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I wanted "those guys" as companions


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Hello there,

for the time I've been playing SWTOR again and again, I stumbled upon interesting characters during the story. Those I found quite intriguing, and wished them to side with my alt as companions, yet we got the "wrong" ones.


I'm asking myself if you guys and galls feel the same, and which ones would you like to have as companions. Who are your favourite potential companions we never got?

My first choice still remains, Vaylin, then Darth Acina, that Sithlord from the Makeb storyline on the Imp side, Jakarro, (edit) Thana Vesh, just to name some that come in mind.

Edited by Isnogut
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I'd love to have Juda as a companion rather than Mako (no offense Mako) She'd probably fit lot better in line with the Bounty career of hunting people. Unlike Mako.... oh whines and cries and says "Braden wouldn't approve" and makes excuses and helps some bounties escape because they are republic.... For someone that studied Bounty Hunters and names of the Great Hunt she sure knows nothing and completely naive.. Half the people she worships are hard case assassins and killers.


Obviously Mako has no clue what this line means: People Don't Have Bounties, Only Acquisitions Have Bounties. - Tears should never be shed over the fate of someone that was, after all, only an "acquisition."


So yeah. - http://i.imgur.com/XL73gYz.jpg Juda has my vote.


Very unlikely but hey it gave me excuse to mention it.

Edited by DarkEcIipse
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Hylo Visz!!!! Why? 'Cause she's the Republic's greatest outlaw hero, famed for leading the attack that broke the Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way, that's why! Plus her voice really turns me on. Everytime she says "Hey Commander..", I just melt :p The voice actress is Cree Summer and some may remember her as Freddie from "A Different World." Edited by TonyTricicolo
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Lord Cytharat and Jonas Balkar would have been cool... But seriously, I walk into a secret chiss base on Hoth and return with the only non-chiss person there as my companion? Sorry, Temple, but I would have rather had Saganu.


I also had this secret hope of getting to recruit Skavak after finding the treasure (in some sort of "if you can't beat them, join them"-situation, maybe?). He was a jerk, but he was funny, and I found him to be more interesting than Risha tbh.

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Let's see....


Trooper class, I wanted Jonas Balkar.

Consular class, I recall no one I wanted. Everything about that class was a dull bag of suck. Sorry. (except Zenith)

Smug class, I wanted Darmas Pollaran and Skavak.

Jedi Knight, I wanted Captain Biron, Lord Praven (so I can watch him and Scourge argue. :D )


Sith Warrior, I wanted Lt. Rutau

Sith Inquisitor, I wanted Lord Abaron

Bounty Hunter, I wanted The Eidolon

Agent, I wanted Sanju Pine, Keeper, Jadus


And pretty much my favorite wants were Marr, Vowrawn, Ravage and would happily take them any time on anyone.

Edited by Lunafox
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Anuli, from the bounty hunter's Nar Shaddaa story. I promised the kid I'd take him with me, because a) my BH wanted to rescue him from his obviously miserable life (he's just a boy, mid-teens at the oldest, he deserved so much better), and b) Mako turned those huge brown puppy-dog eyes on me. Obviously I couldn't say no.


...I...I promised... :(


The Eidolon, as punishment for what happened to Anuli,


was carbon-frozen and given as a trophy to the Hutts. To be humiliated, degraded, and paraded around as a spoil of war for the rest of eternity/however long the Hutts cared to keep thawing him out and re-freezing him when they're done being amused. My BH despises the Hutts...but she could think of nothing worse to do to that monster. At least I have headcanon for Anuli surviving the whole thing. *sniffle*

...sorry, Lunafox. :o



On another note--

- Alilia from the smuggler's story on Hoth. Trick, too. My male smuggler fell completely, hopelessly in love with Alilia...the [flirt] options were just so sweet. :(

- Zylixx from the warrior's story. Whatever happened to that guy, anyway? He just...disappears, if you let him live. Not even a letter from him later saying how he's doing/what happened to him. Hmph. He might've been an interesting replacement for Jaesa, truth be told, even a romance option for female warriors (like Jaesa's a romance option for male warriors) - another Jedi fallen to the dark side, puzzling out what that means to him and how he can live with the choices he's made.

- Bengal Morr. I miss him! I want to know how he's been doing, in the seven+ years since KOTFE began. (Back in the vanilla Knight's story, it probably wouldn't have made much sense to have Bengal trailing around as your companion...unless he'd been redeemed, in which case maybe he could've taken Rusk's place. Or joined on Corellia, but that would've been pretty late in the story...hmm.)


And someone mentioned this on the other page, but alts as companions. Yes. I'd be over the moon with joy if that would happen. :D

Edited by Jagaimee
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