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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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That's not really fair. There would be reasons not to respond in a wide range of scenarios.


People are melting down and the news has now spread like the rumor mill. They need damage control imo. As far as I'm concerned this has been a long time coming and I am not surprised. It's been real while it lasted. I enjoyed PvP'ing in this game, but there is zero sense to play even casually if the game has no future.

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Slightly off topic but for my money Dragon Age Origin was perhaps the best game BW ever produce, sure Baldurs gate, Miranda Lawson and Kotor were all good but DA:O was amazing. Though its hard to build on taking on the blight so have to wait on news on DA:4.


Back on topic it is so sad that the game is being run in the way it is that news like this and every other problem the game has had through 2017 are ignored. Is the article true, even it says the decision is up in the air. But looking at the lack of content, the incredibly short LI returns in 5.7 which will also never be addressed and that we are still waiting on the Winter Road Map that may not even be out by the end of January at this point. The Article just adds to what appears to be a game that is being totally neglected.


And while it is very nice to blame EA and say all they care about is money. Well they are a business and businesses do like money the alternative is also correct. If 2017 had done such a good job of driving players away while nothing even being discussed to address the issues giving no light at the end of the tunnel then the game might have been profitable enough to continue.


You make choices such as another betrayal story line or despite having companions returning to do it in the least meaningful impactful way possible. Spend 6 month balancing classes against a straw dummy to reduce dps for no apparent reason yet do nothing to improve combat. Months balancing GSF which must be seen as too little too late at this point. Having a cantina event when you clearly don't have enough of a budget to produce content. Or consulting with a New York Times best selling author on the most story light flashpoint going. It would appear bad decision after bad decision is what drive customers away until EA say the bottom line doesn't make financial sense. You can't then say well its all EA's fault they are all about money when the direction the game has taken in the last year has done its best to drive customers away.


So much so the decision to get the winter roadmap out and show reasons to be excited about 2018 which would appear the smart move and get focus away from the article is also not taken. Maybe release it after people have read the article and decided to go elsewhere.

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Given where we are with the Winter Roadmap, it seems plausible.


Not really, often unless a shut down is pre-planned (and by the article wording "Still in the air" it's far from even agreed upon let alone pre-planned so BW would still be planning for the future of SWTOR) companies have a development plan for the future and new DLC coming out. For example I was an avid player of a F2P Shooter called Ghost in the Shell: First Assault Stand Alone Complex online published by Nexon. The Game was doing moderately well until they pulled a 5.0 type stunt that completely changed the game BUT refused to listen to the community like BW did after 5.0 and change what the players hated so they lost players en masse while the forums were on fire. The whole time Nexon kept talking about the future of GiTS and issuing new DLC and microtransactions until they announced the closure of the game with a drop dead date for servers. So a lack of a roadmap doesn't necessarily portent death for the game, BW just might be doing a proper plan on where to go incorporating community feedback and desires which would extend the timeline. I'd rather have BW do a methodical and solid plan then phone it in with sparse details.

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All of this reminds me of the MEA fiasco: Kotaku articles by the same author, fans speculating whether there would be DLC for months, Bioware being vague untill the day they dropped the bomb. I hate to live through it again so soon.

Don't expect the devs to respond untill they are ready to do so.

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This is the only game I play and when/if this runs out, my gaming will too. I'm not at all interested in any of the FPS's with zero substance just 90% bright flash's and loud explosions to me that's incredibly backwards like all the way back to "Space Invaders" on Atari level. It seems EA doesn't care about making games that are actually evolved, or go beyond "Run, Shoot, Win level, just quick money and trendy FPS's. The Thought of losing this game I like and that other at the Expense of this is similar to the idea of Stepping all over a friends grave to dance with their killer; sickening. But that's E.A. I guess. They've left a swath of wreckage in every aspect of gaming they've touched; I wont feed that animal after this.


If you are interested in Star Wars, there is still SWG emulators and one has a pretty good population (SWG Legends) , but there is no story as such and no companions.

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All of this reminds me of the MEA fiasco: Kotaku articles by the same author, fans speculating whether there would be DLC for months, Bioware being vague untill the day they dropped the bomb. I hate to live through it again so soon.

Don't expect the devs to respond untill they are ready to do so.


Coincidentally, the same offer who dropped that article which told the truth on Mass Effect Andromeda is the same one who gave us this Anthem article that mentioned our game may be shut down.

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Coincidentally, the same offer who dropped that article which told the truth on Mass Effect Andromeda is the same one who gave us this Anthem article that mentioned our game may be shut down.


Think it was 'no longer developed' not 'shut down'. Tho one may lead to the other very quickly.

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If you are interested in Star Wars, there is still SWG emulators and one has a pretty good population (SWG Legends) , but there is no story as such and no companions.


But you have to have the disks for the game, yes? It sounds like fun, but the disk issue.. :(

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The cats out of the bag now. I highly doubt they’ll get an new players from now on.


I have a feeling that as news of this spreads you could be very right.


I'm already finding this article and talks of swtor on many other forums and more and more sites seem to be picking up on it.


I don't see bioware saying anything about this and they should. A company cannot let something like this just spread especially as fast as this is spreading.


The negativity alone needs to be managed from a PR angle and only bioware can do that. Problem is, will they?

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Coincidentally, the same offer who dropped that article which told the truth on Mass Effect Andromeda is the same one who gave us this Anthem article that mentioned our game may be shut down.




I know it's early (well, I think it's early if you live in the USA), but drink some coffee -- author, not offer! :tran_cool:


Also, agreed with others that it is highly unlikely they will comment formally on this article. Doing so sets a bad precedent, particularly when it is the usual group of forum regulars commenting (not denigrating forum regulars as I consider myself one too).


Regardless, of sourcing, bona fides of author -- for whatever reason, Keith is either unwilling or unable, or both, to present the Roadmap.


All we can do is react accordingly, I'm still playing and enjoying it, but I admit that I'm reticent to spend money on the CM now until said Roadmap is released. Will stay subscribed through Theron Arc, which even Eric said they will complete. After that it's all about content.



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I know it's early (well, I think it's early if you live in the USA), but drink some coffee -- author, not offer! :tran_cool:


Also, agreed with others that it is highly unlikely they will comment formally on this article. Doing so sets a bad precedent, particularly when it is the usual group of forum regulars commenting (not denigrating forum regulars as I consider myself one too).


Regardless, of sourcing, bona fides of author -- for whatever reason, Keith is either unwilling or unable, or both, to present the Roadmap.


All we can do is react accordingly, I'm still playing and enjoying it, but I admit that I'm reticent to spend money on the CM now until said Roadmap is released. Will stay subscribed through Theron Arc, which even Eric said they will complete. After that it's all about content.




I've been posting from my mobile phone, and the Crappy voice to text bit me there, lol.

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Funny, I just finally threw mine out. But there's no way I could go back to that grindfest.


I don’t know what happened to our disks or when, but we sure don’t have them anymore. I do remember it being very grindy for my husband when he played it but I didn’t have time back then. I wish I could at least give it a try.

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I'm sure they're in meetings today. :eek:


One can only hope. The backlash of that article has a rather high chance of stopping new gamers from coming to swtor as well as some gamers seeing it as there is no reason to spend money in the cash shop if the game is being talked about as having it's development stopped.


swtor really isn't stable or strong enough to handle this kind of negativity without someone at bioware intervening.

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Silence does not equal confirmation.


It usually does. If they had content coming, why keep it to themselves? More players leave than join the game each day and the longer you delay releasing information on updates to the game, the more players you lose. There are really only 2 reasons to keep information on new content secret.


The first would be that there is no new content or at least the new content is not very extensive. Things like not following thorugh on content releases (like the rest of the operation they were working on) would fit here. Same goes for maintenance mode with no new content and only CM updates to keep making money.


The other would be a potentially fracturing or negatively perceived change to the game. This is something they've done before leading up to the release of KotFE (essentially stopping PvE end game production) as well as the new gear system. They wanted to keep the players who would leave over those changes invested as long as possible to maximize revenue and generally try and package a much desired change with little monetary cost with it (like server merges).


I had resubbed to keep character names during the merge and play through the most recent content updates, but am discontinuing my subscription until (or if) new gameplay content is announced.

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No it doesn't, but it does fuel the story and gives it a level of belief that is hard to ignore.


I believe what has been written as well, but until we here official verified information, everything is just speculation, even if it seems incredibly likely.

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