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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes Coming in 5.8


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Hey folks,


In Game Update 5.8, we’re giving the Conquest system a pretty big overhaul. This thread is meant to talk through all of the changes that are coming and to answer any follow-up questions that you have! For starters, we wanted to resolve the reward delivery issues we have had in the past. While the team was in there, they decided to give the system a touch up.


The user interface (UI) is the first place you will notice changes, as the entire Conquest UI has been reworked. You will notice that the top bar has been updated to separate your Solo and Guild Conquests from each other. The solo tab will clearly list the current Conquest Objectives and your progress towards your personal goal. The Guild tab (called Guild Invasions) will show the planetary leaderboards and Guild rewards along with two new things. A section which shows a contribution leaderboard within your Guild and a button ‘Current Conquerors’ which is a list of what planets are being conquered by what Guild.


There are a number of changes coming to Conquest objectives:

  • Completing objectives will now award credits, experience points, and Command Experience in addition to their Conquest points.
  • Conquest point values for all objectives have been rebalanced across the board.
  • In addition to one-time and repeatable, there are now also daily objectives. Some current objectives will change type with 5.8.
  • The Invasion bonus for Conquest objectives has been removed.
  • The Stronghold bonus still applies but has been changed. Each owned Stronghold counts for a 25% bonus, up to a max of 150%. Sorry to all you “Stronghold full of chairs” owners out there.
  • Weekly Conquests are no longer on a set schedule and will be randomly selected each week. The exception to this rule is that Conquests that coincide with recurring events will still be on a set schedule (such as the Gree event).


On the Guild Conquest front, we have gone even further on changes. We have untied the Guild rewards from the Conquest leaderboards, with the exception of the Guild in first place as they will still receive the Conqueror title and planetary bonuses. A big change is that now every planet falls into one of three designated Invasion Targets. These targets differ by the minimum Conquest Points thresholds that we call “Planetary Yields.” These thresholds determine the minimum points a Guild has to earn to receive those Conquests rewards. The higher the yield the harder it is for the Guild to receive the reward, but also means a better reward.


We made this change to encourage more leaderboard competition among similarly sized Guilds, smaller Guilds going after smaller Yields, etc. Note that this is not a restriction, just a recommendation. If a larger Guild wants to go for lesser rewards in a smaller yield, they can, and the same is true of a smaller Guild trying to go for the highest yield.


This is an overview of the Conquest changes you can expect to see in Game Update 5.8! Let us know your thoughts and any questions you may have.



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The Stronghold bonus still applies but has been changed. Each owned Stronghold counts for a 25% bonus, up to a max of 150%. Sorry to all you “Stronghold full of chairs” owners out there.


For this I thank you! Now people will stop filling strongholds just with chairs to get the conquest bonus. Again thank you.

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[*]The Stronghold bonus still applies but has been changed. Each owned Stronghold counts for a 25% bonus, up to a max of 150%. Sorry to all you “Stronghold full of chairs” owners out there.


Lol! :p:D

Thanks for these updates, it was really necessary, especially the stronghold one! :)

Edited by Eshvara
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[*]The Stronghold bonus still applies but has been changed. Each owned Stronghold counts for a 25% bonus, up to a max of 150%. Sorry to all you “Stronghold full of chairs” owners out there.


Yay! finally... Thank you for that. Now that Conquest is out of the picture, can we please look again at the hook limit? Would be great to be able to place more decorations in our strongholds, especially on Nar Shaddaa and the capital planets.

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For this I thank you! Now people will stop filling strongholds just with chairs to get the conquest bonus. Again thank you.


This is how I read this as well and thank you, thank you, thank you. So just to make sure Eric/Keith/et all, this means if I have 6 empty strongholds I still get the 150%? So I can finally start decorating and taking my time?

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On the Guild Conquest front, we have gone even further on changes. We have untied the Guild rewards from the Conquest leaderboards, with the exception of the Guild in first place as they will still receive the Conqueror title and planetary bonuses. A big change is that now every planet falls into one of three designated Invasion Targets. These targets differ by the minimum Conquest Points thresholds that we call “Planetary Yields.” These thresholds determine the minimum points a Guild has to earn to receive those Conquests rewards. The higher the yield the harder it is for the Guild to receive the reward, but also means a better reward.


We made this change to encourage more leaderboard competition among similarly sized Guilds, smaller Guilds going after smaller Yields, etc. Note that this is not a restriction, just a recommendation. If a larger Guild wants to go for lesser rewards in a smaller yield, they can, and the same is true of a smaller Guild trying to go for the highest yield.


I am a little confused by exactly what this change will mean.


Will it basically be that each planet will be good for a certain size guild?


If that is the case, I am curious why it is completely optional.

Like I agree that a guild should be able to say "I'm tiny but strong" and compete against bigger guilds, but if bigger guilds can do less for the same reward it is just going to be abused.

I am curious how this will be addressed?

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  • [*]In addition to one-time and repeatable, there are now also daily objectives. Some current objectives will change type with 5.8.[/color]

Do these HAVE to be done every day, or are the more along the lines.. If I have time to log in that day I can do them and get some credit towards my overall total?

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does that mean anyone not in the top ten can get flagship encryptions for completing the conquest points or is that still only for top 10


Anyone can get them now.



This is how I read this as well and thank you, thank you, thank you. So just to make sure Eric/Keith/et all, this means if I have 6 empty strongholds I still get the 150%? So I can finally start decorating and taking my time?


Six empty Strongholds does mean 150% bonus, yes.



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Six empty Strongholds does mean 150% bonus, yes.




Do you just need to own the stronghold to get the bonus or do you still need to unlock it all? Because if that's not necessary and you guys are going to award the full bonus to people that have just bought the strongholds and didn't actually unlock them, then you're giving a really big finger to those of us that spent millions of credits to buy and unlock everything.

Edited by aryss
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I am a little confused by exactly what this change will mean.


Will it basically be that each planet will be good for a certain size guild?


If that is the case, I am curious why it is completely optional.

Like I agree that a guild should be able to say "I'm tiny but strong" and compete against bigger guilds, but if bigger guilds can do less for the same reward it is just going to be abused.

I am curious how this will be addressed?


Let me try to let it out with an example and see if I can make more sense of it. Let's say a Conquest has 3 planets that you can invade...


Planet 1

Low point requirement to complete

Low reward for completing that conquest


Planet 2

Medium point requirement to complete

Medium reward for completing that conquest


Planet 3

High point requirement to complete

High reward for completing that conquest


If you look at planet 1, since there is a lower point requirement to complete the Conquest, it is loosely targeted at smaller guilds. However, since it is easier to complete, it means less rewards. If a large Guild still wanted to go for it, they still can. It will obviously be easier for them with larger player contribution, but they would be sacrificing conquest rewards to do so (since planet 2 and 3 would reward more).


TLDR - Small planets mean small rewards, big planets mean big rewards.

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I am a little confused by exactly what this change will mean.


Will it basically be that each planet will be good for a certain size guild?


If that is the case, I am curious why it is completely optional.

Like I agree that a guild should be able to say "I'm tiny but strong" and compete against bigger guilds, but if bigger guilds can do less for the same reward it is just going to be abused.

I am curious how this will be addressed?

It sounds like it's not the same reward -- Eric said the higher yield planets will provide better rewards. The big guilds will have an incentive to go after them instead of the "smaller" targets, but will have the option to go for a lower-effort / lower-reward approach if they choose.


How well this works out in practice will probably depend in great part on how well they balance the relative rewards.

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Let me try to let it out with an example and see if I can make more sense of it. Let's say a Conquest has 3 planets that you can invade...


Planet 1

Low point requirement to complete

Low reward for completing that conquest


Planet 2

Medium point requirement to complete

Medium reward for completing that conquest


Planet 3

High point requirement to complete

High reward for completing that conquest


If you look at planet 1, since there is a lower point requirement to complete the Conquest, it is loosely targeted at smaller guilds. However, since it is easier to complete, it means less rewards. If a large Guild still wanted to go for it, they still can. It will obviously be easier for them with larger player contribution, but they would be sacrificing conquest rewards to do so (since planet 2 and 3 would reward more).


TLDR - Small planets mean small rewards, big planets mean big rewards.


That makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.


I do still worry that this will just make the big guild domination easier in some ways. Will have to see after it launches though.


I am curious if you had thought of a system to restrict the 'easier' planets.

Maybe the more you win you go up a system that will at some point block you from certain planets. But you will also go down in time if you loose/don't do it, just in case your guild drops heavily in players.


Either way, great work and I am looking forward to the changes.

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Some of these changes are very welcome. But as GM and senior officer in 2 large guilds that focus on conquest and win planets most week on Darth Malgus, I'm most interested in any changes that will affect the running of GF last boss kills and crafting conquest weeks. Both activities are the mainstay of conquest guilds. Neither of them have been talked about in the changes. I'd be grateful if you could clarify if they will be affected at all. Thanks.


Aintiarna --- <Wardens of the Republic> --- <Untempered Dread>

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As a member of a large conquest guild, I would like to know if there will be a limitation that will prevent several guilds from collaborating by running thousands of characters through one of their guilds during the week. I would like to see conquest points only apply to the guild a character is a member of at the beginning of the week. If they leave, they should not be able to spread points to other guilds in an alliance. This is a big issue on Satele Shan.
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Have you remove the gold panel that states who did or did not conquer a location?


Can conquest weeks repeat, so Balance Of Power followed by Balance Of Power?


Is the randomness even? So Rishi & Yavin have equal chance as other weeks? Does that include Iokath solo week?


Are there any new conquest weeks?


How has the point rebalance affected "crafting weeks"?


Will the new daily objectives be known in advance? So with the Tuesday reset can I see a list of what is coming up for Fri/Sat?


I love the "contribution leaderboard" section. I have been doing the scoring for my guild manually for the last few years and it takes ages each week. This makes it so much easier. Will it be by legacy? I normally total up all the points for every character based on legacy. How many will it show in the list? I currently do everyone who scored over 100k across their legacy.


I feel the change about having a tier system will harm smaller guilds as I know others do like mine and go with a mostly rotation based schedule so some weeks we will go for low tier planets. I mean the higher tier rewards would have to be pretty decent if we're going to re-invade a planet we already conquered in the same month (thanks to the new randomness). I think this was a nice idea, it definitely feels like a step in the right direction somehow but I just don't think it solves the issue.

Edited by UlaVii
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[*]Weekly Conquests are no longer on a set schedule and will be randomly selected each week. The exception to this rule is that Conquests that coincide with recurring events will still be on a set schedule (such as the Gree event).


One of the reasons folks asked for a schedule was so they could plan which planet to target which week. Looks like this is mostly out the window now. I'm having a hard time seeing how a random week is going to help anyone who prefers to make a plan of attack?

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Hi Eric,

While I welcome some changes I think the 150% bonus just for having 6 SH's doesn't take into account those of us with 6 strongholds "filled with chairs" spent a minimum of 50-70 million unlocking said strongholds... Why should someone who bought a stronghold & spent nothing unlocking it get the same bonus..??

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Hi Eric,

While I welcome some changes I think the 150% bonus just for having 6 SH's doesn't take into account those of us with 6 strongholds "filled with chairs" spent a minimum of 50-70 million unlocking said strongholds... Why should someone who bought a stronghold & spent nothing unlocking it get the same bonus..??


This! Totally. I care not for the hundreds of chairs, junker lights etc that were put down to fill them up. But when a stronghold costs upwards of 10 million to completely unlock, then they should only get credit for having the stronghold COMPLETELY unlocked, all rooms and areas.

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Yay! finally... Thank you for that. Now that Conquest is out of the picture, can we please look again at the hook limit? Would be great to be able to place more decorations in our strongholds, especially on Nar Shaddaa and the capital planets.


YES Please.

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Six empty Strongholds does mean 150% bonus, yes.



As others have questioned this; Does this mean players will need to buy (own) and then fully unlock the stronghold to receive the 25% bonus, or will they receive the 25% bonus by simply owning the stronghold and not unlocking it?



Edited by Ibokagain
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Also, in regards to the Conquest weeks that are tied to weekly events. I have to wonder WHY these events are tied to certain conquest weeks since there seems to be little connection between the events activities and conquest points. For instance, During "Death Mark" which coincides with Bounty Week, there are no conquest objectives for actually doing bounties. Gree week only has the objective for Exogenesis. And Rakghoul week has no objectives for doing anything in the Rakghoul tunnels. So with these on a recurring schedule we seem to get these way too often and frankly many of my guild members are tired of running Alderaan and Nar Shaddaa heroics. We haven't had Hoth heroics in months.


You should disconnect the events from conquest, or make the event objectives a big part of the conquest objectives.

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