that one.

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Subs should support game development and new content.


Where's the new content?


A trickle of new content once a year does not justify maintaining a sub year round. If EA can't invest in its game, why should we?


There's been content :D not necessarily content that interests all of us but there has been content. Plus the behind the scenes, how the game runs, work.

We do know an expansion is coming also :).

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Stephrebecca;9631201]My biggest question is when will 6.0 be out, am tired of doing the same stuff over and over again


Based on when all the other expansions have been released, I look for it to be released around December as that is the normal time for them to release expansions.


As far as doing the same stuff over, that is normal for most games, but there are things you could do if you haven't done, collect all the datacrons for one. I just finished those and I been here since launch. I kept putting them off but decided to do them. There are some videos to help you find them all and show you the path to get them.

Edited by casirabit
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Based on when all the other expansions have been released, I look for it to be released around December as that is the normal time for them to release expansions.


The unanswered question based on my latest interpretation is that it is still undecided as to whether it is going to launch as larger expansion pack, or whether they are going to do so in a more piecemeal fashion. Keith discussed the pros and cons of both approaches about 6 months or so ago and indicated his preference for smaller, but more frequent content releases. He didn't indicate definitively, however, that was the approach they are taking.


That's a long-winded way of saying, I can see them doing some intro stuff for 6.0 by December, but I find it hard to believe they would be in a position to drop a full expac that soon.


As Lana says in response to your character quipping, "Time will tell" -- "It does have a habit of doing so."



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The unanswered question based on my latest interpretation is that it is still undecided as to whether it is going to launch as larger expansion pack, or whether they are going to do so in a more piecemeal fashion. Keith discussed the pros and cons of both approaches about 6 months or so ago and indicated his preference for smaller, but more frequent content releases. He didn't indicate definitively, however, that was the approach they are taking.


That's a long-winded way of saying, I can see them doing some intro stuff for 6.0 by December, but I find it hard to believe they would be in a position to drop a full expac that soon.


As Lana says in response to your character quipping, "Time will tell" -- "It does have a habit of doing so."




I certainly hope they opt for a proper expansion. I'm already waiting 6 months at a time for even a tiny whiff of new content that interests me, so getting one decent chunk of content and then nothing for a year would be a huge improvement. They have already demonstrated that they have a very hard time producing a decent story in quarterly snippets.

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I certainly hope they opt for a proper expansion. I'm already waiting 6 months at a time for even a tiny whiff of new content that interests me, so getting one decent chunk of content and then nothing for a year would be a huge improvement. They have already demonstrated that they have a very hard time producing a decent story in quarterly snippets.


They definitely need to change up their approach.


The game was also suffering long slow attrition leading up to 4.0 and yet.. with 4.0 they found themselves suddenly with server queues and had to expand the configurations of some of the servers to deal with it. Of course.. after 4.0 ran it's course with players... populations began declining once again... and 5.0 did not revive that but actually aggravated it.


So.. they need another hit with the next expac.. or the game playerbase will simply continue to dwindle over time. That said.. most of the players likely to bolt over content they do not like or too little content.. I think those players have already moved on, and it remains to be seen if a fabulous looking 6.0 would bring many of them back or not.

Edited by Andryah
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The unanswered question based on my latest interpretation is that it is still undecided as to whether it is going to launch as larger expansion pack, or whether they are going to do so in a more piecemeal fashion. Keith discussed the pros and cons of both approaches about 6 months or so ago and indicated his preference for smaller, but more frequent content releases. He didn't indicate definitively, however, that was the approach they are taking.


That's a long-winded way of saying, I can see them doing some intro stuff for 6.0 by December, but I find it hard to believe they would be in a position to drop a full expac that soon.


As Lana says in response to your character quipping, "Time will tell" -- "It does have a habit of doing so."




You may be right, but I can't help but think, "What the heck have they been doing for 2 years?" But I am definitely pleased they aren't calling 6.0 the wow-killer, or using some flashy Ben Irving-esque phrase like "RNG is Exciting!" I guess we'll find out in December-ish.

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I know im not doing the quote/multi quote thing but have read all replies and I thank you for you personal feedbacks on my previous comments!!!!!


In reply its not about saying im not going to support the game... its about why should I keep paying 6 month at a time subs when they do not bring any new content out, I play and also stream officially for another game I will not mention here, but they bring out new content that lasts wayyyyyy much longer for a char to get through than it does here.


this is also about a lack of information on the pathway as it was said if I recall on the twitch stream that was done that the nathema update was May, pvp was coming out in July (which is late) and then would be more later in the year (yet there is still no inclination as to what or when anything will happen)


lets be honest why pay for 6 month Subs and have no update


As for saying play content that you havnt done like getting datacrons etc. If you have played the game for a long time like I have you would have collected them all during the massive spates/gaps in time of nothing else to so - its got that bad im am now running my 25th Char through the storylines (this just isn't right)

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... its got that bad im am now running my 25th Char through the storylines (this just isn't right)


To be honest it seems that you should take an extended break from the game and come back refreshed when there is new content to enjoy.


I first played SWTOR in the ‘Vanilla’ game when the max level your characters could reach was 50 and there was no real content beyond the completion of the class story lines. Once I achieved that, well I unsubbed and forgot about the game for a few years. In the meantime I renovated a house, sold a house, moved interstate, bought a house, started a business, wrote four novels, and started university.


I returned to the game with a new account at the beginning of the year. I started from scratch and played freebie for a month, then decided to resubscribe because I was really enjoying the game and the expansions, especially the Shadow of Revan expansion. I’ve got a Sith Warrior maxed (with only Nathema left to go); however, I still have to take three more characters through all the new content so I’ll be month-by-month subbing for awhile yet. If there is no new story content by the time all my characters reach the content ‘wall’ then I’ll unsubscribe again and do other stuff – hell, real life keeps me busy enough as it is. In the meantime, I’ve discovered that writing Fan Fiction is a hoot, and have been enjoying creating a back story for my Aurelian Legacy.


In short, if you no longer enjoy the game then take a break and a breather. None of us have signed contracts with BioWare to keep subbing and keep playing so walk away for awhile. I predict that you’ll be happier.

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To be honest it seems that you should take an extended break from the game and come back refreshed when there is new content to enjoy.


I first played SWTOR in the ‘Vanilla’ game when the max level your characters could reach was 50 and there was no real content beyond the completion of the class story lines. Once I achieved that, well I unsubbed and forgot about the game for a few years. In the meantime I renovated a house, sold a house, moved interstate, bought a house, started a business, wrote four novels, and started university.


I returned to the game with a new account at the beginning of the year. I started from scratch and played freebie for a month, then decided to resubscribe because I was really enjoying the game and the expansions, especially the Shadow of Revan expansion. I’ve got a Sith Warrior maxed (with only Nathema left to go); however, I still have to take three more characters through all the new content so I’ll be month-by-month subbing for awhile yet. If there is no new story content by the time all my characters reach the content ‘wall’ then I’ll unsubscribe again and do other stuff – hell, real life keeps me busy enough as it is. In the meantime, I’ve discovered that writing Fan Fiction is a hoot, and have been enjoying creating a back story for my Aurelian Legacy.


In short, if you no longer enjoy the game then take a break and a breather. None of us have signed contracts with BioWare to keep subbing and keep playing so walk away for awhile. I predict that you’ll be happier.


Its not that I dont enjoy the game, hence why I have so many chars!!! its al about content and how/when its released and the massive time gaps between things and lack of info about said things..


I totatlly understand the latest update with Pvp as I said in previous post and am glad for it


But this is about PvE and lack of info and also content being made compared to pricing strategy etc

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Its not that I dont enjoy the game, hence why I have so many chars!!! its al about content and how/when its released and the massive time gaps between things and lack of info about said things..


I totatlly understand the latest update with Pvp as I said in previous post and am glad for it


But this is about PvE and lack of info and also content being made compared to pricing strategy etc


I think your post makes perfect sense. I also think the post you're quoting does as well. I rejoined after 3 year absence so was -- for lack of better term -- fresh. I'm an altoholic and had lots of content to go through.


But even I (a so-called White Knight despite my excoriating them for the Conquest changes), changed my subscription to monthly in April. I knew ESO and WoW were both releasing major expansions this summer. Come September, no doubt to the pleasure of some, I'll probably suspend my SWTOR subscription until the next content update. It's not that I can't afford it, I just have a visceral reaction to paying for a game I don't actually play. The game is not a charity.


I sometimes think the true White Knights are those who hate the game yet subsidize it like it's Doctors Without Borders. I have no problems being ruthless and suspending my subscription here until new content is released. To me that's common sense. My time schedule permits two MMO's max. Might as well play those with new content.



Edited by Jdast
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I think your post makes perfect sense. I also think the post you're quoting does as well. I rejoined after 3 year absence so was -- for lack of better term -- fresh. I'm an altoholic and had lots of content to go through.


But even I (a so-called White Knight despite my excoriating them for the Conquest changes), changed my subscription to monthly in April. I knew ESO and WoW were both releasing major expansions this summer. Come September, no doubt to the pleasure of some, I'll probably suspend my SWTOR subscription until the next content update. It's not that I can't afford it, I just have a visceral reaction to paying for a game I don't actually play. The game is not a charity.


I sometimes think the true White Knights are those who hate the game yet subsidize it like it's Doctors Without Borders. I have no problems being ruthless and suspending my subscription here until new content is released. To me that's common sense. My time schedule permits two MMO's max. Might as well play those with new content.





I know what you mean, im one of them that pay every 6 months and never cancel sub's but am getting to the point now where im tired of paying and not getting anything, or that is how I feel. over £100 a year to get little if anything, and it pains me to say that as I have been an avid supporter of the game since release


With that in mind od cost I have paid £1-200 on different game for a lifetime subscription

Edited by Stephrebecca
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  • 4 weeks later...
I know what you mean, im one of them that pay every 6 months and never cancel sub's but am getting to the point now where im tired of paying and not getting anything, or that is how I feel. over £100 a year to get little if anything, and it pains me to say that as I have been an avid supporter of the game since release


With that in mind od cost I have paid £1-200 on different game for a lifetime subscription


I hear ya on this.


I have been a sub from day 1 and spent thousands of dollars on the CM (embarrassing as that may be). I am tired of it though. I am tired of the long waits with little to no information.


I have gotten into GW2 and they have been absorbing a lot of funds from me as they keep updating things and QOL stuff. I have kept a sub alive here in hopes that they will turn this game around, it looks as though they have no intention on doing that what so ever.


It seems the reason they are silent about the status of the game's health and any expansions is because there is really little to say about it. It is pointless to talk about things that mean very little or that the expansion is going to equal little more than a patch for another game.


This team is on a skeleton crew and it shows... everywhere from the outdated website to the neglect of the game and it's players.


My sub runs out in about 2 weeks, I have no intention of renewing it until I see a reason to play again. As of right now I feel I am being an enabler by giving them money that they are not working to have.

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I had been having a break from the game for while (been playing other games, I recently replayed Jedi Academy for the first time in years and had a blast with that again), I logged back in yesterday to play but just had no motivation to play long. I just want a crumb or anything on what's coming up story wise, missing companions? Next story? 6.0? :( Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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To be fair - it would pass the time waiting for another proper expansion if they at least gave us some new customization options or a new playable race (my vote is for Voss). I've literally just started my 31st character, yes I'm THAT bored.


It's pure torture for people who actually prefer a single player experience like myself and yes, yes, I realise this is an MMO and warzones and what not are part of the experience, but I crave more story! Bioware are involved for god's sake!


There are no proper updates and no dates for anything we do hear snippets of. We pay for subscription, why is it all hush hush?! How long can we go on supporting this game if the current format of lack of any meaningful information is how it will carry on...

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I wouldn't count on them giving us negative information if the expansion is scrapped because the mass exodus would be immediate and swift. Not too mention no one would ever trust a Bioware made game ever again. Since they haven't announced anything new since March I can assume that the expansion is far off in the future or it may have been scrapped with their being no hype about Anthem. I honestly thing Bioware as a studio, their future hinges on this one game. If Anthem does well when it's released this game will get an update on 6.0 if not I fear the worse for this game. I've stated already that I have about 80 days left on my sub, I haven't checked so that's a guess but if they don't say anything about 6.0 before that ends I need to step away from game. I've been playing since launch almost and subbing the whole time. If I didn't love Star Wars so much I probably would of walked away a long time ago.
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I wouldn't count on them giving us negative information if the expansion is scrapped because the mass exodus would be immediate and swift. Not too mention no one would ever trust a Bioware made game ever again. Since they haven't announced anything new since March I can assume that the expansion is far off in the future or it may have been scrapped with their being no hype about Anthem. I honestly thing Bioware as a studio, their future hinges on this one game. If Anthem does well when it's released this game will get an update on 6.0 if not I fear the worse for this game. I've stated already that I have about 80 days left on my sub, I haven't checked so that's a guess but if they don't say anything about 6.0 before that ends I need to step away from game. I've been playing since launch almost and subbing the whole time. If I didn't love Star Wars so much I probably would of walked away a long time ago.

No one trusts Bioware anymore.


At this point the writing is on the wall and this game is done for along with Bioware and maybe EA as a whole. Battlefront 2 bombed and ran off the few people playing it. Battlefield V has the lowest amount of pre-orders for any triple a title. Go look at twitter over the weekend and see what most people are saying. And Anthem? It's going to be one of the biggest bombs in gaming history.


Add in Disney isn't helping Star Wars anymore. TLJ is hated by most of the fanbase and normal movie goers. Soylo did poorly and bombed. The trailer for the new cartoon has more dislikes then likes on YouTube. Really we should all be glad, this shows what pandering and greed get you. EA and Bioware spent too much time forcing things on the players rather then do what the players wanted. If the game was like SWG and had massive PvP and raids this game wouldn't be in the sorry state it's in.

Edited by AshenK
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I wouldn't count on them giving us negative information if the expansion is scrapped because the mass exodus would be immediate and swift. Not too mention no one would ever trust a Bioware made game ever again. Since they haven't announced anything new since March I can assume that the expansion is far off in the future or it may have been scrapped with their being no hype about Anthem. I honestly thing Bioware as a studio, their future hinges on this one game. If Anthem does well when it's released this game will get an update on 6.0 if not I fear the worse for this game. I've stated already that I have about 80 days left on my sub, I haven't checked so that's a guess but if they don't say anything about 6.0 before that ends I need to step away from game. I've been playing since launch almost and subbing the whole time. If I didn't love Star Wars so much I probably would of walked away a long time ago.


I agree with most of your post but I disagree that if Anthem is a success that SWtOR will get more love and attention as a result. Anthem will be the one they throw all the time and resources at in that case and more games like it rather than any RPGs :(

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I wouldn't count on them giving us negative information if the expansion is scrapped because the mass exodus would be immediate and swift. Not too mention no one would ever trust a Bioware made game ever again. Since they haven't announced anything new since March I can assume that the expansion is far off in the future or it may have been scrapped with their being no hype about Anthem. I honestly thing Bioware as a studio, their future hinges on this one game. If Anthem does well when it's released this game will get an update on 6.0 if not I fear the worse for this game. I've stated already that I have about 80 days left on my sub, I haven't checked so that's a guess but if they don't say anything about 6.0 before that ends I need to step away from game. I've been playing since launch almost and subbing the whole time. If I didn't love Star Wars so much I probably would of walked away a long time ago.


I'm in this boat too. I have 3 subs to swtor, but none of us is playing to justify it. If 6.0 isn't any good (rolling back GC from 5.0 would be a dream come true to me personally), or it doesn't have an update on its status by xmas, then we'll probably drop all 3 subs. I am going to give Anthem a try, but it's going to have to be way better than Warframe or it won't be worth subbing to. If it's not, BW might be toast as a company.

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