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So what do you think will happen to the game once the servers shut down for good?


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It certainly won't become a single player game you can play just because you have the software, OP, if that's what you were thinking. Many of us have played Mmorpgs for a long time now and, well, they've already pointed out what happens.


Poof, it is gone.


Some players might be able to get a hold of the code after the plug is pulled and do an Emulator... but that is pretty much it.


Enjoy it while it lasts or till they chase enough of your playing friends away that you ditch too. Pretty much the same advice you can take with you to any mmorpg.

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I'd like to see it go out like GW1... but you guys are making me think EA won't do that either. GW1 still has players.


I actually think something similar, if there's a sequel, they can handle it similarly to how GW1 transitioned to GW2. If they want to keep the license for TOR games, they're going to have to use it, so there may come a day where a direct sequel is made.

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I agree. When EA pulls the plug, it's done and gone. Look for the end soon after they stop selling 180 days subs.


well, you cannot get them from amazon anymore, I have tried to find them. on amazon it is says it is currently unavailable.

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I learned a very valuable lesson from swg. Never get too attached to a video game because it will break your heart when it closes.


Right there with you on that... I still identify as MBH, Master rifle 4040 Pistoleer if SWG comes up in chat

Edited by Forgettableone
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What if we continually subscribed not because the game was fun or enjoyable but because we somehow feared they would shut the game down if we didn't financially support it. That all of our investment in decos, expensive cosmetic gear, guildships fully unlocked and decorated, our tethered real life friendships tethered over a 5 year timespan......


Sounds ridiculous but search your feelings you know there is some truth to this.........:csw_jabba:

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well, you cannot get them from amazon anymore, I have tried to find them. on amazon it is says it is currently unavailable.


On Amazon Germany, they are still selling the 180 day subscription, but for a very long time they stopped selling the 2400 cartel coins. Must have been way over a year now. And you can no longer buy the cards for a 60 day subscription, it is only digitally available. Most people buy the subscription from their page and there 180 days is available, too. They might have stopped selling it on Amazon, because of the extra fees they are charging.

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EA will do what EA has always done. Close the doors, do NOT release the sources, do NOT allow private servers or free servers to continue the legacy.


Remember motor city online? How about the-sims-online? Should I keep listing....?


Thank you for the money, now get the freeeek out.


Only exception is Warhammer Online, but that's because EA lost the rights to the IP before the game's closure. Something which may happen here as well.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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When it shuts down it will have a successor in my opinion, EA had many many lessons from SWTOR. Star Wars in general is going strong with all the movies, released and upcoming we have years of new Star Wars content coming. Would be stupid of EA to shut it down now without a successor.
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I think we will find out soon, I have been in the game long enough to see that the way things develop its not gonna last long. The many bugs they introduce to make people play certain type of content, many direct sale things, Jedi Robes, another credit exploit where they buy off all the CM stuff (forcing people to buy CC and purchase packs again).


The inability to fix bugs, add new content and delaying of releasing new content only means that the end is more near than ever. So we will find out seen.

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Waht do I think will happen?


We will be playing one day and suddenly there will be this announcement that the servers will shut down on a specific date and the game will truly be dead.


Like other MMO's before it and most recently something like Marvel Heroes. One day you can play. One day you cannot and it's all gone. Everything you collected, everything you bought, everything you did and everything you used to play will be gone and nothing but a memory. No offiline play. No nothing. .


Sadly, I think that day is closer to us than ever. Little to no new content worth repeating. The story just gets worse and worse and the massive amount of bugs is just ridiculous for any game company at this point in the games life cycle. Conquest is still broken after bioware claimed they would fix it. I still haven't gotten conquest rewards for last week and we are now into a new week of rewards I highly doubt I get.


In the end, I'll move on to another game and wait for the next Star Wars game to play and hope it's nothing like the ea/dice amalgamation of micro-transactions in BF2.


There will be another SW game I will play. I have no doubt about that. Will it be an MMO? Harder to say.

Edited by Quraswren
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Wow, so much negativity in a single thread. It almost makes me want to go spend a couple hours in decontamination.


The game may not be healthy, but it's far from dead. They'll keep the servers going so long as they're making more money than it costs to run them, long after they've stopped creating content. Considering how much people spend on the Cartel Market, I don't even see maintenance mode on the horizon just yet. They'll continue to make just enough new content to keep players pacified and subscribing while pumping out new CM crates at the same fast pace because it's the best return on their investment.


Once that gravy train reaches its end and it's no longer considered a good investment to create anything new, they can still continue with weekly CM updates and sales of existing cosmetics, and so long as this remains the flagship Star Wars MMO that will still be profitable for some time.


The only thing that would preclude a lengthy, drawn-out maintenance mode and accelerate a shutdown after the content cycle reaches its end would be a new Star Wars MMO on the horizon, like how SWG was shut down in preparation for SW:TOR.

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We'll all meet again in SWTOR 2: The Search for More Money.



Cause EA just lost 6 billion, they're going to have to find it somehow, somewhere.


This isn't just some pet project EA can cancel on a whim, they have Darth Disney to report to.

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I actually think something similar, if there's a sequel, they can handle it similarly to how GW1 transitioned to GW2. If they want to keep the license for TOR games, they're going to have to use it, so there may come a day where a direct sequel is made.

GW1 is still running. There's hardly anyone there, but it's still running. And if you look at it, you'll see what a true maintenance mode looks like. In the last five years, no new content, just reruns of the old event cycles and the like. There are occasional bugs to fix, but that's all. It's a bit sad mapping into Palawadan(1), er, um, Kamadan and finding that you are the only player there.


(1) Reference to GW2 Living World Season Four, episode 1 (Daybreak) which just came out. For ... reasons ... the story has returned to Istan, where things have ... changed... just a teeny tiny bit.

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This isn't just some pet project EA can cancel on a whim, they have Darth Disney to report to.

That's naive...EA is under no obligation to keep this game going. They're more than fulfilling their obligation to Disney with BF1 and BF2. SWTOR is of no consequence to either company. Unlike us, Disney and EA are not emotionally attached to this game in any way...it's a number on a spreadsheet, not some "Star Wars" adventure game that must be kept alive at all costs...when SWTOR starts costing more money than it's worth, they'll close it down.

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I think we will find out very soon.


Does the current level of communication on the numerous issues seem like a development team that cares. They don't have the inclination to fix anything so they are just going to ignore them, if people leave who cares the game is on its last legs anyway.


This game is far from being healthy and with the loss of stock value EA has suffered over another Star Wars title and the mismangement and lack of content in tor for the last year things aren't going to suddenly turn around. The one thing that made the game unique was the story and the dialogue option, so they brought in a producer who adds GSF map and balancing changes. A twitch based pvp only shooter that is worse than free to play browser based point and click games. While basically ignoring story.


Yet they then look to get Timothy Zahn to talk about the latest flashpoint, a flashpoint with the least possible story, nothing Chiss related except we are killing blue humans and almost no explanation why we had to kill so many of them. Worse yet the flashpoint was designed well before the new rehashed story arc and then had a few cut scenes to try and shoehorn a reason to use those assets. So what possible input could they have allowed Zahn when the only story was bolted around the existing assets while proving to be minimal at best and not really explaining anything.


If there is some bright light at the end of this, they seem determined to drive as many people away with what must have been the worst year for tor before announcing it. And lets face it only an idiot would leave the state of the game and the roadmap in such a bad way before the holiday season when we know that no one works on the game for 4 to 6 weeks.

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I think we will find out very soon.


Does the current level of communication on the numerous issues seem like a development team that cares. They don't have the inclination to fix anything so they are just going to ignore them, if people leave who cares the game is on its last legs anyway.


This game is far from being healthy and with the loss of stock value EA has suffered over another Star Wars title and the mismangement and lack of content in tor for the last year things aren't going to suddenly turn around. The one thing that made the game unique was the story and the dialogue option, so they brought in a producer who adds GSF map and balancing changes. A twitch based pvp only shooter that is worse than free to play browser based point and click games. While basically ignoring story.


Yet they then look to get Timothy Zahn to talk about the latest flashpoint, a flashpoint with the least possible story, nothing Chiss related except we are killing blue humans and almost no explanation why we had to kill so many of them. Worse yet the flashpoint was designed well before the new rehashed story arc and then had a few cut scenes to try and shoehorn a reason to use those assets. So what possible input could they have allowed Zahn when the only story was bolted around the existing assets while proving to be minimal at best and not really explaining anything.


If there is some bright light at the end of this, they seem determined to drive as many people away with what must have been the worst year for tor before announcing it. And lets face it only an idiot would leave the state of the game and the roadmap in such a bad way before the holiday season when we know that no one works on the game for 4 to 6 weeks.

Harsh...but some very good questions.


Good post!

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I think we will find out very soon.


Does the current level of communication on the numerous issues seem like a development team that cares. They don't have the inclination to fix anything so they are just going to ignore them, if people leave who cares the game is on its last legs anyway.


This game is far from being healthy and with the loss of stock value EA has suffered over another Star Wars title and the mismangement and lack of content in tor for the last year things aren't going to suddenly turn around. The one thing that made the game unique was the story and the dialogue option, so they brought in a producer who adds GSF map and balancing changes. A twitch based pvp only shooter that is worse than free to play browser based point and click games. While basically ignoring story.


Yet they then look to get Timothy Zahn to talk about the latest flashpoint, a flashpoint with the least possible story, nothing Chiss related except we are killing blue humans and almost no explanation why we had to kill so many of them. Worse yet the flashpoint was designed well before the new rehashed story arc and then had a few cut scenes to try and shoehorn a reason to use those assets. So what possible input could they have allowed Zahn when the only story was bolted around the existing assets while proving to be minimal at best and not really explaining anything.


If there is some bright light at the end of this, they seem determined to drive as many people away with what must have been the worst year for tor before announcing it. And lets face it only an idiot would leave the state of the game and the roadmap in such a bad way before the holiday season when we know that no one works on the game for 4 to 6 weeks.


Honestly I think this is a bit overly cynical, the concerns are not without merit, but it doesn't really account for why they would have bothered purchasing new hardware for the back end, going to the trouble of merging everything, and having roadmaps, etc. The way shut downs generally happen, is a complete and total lack of new content in any way for a long time, and then an announcement, followed by the shut down itself in pretty quick fashion for the most part. I don't think this game is going anywhere any time soon, this ALWAYS happens between expansions, it always has with this game, and it always will. The license for this game and it's IP specifically were renewed relatively recently, and given approval by Disney, the game also makes a substantial profit. I will be more inclined to agree with you, if there is not going to be an expansion announcement next year, but I think there will be. I also think that if they're going to put this game into maintenance mode, or shut it down, then they probably are already working on a sequel, because in order to keep a license, you have to use it, and if there were no plans, or means to continue using it, then they wouldn't have been given a renewal.

Edited by Jesira
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I think we will find out very soon.


Does the current level of communication on the numerous issues seem like a development team that cares.


This really come to to forefront when the question comes up, "Do I think the game is healthy?"


Of all the issues this last patch had. The massive companion gift credit exploit which they didn't catch in time and still screwed up the fix even if it is in our favor. The cast/channel bar which just screw some game play up entirely. Gamers not getting hexid like they should. Eyes getting more screwed up. Colors getting screwed up from chest items. Rakghoul event not going live. Some disciplines doing better than they should because of some bug and somehow they still screwed up daily CXP areas.


It's a cluster of screw ups to what should have been a good patch and there is nothing happening to fix the problems for another week at a minimum.


The once again failure of keep conquest updated and the massive amount of bugs this patch brought us , you would think there would be come major communication happening but it's not. (other than between players that is)


That isn't the company you want handling your 4 billion dollar, world wide known IP that spans generations.


When this game goes it will just vanish. POOF! Gone.

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I think we will find out very soon.


Does the current level of communication on the numerous issues seem like a development team that cares. They don't have the inclination to fix anything so they are just going to ignore them, if people leave who cares the game is on its last legs anyway.


They seem like they care to me.


This game is far from being healthy and with the loss of stock value EA has suffered over another Star Wars title and the mismangement and lack of content in tor for the last year things aren't going to suddenly turn around. The one thing that made the game unique was the story and the dialogue option, so they brought in a producer who adds GSF map and balancing changes. A twitch based pvp only shooter that is worse than free to play browser based point and click games. While basically ignoring story.


GSF is great and has more depth than can be expected for a game within a game. And don't complain just because it got some love after years of nothing, while your favorite content (story) is still getting updates.


As for stocks, EA's stock is not even at its yearly low after the BF2 P2W debacle. And before you say EA is hurting because of Star Wars, keep in mind that ever since EA got exclusive rights in 2013 its stocks grew by 700%. Now I'm no market expert but that has to mean something.


Yet they then look to get Timothy Zahn to talk about the latest flashpoint, a flashpoint with the least possible story, nothing Chiss related except we are killing blue humans and almost no explanation why we had to kill so many of them. Worse yet the flashpoint was designed well before the new rehashed story arc and then had a few cut scenes to try and shoehorn a reason to use those assets. So what possible input could they have allowed Zahn when the only story was bolted around the existing assets while proving to be minimal at best and not really explaining anything.


"nothing chiss related?" There was lore about Chiss politics, Chiss force users, Chiss homeworld, etc. Maybe you should pay attention to the positives for once.


If there is some bright light at the end of this, they seem determined to drive as many people away with what must have been the worst year for tor before announcing it. And lets face it only an idiot would leave the state of the game and the roadmap in such a bad way before the holiday season when we know that no one works on the game for 4 to 6 weeks.


The game is very enjoyable in its current state. Group Ranked is the most fun I've had in PvP for months, there's a challenging new raid boss and flashpoint to master, and gearing is far from the RNG-centric experience it was before.


The only major issues are the bugs, some of which will likely get fixed next Tuesday in the warzone+CXP event patch.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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