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Maintenance: March 27th, 2018


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Totally understood! As mentioned in the other thread, the Conquest revamp and its impact on alts is something we are aware of and monitoring for future changes. As soon as I know anything specific I will pass it on!




Translation: La,la,la, we don't hear and we don't care.Absolute and total disconnect from reality, and insulting to boot.



Fair enough. I'm done doing conquest. Which means I will not participate in PVP or GF activities either, if I want to run a FP, I will bring a couple of friends, or do it alone. And I probably just should delete my alts and be done with it.


I doubt I'm the only one there who feels like they are done with this.

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Totally understood! As mentioned in the other thread, the Conquest revamp and its impact on alts is something we are aware of and monitoring for future changes. As soon as I know anything specific I will pass it on!




Eric, this isn’t something that needs monitoring :mad:


We’ve flat out told you it’s Alt unfriendly

You said you are aware of it, so what monitoring do you need to do?

Are you waiting to see how many people stop logging in or cancel subs till you decide it’s bad enough to do something?

You do realise it will be too late by then!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


I can understand you saying you are aware of it AND it is planned to be FIXED in the VERY NEAR FUTURE. But saying you are monitoring, tells us you don’t get it. Haven’t understood us or how important it is for us. And have no plans at this point in changing it.


So what is it?

You know there is a problem and just need time to work out how to fix it.


You don’t think there is a problem and you just want to see if everyone will stop complaining till you consider doing something in 6 months.


Have you mispoke and worded what you said incorrectly and actually meant you will definitely be fixing it.


3 (people) subscribers from my household have cancelled and one BIG reason is making it Alt unfriendly. This statement of yours offers no confidence in resubbing for two of those people

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Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




Eric, this eliminates all alts from participating. This means our alts have no place in participating in Conquests. Why was this allowed knowing the number of alts players use? Daily Repeatable Objectives should never be tied into Legacy in this manner. In this regard, SWTOR is not an alt friendly game anymore. Surely, this is not what the developers want for this game?

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Eric, this isn’t something that needs monitoring :mad:


We’ve flat out told you it’s Alt unfriendly

You said you are aware of it, so what monitoring do you need to do?

Are you waiting to see how many people stop logging in or cancel subs till you decide it’s bad enough to do something?

You do realise it will be too late by then!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


I can understand you saying you are aware of it AND it is planned to be FIXED in the VERY NEAR FUTURE. But saying you are monitoring, tells us you don’t get it. Haven’t understood us or how important it is for us. And have no plans at this point in changing it.


So what is it?

You know there is a problem and just need time to work out how to fix it.


You don’t think there is a problem and you just want to see if everyone will stop complaining till you consider doing something in 6 months.


Have you mispoke and worded what you said incorrectly and actually meant you will definitely be fixing it.


3 (people) subscribers from my household have cancelled and one BIG reason is making it Alt unfriendly. This statement of yours offers no confidence in resubbing for two of those people


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4) They have a plan and the negative forum feedback caught them off guard but their plan has been approved by the higher ups that need to approve it so they're going to stick with as much of it as possible, making as few changes backwards as possible (the old saving face thing) until the forum feedback inevitably dies down.


They'll also have no explanation for the drop in subs, should it happen, that's directly related to this, because it doesn't fit in to their master plan.

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4) They have a plan and the negative forum feedback caught them off guard but their plan has been approved by the higher ups that need to approve it so they're going to stick with as much of it as possible, making as few changes backwards as possible (the old saving face thing) until the forum feedback inevitably dies down.


They'll also have no explanation for the drop in subs, should it happen, that's directly related to this, because it doesn't fit in to their master plan.


All those fools that are buying CC for their uber sale are going to cover the costs of the lost subs for the short term. It'll balance out and when they realize it, it's going to be too late to fix.

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Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.





Ummmm, SERIOUSLY?! . . . . just wow. This is completely ridiculous. It is quite obvious that there is no consideration for the feedback from paying customers . . . the players. This overall change to conquest is awful.


Personally, I am just done with conquest, and so are many of our guild members. I find this very sad considering we have a smaller guild, but yet we were often on the conquest board in the top 10.


Guild members were already starting to question the value of conquest before the change, now . . . this just sealed it, it isn't worth it. Objectives have been restricted, crafting is beyond ridiculous with this change (others have laid out the changes very nicely, and just how insane they are), rewards are not worth it, and why all of a sudden the developers have become alt haters, when they have done nothing but encourage alts, is beyond me (Dark vs Light anyone?!)


I have many alts and so do many of our guild members, conquest, as we knew it is now impossible, along with the fact there is no choice, just a pre-defined grind and work. A game is supposed to be fun, not work.


For some of our members that was all they enjoyed doing . . . hitting conquest through the various objectives on every toon they had, and now some of those players are discussing leaving the game. :( Yet another negative change that starts to break up communities. We already lost a lot of our guild members and friends due to the 5.0, and some were just returning to SWTOR. I hope they do not leave, but I would not blame them.


And on top of all of the negative changes the patch was launched with massive bugs, which made the situation even worse and more annoying. It seems like the code wasn't even tested . . . just wow.


I will "monitor the situation" but as of now, myself along with a large majority of those who I have heard from in our guild are done with this mess that is now called conquest. . . . .

Edited by NaiadL
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Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




This right here rules me out from ever participating in Conquests, even more so in two weeks when my sub expires.:mad:


What you have just said is i can't win conquest playing the things I LIKE TO PLAY. If i want to spam flashpoints on both the Imp and Pub sides Friday nigh and Saturday when i have time to fill my personal conquest goal i SHOULD be able to. I might have to throw in some planetary missions or heroics to cap, but i can do that while waiting for queue to pop.


So in short i as a player don't matter. Me playing what i like to play doesn't matter and isn't rewarded. And IF i do play what i want the only reward i get is credits that i can't use and have nothing to buy with them.


I WAS excited with the idea that Conquest was getting changes to allow more people to enjoy and be rewarded for playing the content they like to play. I see now that was a BIG FAT LIE. :mad:


Thanks Dev's for nothing. I MIGHT be back come winter IF the game is still here and IF you add any decent content worth playing that i might enjoy.

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Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




What possible reason was there for this? How stupid can the dev team get? Do you honestly think there is enough in this game to make having a single character doing anything worth playing? I would have thought the drastic decline in the player base with 4.0 and 5.0 would have made that point for you.

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Totally understood! As mentioned in the other thread, the Conquest revamp and its impact on alts is something we are aware of and monitoring for future changes. As soon as I know anything specific I will pass it on!




Eric, just like the fiasco that is GC, waiting for future changes" isn't something your player base is likely to do. We just play other games more and your less, until we stop playing yours at all. I'm not sure how the decision makers have missed that small fact over the last 3 years, but it's pretty obvious from where I'm sitting.

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Sorry PennyAnn, I did not mean to say you were a doomsayer. I just meant to say that I usually try to be positive, but I'm finding it extremely difficult.

I apologize if I have insulted you, that wasn't my intention in any way.


Not insulted at all. We're all good. <3

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Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




Have to agree with most of the others on this one. What is the point in having more than one character, if nothing you do on them gets you any CP after you've done them on another toon that day.

The weekly per legacy CP objectives are even more annoying. This week I did the Xenoanalyst on six toons, only got CP for the first one though... Why? I had to actually put the time and effort in on all toons so why don't all toons get the reward? Not like we're asking for free stuff here.

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I recently came back to the game from a long break. What I don't understand is how the developers can be making so major adjustments one week after initial release.


Small is now 200,000 (down from 460,000)

Medium is now 550,000 (down from 1,380,000)

Large is now 1,130,000 (down from 2,530,000)

That is over 50% adjustment.


The Personal Conquest target is now 15,000 (down from 20,000).

Not so big, still 25%.


This only tells me the developers has no clue how their changes will play out. They just launch it and maybe realize people don't want it, make major adjustments but clearly not enough.


The goals were not a problem for me, it was the fact that it couldn't be reached on several characters, and my main enjoyable activities didn't gain conquest points.


I played a daily average of 4 hours per day last week on one character. I totalled on 21600 conquest points. of which around 700 where awarded for a bug. I didn't really focus on the objectives but joined a few ops groups to make sure I got to 20k. Other than that I did heroics, flashpoints (mainly), some pvp and just enjoyed the game. Had I played conquest objectives I would not enjoy the game. PUG Ops often fails on last boss (using group finder). So please tell me, how can I reach the goal while doing activities which I actually enjoy, unless joining a guild which focuses on these and not enjoy the game.

I feel I am being told how to play the game, and I don't think that is what a game should be about.


There is no way I am going to play multiple characters (to reach the goal), as a casual player I simply do not have the time, nor the motivation to do it (the reward is ridiculous compared to the effort).

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All SWTOR servers are once again available. Thank you for your patience.




Congratulations on messing up again!

My guild invaded Iokath and met the initial threashold for medium yield planets. And what do I get? The small yield reward.

Wonderful job as always!

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Congratulations on messing up again!

My guild invaded Iokath and met the initial threashold for medium yield planets. And what do I get? The small yield reward.

Wonderful job as always!


I got the same rewards as well. but I got the small yield on toons I didn't cap this week. So I think what we got was the missing rewards from the prior week. perhaps with conquest reset we'll get last week's rewards

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I got the same rewards as well. but I got the small yield on toons I didn't cap this week. So I think what we got was the missing rewards from the prior week. perhaps with conquest reset we'll get last week's rewards


Let's hope so!

Don't get me wrong, I think this rewards are pretty s****y, but they're still ours to get. Then again, BW don't really care about it.

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