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Little tips and tricks that you didn't know..


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Yes, it's a long thread--only made uselessly longer by people reposting things that have already been posted, and people making empty posts with nothing to add ( Subscribed! Sticky! Great thread! etc...).


You have horrible reasoning.


Because there was no search function for a long time and the only way to subscribe to a thread in order to find it again was, you guessed it, to post something.

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Fleet pass takes you back to the fleet but has an 18 hour cooldown.


the Emergency Fleet Pass can be bought by the Security Vendors (if you have associated an authenticator to your account) which does the same as the fleet pass but does not share the same cooldown.


So you can get to the fleet quickly twice in an 18 hour period!


that is all...

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Fleet pass takes you back to the fleet but has an 18 hour cooldown.


the Emergency Fleet Pass can be bought by the Security Vendors (if you have associated an authenticator to your account) which does the same as the fleet pass but does not share the same cooldown.


So you can get to the fleet quickly twice in an 18 hour period!


that is all...


It's the other way around. You already have an Emergency Fleet Pass, which has an 18-hour CD. You can buy Fleet Passes from the Security Key Vendor. Also, the Fleet Pass costs 1K, has a 1-hour CD, and is a consumable (one use) item.

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So here is my contribution to this wonderful thread.... I think these are great key binding settings that enable top notch combat ability. Very useful for people that have trouble managing all their skills and really being the most efficient that can be with his/her "character". sorry these forums don't allow image postings. If it ask you to "ok?" to leave page it will be a new page... safe pages(made images through photoshop to express binding settings clearly).... hope someone finds these useful :)




Edited by JediYoungCloud
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So here is my contribution to this wonderful thread.... I think these are great key binding settings that enable top notch combat ability. Very useful for people that have trouble managing all their skills and really being the most efficient that can be with his/her "character". sorry these forums don't allow image postings. If it ask you to "ok?" to leave page it will be a new page... safe pages(made images through photoshop to express binding settings clearly).... hope someone finds these useful :)





Personally I find it easier to play with QERFTGCV instead of Alt (because of tab targetting) or Ctrl (because it's my push to talk button @ TS) and double them with shift besides the obious 1-6 binds and then of course mouse buttons.

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Personally I find it easier to play with QERFTGCV instead of Alt (because of tab targetting) or Ctrl (because it's my push to talk button @ TS) and double them with shift besides the obious 1-6 binds and then of course mouse buttons.


Yea people (especially experienced gamers) have their own style.... for instance my '~' button is next to my space bar so that's my target nearest enemy(so not alt+tabbing), crtl+~ is target enemy, shift+~ is target enemy of enemy and alt+~ is for teammates.

This was mostly intended for inexperienced players who either have a scrambled setup or overly complicated setup... as well, parts of this might be useful to people playing on laptops and don't have easy-to-use mouse buttons.

My take on your setup of letters... I like my strafing so Q and E would have to stay the same, but like RTFGVB R(7) , T(8) , F(9) , G(10) , V(11) B(12) would be easily acceptable to me... If their was any important keys bound to those letters I could rebind them to F7-F12 and be satisfied with functionality. If I were using this setup, I would have to change my auto-run which is just R, so I would probably change that to Z or Tab

So what I'm getting at is yea, there are a lot of ways to actually go about good key-binding, everyone has their own style and preference. My intention was just to give a general idea for those people still using 7-0 and in some cases 7-'=' as well as other keys that take away from using WASD mobility.

But mainly I just wanted to add something to the thread that might not have been covered in its 45+ pages

Edited by JediYoungCloud
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I did used to follow this thread but have not read through it for a week or so, so don't know if this has been said before sorry if a replete.


On the fleet you do not have to use your hangar to get down to your ship on the bottom level all hangars are connected at the bottom so use any door to get down there and run round to your ship :).

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I did used to follow this thread but have not read through it for a week or so, so don't know if this has been said before sorry if a replete.


On the fleet you do not have to use your hangar to get down to your ship on the bottom level all hangars are connected at the bottom so use any door to get down there and run round to your ship :).


It's not any faster -- but it can help people with computers that hit major lag due to high numbers of people on the main level. Keep in mind though that logging out down there is NOT a rest zone -- only the main level of the fleet is a rest area.

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We need clearer text especially on the preferences screen etc!!


My eyes hurt all the time when tweaking, than I go read my mission Log and I feel like I'm gonna go blind!


Help! I have tweaked everyting, tried multiple resolutions.


Turning down the brightness and turning "bloom" off helps but it's stll tough. The only text that is clear ANYWHERE is the mission text in the top right corner of the regular screen.

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So many things seem so obvious but then, maybe some people don't know...


From other games I got used to traveling the edges of maps. I do this here to discover map areas. Yyou get XP for each section, extra XP if you discover a whole area map, and extra XP if you discover the whole map for a planet.


But in doing this I found that there are many champions, elites, etc that hide along the map edges. You might see them and avoid them, but think about it : you get better XP from them (if you can take them of course) and they usually have better drops.


So that hallway you don't have to go down to for the quest or that corner of the map you don't get all the way back for is likely to have a higher power enemy, a chest, who knows.

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Here is some new ones for you:


-Your missions on the right are organized by xp gains. First is your Class missions, then misc mission, heroics, then flashpoints. They are in that order then sub-arranged by xp gains.


-In your ship, when you hyper jump, if you select the planet and quickly turn around and jump down to the exit door and click to leave, if you do it fast enough you can see the worm hole and stars you are flying through.



Revisiting this as I found out you can't do this with the smuggler as the door is to far away. But it works in the Consular and Knight ships. Not sure about Trooper or any Sith.


Cool to see if you're fast enough.

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So many things seem so obvious but then, maybe some people don't know...


From other games I got used to traveling the edges of maps. I do this here to discover map areas. Yyou get XP for each section, extra XP if you discover a whole area map, and extra XP if you discover the whole map for a planet.


But in doing this I found that there are many champions, elites, etc that hide along the map edges. You might see them and avoid them, but think about it : you get better XP from them (if you can take them of course) and they usually have better drops.


So that hallway you don't have to go down to for the quest or that corner of the map you don't get all the way back for is likely to have a higher power enemy, a chest, who knows.


This is actually very true. Bioware likes to stick what I call "bonus mobs" in odd places, often where you won't normally poke your head into unless you're the exploratory type- or at least, they won't bother you running around between needed missions and such. These mobs are uniquely named and inevitably drop at least a green, and have much better odds for blue+ drops.


A duh, OBVIOUS one for a lot of Republic Players is the Boomer droid that stands stealthed near the "Face Merchants" Heroic on Corsucant. A less obvious one is on the way up to the datacron in the Jedi Temple- the Sith sorcerer is easily found if you're going that way, but people doing their quests generally don't even get close.


Likewise, you'll often find security chests the same way- detour off the beaten path and shinies are frequently had. Heck, on some planets you can poke around areas designed to be hostile to the other faction and what do you know, trouble-free treasure.

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" Heck, on some planets you can poke around areas designed to be hostile to the other faction and what do you know, trouble-free treasure. "


This I found recently, again, poking my head around, I think in Tarsis. I ended up in an area that seems to be setup for Republic guys to come do missions, but Empire people never go there (by quest). So I was just looking around, and I find myself in this area and of course they guys are green to me, and there is a chest, and just walk up and take it. :)


Hoth is also a place where if you explore far North/West Empire people end up in Empire space with loot to pickup. And again, you clear map and get XP for it. :)

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The UI is pretty savvy with respect to the location of the mouse wheel. Mostly it will zoom the camera but if you hover over the minimap, it will zoom that.


I also just discovered that if you hover over the chat window you can quickly scroll up with the mouse wheel. Probably the fastest way to go up and read something you missed.

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"The mob spacing in most areas is enough so that, if careful, you can walk through without drawing any aggro. Though some companions (mostly ranged, it seems) will sometimes grab aggro."


Also, somebody pointed out that at least with human/humanoid enemies, they are less likely to attack if you do not have your weapon visible. "z" is the default key to put away your weapon. Not sure if it makes any difference with beasts, but I have saved a lot of wear and tear on equipment and my health by not having to fight every trash mob I see just to get through the room.


Also, different mobs seem to have different detection ranges, i.e. the point at which they become aware of your presence. You can stop just outside the range before attacking to get all of your buffs up and running, set your companion options, etc., or to review your mission log or map without immediate fear of attack, yet be close enough that when you decide to attack your short-term buffs such as the 30-second ones will not wear off before you reach them.

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"If you die in an agro area next to a group of MOBs or a Boss MOB, don't rez at a med center. You have 8 seconds while rezing where you can move your toon to a safe spot out of agro range. You can then get your health back, rebuff, etc. Then you can restart the attack, without having to run back from the med center."


I have a couple of comments on this:


1) Every time you fight something some wear and tear goes to your weapons and armor, making them less effective.


2) If you or your companion are defeated, the damage to equipment is significantly increased.


3) If you rez at the combat site, both you and your companion health bars will be at half their full level or less, and you may not be able to heal fully before the mob becomes aware of you.


4) In many cases, there is a med bot nearby, i.e. just outside the combat area, so you may not have far to run to get back. The return to med center bar will tell you where you will end up.


5) Med bots can also buy junk from your inventory as well as repair your own and your companion equipt.


Personally, I only revive at the combat site if I have not used my stuff a lot getting to it. By popping out to a nearby med bot I can empty my inventory, pick up some additional med kits or stims, as well as repair my equipment. A couple of times I died and rezzed at the combat site and looked at my character screen and found that my equipment was down by 50% or more after my death! Needless to say if the fight was difficult at full durability it was impossible under those conditions. If the suggested med center is too far away and your gear is in pretty good shape, then by all means rez on the spot, slip off to a safe distance and heal yourself on the spot.

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Hey,can sonebody help me? I pressed smth. and now when i do standard attack i have flametrower instead of blaster(who knows how to change it back?) Please help!:confused:

Is your flametrower in your toolbar #1 slot, try moving your blaster ability to #1.

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