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How you feel about SWTOR with one word.


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Happy, but because it inspires you. I read and love your stories. You are a master story teller. Bioware should hire you, you are a rare talent.


Yes, happy is how I feel.


This. ^



And this too, 100%.



Thank you both ^^


A lot of the happiness I get through the game is from having made wonderful friends here over the years.


So yeah, 'happy' is a great word too.


And here's another for the thread: grateful :)

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Thank you both ^^


A lot of the happiness I get through the game is from having made wonderful friends here over the years.


So yeah, 'happy' is a great word too.


And here's another for the thread: grateful :)

I can amen happy, grateful and inspired.


Also, love. Through it all, I love this game and I get the warm and fuzzies just emerging myself into Star Wars so.

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Happy.... despite the games numerous imperfections (not that any MMO I have ever played is in any way even remotely perfect).


When I am no longer happy... I simply will not play anymore.


Admittedly, being in a well formed and sustained guild of like minded players goes a long way to inoculating a player from the kinds of frustrations that come from being guildless and relying on random PuG play and continuous new content feeds from a studio. In my guild, most of us have played together for years in multiple MMOs.. so we are not as reliant on the studio to "make us happy" all the time.


Of course one persons "happy" =/= some other persons "happy" particularly when playing an MMO... where game play preference varies widely from player to player.

Edited by Andryah
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