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The latest update was a failure. The biggest issue facing this game still exists.


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I only hope the trolliness of the way this was framed doesn't diminish the notion that the sparkly eyes is clearly something they should try to fix. is it the most important thing right now, of course not. but I humbly hope they do get around to it at some point. they've stated that they're aware of the issue and looking into it. so, hopefully it gets fixed down the road. or i'll just reroll all my toons as Miraluka, jk.
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am i the only one that started sang each one of those in tune with the bud light commercials....similar to Barricade Rifle Guy.....


Real Star Wars Herrr-ohs....Here's to you....





*insert 80s-sounding power chords*


EA presents... Real Star Wars Heroes!

Real Star Wars Heroes!


Today we salute you, Mister Shiny Eyes In Cutscenes Guy.

Mister Shiny Eyes In Cutscenes Guy!


Without you, we might not remember those bright, glaring reflections off our characters' eyes, and how bad they look in cutscenes.


Are they made of plastic?!


But you sir, you make sure we never forget that travesty of game design, the one that makes it impossible to tell our characters' eye colors apart anymore.


They look like aliens!


So today, we honor your determination to bring up the issue in every possible thread.


But not Star Wars aliens!


Reminding us always of the true priority of The Old Republic...

The ones from that TV show!


...the appearance of our Space Barbies.


The show with MacGuyver!


So crack open a nice cold Tarisian Ale, O Guardian of the Graphical Glitches, and know that when the player base is in need of a very specific kind of champion, we will look to you.

Or maybe the Gorn from Star Trek!


Here's to you, Mister Shiny Eyes in Cutscenes Guy.

Mister Shiny Eyes in Cutscenes Guy!!

Edited by AscendingSky
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I only hope the trolliness of the way this was framed doesn't diminish the notion that the sparkly eyes is clearly something they should try to fix. is it the most important thing right now, of course not. but I humbly hope they do get around to it at some point. they've stated that they're aware of the issue and looking into it. so, hopefully it gets fixed down the road. or i'll just reroll all my toons as Miraluka, jk.


You too like the OP totally missed the reason for this Maintenance on the servers. It has NOTHING to do with bug fixes.


This is only ONE of MANY BUGS that NEEDS to be addressed and is a rather minor bug at that. I would rather them fix bugs that break or affect the play-ability of the game for ALL players, rather that simple cosmetic bugs that will only affect a few players. There are tons of cosmetic bugs that currently affect the game not only the eyes-bug.

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If you don't have REAL problems simply imagine yourself some......


It may not be an issue for some but dont presume to know how others enjoy playing.

I story. Story. Story. Story. And while doing that I try to take dozens of screenshots that look nice. These glassy eyes are reuining those shots.

Shots go up on social media, people see them and get interested in the game again and return. Except right now all shots look like a big joke.

Edited by Suzsi
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You too like the OP totally missed the reason for this Maintenance on the servers. It has NOTHING to do with bug fixes.


This is only ONE of MANY BUGS that NEEDS to be addressed and is a rather minor bug at that. I would rather them fix bugs that break or affect the play-ability of the game for ALL players, rather that simple cosmetic bugs that will only affect a few players. There are tons of cosmetic bugs that currently affect the game not only the eyes-bug.


I'm fully aware this was maintenance and was not about fixing bugs (no patch). I'd defy you to find anywhere in my post where I state anything to the contrary. Further I clearly state in my post that this is not the biggest issue. I was actually taking the OP to task for overstating sparkly eyes. You'll note I said, I hope they fix it down the road. I don't think I could have been any clearer that I don't think it's a major fix right away issue. I'm simply saying I hope at some point they try and resolve it.


Reading comprehension is an awesome skill, and really helps to make sure one's replies to posts actually

exhibit understanding of said post.

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LOL. Just LOL.OP posts a funny video and everyone loses it spending 4 pages arguing about the priority of shiny eyes. I think y'all took this a little too seriously. But creepy glow in the dark eyes are creepy. I'm a bit annoyed that I took some light coloured eyes that now don't look quite right and changing it costs CC. :p so I do agree it needs toning down. OP may have exaggerated in the title to get people to look at the post but goodness there's no need to argue about that for 4 pages. lol
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Thanks Americanaussie for voice of reason. I honestly made what I thought was an innocent post, basically saying exactly what you said. not a huge deal, but hope it gets fixed at some point down the road. then I got attacked for that lol. So I replied, foolishly probably. shouldn't have gotten offended lol. I will refrain from any more replies no matter what attacks come my way, cause you're quite right, silly this has gone for this many pages.


anyway, they've said they're looking into it. so that's great :)

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It seems some of the people here have asperger's. Not trying to be edgy. I have two friends in IRL who have it and this kind of stuff goes way over their heads. They take everything hyper-literally. This is the only explanation I can think of for the several who took this post so seriously to the point of getting defensive.


Let me clarify to those who are incapable of wit/humor. This is some quality grade-A sh%$ posting and it's just a joke. Lighten up.

Edited by Maurdiib
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I do not personally feel it is trivial. This is a rather annoying bug that detracts from the overall look of the game IMO, much like sticky capes, naked/non-color matched cutscenes and other visual bugs.


Exactly :). How a game looks is important just as much as any game play. The gsme with the best story but horrid graphics ultimately would fail because at the end of the day, joke or not it matters.

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They need to take all the servers back down and leave them down until this is corrected.


Didn't click on ur link for good reason. Not saying ur link was bad.


But, those Guys at Bioware and their IT's and Server Engineers were/ are doing stuff 24/7. I doubt they have had any sleep, but a few hours. If they tried to fix things anymore, as tired as they are they would only harm the servers, and not make it better.


They would have to hire a whole new Tech Team for 24/7 job, which the 1 they have now does, but not really 24/7, few teams can really do things 24/7 and that costs 10's of thousands of dollars or more depending on known reliability.

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I rather like these new shiny eyes. I don't mind if they stay that way. ;p



Maybe I'm just too old for that. First RPG game that totally won my heart was Baldur's Gate when the character was represented by a dozen of pixels! That is not the issue for me that eyes are more or less shiny. Also a game does not have to perfectly mimic real world, there is something like stylization, yes? I'm more concerned with other bugs like companion armor showing different (Republic) version in the cutscene, losing "unify colors" on companion in certain circumstances etc.

And even after the servers merge, SH decoration of Ashara is in her underwear.

Edited by Typhaos
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They need to take all the servers back down and leave them down until this is corrected.


Ha! Biggest issue my ***. Have yourself a priority check son (also I'm not trying to be mean just giving ya the truth.) The eyes might be the biggest issue the faces are facing :sul_wink:, but the game? Hell no! A graphical change isn't squat compared to the numerous issues the game is dealing with right now.

Edited by doohickeyexpress
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i honestly thought her eyes were that way to represent a hollow existence reflected by her inner hatred of herself...which is why i thought they looked lifeless. now, i can see that her eyes are truly a reflection of her outer existence; frail and ravaged by time.
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