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Finally time to move over to B2P with optional sub? It has its perks, my thoughts.


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Listen people, this is not about crying about 15 dollars a month, that's a joke. This is about bringing more people to our game, getting more content to our game, and Bioware/Ea actually earning their monies worth. It's that simple.


1) Bringing more people to our game - More people now days, prefer a buy 2 play model, they want to pay for content once and have that content for as long as the game is still available. They especially don't want to pay an extra 15 dollars a month when there is hardly any new content, features, or sub rewards for over a year. Optional sub fee means more people will play the game, there should be no doubt about that. More people = more people buying dlc, spending money on the cartel market, and buying expansions or upgrades. Granted some people wont spend a single dime, they will still provide warm bodies for other paying customers to play with.


2) Getting more content to our game - There is hardly any content right now. Why? Because bioware has no need to put out new content if they are already getting steady income for producing hardly any content at all. Having a buy 2 play method will encourage Bioware to step up there game, because a lot of money they will make will come from selling new content that is not a part of the base game. I'm not talking just expansions, I'm talking new dungeons, new operations, new warzones, new cosmetics.. we can fund all of that if bioware is encouraged to make the content because they will generate good revenue. And with point number one I made, more players equals more money.


3)Bioware/Ea earning their pay - Be honest with yourself and each other. Yeah 15 bucks a month isn't that much, but it adds up, just the subscription up until this point if you never unsubbed would have costed you 1100 dollars and that isn't cartel market and expansions included. 15 bucks a month is reasonable for mmo's, but is it fair for this game? Are they putting out enough content to warrant that steady income flow? In my opinion they are not. Right now xbox game pass for 9.99 gets you unlimited access to hundreds of titles and even new games that are about to come out. EA access for 4.99 gives you unlimited access to tons of video games and new ones as they get added. World of Warcraft ask for a subscription fee but then their expansions are bigger than our entire game and they come out more frequently, also their patches are bigger than our whole expansions, they are constantly being invested in. Think of it like this, most of us have a netflix subscription. Say we watched everything we wanted to many times, but netflix never added any new tv shows, or movies.. would you keep that subscription? Netflix invest over a millions/billions into their content a year and are only asking people to pay 10.99 a month. Again, is it really fair to pay 15 dollars a month for this game in its current state? I don't know about ya'll but my answer is NO, heck NO! Make bioware earn their money from us, make people want to invest in your game and your cartel market first before you have your hands in their wallets puling out all their hard earned cash.

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I wouldn't mind adding far more features to the Cartel Market to promote the usage of it so that Bioware can earn the resources they need from cosmetic and unlocks, then perhaps the subscription fee could be phased out. But removing the subscription cost without a reasonable alternative income source?


Please, be realistic... there is a reason why none of the most popular MMO:s are following the model you describe.

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You argument falls flat by one subscriber. Me. $15 a month I can afford, any other scheme, I can't.

It's called fixed income. Something would have to give, and it'd be the game.


this isnt really a thing, all you gotta do is save that 15 bucks a month you would have been spending on swtor which is 180 bucks a year.. use that money you have saved for any expansion or cartel coins you want to purchase.. it will actually save you more money which in returns buys you more things in swtor and helps your real life budget. New content wont be coming out every month, you have plenty of time to save that 15 bucks a month and still play. Just seems like an excuse to me, why wouldn't you want to save money on a fixed income to begin with? say a expansion cost 47.99 a year, you would have saved over 130 dollars that year! Who wouldn't want that? No offense man, I feel for you.. I've been there before or even worse than there, no income at all. You'll be alright. Steady income and a roof over your head beats no income and living where ever you can find a bed for the night. Think of it this way, if bioware produces no content, you don't have to pay a dime ever, you can just keep the optional sub if you want it, or buy cartel coins.. its really a win win in your situation and most people's situations. You can budget it this way.. if you have a payee just tell them to allot you 180 bucks a year for entertainment, which is 15 bucks a month.

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I wouldn't mind adding far more features to the Cartel Market to promote the usage of it so that Bioware can earn the resources they need from cosmetic and unlocks, then perhaps the subscription fee could be phased out. But removing the subscription cost without a reasonable alternative income source?


Please, be realistic... there is a reason why none of the most popular MMO:s are following the model you describe.


Wrong, ESO one of the most popular mmo's right now is following this exact model, so is guild wars 2, both in the top 5 most popular mmo's. ESO was dying before they made the game b2p, it saved them, brought tons of people to the game, and brought lots more revenue to the game. Stop making stuff up. :D


Also you didn't seem to read my post.. I already provided an alternative income source.

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this isnt really a thing, all you gotta do is save that 15 bucks a month you would have been spending on swtor which is 180 bucks a year.. use that money you have saved for any expansion or cartel coins you want to purchase..


And while I'm twiddling away waiting for the money to accrue until I can play, you're playing.

At $15 a month, we'd both be playing.

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You are ignoring the non-content related and restricted content access perks that games provide.


I'm an avid ESO player, and anyone familiar with the game knows that the reason a lot of individuals, myself included, are plus members (i.e. subscribers) is for the crafting bag and inventory management more broadly.


In SWTOR, you are severely restricted not only to credit limitations, but end-game gear limitations, as well as limited to number of times you can perform certain content.


This topic has been done to death -- but I had to respond since you are blatantly misrepresenting the situation, particularly for ESO.



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And while I'm twiddling away waiting for the money to accrue until I can play, you're playing.

At $15 a month, we'd both be playing.


Come on man, you got at least 8 months at the earliest to longer than a 1 year+ before any expansion happens or in between expansions. plenty of time to save. They wont all of a sudden do this to you. At 15 bucks a month yeah maybe you are playing, but there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands more people that would be playing if it wasn't 15 bucks a month, you got to look at the bigger picture sometimes.

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You are ignoring the non-content related and restricted content access perks that games provide.


I'm an avid ESO player, and anyone familiar with the game knows that the reason a lot of individuals, myself included, are plus members (i.e. subscribers) is for the crafting bag and inventory management more broadly.


In SWTOR, you are severely restricted not only to credit limitations, but end-game gear limitations, as well as limited to number of times you can perform certain content.


This topic has been done to death -- but I had to respond since you are blatantly misrepresenting the situation, particularly for ESO.




This is exactly what this post would get rid of. What am i misrepresenting? Crafting bag is perk, you still get access to everything else if you choose not to sub. SWTOR optional sub could have perks to such as more xp, cartel coins, subscriber only monthly rewards, discount of cartel market and such.. its not hard to give people a reason to sub.

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Come on man, you got at least 8 months at the earliest to longer than a 1 year+ before any expansion happens or in between expansions. plenty of time to save. They wont all of a sudden do this to you. At 15 bucks a month yeah maybe you are playing, but there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands more people that would be playing if it wasn't 15 bucks a month, you got to look at the bigger picture sometimes.


Saving would mean stopping my subscription.

What part of fixed income don't you understand? Every dollar is accounted for. Every trip in the car is measured by the next tank of gas. Every item pulled off a grocery shelf subtracted from a budget. The money's not there. To save that money a month would mean to stop playing.

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Why do I think this is a backup account for DarthSealth?


Seems whenever he isn't around, due to a temp ban or whatever, this one carries on his arguments.


Look this game is never going B2P. You need to deal with it. I am thinking the majority of players , I am sorry, subscribers like it the way it is. So please do not try to bury your personal goals under the "it will bring in new players", or the ever popular broad statement, "the players want"....YOU want this, so at least own it.


I also find it quite dubious, that this username has all the same letters as DarthSealth as well.

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Why do I think this is a backup account for DarthSealth?


Seems whenever he isn't around, due to a temp ban or whatever, this one carries on his arguments.


Look this game is never going B2P. You need to deal with it. I am thinking the majority of players , I am sorry, subscribers like it the way it is. So please do not try to bury your personal goals under the "it will bring in new players", or the ever popular broad statement, "the players want"....YOU want this, so at least own it.


I also find it quite dubious, that this username has all the same letters as DarthSealth as well.


you wish dude, I was here well before you and him. Keep your tinfoil hat on brother, the truth is out there! (xfiles theme plays in the background). You don't know this game isn't going b2p do you work for bioware or are you a soothsayer? How are you the majority, funny how that works, just because you think your opinion is right and you're very vocal about it you think you are the majority. Many many people besides me want the same thing, doesn't mean I'm in the majority either. Likely outside of some swtor subscribers, hundreds of thousands more would likely want the same things as me.. What I said makes sense, nothing you just told me discredits that but I hope what you said makes you feel better. Like what is your argument against it? You don't add anything interesting to the discussion, like ever. Oh and dontforget.

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Saving would mean stopping my subscription.

What part of fixed income don't you understand? Every dollar is accounted for. Every trip in the car is measured by the next tank of gas. Every item pulled off a grocery shelf subtracted from a budget. The money's not there. To save that money a month would mean to stop playing.


Meh I dont buy it. It's easy to budget it, I already told you how.. if you don't know how to save money that seems like a personal problem. The money is there if you are subscribing right now and no you don't have to stop playing. B2P wont all of a sudden make you pay right after they do it, you'll have plenty of time save because once they announce it you won't have to pay a sub fee anymore, so just save that money. idk how its hard to understand, seems like a cop out.

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Meh I dont buy it. It's easy to budget it, I already told you how.. if you don't know how to save money that seems like a personal problem. The money is there if you are subscribing right now and no you don't have to stop playing. B2P wont all of a sudden make you pay right after they do it, you'll have plenty of time save because once they announce it you won't have to pay a sub fee anymore, so just save that money. idk how its hard to understand, seems like a cop out.


Retire. See what happens to your discretionary income.

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Retire. See what happens to your discretionary income.


Agreed. Also what if you’re a student, stay at home mum or have to stop working because of illness or injury.


People who aren’t working for what ever reason, probably play the game more than those that work.

I’m now semi retired and play 4-8 hours a day. I know others who are at home for other reasons who play just as many hours.

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Why do I think this is a backup account for DarthSealth?


Seems whenever he isn't around, due to a temp ban or whatever, this one carries on his arguments.


Look this game is never going B2P. You need to deal with it. I am thinking the majority of players , I am sorry, subscribers like it the way it is. So please do not try to bury your personal goals under the "it will bring in new players", or the ever popular broad statement, "the players want"....YOU want this, so at least own it.


I also find it quite dubious, that this username has all the same letters as DarthSealth as well.


If he's paying for two subs that would account for a lot of his angst.

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If he's paying for two subs that would account for a lot of his angst.


/facepalm... Why are we seeing this new thread when he could of just posted in his old one... I subscribe to two accounts but I don't use the second in the forums for personal opinion gain. You want to know what Red Forman would say from that 70's show?

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And while I'm twiddling away waiting for the money to accrue until I can play, you're playing.

At $15 a month, we'd both be playing.


At worst you'd be unable to play for 4 months and then you would be able to play indefinetely, and i don't even think b2p is a good idea for this game.

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At worst you'd be unable to play for 4 months and then you would be able to play indefinetely, and i don't even think b2p is a good idea for this game.


And why should anyone have to sit out the game? You're asking me to walk away for four months.

No thank you.

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And why should anyone have to sit out the game? You're asking me to walk away for four months.

No thank you.


B2P requires the company behind the product to invest on the front end to build an expansion WORTH paying for and risk whether their investment will be returned with the B2P players.


They drained staff and gave little dev monies to SWTOR for quite some time now. They've funded Andromeda, Battlefront, Battlefront2, and now Anthem and drained staff every time. I don't think EA would ever give SWTOR the funds to even try this model.

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Your logic is flawed, B2P isn't a magical formula that makes them invest in the game, if they were investing in the game it would be doing better, one of KOTXX many problems was the lack of pve daily content, making heroics daily again when it's convenient for BW, after people asked so many times not to make them weekly was bound to backfire.


You can get ESO for less than 15€ and GW2 for free, so B2P in itself isn't the solution, SWTOR already had the solution, in their case it was a CM that made a lot of money, they got greedy and ruined a good thing.

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Listen people, this is not about crying about 15 dollars a month, that's a joke. This is about bringing more people to our game, getting more content to our game, and Bioware/Ea actually earning their monies worth. It's that simple.


1) Bringing more people to our game - More people now days, prefer a buy 2 play model, they want to pay for content once and have that content for as long as the game is still available. They especially don't want to pay an extra 15 dollars a month when there is hardly any new content, features, or sub rewards for over a year. Optional sub fee means more people will play the game, there should be no doubt about that. More people = more people buying dlc, spending money on the cartel market, and buying expansions or upgrades. Granted some people wont spend a single dime, they will still provide warm bodies for other paying customers to play with.


2) Getting more content to our game - There is hardly any content right now. Why? Because bioware has no need to put out new content if they are already getting steady income for producing hardly any content at all. Having a buy 2 play method will encourage Bioware to step up there game, because a lot of money they will make will come from selling new content that is not a part of the base game. I'm not talking just expansions, I'm talking new dungeons, new operations, new warzones, new cosmetics.. we can fund all of that if bioware is encouraged to make the content because they will generate good revenue. And with point number one I made, more players equals more money.


3)Bioware/Ea earning their pay - Be honest with yourself and each other. Yeah 15 bucks a month isn't that much, but it adds up, just the subscription up until this point if you never unsubbed would have costed you 1100 dollars and that isn't cartel market and expansions included. 15 bucks a month is reasonable for mmo's, but is it fair for this game? Are they putting out enough content to warrant that steady income flow? In my opinion they are not. Right now xbox game pass for 9.99 gets you unlimited access to hundreds of titles and even new games that are about to come out. EA access for 4.99 gives you unlimited access to tons of video games and new ones as they get added. World of Warcraft ask for a subscription fee but then their expansions are bigger than our entire game and they come out more frequently, also their patches are bigger than our whole expansions, they are constantly being invested in. Think of it like this, most of us have a netflix subscription. Say we watched everything we wanted to many times, but netflix never added any new tv shows, or movies.. would you keep that subscription? Netflix invest over a millions/billions into their content a year and are only asking people to pay 10.99 a month. Again, is it really fair to pay 15 dollars a month for this game in its current state? I don't know about ya'll but my answer is NO, heck NO! Make bioware earn their money from us, make people want to invest in your game and your cartel market first before you have your hands in their wallets puling out all their hard earned cash.


B2P is nice, but is it viable to this game? The only way it could be viable is if they could make the cartel market profitable. I just mean it would have to be more profitable that it is now. People who bought the game when it came out and people who have subbed to the game would automatically be put into this category.


GW2 is a B2P game, but they have a free option that is limiting, but still playable.

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B2P is nice, but is it viable to this game? The only way it could be viable is if they could make the cartel market profitable. I just mean it would have to be more profitable that it is now. People who bought the game when it came out and people who have subbed to the game would automatically be put into this category.


GW2 is a B2P game, but they have a free option that is limiting, but still playable.


It's hardly limiting (especially compared to swtor), you can do every a subscriber can, only thing you really miss out on is a special crafting bag.

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