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Everything posted by SlimeyDoom

  1. maybe you could uninstall because you can't progress
  2. These changes make me so happy! Especially the ones removing solo ranked from the game, this is a step in the right direction. As a side note, can all flairs be removed from characters too? Maybe make them into stronghold decorations, like you did for flags. Much love xxx, Excindus
  3. why are you complaining?? just enjoy the peace like the rest of us
  4. Almost every team ranked team in the history of this game has avoided tank tunnelling out of courtesy. This combines two things Caecus has little experience with, team ranked AND courtesy, so we can't fault him not understanding the concept. Also what is this absolute nonsense? Say what you want about solow, he's one of the best dps/healer players left in NA at this point. Unfortunately, he has yet to master the power of mind control. He can't stop people from saying bigoted things, nor can he stop others from throwing solo ranked matches. To blame him for these things unless he does them himself is quite ridiculous.
  5. Sorc healer is unplayable in group ranked at the moment because it's so weak compared to merc and operative. Hopefully the dev team sees that the raw hps output of sorc is too low right now and raise it.
  6. They just gutted the gathering storm setbonus in these changes, I really don't see why lightning is as issue right now when AP powertech is literally so broken.
  7. I'm just so confused why someone would post on this thread if they DONT EVEN PLAY ON THE SERVER. Like what was the point of this?
  8. I'm so glad so many cheaters were targeted and punished. Excellent work
  9. Preach that gospel b. Don't let the haters stop you!
  10. No no I don’t think mercs need to be nerfed at all, it’s nice that they’re finally top tier in pvp. I just want the other healing classes to be brought up to that level. Sorc is so far behind that it’s just kind of depressing. No heal class needs nerfs right now.
  11. Operatives were the meta healer 5.x after those hefty sorc nerfs. Nearly everyone played pressure and Operative had a much better matchup into that then post nerf sorc did. Sorc was playable but you were just gimping your team against pressure comps.
  12. Someone did the math based on 1gb of combat logs, and apparently sorc abilities heal for over 30% less relative in 6.0 compared to 5.9. How did this not get noticed earlier? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/619219465757917214/645397529072107551/Seer_healing_5.9_6.0_comparison.txt
  13. Madness has decent damage, but it’s too squishy to be playable against good players. Lightning does just as much, if not more, cleave damage and is much tankier. There’s just no real advantage to running madness.
  14. Pt tank is the best for doing cleave damage, so cleave teams would probably run Pt even though it’s the squishiest tank. Once the ED tactical comes out I think jugg will be the best tank as it already has very good damage and that tactical will give it excellent sustain as well. Sin tanks are somewhat of a rarity.
  15. A few notes from a long time group ranked healer main: A) Sorceror and Operative healers are both substandard this expansion. Sorcs just don’t heal enough, and operatives have always struggled with being the squishiest healer. This expansion has severely aggravated this issue, and triple tunnel healer strats against an op healer will completely demolish them. Merc heals are the strongest healer right now, as they’re not far behind operatives in hps but are much more durable. B) Tanks are still important in group ranked. Prior to this recent nerf to the pt setbonus for explosive fuel, Pt tanks were capable of easily pulling over 10k dps while also outputting trauma. The nerfs have definitely hurt pt tank, but tanks are still very valuable. You have to know when to drop guard and kite out of aoes in this meta, and that’s why we are so many tank players contributing nothing to their team. A good tank, however, is invaluable. None of the better teams would run serious matches without a tank. C) Certain classes are very very strong right now. Most of the better teams on SF run at least one or more of the following specs: Lightning Sorc, Concealment Operative, Pyrotech PT, or AP PT. Other dps classes can certainly work, but these are the ones that are most prevalent in the matches going on this season. I would really like sorcs and ops to be buffed so there’s more than one viable healer pick. Also as a side note, you came up with a conclusion as to the whole group ranked meta after 2-3 hours of playing it? You realize that that’s not a very big sample size right?
  16. I am not the OP. Please stop equating my claims with the OP's weird tendency to change what he's arguing about constantly. I, along with several other people, have said that deception has too much burst damage. We aren't talking about stun locks or openers or anything. Nor have we altered the conclusion that deception has too much burst damage. I get that the OP has a weird way of arguing, but that doesn't automatically invalidate every single person who disagrees with you.
  17. You may have offered your take on how to react to the sin opener, but that does not really address what the majority of people in this thread are saying (which is that sin damage is too high, particularly in the opener). This is still a textbook logical fallacy, independent of what your previous post was. Rather than countering the argument that sins do a lot of damage, you go and say "What about snipers? They're even stronger!" So yes, whataboutism. It's a shame because usually I appreciate the time and effort you put in to improve the community by putting out high quality guides on things like focus targeting, class gearing, etc. We just disagree on this I guess.
  18. Let’s get one thing clear. People who are defending Assassin right now are being ridiculous. It’s true assassins have very little defensive capability, but that doesn’t mean they should be hitting insanely hard. What it means is that some of their defensive toolkit needs to be buffed and reworked, and that damage should be kept at a reasonable level. Also, I love how when confronted about assassins krea is like “what about snipers omg so op!!!1!!!” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism
  19. SlimeyDoom


    This is what it looks like when someone who does not queue either group or solo ranked tries to share their “knowledge” of how elo works in this game.
  20. I guess they needed some kind of compensation considering marauders stealth just as much as sins do now
  21. I’m pretty sure this is happening because of the weird “extra bolster for higher item rating” buff called Veterans Edge or something like that. It’s annoying but luckily my dps normally scream loudly when they fall below 90% so I do have a failsafe built in Edit: OP mentions veterans edge lmao nvm
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