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Winter/Spring 2018 Roadmap Update


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Could you release Eternal Vault and Karagga Palace in Nightmare mode for an upcoming event or for this summer ?


I second it. Those of us who've started raiding in 4.0 still deserve to be known as "the Unyielding" and "Eternal Warrior"

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Disappointed that you appear to be breaking the economy again by offering ways of acquiring a fast way of powering up companions to 50. Gifts are already available to purchase with credits from vendor and gtn along with drops from cxp. Making things quick and easy to do just makes the whole game a cake walk.


Can you remind me of the quality of life improvements in 2017 because the only one that I can recall offhand that was useful to me was Legacy Credit Bank....and that was far outweighed by the fact that sending multiple items to other toons through mail is still broken badly for over 12 months? I don't consider the new group finder an improvement - if anything its put me off queueing for flashpoints because I get distracted away by the solo content that is now vying for my attention.


I thought last years new flashpoint was pitiful and its nothing to slap yourselves on the back out.


I'd like to see new class story and missions - even if they bring us back to planets we have been on before. Very tired of having multiple alts taht all now feel like the same class.


Any chance of a quick event or two along the line of the very first event on Tatooine or the first Gree one on Nar Shaddah that would be time limited and fun....something to make the space we play in feel alive and in the moment.....as it is at present I feel like I could easily unsub for 6 months and I'd be able to just pick up again without missing a thing (I'm not a Master Mode OPs player).


Glad you are still alive and doing something in the game Keith. I'd be happier if you were able to put our worries to rest about Anthem taking all resources away from this game and give some assurances about the longevity that is envisioned by EA/Bioware to their loyal fanbase but I may be naive in my hopes.


Can I just ask for new reasons to do the current events?.....why do the gree / bounty / rakghoul events year in year out when there are no new shinies?

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Are you kidding me....Look at his post...notice the last part of it... how the content for 2018 will be like 2017, so no - no new expansion. Sorry...i am gonna laugh at those who were dead certain there will be, I had my doubts, and now I see I was correct. Not that this makes me happy in any way.

Eric, what happened to the annoucement before KOTET that "players like their story chapter in big bundles instead of monthly ones"? Are you guy seriously making the story for a whole year in 2 FP's? So around 5 minutes?


they are laying out the plans for a 6.0. At this early stage, they should know if it's going to be an expansion or just a normal update

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I sure wonder *** is from ground on wrong with people who are wishing for being the stupid, superficial, uneducated and any decency and moral lacking courtesan of a major criminal and mass murderer.


"space Eva Braun". - ***, people are sick... aren't they?!


I just wanted to be edgy like those saying Arcann was space Hitler, I guess I'm not edgy enough.:confused: Oh lord!!

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From your lips to EA's CORPORATE ears ..... sigh




Yes EA cannot afford anymore bad PR on how poorly they have handled their Star Wars games or Disney will take their precious Star Wars licence from them.


That means that EA cannot say no to any reasonable requests from BioWare for a ton more devs to get this AAA Star Wars mmo running at full speed.


If they do say no, it's more bad PR and mostly likely good-bye to their Star Wars licence for good.

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Yup! 5.9 actually has some Utility changes for various classes and some changes planned to address "skank tanks" in PvP. We will share details on that closer to 5.8 going out the door.




Is there any chance that the class changes will include some love for Sorc/Consular healers? I have one of each and I can tell you that they have been nerfed to a point where they are almost useless. I run out of force so fast that I am forced to just run around and try to stay alive in boss and operations fights... Please consider increasing the force regeneration rate so we can at least be somewhat useful in a fight.





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Disappointed that you appear to be breaking the economy again by offering ways of acquiring a fast way of powering up companions to 50. Gifts are already available to purchase with credits from vendor and gtn along with drops from cxp. Making things quick and easy to do just makes the whole game a cake walk.


Can you remind me of the quality of life improvements in 2017 because the only one that I can recall offhand that was useful to me was Legacy Credit Bank....and that was far outweighed by the fact that sending multiple items to other toons through mail is still broken badly for over 12 months? I don't consider the new group finder an improvement - if anything its put me off queueing for flashpoints because I get distracted away by the solo content that is now vying for my attention.


I thought last years new flashpoint was pitiful and its nothing to slap yourselves on the back out.


I'd like to see new class story and missions - even if they bring us back to planets we have been on before. Very tired of having multiple alts taht all now feel like the same class.


Any chance of a quick event or two along the line of the very first event on Tatooine or the first Gree one on Nar Shaddah that would be time limited and fun....something to make the space we play in feel alive and in the moment.....as it is at present I feel like I could easily unsub for 6 months and I'd be able to just pick up again without missing a thing (I'm not a Master Mode OPs player).


Glad you are still alive and doing something in the game Keith. I'd be happier if you were able to put our worries to rest about Anthem taking all resources away from this game and give some assurances about the longevity that is envisioned by EA/Bioware to their loyal fanbase but I may be naive in my hopes.


Can I just ask for new reasons to do the current events?.....why do the gree / bounty / rakghoul events year in year out when there are no new shinies?


You are being unreasonable.

Quality of Life improvements: Gaining influence on companions while sending them out for crafting missions, higher speed on vehicle, legacy unassembled components, able to mount while moving.

Also I consider the new activity window a big improvement. Notice how nobody is complaing about it? That is the sign that most like it or are at least ok with it. Also that bug about sending multiple things I really don't know what you are talking about.

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I changed your list to a numbered one for clarity in answers:

  1. I mentioned this in another post on planned class changes, here.
  2. This is on our radar as a quality of life change for PvP. It is a fairly large undertaking though and not currently in our plans. The interest is noted though.
  3. Same as #2.
  4. Wintrading is a constant thing we monitor and action. Backfilling has particularly popped up on our radar lately and we are digging deep to find and action those players.



Thanks for your response, Eric. :)


1. A lot of players seem to misuse this term—to clarify, by "skank tanks", do you mean a) players in DPS disciplines using Guard or b) players in tanking disciplines gearing for maximum DPS?


Either way, I really think this is a nonissue that a number of forum users have fixated on. Tanks are, for the most part, balanced. The problem is getting queued against a bunch of tanks and/or healers. Which is why addressing issue #2 (lack of matchmaking based on role) is vital.


I'm looking forward to hearing more about these utility changes, though!


2. This functionality has been baked into the PvE group finder for years. Can you explain why it's such a big undertaking?


3. Some warzones already have cross-faction queueing so, again, why would this be a challenge?


4. I'm glad to hear it - thank you. I realise it's an arms race and that you can't comment on specific cases but from season to season, I keep seeing the same offenders. I hope you guys can get the resources you need to deal with the problem.

Edited by rambolnet
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It's just that the people that always seem to be around, subscribed and posting on the forums, don't exactly seem to be happy with the small updates. They complain how short it is, and whatever is included is generally lackluster.

Last time during Kotet, they said people are into "bingeing" I wonder what changed with that mindset, because I see more unhappy people all around rather than happy.


The forums are not an indicative portion of the player base; never have been in any game I've played, never will be. Forum attitudes ought to be weighed, but not too heavily.


This post did not surprise me - we've been living in an age of limited resources for a while now. As much as I want a bigger, better, faster, more, content release, I wasn't expecting more. If you want to say it's in maintenance mode now, I won't stop you. (I wouldn't say that, but I have a stricter definition of maintenance mode that some). The content release cadence is fast enough to suit me, particularly as I still have content backlog going back to the original release to consume (2 more class stories, and some variations on KotFE/KotET that I haven't explored), plus the various grinds I'm still not burnt out on. Yay for being a filthy casual?

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I NEED an answer on Story.

If you are going to continue to release "story" its not even worthy of the title in FP's then that is going to be a problem.


When is the next real story coming.



I guess we'll find out soon, in the next few months. But I don't think we can expect story like we used to as they basically said, the way things are now is better for us.

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The forums are not an indicative portion of the player base; never have been in any game I've played, never will be. Forum attitudes ought to be weighed, but not too heavily.


Well yeah, that goes without saying. But looking at the forums + the state of the game and the population decline, it ought to say something.


Sorry for double post*

Edited by Eshvara
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Idea for lockouts in gods so you can kind extend lockouts (since this format of a boss every 3 months is annoying for progression). Make it so can don't have to clear other bosses to click the elevator thingy, but you need the cheevo of the one before.
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Agreed, the next LI should definitely be a female!


So these 3 don't count?


Ashara Zavros will return to the Sith Inquisitor’s side. How will things go with her former master?


• Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo, who’ve been working together during the players’ absence.

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So these 3 don't count?


Ashara Zavros will return to the Sith Inquisitor’s side. How will things go with her former master?


• Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo, who’ve been working together during the players’ absence.


Of course they do, but for men only. We have plenty of Lesbian or Bisexual women over here who want more than Lana.

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PS. Don't make the assumption that Arcann, aka Space Hitler is everyone's favorite villain or hope for a love interest. He most certainly isn't mine, so I don't appreciate the generalization.




But what do I expect from them. They have blinders on for some companions. They assumed everyone hated Koth so for the most part until after Umbarra he didn't exist if you romanced him because they think everyone agrees with them.


Now with Arcann they believe everyone likes him. I don't. This actually has made me decide from now on Arcann will die on every character I have just because they have decided he is everyone's favorite. I am sick and tired of being told who the favorite character is and how everyone likes Arcann or everyone hates Koth.

Edited by casirabit
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Yup! 5.9 actually has some Utility changes for various classes and some changes planned to address "skank tanks" in PvP. We will share details on that closer to 5.8 going out the door.



Nooooooooo! I created a "skank tank" because I was sick of being on the other side of them (and constantly dead). Skank tank is the only enjoyable thing in the modern game (class quests are still good but I've done almost every conceivable permutation)! Leave skank tanks alone. I had no idea what fun I was missing out on until I made one.

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I NEED an answer on Story.

If you are going to continue to release "story" its not even worthy of the title in FP's then that is going to be a problem.


When is the next real story coming.


Well, if you don't count the "sometime in April" update (which probably is a FP), then the answer is nobody knows.

Edited by Gelious
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Sounds like your expectations are not matching with the great content swtor does provide.

Great Content are you joking? Or just High?!

1. New Story that is boring as Hell; that they are milking dry.

2. One reskinned Warzones

3. 2 lackluster Strongholds

4. 1 Bad Starfighter Map and Still Gunship Spam

5. 2 Buggy FP with 2min of story maybe

6. One New OP that they couldn't get done by the end of the year and now only one boss with "MM"

Look at ESO they invested in the game and now it's got over 1.5 Mill. players. And the one thing we know for sure as for numbers this game does not. It's clear Keith was given orders to just keep the lights on and get as much money out of this game without putting anything back into it.

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It's probably hopeless to ask at this point, but is there any update on a weapon slot for the outfit designer?


There's so many weapons that have been sitting in my cargoholds for the time when I can finally actually use them for something.


... or you know, you could just go back to the beta days and make every weapon in this game fully moddable. You could just change Artifact Authorization to what type of mod can be inserted instead.

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