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Tell a Postive story About Customer service

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As I was browsing through the forum for some good ol forum pvp, I spotted this comment

Agreed. I never had any game breaking bugs. Ive played since launch and had to contact CS maybe 5 times and ive never had any poor experiences with them. Such as the story of CS.... You never see anyone go out of their way to give a positive experience - only negative ones.


and thought... you know... I'm going to prove him wrong :rak_01:.


Ill start it off of course... but I expect you to continue the trend.


I will say this... I've only ever contacted Cs twice, once in a in game ticket which was some crap automated response... and the hero over the phone... Ill keep his name out and just refer to him as "hero" from now on


At the time I've only played the game for three and a half years... ( very soon it will be four!) so what would make me finnallly contact cs over all this time? Well it's uhh... mods... plz... im trying to do a good thing here...about my forum access. Now now.. before you hit that infraction button.. plz... I... I'm not going to get into the details of what happened!


But yeah... I was perma banned from the forums for the longest time, about a year, and every now and then I would send a email at swtor support to hopefully revert a few infractions, but none the less, after five emails with no response ( I made sure I sent them to the correct place) I decided to write a ticket in game. As you know the response I got from a in game ticket (suggested by another hero, TUX himself in-game!) was some automated response sending me to call up the main hero of the story. It took me awhile to finally just give in and call the number, but a large catalyst was news of the Kotaku article from long ago, I figured I would want to put in my word to vouch for the greatness of swtor.


Unfortunately... their uh... isn't much to say... he just did his job well, he was kind, patient, calm mannered, and listened well to my concerns. He solved my problem by giving me the actual place to email swtor support, why the infraction I got or the cs message I got didn't tell me the proper place to go... I have no idea. In the end I actually felt a bit bad for him, I wasted 20 minutes of his time on a slight miscommunication as he thought I was banned in game, not on the forum, but he remedied that in a moment and here I am now. Thanks again for your amazing work hero.

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I've never had a negative experience with CS. Even when I didn't get the outcome I wanted one time they were polite enough to follow up with my concerns and explain the reasoning. It made complete sense and I saw I had no one to blame but myself.

I am not at all shocked when certain people post the way they do and can't figure out why CS didn't give them the outcome they wanted.


My favorite CS moment was when the nice lady on the other end tried to pronounce the name of the character I was calling about. She pronounced it in a way that was better than what I was doing in my head, and it stuck with me after that.

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I've only ever needed CS twice and both times were good experiences.


First time I'd been buying Legacy unlocks for a mail droid and for some reason my brain was convinced I had to summon the droid by clicking the unlock in the Legacy panel. Which I tried, repeatedly, and it did nothing. I bought the next rank and the one following, as if that would help, but still could not summon the mail droid. So my overly confused idiot self sent in a ticket "HALP!" and explained the whole situation. Ten minutes later I found myself forced to update my ticket as I'd finally 'seen the light' and found the mail droid summon thing in among my abilities... oops. Anyhows, the ticket musta gone through because sometime later I got a response from CS thanking me for my humorous tickets and offering me a virtual caf. ;)


Second time around I had an issue with the forum and logins and I wound up calling UK CS via Skype. Had a nice chat with the dude, we went over the issue, he experienced the same problem on his end. Had some chuckles about things not working and other game related things, chatted for a while and then hung up. An hour later the problem seemed fixed again. Not sure that was his doing because there wasn't much he could do but an enjoyable experience all the same. Plus, British accents, woo. :cool:

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As I was browsing through the forum for some good ol forum pvp, I spotted this comment



and thought... you know... I'm going to prove him wrong :rak_01:.


Ill start it off of course... but I expect you to continue the trend.


I will say this... I've only ever contacted Cs twice, once in a in game ticket which was some crap automated response... and the hero over the phone... Ill keep his name out and just refer to him as "hero" from now on


At the time I've only played the game for three and a half years... ( very soon it will be four!) so what would make me finnallly contact cs over all this time? Well it's uhh... mods... plz... im trying to do a good thing here...about my forum access. Now now.. before you hit that infraction button.. plz... I... I'm not going to get into the details of what happened!


But yeah... I was perma banned from the forums for the longest time, about a year, and every now and then I would send a email at swtor support to hopefully revert a few infractions, but none the less, after five emails with no response ( I made sure I sent them to the correct place) I decided to write a ticket in game. As you know the response I got from a in game ticket (suggested by another hero, TUX himself in-game!) was some automated response sending me to call up the main hero of the story. It took me awhile to finally just give in and call the number, but a large catalyst was news of the Kotaku article from long ago, I figured I would want to put in my word to vouch for the greatness of swtor.


Unfortunately... their uh... isn't much to say... he just did his job well, he was kind, patient, calm mannered, and listened well to my concerns. He solved my problem by giving me the actual place to email swtor support, why the infraction I got or the cs message I got didn't tell me the proper place to go... I have no idea. In the end I actually felt a bit bad for him, I wasted 20 minutes of his time on a slight miscommunication as he thought I was banned in game, not on the forum, but he remedied that in a moment and here I am now. Thanks again for your amazing work hero.



Ha in this case - its nice to be proven wrong . Good to see some positivity Great work peter !

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*I deleted a toon content some items that I meant to transfer to my other toon. They restored him to me less than 12 hours, pretty much they working on it right after I file a report.

*I ran into some trouble with the account issue on buying game time from their website, they replied me right away and asked me to call them by phone, the lady pickup the phone was very nice and tried to pin point what the problem that prevented me to purchase game time.

*Emailed them how cartel reward per months on sub account and they replied with very details information how the system works.

I'm not happy with the current stage of the game but I'm happy with the CS A+ to me.

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I had gotten Revan's gloves from the DvL event, I didn't know what it was from at the time so I asked them if they could unbind them as I hadn't. Then when they informed me why it was bound, they asked if I wanted it on any other character. So he did, then I could transfer a few more CM skins to one character for an easy unlock, such as the satele shan upper body armor which was way too expensive at the time! :rak_03: I was quite happy.
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One of my issues that comes to mind - I accidently deleted an armor piece of my xp armor when i was putting new mods in. I created a ticket and the following day the deleted item was back in my inventory. The rep had a great sense of humor and very polite and even apologized for the delay. It mustve taken him 12 plus hours (which is a timely manner for me ) to resolve MY goof up and he was actually nice enough to apologize.
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I have only needed the assistance of CS a handful of times over the years, but in each and every case they were polite, and solve my issue without incident. Sometimes, because a large backlogs of tickets.. it might take a few days before they respond... but I expect that.


I believe the number one issue with players having bad experiences with CS are driven by "garbage in leads to garbage out". What you submit, and how you go about it DOES have an impact on how quickly and easily they can help you solve an issue. Be clear, concise, factual, provide needed data, and do not cop an attitude as part of your bug report.

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I have had mixed experiences with CS here, though none hae been outright bad. The worst has simply been getting the token "this is a bug and will be fixed in the next patch" message.


However, there is a s tand out good experience. I was playing through KotFE for the first time. I think I was in The Gemini Deception, or whetever it's called. It may not have been that one, but I know it was on a ship. Anyway, I got to a point where I was supposed to meet Senya and she would be my companion for the rest of the chapter. However, after the cutscene she wasn't there. I couldn't summon her because the game insisted she was there. I did fine without a companion until it came to the first boss, and even then I was okay until the adds swarmed in.


So I put in a ticket. CS responded without 12 hours. The rep was incredibly helpful and kind, even joked with me a little during our email correspondence. He immediately identified the problem and fixed it for me. I can't remember his name but he made a very frustrating experience a semi-positive one by being such a chill and cool guy via email.

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I purchased an outlander token on GTN. It wouldn't unlock. So I bought another one from CM and had same issue. Put in a ticket and it took a long time to resolve. Finally had to call. CS was as professional as could be. Refunded my CC and my first token was later activated after the glitch was fixed. Also had to call once years ago on something I now forget (I think it was stuck character during transfer) - same experience. They were very polite and prompt with resolution of the issue.
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I made the stupid error of deleting character A when I was supposed to delete character B. B was a low level character I was planning to delete in order to make room to transfer more alts to that server. A in the other hand was a max level, somewhat geared character I had just transferred to that server. Needless to say, I was annoyed at myself and sent a ticket in hopes of getting the character back.


Fast forward a couple of days, my character had returned to me and I got an awesome rp response to my ticket about how SIS went out of their way to locate my disappeared ally and convince her to return to me. :D it really made me smile.

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Can't say I've ever has an issue with CS. Its been a while since I've needed them. Much more in the past than now.

So long I can't remember what most were about; they all seemed to be resolved fairly quickly and to my satisfaction however. Even my oopses.

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I've had good experiences with the people in CS here. I remember way back when the HK quest was bugged and we were to contact customer service about it and they were very nice about it. Even got a leg up for the last piece, as I had everything else done.


More recently, I accidentally deleted my DvL bonus armor...I had it on a newer toon that I ended up deleting, forgot that the armor was on it, and didn't realize it for a couple of weeks at which time I made other toons and then forgot the name of the one that had the armor. They took about a week to work it out with me, but after much searching they restored my armor set to me, so I'm a lot more careful now to make sure I put it into the legacy bank when I'm done playing a new toon for day.


They've always been nice, and always asked me if there was anything else they can do too.


The one time we had to phone Ireland to restore my hubby's account was interesting, he hadn't played for about a year and to complicate matters the email he'd used wasn't one he often relied on and MSN shut it down. It took about 40 minutes on the phone, but it was sorted, again very nice, especially the Irish staff (the US staff was a bit daft...I suspect they were new or something) but still nice.

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Our guild ship dissapeared on us once a year or two back. It was still listed, but we were unable to teleport to it. The real kicker was the fact that we had JUST finished farming he last few bits to unlock the last of the rooms, so it couldn't have happened at a worse time. Moral really died in the guild over it, especially since we put in ticket after ticket and got no response. Weeks passed, still nothing. We even called up CS and they said it was a known bug and should come back in a few weeks when they did a maintenance reset of the servers. So we waited, and waited, and reset day came... still no guild ship.


At this point it has been nearly a month with no ship, which might not sound like a big deal to some, but we're a small guild, and it took a lot of work by a very few, very dedicated people... and to have it snatched away as it was about to be finished? People were ready to leave the game as it appeared customer service was going to do nothing (this isn't a CS hate post, this is going somewhere, stick with me).


I eventually called CS again, very distraught at this point, and was met with only more frustration. I was informed this was a technical issue, and CS had absolutely no contact with the technical department, nor could they do anything about our problem. I asked the lady 'what am I supposed to do, my tickets are getting no response and it's been over a month"... she told me to post my complaint on the forums and hope a community manager saw them and jumped in... so I gave them one last chance to fix things.



I'm not sure how closely Eric works with the CS team, or if he really does just watch the forums like a hawk, but he saw the thread and responded by the end of the day. Within a day or two we had our guild ship back, and Eric was offering all sorts of stuff to us as compensation that we never asked for. We turned it down, we were just happy to have our guild ship back, and to experience somone working for this company that is truely an upstanding guy.


Eric, I know you get a lot of flack from the community, you have a really crummy job, having to be the person that takes the mud flinging from a lot of upset members of the community. I have to admit, I'm one of those people upset about the current state of things, but I'll never forget how hard working of a person Eric is, and how under-appreciated he is.


So, thank you Eric, whatever the future brings, you have a heck of a lot of good karma saved up, and I hope life cashes that in for you and yours.

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I've only needed to contact CS a few times, but all of my experiences have been good ones. In each case, I made some kind of bone-headed mistake and sent an in-game ticket asking CS if there was any chance of fixing it. They always replied politely and relatively quickly, and to my surprise, they were able to save me from the consequences of my dumb mistake each time.
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I deleted an entire 7-piece set of DvL xp gear when I deleted a toon. Put in a ticket. Got it restored. 2 days.

OMG that's a fear of mine...I guard that set with my life. I create so few alts that if I did destroy it accidentally, I'd be screwed!!!


Good thread Peter...I've done some stupid stuff before over my years of playing and I have NEVER had a bad experience. They've always resolved my issue quickly, correctly and without any fuss whatsoever. All of my issues have been simple compared to some, selling the wrong item, trading in a shell for the wrong item or whatever, so fairly simple stuff compared to some tickets I assume, but they have always come through quickly and correctly.


I'd honestly give CS an A+ in my experience with them.

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I’ll contribute one that is mostly positive, with one typical caveat:


Added Tldr: Nine times out of ten I’ve gotten what I requested. Usually in a “timely” (2-7 days) manner. I am polite, and their replies are unfailingly polite. But often it takes 2 or 3 exchanges before they fully understand the request/issue.


Example story:

When a Pref, I bought a starship deco from a vendor for what I thought was 625 credits. You’re already ahead of me. Yes, it was really 625 fleet coms and stupid of me to think it so cheap. Not refundable, so I kept it in inventory.


Three months later, I resubbed. Put in a CS ticket writing “I screwed up, that’s on me … [lots of specific details] … can you help me out and refund it?” I even went into detail on how the price might now say 500 comms since I’m a sub, but I bought when a pref, thus 25% higher. Believe me, I’m a detail guy!


First reply a day or two later: “We confirm you have in inventory. So we can refund the 500 comms, but can't find purchase indicating 675 [sic] comms. Just in case, I searched transactions two weeks back … please reply if acceptable”.


I replied politely that that it was on such and such a date (on my ticket I mentioned it was “about 3 months ago”, but me being detail oriented – I had written myself a note).


Within a couple of days, he got back to me and refunded.


Positive: They didn’t have to refund it. It was my screwup. It was three months previous. But they did.


Positive: Replies were pretty prompt. Very courteous. He thought I had just made the purchase, and not finding it, went the extra step of searching the two previous weeks.


The not positive: They misunderstand a lot. He missed that I told him the transaction was months old. I feel they just don’t have, or take, the time to fully read and comprehend all the given info. This happens as often as not.

Edited by DocDAM
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So, thank you Eric, whatever the future brings, you have a heck of a lot of good karma saved up, and I hope life cashes that in for you and yours.


Eric has always been a good guy on the forum going above and beyond, constantly responding to pms and he does watch the forum like a hawk. I'm just sure he isn't often given permission to always post all the details about certain things as whoever gives permission likes to be very precise. Now unfortunately this has it's own set of problems... but I won't get into that here... keep up the stories and keep up the great work Cs and Eric Musco.

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