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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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Well they had to nerf your tank cuz he was so OP in PvE...there's no reason you need to be doing 1/4 the damage others can do...you just need to hold aggro and spam your 2 taunts, nothing more...that's your only job according to some people here, spamming your taunts. And thanks to the nerf to tanks, PvP has improved tenfold, as skank tanks are no longer a thing in PvP - they're gone forever! (that's pure sarcasm if you missed it ;) )


Let me fix this a little TUX's


"Hold Aggro, Spam Taunts, and look this pretty doing it" :)

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I just don't understand why small guilds are not allowed to conquer planets.


Oh, and yes, of course you wuill answer : "You are speaking nonsense, they are allowed to do so ..." , but you are ignoring the "glass wall", then.


"you are speaking nonsense... yada yada Yoda."


The changes that were made to the conquest system have not only crushed the ability of smaller guilds that relied on alts to win planets, it has made it difficult for some smaller guilds to even hit the 200K mark because they relied so heavily on their alts.

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Let me fix this a little TUX's


"Hold Aggro, Spam Taunts, and look this pretty doing it" :)

GAH! Thanks for the correction...I forgot the first rule of online gaming...the gooder you look, the gooder you play. :p

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It's not even a matter of intelligence, I don't question them on that. I view it more as a matter of pride. There's no other reason why they plant their feet into the ground and refuse to budge on matters of game design.


The point of a game is fun. Players in resounding fashion have said conquest is less fun, yet still they refuse to bend on the legacy restrictions.


I think it's a matter of them believing people will come around on this, that people simply hate change and so reject the new conquest on that premise. I think that's false.


Players have never embraced changes that make it less fun or a chore to play their alts. 5.0 proved that, and conquest 5.8-5.9 is proving it yet again. And again.


This is not a matter of intelligence, but extreme stubborn pride imo.


I believe that Keith reads the forums and seems to relate what is being written here.


He posts occasionally even when not requested, and I hope others point out the issues, continue pointing out the issues with the new conquest system to keep the game active.


Don't give up.


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results."

Players *****ed and moaned about this (rightfully so in my opinion) when the changes were implemented in 5.8.

Players gave impassioned pleas and presented sound arguments.

From 5.8 to 5.9 we were told "wait and see" and "we'll make it better"

It was finally a little bit better, then they pulled the rug out from under us again.


Now we're not even at the "wait and see / we'll make it better stage"

Now we're at the "you still don't like it? we'll have to study the numbers some more" stage.


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GAH! Thanks for the correction...I forgot the first rule of online gaming...the gooder you look, the gooder you play. :p


Back in the day.......You weren't anyone special until you had a nice Cloak with a Guild Emblem on it.

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What I really dont understand is why they are discouraging us from playing this game.

I like the game. I WANT to play it , I like the new flashpoint alot and the additional goals/tweaks to conquest was a huge improvement, actually did make it better than it was before, but for one week only.

Since thursday, conquest which is what gives me the framework for what I choose to play is just telling me 'play one or two toons then go do something else.....' and I'm afraid that's exactly what I'm doing

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I will never understand this obsession people have with conquest...


I mean what the.. ?. this game has a ton of content to play most of which could be improved, bugs that could be fixed, PVP that could be improved and balanced yet people make mass hysteria over what ? Conquest... :confused:


Who the.. cares about that ? You get literally nothing worthwhile for it. The rewards are a joke. The same guilds are winning anyway and will win from now on. I still can't understand why people unsub because of... conquest ? lol


I'd rather worry over more important things in this game like 6.0 and where this game will go story wise.

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"you are speaking nonsense... yada yada Yoda."


The changes that were made to the conquest system have not only crushed the ability of smaller guilds that relied on alts to win planets, it has made it difficult for some smaller guilds to even hit the 200K mark because they relied so heavily on their alts.


Or, as the devs might say, things are now working as intended.

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I will never understand this obsession people have with conquest...


I mean what the.. ?. this game has a ton of content to play most of which could be improved, bugs that could be fixed, PVP that could be improved and balanced yet people make mass hysteria over what ? Conquest... :confused:


Who the.. cares about that ? You get literally nothing worthwhile for it. The rewards are a joke. The same guilds are winning anyway and will win from now on. I still can't understand why people unsub because of... conquest ? lol


I'd rather worry over more important things in this game like 6.0 and where this game will go story wise.


Don't worry, your not alone, the people at BioWare don't understand either.

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This. So much this.


Now I pretty much log in Tuesdays to see what the objectives are and how repeatable they are...by Thursdays I'm not even bothering to play the game anymore because there's no point; Bioware suddenly hates alts and they're not going to change.


I find myself watching youtube a lot more often instead of playing swtor.


I haven't logged in at all in almost 2 weeks.


I've just bought the 5E D&D core rule books, setting up a D20Pro account and I am converting a Neverwinter Campaign I published through the Foundry (and part of which was featured by Cryptic) that has over 170,000 plays (with a 4.5 Star rating) into a Table Top campaign I am going to run through a VTT.


Most fun I've had with "RPGs" in a long, long time.


Oh, and the Story in my campaign is better than ANYTHING we've seen in SWTOR for almost 3 years.


All The Best

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I haven't logged in at all in almost 2 weeks.


I've just bought the 5E D&D core rule books, setting up a D20Pro account and I am converting a Neverwinter Campaign I published through the Foundry (and part of which was featured by Cryptic) that has over 170,000 plays (with a 4.5 Star rating) into a Table Top campaign I am going to run through a VTT.


Most fun I've had with "RPGs" in a long, long time.


Oh, and the Story in my campaign is better than ANYTHING we've seen in SWTOR for almost 3 years.


All The Best


What was the name of your NW campaign? I might have run through it. I did a number of those in the foundry with my guild before I left the game late last year.

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I haven't logged in at all in almost 2 weeks.


I've just bought the 5E D&D core rule books, setting up a D20Pro account and I am converting a Neverwinter Campaign I published through the Foundry (and part of which was featured by Cryptic) that has over 170,000 plays (with a 4.5 Star rating) into a Table Top campaign I am going to run through a VTT.


Most fun I've had with "RPGs" in a long, long time.


Oh, and the Story in my campaign is better than ANYTHING we've seen in SWTOR for almost 3 years.


All The Best


I might do the PVP weekly on my main tomorrow...after that, let's just say that I reactivated an old EVE Online account and I might be goofing off with internet spaceships.

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What I really dont understand is why they are discouraging us from playing this game.

I like the game. I WANT to play it , I like the new flashpoint alot and the additional goals/tweaks to conquest was a huge improvement, actually did make it better than it was before, but for one week only.

Since thursday, conquest which is what gives me the framework for what I choose to play is just telling me 'play one or two toons then go do something else.....' and I'm afraid that's exactly what I'm doing

I'm glad you posted this Amy...I've highlighted that part that I just don't get either...why in the hell are they discouraging players from spending their time HERE? As you said, the alternative for many is to play another game...and once you start playing other games, players slowly lose what kept them playing THIS game...


It's mind boggling to me. They already have a mechanic to appeal to the hardcore gamer (hardcore meaning someone with ample time) - they're called alts...they used to be something players could swap to and continue playing for minimal rewards, but those minimal rewards kept them HERE, in this game, not off playing another. With those rewards removed, there's little else to keep them logged in.

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I will never understand this obsession people have with conquest...


I mean what the.. ?. this game has a ton of content to play most of which could be improved, bugs that could be fixed, PVP that could be improved and balanced yet people make mass hysteria over what ? Conquest... :confused:


Who the.. cares about that ? You get literally nothing worthwhile for it. The rewards are a joke. The same guilds are winning anyway and will win from now on. I still can't understand why people unsub because of... conquest ? lol


I'd rather worry over more important things in this game like 6.0 and where this game will go story wise.


May be your are not able to understand, but before 5.8 conquest was a sort of Group Content for guilds which was special for this game since WoW has dropped it's guild rewards.


But the devs destroyed without need this sort of content while they took the chance away that even a small guild could win. When a great guild would win, it wins in the old system but sometimes a small guild with proper preparation could challange the great guilds. Now the same three to four mass guilds win without a challange week for week.

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the last change for the conquest, make it better, but sorry for little guilds the conquest is terrible.

I need many more time to get the guild rewards because we are not so many guys. I think bioware/EA want to crash the game, but i don´t now why? I have no other reason for this.

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the last change for the conquest, make it better, but sorry for little guilds the conquest is terrible.

I need many more time to get the guild rewards because we are not so many guys. I think bioware/EA want to crash the game, but i don´t now why? I have no other reason for this.


The greatest joke is that the mateiral boxes not an additional loot - you have to select Material or plans.

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What was the name of your NW campaign? I might have run through it. I did a number of those in the foundry with my guild before I left the game late last year.


The Campaign was Call Of The Wild. Comprising three chapters, 1) A Missing Man, 2) A Hidden Valley, 3) An Ancient Curse. An Ancient Curse was featured by Cryptic as "Foundry Of The Week" about three months after I first released it, luckily those three months gave me time to tweak it and iron out any wrinkles.


It was essentially about angry Wolf Spirits (they had been sacrificed as a hunting pack for a dead king) inhabiting people and turning them into Werewolves. And about a man called Sarek, who was so turned but used powerful magic to hold the curse at bay so he could return to his wife and child, but said magic comes undone when the Shaman who cast it dies.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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I am going to make a suggestion here. Bioware, I do not know what you are thinking by making conquest so alt unfriendly because that is what you did. We only had one week that we were able to enjoy conquest before you nerfed everything back to be once per legacy per day. With the current state of Conquest, what you are doing is chasing the player base away.


My suggestion here is keep the current stuff as is, but add some more objectives that can be be done as much as you want.


Lets take a look at the rampage ones that we have currently. We kill 50, 100 and 150 NPCs. Why not add a fourth one that is infinitely repeatable so that we can do that one on as many alts as we like? The amount of NPCs we have to kill is higher and the point values would be lower like what you have done with the crafting ones. You can also do this with the herorics.

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