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How are solo players finding the push to group?


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I am not a psychologist, so perhaps I was not using strictly accurate terminology. Regardless though, people of all types play this game, including some who find interacting with strangers to stressful and confronting and also those who simply prefer to use the game for their alone time or do not enjoy grouping for whatever other reason.


The bar is set low enough on the achievement for Darth Hexid though that I can imagine many of these people being tempted to give it a try in the hope of getting the new shiny. With this thread I was really just trying to reach out to those people and find out what experiences had been like.


If you're the kind of person who groups regularly and for whom one failed FP is nothing then yes it probably seems strange to you that people would worry about it, but I did try to gently point out in my OP that you're not really the target audience for this thread. :cool:



I used to be the guildmaster of a big and thriving social raid guild in WoW, from their first expansion, though the second and into the third. I started raiding in Vanilla, when raids had 40 people.

I never enjoyed 5-person instances, and I highly doubt I'd enjoy 4-person flashpoints either. The same goes for Arenas. Doing FPs/instances/anything with people I don't know simply isn't fun for me.


I bring this up as background. I may be an introvert to some degree, but in gaming nowadays I most certainly am anti-social. I was so social in WoW that I just don't want to anymore.

Now, I want to to be able to stop mid-step even in the middle of a flashpoint if I feel like it. I want zero obligations in my gaming, which is why all my characters are in my own tiny family/close friends guilds, and I don't do any Ops. Furthermore, in regards to Ops, I no longer want to study boss tactics and be on VOIPs and all that. At the same time, I wouldn't set foot in any Ops-group without being well-prepared and knowing what I'm supposed to do, so I avoid it.


Anyway, I'm just another example of why some people don't want to do group content. As I've said previously, I occasionally do, and sometimes enjoy, PvP in SWTOR. I'm horribad at it, and not interested enough in it to try to improve. But that's it for me and group content. Just not interested, for multiple reasons.

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I see no reason to join the group for the sake of one more companion, I already have enough of them. This game is good for me because it has a lot of solo content. And I would like that it would remain so. I hope, I will never be forcibly driven into the group in one way or another.
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I don't do the group stuff like FPs, Uprisings, or Ops. However, I do play WZs all the time and I still consider that solo play, even though there's a team element to it. The other players could be bots for all it matters... I just like working toward the objectives.


So, it took maybe 30 minutes of play to earn Hexid. Just get in and play 3 quick matches and it's done. If you're lucky (I mean in looking for a quick result) you'll get 3 arena matches and be done in 15-20 minutes. The worst would be 3 long Voidstar matches that would take around 45 minutes to complete. Still not that bad compared to running 3 FPs. :t_cool:

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On the one hand I have plenty of companions and don't generally use Nicco and Shae as it is. On the other hand I have this thing about collecting... Also I probably have one or two characters that may want Hexxid for RP purposes.


Thing about the achievement is, it is either bugged or not described very well. I'm a solo player, but grit my teeth and dug in since it only needed 3... turned out I did something like 8 group finder things before I got it completed.


First it wasn't immediately clear I couldn't select specific Flashpoints and had to leave all of them checked. Then I discovered it would only take 1 each of Master mode FP, Veteran mode FP, and Veteran Uprising (or Story Op, which I thankfully didn't need to do) instead of 3 of anything I wanted to do. So I did 3 Master FPs without it being completely random (no progress), 2 random Masters (1/3), 2 random Veterans (2/3), then finally a Veteran Uprising and completed the darn thing.


Hexxid better be worth it! She's gonna be tagging along with somebody after all that trouble!

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I did a group finder FP for the first one, didn't know about needing to be eligible for the daily reward, so I deselected everything except the Ilum FPs (which I needed for conquest points anyway).

When I realized ALL of them needed to be selected, I switched to PVP.


I'm not great at PVP on any of my toons. I'm better than 'bad' on a Sniper.

I used an Assassin because that's the toon I did conquest on this week.

I got lucky and got put in a huttball match 30 seconds before it ended, and it counted!

Arena and then Voidstar.

I really enjoy doing Voidstar, but the teams were just too mismatched and my side lost.


I used to hate PVP. I lumped open world PVP (from the original PVP servers) in with warzones.

I like warzones, even if I Don't do them often. I still hate open world pvp.


So...while I don't group often, this "solo" player had no problem doing some pvp matches to earn a fairly useless companion on two accounts.

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I used to be the guildmaster of a big and thriving social raid guild in WoW, from their first expansion, though the second and into the third. I started raiding in Vanilla, when raids had 40 people.

I never enjoyed 5-person instances, and I highly doubt I'd enjoy 4-person flashpoints either. The same goes for Arenas. Doing FPs/instances/anything with people I don't know simply isn't fun for me.


I bring this up as background. I may be an introvert to some degree, but in gaming nowadays I most certainly am anti-social. I was so social in WoW that I just don't want to anymore.

Now, I want to to be able to stop mid-step even in the middle of a flashpoint if I feel like it. I want zero obligations in my gaming, which is why all my characters are in my own tiny family/close friends guilds, and I don't do any Ops. Furthermore, in regards to Ops, I no longer want to study boss tactics and be on VOIPs and all that. At the same time, I wouldn't set foot in any Ops-group without being well-prepared and knowing what I'm supposed to do, so I avoid it.


Anyway, I'm just another example of why some people don't want to do group content. As I've said previously, I occasionally do, and sometimes enjoy, PvP in SWTOR. I'm horribad at it, and not interested enough in it to try to improve. But that's it for me and group content. Just not interested, for multiple reasons.


I could have written this (substitute EQ for WoW). It had become a job, literally. I realised that whilst I was efficient at it, it was sucking all the spontaneity and fun from gaming. I handed the guild over to a good friend after he was elected by the rest, bid them all a fond farewell and have never been back.


Gaming is fun again. :)

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I could have written this (substitute EQ for WoW). It had become a job, literally. I realised that whilst I was efficient at it, it was sucking all the spontaneity and fun from gaming. I handed the guild over to a good friend after he was elected by the rest, bid them all a fond farewell and have never been back.


Gaming is fun again. :)



Same here -- permanent case of raid burn-out here --- now I just want to have fun, doing my own thing ...

oh btw, my game was EQ2 ---- same story; it became a job and not fun anymore ......

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I get the feeling she will be just like Xalek and have no differences other than looks.


I expect that it will be like every other companion. There will be a period where everyone is using Hexid as a companion and that novelty will eventually wear off and things will return to normal. I would not expect that companion to be any different from any other companion. They all run basically the same scripts now, it is just the appearances (and voicing if any) that differs.

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Same here -- permanent case of raid burn-out here --- now I just want to have fun, doing my own thing ...

oh btw, my game was EQ2 ---- same story; it became a job and not fun anymore ......


Lots of negative experiences with groupfinder early on have caused me to completely abandon it. Any group content I do now is done with friends and guildies including the infamous Pre-mades of PVP.

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So we're about half way through the qualifying period to get Darth Hexid, and I was wondering what the experience of other solo players has been? Have you grouped up in order to try and get the new companion? If so, how was it?

I'm a solo player 99% of the time except on the occasional Friday when I group with a couple of real life friends to do things in a group that could be done solo (like heroics or previously datacrons or the HK-51 quest chain).


The DvL event forced doing group stuff on us so I did flashpoints via groupfinder then and got used to how it is. Unassembled Components forced me to do PvP as I wanted a 248 set on my main. To gear alts grinding for CXP via the groupfinder is the only decent way to get it quickly - its a case of gritting teeth & clicking the button. All vet FP can be done with x4 DPS so long as there's no leeeroyyyy or tactic deficient in the group. The most annoying thing I found was the need for so many people to want to cut past various trash mobs, bosses and whole areas in the FP by exploiting the map. Its not like it takes 10 hours to kill minor mob groups and all bosses (bar the robots in one of ilum ones) drop the legacy bound cxp loot which I want. I usually just leave and wait the 10 minutes.


I wanted Darth Hexid in the original DvL event so I did the achievement the fastest way - PvP. I did the PvE achievement just for the hell of it. Now that I have the Hexid achievements & the 4 of each mirror class to 300 cxp for the legacy wide 100% cxp boost, I don't think I'll be bothering with groupfinder for a while as to me its just not swtor. I will do PvP for the last two titles I need on my main though. For some reason PvP in random WZs still feels like swtor to me way more than FP groups.

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While options aren't necessarily a bad thing, I think there are just too much companions. Companions used to feel special and pretty unique to each class. Now the list is so bloated with useless companions that I find it quite annoying to see. I wish in the next expansion companions would return to their original faction and class, but I doubt that would happen.


But yeah, I don't craft! Each to their own I guess.:)


I'm on the opposite side of the fence, I like being able to use T-7 as a sorc so I hope they stay put...which they most likely will. If you don't want to lose and gain comps skip KOTFE and KOTET and jump straight to Iokath on new toons since you know what happens.


I do like to change comps as I can only take so much of the same voice lines over and over and over for years.

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I'm on the opposite side of the fence, I like being able to use T-7 as a sorc so I hope they stay put...which they most likely will. If you don't want to lose and gain comps skip KOTFE and KOTET and jump straight to Iokath on new toons since you know what happens.


I do like to change comps as I can only take so much of the same voice lines over and over and over for years.


It's kinda late for that, I mean when I returned to swtor after 4+ years, kotfe was around chapter ,13(?) Something like that. My toon already went through kotfe/kotet before I even knew what was going on. and I wouldn't skip it either way because of Arcann.:rak_03:


But I understand why people like the companions, there are a few I like too, like Vette and Quinn and Jaesa. But I feel so overwhelmed with companions! It's also why I never did all of the alliance alerts. What's the point.:confused:

I wish you could "release" them like you can release Pokémon.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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I've actually really liked meeting and interacting with some of the companions in the class stories I am unlikely to do. I can't see myself ever sitting through the Trooper story for instance but I like Aric Jorgan.


But the fact that they're all sitting there with zero impact or inclusion in the story makes me wonder why they're there


In terms of Hexid, I'm thinking she might be good for my agent's story because I'm not fond of any of the companions there except Raina Temple.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Very old gamer here, used to enjoy doing group content on SWG for building mando suits, corvette missions, and master pilot quests to get guild ships and the like. Then moved on to WoW and did less group stuff but was active in social guilds and helped when time allowed(family requirements increase as one gets older). Now with SWTOR I don't have the drive to do heavy group content(plus much older now so I get a bit lost/confused during high population combat..did I mention that I am OLD!) as I do not get the thrill I used way back when SWG first came out. I still have 3 accounts(addicted to SW I guess) but I found that doing the PvP was real easy and had no issues with nerd rage or "noob" trolling. On my account with 22 70's I just ran lowest geared character, lost huttball, won the attack/defend WZ and Odessan imp side. Done in about 30 mins, no stress and always finished in the middle of my team. On my account(this one) win no 70s I just ran my lowest character (11) as I figured with so few abilities, all I had to do was run around and push a couple of keys :), took longer for 3 WZs to pop than it did to complete them. On last account I just created a new character, got to lvl 10 and q'd for the WZ's. That character ended up at lvl 17 or 18 after the 3 WZ's and pvp rank 18, so all in all a fairly good time and I had all 3 accounts down in one afternoon.
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Same here -- permanent case of raid burn-out here --- now I just want to have fun, doing my own thing ...

oh btw, my game was EQ2 ---- same story; it became a job and not fun anymore ......

One more here. Many nights wasted in WoW until I realised I was just addicted and that I didn't even like the game really. Did some raiding in LotRO also until I remembered that I don't actually like it. All that waiting for people to show up and best case scenario you have new item to show for it, just not worth it.


I've been much happier once I stopped chasing gear, it just isn't worth it. Play for the content and gear will come (or it won't) as a bonus. Once reason for playing is to get better gear it is time to move on ;)

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We got very lucky on our 2nd two attempts, getting Hammer Station both times. First time we actually had a healer (shock! horror!) making for a pretty easy run. Second time was 3 x DPS and 1 x tank. I don't see us becoming regular group players based on this, but hey we managed and should get Darth Hexid now. I also got inspired to try out tanking for the first time, so there's that. Hope the rest of you guys and girls in this thread who haven't gotten the achievement for Hexid yet have managed to. :)

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So we're about half way through the qualifying period to get Darth Hexid, and I was wondering what the experience of other solo players has been? Have you grouped up in order to try and get the new companion? If so, how was it?


My girlfriend and I have never grouped with anyone but each other in this game before, but this weekend we gritted our teeth and fired up the group finder. Got False Emperor with 4 x DPS, no tank or heals, and gave up after limping our way past HK-47 with multiple wipes. One guy quit, and I think the rest of us realised that Malgus was going to tear us a new one. So ended our foray into group play. We haven't dared attempt the PvP route so far.


How has it been for others? Was our experience par for the course, or were we just unlucky?


Again I'm interested in hearing about the experiences of other players who do not normally do Flashpoints or Warzones but decided to put themselves out there because of the bonus companion on offer. If you regularly do this content, and just want to come here to point and laugh at the noobs and the introverts, please keep it to yourself. Thanks. :)


Update: We decided to try again. Got Mandalorian Raiders with 2 tanks (1 being me this time) and 2 DPS, still no healer. Wiped on the first boss and the other two players left. We got out 1 healer companion and 1 DPS companion, and finished the FP by ourselves with no more deaths. So much for being social, but hey we are 1/3 of the way to Darth Hexid now.


Update: We got very lucky on our 2nd two attempts, getting Hammer Station both times. First time we actually had a healer (shock! horror!) making for a pretty easy run. Second time was 3 x DPS and 1 x tank. I don't see us becoming regular group players based on this, but hey we managed and should get Darth Hexid now. I also got inspired to try out tanking for the first time, so there's that. Hope the rest of you guys and girls in this thread who haven't gotten the achievement for Hexid yet have managed to. :)


Either your drastically under geared or your not using the healing stations fast enough before people die.

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Meh, I did it while they ran the xp event, so there were much more players and many more healers, so it was easy.


I too gave up on group stuff, too many KDY runs during 2x xp runs on harbinger back when KDY was the only tactical FP burned me out, so I just stuck to solo stuff, I do miss 3.0 though, back in 186 gear with my comps in 192 gear and smashing all HMFP solo, ah they were the days.


I have been doing more group FP lately for the weekly bonus, only because I am getting desperate to crack the 100% legacy boost, just 60 more levels on my pyro to have all 4.


To be honest if not for them massively increasing the CXP for the dailies areas (well except they gave no love to Voss) I would not be bothering.


If you chose to do more FP after you have gotten Hexid is be smart, go into group finder, and have only KDY, Tython, Korriban, Manaan, Rakata, and maybe Rishi and Hammer station ticked, those are mostly ok if you end up in a group of 4 DPS.


Never ever, never ever, ever ever, did I mention ever, do blood hunt without a level 70 healer, despite how much bioware adores the nerf bat and going full retard (you never go full retard) they won't fix it, and without a high level heals you will not beat it, same with the 2 CZ198 ones.

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Never ever, never ever, ever ever, did I mention ever, do blood hunt without a level 70 healer, despite how much bioware adores the nerf bat and going full retard (you never go full retard) they won't fix it, and without a high level heals you will not beat it, same with the 2 CZ198 ones.


I can agree when it comes to Blood Hunt simply because it's so easy to be knocked off the platform when pressing koltos. Imo moving the koltos to the middle of the arena would do wonders. But CZ198 ones? Just remember to click the koltos and do the mechanics, you will be fine.

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Either your drastically under geared or your not using the healing stations fast enough before people die.


Have you tried FPs with 3/4 of the group consisting of characters being in level under 30 ?

You'd experience a quite similar thing.

Take a look at the levels from time to time, and then compare that with the outcome.

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So we're about half way through the qualifying period to get Darth Hexid, and I was wondering what the experience of other solo players has been? Have you grouped up in order to try and get the new companion? If so, how was it?


My girlfriend and I have never grouped with anyone but each other in this game before, but this weekend we gritted our teeth and fired up the group finder. Got False Emperor with 4 x DPS, no tank or heals, and gave up after limping our way past HK-47 with multiple wipes. One guy quit, and I think the rest of us realised that Malgus was going to tear us a new one. So ended our foray into group play. We haven't dared attempt the PvP route so far.


How has it been for others? Was our experience par for the course, or were we just unlucky?


Again I'm interested in hearing about the experiences of other players who do not normally do Flashpoints or Warzones but decided to put themselves out there because of the bonus companion on offer. If you regularly do this content, and just want to come here to point and laugh at the noobs and the introverts, please keep it to yourself. Thanks. :)


Update: We decided to try again. Got Mandalorian Raiders with 2 tanks (1 being me this time) and 2 DPS, still no healer. Wiped on the first boss and the other two players left. We got out 1 healer companion and 1 DPS companion, and finished the FP by ourselves with no more deaths. So much for being social, but hey we are 1/3 of the way to Darth Hexid now.


Update: We got very lucky on our 2nd two attempts, getting Hammer Station both times. First time we actually had a healer (shock! horror!) making for a pretty easy run. Second time was 3 x DPS and 1 x tank. I don't see us becoming regular group players based on this, but hey we managed and should get Darth Hexid now. I also got inspired to try out tanking for the first time, so there's that. Hope the rest of you guys and girls in this thread who haven't gotten the achievement for Hexid yet have managed to. :)


It's obvious you Q'ed for a veteran FP in both cases. Master mode requires a balanced group Veteran does not. You don't mention what level the toons were and given the number of wipes it's a given that the experience level was minimal. Note; don't confuse character level with experience level. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to wipe in veteran FP's if at least 1 player knows what they are doing and is geared. Kolto healing stations are abundant on every boss fight. The problem i've noticed is many newer players don't fess up at the beginning that they have never done the FP before. If they did, i would be happy to explain each boss fight to them. The teaching and learning aspect of grouping appears to have waned and has been replaced by the speed run.

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Considering that this is a thread about solo players who may rarely do GF flashpoints or may actually be doing them for the first time for Hexid...perhaps this isn't the best place to be critical about someone not having the best gear or wiping on the fights. What is simple to one player (ie, a veteran FP) may be extremely difficult for another and there are all sorts of reasons for that. Just saying.
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