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Keith : Reps switching to Imps because of slow pops.


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I used to play pub side alot, then switched to imp because I would get more warzone pops. I would have no problem with cross faction pvp because having to play during specific times of the day was why I transfered off of a dead server to Harb. I do not role play warzone pvp, red is red.


Exactly this ^^

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I have to disagree, I get consistent warzone pops, whenever i que even into the late night 12 am cst up until 2am even. Althought impside is more heavy on the people, there is always warzone pops happening.


If I’m correct, you play on Darth Malgus? I’m talking about Star Forge.


And yes, if you play Imps you will get a plethora of pops.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The forums/this thread is not a very good representation of what really goes on, so when you say people in thread are saying they have, it doesn't hold much integrity. With that being said, i'm disagreeing that pops are not slow, so people should not switch sides, because of that issue alone.


So your answer to reps not getting pops is to switch to Imps:rolleyes:

Therefore, there are no more rep pvpers in the queue. Makes rep pvp pops worse

All matches then become Imp v Imp. Which blows the whole argument out of the water of people needing Imp v rep pvp.

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Also - Can we all just play the game and stop thinking that the devs read the PvP section? Over the course of 6 years, they have proved that they do not.


I did start it in the gen section in the hope they would see it. But as soon as mods gets a whiff of pvp in the thread, they move it to here. I’ve tried being obscure in the past so they won’t move it, but people don’t know why the heck you’re trying to say.

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A month or two ago the OP made a thread about how terrible imps were and how pubs were so much better


And guess what, now it’s the other way because all the good reps want to pvp and not wait for pops. So theyve all jumped to Imps.



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I've noticed no different in pop times on either side. Do you play outside prime time or something?


Can someone please tell me when prime time is supposed to be on SF. Because it changes every time I ask someone different as prime time always seems to be when they play and not when I do.


Imps pop so much faster than reps. For every rep pop, there are about 5-20 Imp pops (depending on time)


I’ll use EST instead of AEST so there is no misconception of when I play on SF

Over the weekend and until today, Ive played -

Between 5pm and 9am, but mostly between 6pm and 11pm.

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I've been queuing all evening. Pops are just as quick as imp side.


I’m not saying it’s not popping for you, but when you say all evening, what EST are you referring to and how many hours?

It’s not just me seeing a decline here, there are plenty of others. So it’s likely you are queueing at different times to us.

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I queue between 5PM and 9PM EST weekdays and weekends and while both sides get decent pops Rep side has been reliably faster for me lately. On my Imp characters it's not uncommon for me to sit in queue for at least 15 minutes before I get a pop. On my Rep characters it's almost always less than 10 minutes. Of course sometimes I get really quick pops on both sides but on average I've definitely been getting faster pops on Rep.


Although this is when I queue solo, sometimes I queue with other people on Imp side and for whatever reason that always seems to pop fast. Do you usually queue as a group or something?

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I queue between 5PM and 9PM EST weekdays and weekends and while both sides get decent pops Rep side has been reliably faster for me lately. On my Imp characters it's not uncommon for me to sit in queue for at least 15 minutes before I get a pop. On my Rep characters it's almost always less than 10 minutes. Of course sometimes I get really quick pops on both sides but on average I've definitely been getting faster pops on Rep.


Although this is when I queue solo, sometimes I queue with other people on Imp side and for whatever reason that always seems to pop fast. Do you usually queue as a group or something?


What server and pvp bracket?


Trying to play around my work load (so it’s in prime time) and some of the weird hours I some times play, means I’m not really out to make new friends since all my friends have left the game.

I’ve tried doing random groups, but I feel bad when I have to go mid match because I have a work call or can’t requeue straight away. People obviously get frustrated, so I just try to queue solo these days.

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What server and pvp bracket?


Trying to play around my work load (so it’s in prime time) and some of the weird hours I some times play, means I’m not really out to make new friends since all my friends have left the game.

I’ve tried doing random groups, but I feel bad when I have to go mid match because I have a work call or can’t requeue straight away. People obviously get frustrated, so I just try to queue solo these days.


Star Forge unranked max level. I just did some games on my Rep char and every pop came in less than 5 minutes.

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This is one of the many downsides of the rigid, two-faction WoW system designed to intentionally alienate players.


Considering the current canon now focuses on an Alliance which is literally built around the idea of Republic and Imperials learning to work together, maybe it's time to accept that it is not impossible that members of the Republic and Empire might, you know, want to work together.

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This is one of the many downsides of the rigid, two-faction WoW system designed to intentionally alienate players.


Considering the current canon now focuses on an Alliance which is literally built around the idea of Republic and Imperials learning to work together, maybe it's time to accept that it is not impossible that members of the Republic and Empire might, you know, want to work together.


I generally lurk, but just a thought if they could do an alliance fleet where cross faction groups would be possible. I highly doubt they would ever do but it would interesting to say the least.

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Oh no regs are taking too long to pop please move this to the top of your priority list Keith it’s extremey important thanks!


I would most likely have him do that than most of the other things in his task list. Do they really -have- to get us another cartel pack this montth?

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