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I wanted "those guys" as companions


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Skavak, Lord Cytharat, Lord Dramath, Jonas Balkar, Aristocra Saganu, Ffon, Thana Vesh, Darth Vowrawn, Darth Marr, Darth Acina, Ivory, Darmas Pollaran, Lord Cineratus, Tai Cordan, dreamwalking Gormak guy.


I've always wanted the imperial agent as a companion for my warrior. I just love

The Agent's voice is amazing, especially in this context LOL. :D

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Skavak, Lord Cytharat, Lord Dramath, Jonas Balkar, Aristocra Saganu, Ffon, Thana Vesh, Darth Vowrawn, Darth Marr, Darth Acina, Ivory, Darmas Pollaran, Lord Cineratus, Tai Cordan, dreamwalking Gormak guy.



The Agent's voice is amazing, especially in this context LOL. :D


Oh hey Dylinrae *waves* :)


I’m onto him, he’s just trying to distract me with cuteness. Soon as I turn my back - *FWIZIT* - I’ll find a vibroblade in it.


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Well on this I actually diasgree with you.

Vaylin could be "thamed" if you show her that she has a halt in the galaxy. All what she knows is pain, but what if someone just gives her support for the way she is.


You might see that in the first as a Light SIde decision, but thinking further you also might find this just as a bait to gain her trust and manipulate her for the Dark Side. So it goes both ways with ease. Well for any Light Side adepts, she is a valuable asset. For any Darksider, she is a problem, the ethic in your backhead holding you from doing what you want.Acina is a great charachter. She is complicated and you acutally never got the real idea either to beive her or that she wants to get rid of you. She is a riddle I'd like to explore.For any non Force user she is definetely an asset. She is kinda cool indeed!Uhm, ... well let's say, I'm interesting to have a wise compagnion at my side.

:pGee, just get5 a girlfriend mate! :rolleyes:


I loved Wathcer 2 and her fiesty answers. She isn't as tough as she does, and just a Robot on the surface. Especially for the Agent she is the perfect "Bond girl".

Skorpio is cool ant stuff, but she alwasys was to murderous and comlicated. Just a plan in a plan in a plan in a plan. Yes, ... perfect companion choice to an agent, but man, at the end it always ends in death. She is no fun at all. Being an Agent of the Empirere does not make you a death trooper. I for one like to play him smart and not overly murderous.


Just to stay opn topic,

companions I'd like to have would be the Forcegosts in the game. ...Why not? During Star Wars we learned force ghosts can intervene in the living world.


I'm just catching your reply now [i was banned for a few days heh], thanks for the commentary, I really liked it =]


I especially liked your duplicitous view on messing with Vaylin's head to manipulate her, we need more options like this in storylines. Totally mess with the heads with people who are already bat shzt crazy heh


Personally, and this is just me, I respect there are different view points in how people like to play things up, but for me, If I were to use the force in such a way as to actually be helpful, or understanding, or anything that wouldn't in some way, shape, or form be harmful to someone [ even if it was just some innocent Joe walking down the street minding his own business] I'd be ashamed of myself. But, I'm assuming the lightside commentary was provided just on the insane off chance I wasn't playing a true Dark Lord of the Sith in every way, shape, and form.


I loved Acina, there was so much potential there for a really great spread of interaction especially if the character being played has Imperial leanings which as a Sith Lord of course I do. I have every intention at the first opportunity once total victory on all fronts is won by the Alliance to handing it over in it's entirity to the Empire with which to springboard a mitlirary attack on all fronts without any consideratioon for lives or cost whatsoever against the Republic the very first chance I get. I was hoping that I might than have the option to make Acina one of my Queens/Wives alongside Jaesa, Vette, and the new budding romance with a woman who's name I just can't remember at the moment but who seems not to mind very much getting slapped around like a rag doll every 5 minutes. Naturally Jaesa always comes first as she doesn't mind threeways and she likes slapping around women too almost as much as I do, and thus is the best one out of all my concubines and will always come first to me if there is no new women around I want to try and hit on. - Acina was really cool, she was a great choice for the new leader of the Empire and I was hoping more would develop with her and the state of the Empire from interactions with her. Maybe that still may be once they start to rap up the KOTEE storyline and hopefully start heading back to The Empire vs. The Republic standard, which I'm really looking forward to.


Scorpio is deadly as hell, I totally get what your saying about her, I just absolutely love her, plus the voice actor for her is the same actress who played the Borg Queen in TNG movie and she was hot too even tho she was a robot from the head down. Long as there is a head, it's not a total bust, ya know? =p - The voice is so silky smooth and dangerous, I love the inflections, Scorpio is one of the coolest story characters in the game I think and I don't even play an Operative heh. I couldn't bring myself to destroy her in KOTEE storyline and I don't spare anyone heh. Of course I spared Vette when you had to choose whether to sacrifice Mando boy wth his name is from the BH or Vette, because because Vette had sex with me, is my first wife, and I'm not into dudes. Sides, what the hell do I care, he's a stranger to me, let him burn for all I care!


The getting a girlfriend suggestion is admittedly a good one, it's just I don't know how the two women I am currently dating will feel about a 3rd woman in the mix, if they'd mind ,but, I know that would not at all be an issue for me, I wouldn't mind that at all. Umm....come to think of it, so ...you busy this weekend?


Just in case it wasn't blatantly obvious, I'm just playing around . =p


I really did enjoy your response though, your a good sport and have a good sense of humor =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Well on this I actually diasgree with you.

Vaylin could be "thamed" if you show her that she has a halt in the galaxy. All what she knows is pain, but what if someone just gives her support for the way she is.


You might see that in the first as a Light SIde decision, but thinking further you also might find this just as a bait to gain her trust and manipulate her for the Dark Side. So it goes both ways with ease. Well for any Light Side adepts, she is a valuable asset. For any Darksider, she is a problem, the ethic in your backhead holding you from doing what you want.


The perfect Dark Side companion :D

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Aristocra. Was so disappointed (but somehow not even surprised) when we got Miss Boring (aka Raina Temple) instead.


Aristocra Saganu. The sad part is that you could actually romance Saganu as a female Chiss and even be adopted in his family in the agent class story. They had a great chance to add him as a full romance/companion in the latest "expansion" (traitor among the chiss) but they hardly even gave any acknowledgement of the romance the agent had with him on Hoth. I would have ditched Temple on Copero if I could have had the chance.


And now back to the question from the main title :


Jonas Balker. Can we have him has companion now since Theron Shan is now doing whatever he wants.

Edited by Kirameki
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Thana Vesh was the only character I ever wanted as a companion



...i still do

Funny thing about Thana Vesh, there are A LOT of people who like her. I am clearly one of them. She got pretty much everything that it takes to be a companion to the imperial classes with ease. I can't imagine one single class she wouldn't go well with. She is a real Spitfire, kinda Kira Carsen on Speed. And thinking of Republican Classes, I have to say, shew would also work pretty well with those. She can be cruel but is she a evil persona? Not really. She is driven, maybe to fast in acting than good for her. But her character design reached for the most part our sympathy. She is a lovable grunt.

And she has a cool costume. :D


As for fitting her in the story, ...did the imperial classes really struck her down? ;) We fought her and just crashed the entire spaceport on her on the dark side decision. This does not have to mean anything to a Sith. And most of us didn't wanted to kill her through the first playthrough.

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It's probably been said dozens of times by now, but... Thana Vesh.


Haven't played that class story in years, but that's the one character I can never forget and always wanted as a companion.


No offense, but i always found Thana Vesh boring, if i'm not wrong she's in a story ARC on Empire side and you can kill her in the end. What's so special about her? She's disrespectful, lame as a warrior and has a common face ( i think its called a generic character).

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No offense, but i always found Thana Vesh boring, if i'm not wrong she's in a story ARC on Empire side and you can kill her in the end. What's so special about her? She's disrespectful, lame as a warrior and has a common face ( i think its called a generic character).


A quick scan through previous pages, and I see it's been explained a couple of times already.

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A quick scan through previous pages, and I see it's been explained a couple of times already.


Fine,fine, at least can i please ask the recruitment quest for her to NOT be mandatory? I won't waste my time recruiting some nobody meaningless sith broad with attitude problems.

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